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Continued Exclusive Gifts To Founders Makes Us Feel A Bit Left Out


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Mr. or Miss, or Mrs. Socks. All exclusive content, across all video game genres is designed to make you feel awkward if you don't have it. That's the power it has to get you to buy it in the first place!

"Buy this now, or feel weird the rest of your life... Loser!"

Edited by Archistopheles
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So you say theres no category of Tenno and then you continue to say that not all Tenno are Founders(which is clearly a category of Tenno), so they should have separate update/message system because it makes you feel less of a supporter? Wow... just wow.


You are clearly confused and or just arguing for the sake of it. Making a mountain out of a molehill. Middle child syndrome. Like to play with Red Tape...etc etc.


This thread is petty man sorry, get over yourself -its a video game, not a after school special on sensitivity. I'm not bumping it anymore, sorry I even got involved.

I'm responding to people in order to help them understand what it is that I actually have concerns about. Many are using the defense that myself  and others simply complain because we want the re release of the Founders package. It would be cool to have a Prime Excalibur but because that's never going to happen, we accept that it doesn't really matter because "its a video game." I'm not claiming that this is some huge issue that has outraged all Tenno and that someone is going to have to hang for this horrid wrongdoing that has befallen all of us. I'm asking that the possibility of a more private 'thank you' be considered. The only way for DE to see the suggestion is if they see it, and by clarifying the topic in responses, my hope is that they will(see it).

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Mr. or Miss, or Mrs. Socks. All exclusive content, across all video game genres is designed to make you feel awkward if you don't have it. That's the power it has to get you to buy it in the first place!

"Buy this now, or feel weird the rest of your life... Loser!"

And many times I've assured people that I don't want what the founders have. It's gone forever and I'll always feel a twinge of sadness whenever I look upon the beautiful body that is Excalibur prime, but not getting him is a forgone conclusion. No one is arguing that it's not over and done with. 

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Wait a minute... So, correct me if I'm wrong, BUT... You're making a fuss (sorry but you are, perhaps not intentionally, but the result is the same, you're just stirring things up) because Founders, who supported the game very early on and took a "risk" to ensure that Warframe would grow to be what it is today received a Founder exclusive sigil. A purely visual cosmetic doodad. That presents NO ADVANTAGE WHATSOEVER other than looking cool. So doesn't provide Founders with ANY form of privilege. Just a PURELY VISUAL thing. With for only real value (and I think it's perfect that way) a form of CONTINUED APPRECIATION from DE to the people who have been there for a long time now, some from the very beginning of this adventure. And throw it in their faces because YOU didn't get one? Seriously?^^'


I'm sorry , I really am, but that's how I see it. You just can't let go of the fact that you couldn't, for X reason, get a Founder's pack, and you just jumped on the first thing you could to just reignite a fire in the hope that you'd get something in return.

Would it make you feel better if DE released a "special non Founders" sigil that only non Founders would receive? If it does, I'd be ready to sign a petition or something. That way we could stop this nonsense.

you just blew it out of proportion. the OP said something about prime access being recognized as much as the founders. the OP knows well that they missed the opportunity, etc. etc. etc. point being he wants PA to be on equal grounds with foundership

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To clarify,


 Are you asking for all player's who have supported Digital Extremes financially to just get a shout-out in patch notes, and receive a thank you goodie like a Prime access exclusive sigil, or perhaps a badge for contributing to DE staff after buying any