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Continued Exclusive Gifts To Founders Makes Us Feel A Bit Left Out


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I won't begrudge founders for having pretty things that I don't, simply because I didn't buy a founders pack when I had the chance. Besides, it's a sigil and a mod that, from what I've read, works on both the regular and prime version of the Skana.

I don't feel left out, because I wasn't left out, and neither was anyone else. I could have bought a founder pack and chose not to. That's not being left out.

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This envy of our in-game exclusives always makes me chuckle.


If you only knew all the extra influence/information we have access to in the Design Council - that to me is the true boon of being a Founder. For example, the recent buff to Nyx's Mind Control was one I personally (in collaboration with another Founder) came up with.


I couldn't care less about my Founder's Sigil in comparison. Superficial fluff, trivial in comparison to insight/influence to the actual developmental process of the game.

But let it be known, Founders do not necessarily control every buff or nerf on Warframe, there are special privileges though.


Also, Design Council is no longer Founder Exclusive.


According to the Wiki: Every month, 25 non-founder users that are active on the forums will get invited to the design council

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This envy of our in-game exclusives always makes me chuckle.


If you only knew all the extra influence/information we have access to in the Design Council - that to me is the true boon of being a Founder. For example, the recent buff to Nyx's Mind Control was one I personally (in collaboration with another Founder) came up with.


I couldn't care less about my Founder's Sigil in comparison. Superficial fluff, trivial in comparison to insight/influence to the actual developmental process of the game.

not ALL founders got DC access xC i was lucky to get the package i did :( the sigil doesn't really even matter at all since, like badges, they won't be seen most of the time unless you stay still for a period of time. all in all i don't see why people complain about cosmetics. if founders got say an opticor prime (i know its corpus but work with me) with 10x the damage and over all a super boost to all stats that is exclusive to founders and the beam says trollolololo if looked at carefully, then i'd understand complaints

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While it seems you may have worded this all very politically correct and polite, its still passive aggressive. And the obvious end results is that you and others are upset that you missed the opportunity to be first in line. It happens. Its ok.


I believe that you actually have not come to terms with or you may be a little confused on the term "Exclusive" and "Founders" -they relate a great deal to "First in line".


Founders exclusives are not a IRL/in-game social status marker, it does not mean any of us are 'better' in any sense than any other Tenno here. It just means we were afforded the opportunity to take advantage of something earlier than others.


The Founders program and package is no different than any others out there now (take RSI Star Citizen for example). If DE were to take everything and spread it equal across the board, they couldn't use "Exclusive" or "Founders" anymore could they?


I apologize that you and others were not able to take advantage of the Founders packages(for whatever reasons those were). But it is what it is on that one.


Please don't try and take away the very rare opportunity that I had to become a Founder and my benefits thereof. I normally dont have such nice things like this in games, so while you want stuff just because of the want -your trying to take away something I hold dear. Not really fair and I dont think your respecting the other perspective of things.

I really don't appreciate your attempt to discount my entire argument as jealousy. I wish I could have been there when the Founders pack was available but I wasn't. Not many of us were. We'll probably never be happy about it but I think that we can reasonably request that we not be reminded of it when we do our best to support the game in it's current form by buying Prime Access. 

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I really don't appreciate your attempt to discount my entire argument as jealousy. I wish I could have been there when the Founders pack was available but I wasn't. Not many of us were. We'll probably never be happy about it but I think that we can reasonably request that we not be reminded of it when we do our best to support the game in it's current form by buying Prime Access. 

I'm sorry but personally this seems like a really un-needed change. Because the way you put it just goes down to the fact that you don't wan't to be reminded that its in the patch notes. So? It's such a minor thing that there is literally no point in adding it.


If you buy Prime Access, you get have all the new prime goodies without the need for farming. That alone is something you should be very happy about, because you can have more fun with the game and you've supported the devs along the way.

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It still counts as a cosmetic does it not?

And yeah my mistake, I meant to say Founders items/cosmetics. Because the F. Sigil is only given to founders, which are exclusive to them only. 


Giving them a Prime Access sigil solves nothing as they want the items/gear related to the founders.

In his OP, he also says that he cannot get a certain augment because it is for the Skana prime, therefore rendering his chance at getting that weapon completely in the negative.

No, I think you misinterpreted his OP. I believe he wants some also for the Prime Access, he's stated many times that he knows he cannot get Founders items/cosmetics. I suggested a Prime Access cosmetic, what's so wrong with them having one as well? It simply shows that they paid money to support the game by buying Prime Access.

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        While myself and many other Tenno have always felt a bit left out for not being founders, this feeling has grown recently with the release of U15 and the syndicates. I'd like to preface the remainder of this thread by saying we know and have accepted the reality that the Founders items are exclusive and will never be redistributed as is the case with the ever rotating Prime Access packs. The feeling of being left out comes from the few items that are so publicly distributed to Founders and not the rest of us. This can give a fellow the slightest bit of longing for that which he will never have. 

       (...)  I'm sure that the Founders would not mind if the updates pertaining specifically to them were omitted from the lines of the patch notes addressing all Tenno.
       (...)  My only request is that the support we show by buying Prime Access bundles not be overshadowed by the support shown by those who bought the Founders Pack, by being reminded of their continued access to updating exclusive items though the patch notes that are a message to all Tenno, because these messages are not truly meant for all Tenno. 
Please allow the Founders access to new items in such a way as to not make the rest of us feel that our contributions are not appreciated. The request is to omit the addition of said items from public patch notes. 


So basically, the point of this whole thread is that Founders receiving an exclusive update makes other people feel left out, which is perfectly understandable. However, instead of asking for the Founder Pack be forgotten and left as-is, you say it's okay for it to be updated as long as you are not reminded in the patch notes.


Well, this is not impossible to do. Instead of adding the updates in the patch notes they could be "distributed" to Founders in the form of an in-game message. However, I feel there is a deeper issue with what you propose, especially visible in this particular case with the Founder sigils.


You are going to be reminded of them anyway, because they are in-game cosmetics.


Wouldn't you feel just as left out when seeing them in-game than when seeing them in the Patch notes? Please do tell me if I missed the point or am not seeing part of the issue.

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I really don't appreciate your attempt to discount my entire argument as jealousy. I wish I could have been there when the Founders pack was available but I wasn't. Not many of us were. We'll probably never be happy about it but I think that we can reasonably request that we not be reminded of it when we do our best to support the game in it's current form by buying Prime Access. 

in the end whether it is stated or not, the fact of the matter is that if founders get an item there will be people who cry foul. removing something from the patch notes will just bring more people to start accusing DE of secretly giving founders more goodies. posting whats put in will state clearly and inform all players of what to get

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As a non-Founder this now meant that no matter the power of my Skana with this mod, a Founder with the same mod would be given a greater advantage.

Any player with a Dakra Prime would be given a greater advantage over both other players. I understand you feel left out, the game is designed to make you feel like other people are "cooler" than you, and the only way to be as "cool" as others is to buy cosmetics and shiny stuff.

Be better than that. I support Steel Meridian. I don't even want the skana mod.

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I don't see the problem here. I know I will never get my hands on a strun wraith, lato vandal, braton vandal or snipertron vandal. Do I wish I had the strun wraith? When I found out I missed it by a week and was still early in the game, you bet. However, I realized that there is no point in longing for something that I didn't earn and just simply missed. I just said "oh well I am sure I will get the chance to get some exclusive stuff of my own" and I did. I've had plenty of opportunities to get some exclusive stuff.


Besides it's not like the skana prime and lato prime are super good. They are more of a trophy than anything else. It dose not put you at a disadvantage quite simply because you can always get better weapons. Also, prime access comes with exclusive cosmetics so there is that. Plus, don't forget about all the event weapons you have that future players may not be able to get.

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But let it be known, Founders do not necessarily control every buff or nerf on Warframe, there are special privileges though.


Also, Design Council is no longer Founder Exclusive.


According to the Wiki: Every month, 25 non-founder users that are active on the forums will get invited to the design council


Then there is nothing to complain about: the in-game exclusives are fluff.


The real "meat" of the Founder's packages was access to information and influence over the developmental process. If regular players get access to that already, then it is just ridiculous to hear them whine over such trivial unimportant things as Sigils or Excalibro Prime! I mean... really now.


In my humble opinion, of course. Some people put more importance on in-game exclusives than I. But they were not the reason why I got into the Founder's program.

Edited by Brimir
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I'm sorry but personally this seems like a really un-needed change. Because the way you put it just goes down to the fact that you don't wan't to be reminded that its in the patch notes. So? It's such a minor thing that there is literally no point in adding it.


If you buy Prime Access, you get have all the new prime goodies without the need for farming. That alone is something you should be very happy about, because you can have more fun with the game and you've supported the devs along the way.

After we've bought Prime Access, that's it. It's never talked about ever again and the purely cosmetic items that we receive for it are considered all the thanks needed for the support. People who bought the Founders Pack have just recently been given another thankyou for their help. The point of removing the patch notes is in regards to the issue that supporters who are not Founders can sometimes feel that the Founders support overshadows support of any other kind. 

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I really don't appreciate your attempt to discount my entire argument as jealousy. I wish I could have been there when the Founders pack was available but I wasn't. Not many of us were. We'll probably never be happy about it but I think that we can reasonably request that we not be reminded of it when we do our best to support the game in it's current form by buying Prime Access. 

But your entire argument is jealousy. Jealousy over something that's almost purely cosmetic at that. Founder's sigils and founder's badges do absolutely nothing in gameplay. Skana prime is slightly better than a normal skana (still sucks compared to most other melee weapons) and it represents an extra weapon to level to 30, so its gameplay benefit is negligible.


You're complaining here because you don't have an opportunity to get one particular piece of bling. What, should I complain how I didn't get a chance to get a Loki prime avatar or the prime sugatra or the really cool gold armor for sentinels because I didn't have the money for it prior to PA rotating out to the Nyx pack? Should I complain about not being able to acquire the Misa Prime syandana because the only way to get it was the 180$ Ember PA pack?


I mean, Founders took on more risk than later PA purchasers did. At the time, we didn't know that Warframe would survive long enough to recoup our investment.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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After we've bought Prime Access, that's it. It's never talked about ever again and the purely cosmetic items that we receive for it are considered all the thanks needed for the support. People who bought the Founders Pack have just recently been given another thankyou for their help. The point of removing the patch notes is in regards to the issue that supporters who are not Founders can sometimes feel that the Founders support overshadows support of any other kind. 

DE doesn't favor anyone over another.


But because we were here to support them when the game needed it most, we essentially lifted the game from the ground and in a sense, they have 


Of course you understand this. 


But as I've said previously, this change is un-needed. If you dislike seeing this, simply skim over that section that mentions it and then Let it go. Because in the end, this isn't a big deal whatsoever. 


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So basically, the point of this whole thread is that Founders receiving an exclusive update makes other people feel left out, which is perfectly understandable. However, instead of asking for the Founder Pack be forgotten and left as-is, you say it's okay for it to be updated as long as you are not reminded in the patch notes.


Well, this is not impossible to do. Instead of adding the updates in the patch notes they could be "distributed" to Founders in the form of an in-game message. However, I feel there is a deeper issue with what you propose, especially visible in this particular case with the Founder sigils.


You are going to be reminded of them anyway, because they are in-game cosmetics.


Wouldn't you feel just as left out when seeing them in-game than when seeing them in the Patch notes? Please do tell me if I missed the point or am not seeing part of the issue.

You seem to understand my concerns well enough but being told that only founders are getting something new feels a bit different from them simply having  something to begin with. I originally thought that the Skana Prime was the only prime weapon released with the Founders pack. When I saw a picture of the Lato Prime on the wiki, I looked it up, found out that it had been part of the Founders Pack, and then put it out of my mind. 

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You're complaining here because you don't have an opportunity to get one particular piece of bling. What, should I complain how I didn't get a chance to get a Loki prime avatar or the prime sugatra or the really cool gold armor for sentinels because I didn't have the money for it prior to PA rotating out to the Nyx pack? Should I complain about not being able to acquire the Misa Prime syandana because the only way to get it was the 180$ Ember PA pack?

Reading thoroughly, this isn't about the past stuff, it's about smaller gifts given after-the-fact.

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You seem to understand my concerns well enough but being told that only founders are getting something new feels a bit different from them simply having  something to begin with

But if that something is cosmetic and really has no effect towards the game, then what is the issue? 

I could fully understand if suddenly, we (the founders) got a brand new prime gun and then people start getting upset, but cosmetics? 


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Reading thoroughly, this isn't about the past stuff, it's about smaller gifts given after-the-fact.


Personally I don't think the Sigils were meant as a new gift, but rather a expansion on the Emblems already given to us - they are identical after all. Had Sigils been around at the very start, I've no doubt the Founder's would've gotten them alongside the Emblems.

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Now don't get mad.. I kinda feel ur pain as there are some stuff out there that i missed since i stopped playing this game for almost a year.

But it wouldn't make sense to make everyone a founder or make someone a founder "if it has already been found".

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I'm just sad there's no way for me to get Excalibur Prime, I'm stuck with plain Excalibur which makes me feel like a new player in a starter frame when I play as him. I know its pretty much just cosmetic, and I guess I'm not saying that Excalibur Prime should be non-exclusive, rather I wish there was some other form of Excalibur that I could work for by playing difficult missions or something, like Dragon Excalibur or something.

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You seem to understand my concerns well enough but being told that only founders are getting something new feels a bit different from them simply having  something to begin with. I originally thought that the Skana Prime was the only prime weapon released with the Founders pack. When I saw a picture of the Lato Prime on the wiki, I looked it up, found out that it had been part of the Founders Pack, and then put it out of my mind. 


Then I guess the solution I proposed should be good enough: in the case Founders ever get something new, it should be delivered and explained via an in-game Lotus mail directly and only to them. There's no need then to add it to the patch notes. Would this work?


EDIT: Also damn, a lot of people in this thread seem to be missing the point.

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I'm just sad there's no way for me to get Excalibur Prime, I'm stuck with plain Excalibur which makes me feel like a new player in a starter frame when I play as him.

$50 USD can get you Prime Accessories. Slap those on Excalibur for instant bling-age.

I actually use the Proto-skin to cover up all those fancy gold bits. The grass is always greener on the other side, as the saying goes.

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Ok, so this isn't about jealousy? I dont believe that but I'll roll with it... so its about a sigil?


How is a Founders Sigil a "new exclusive gift"? We've had them(Founders Icons) since day one, its just natural for our badges to be carried over into a Sigil by default no?

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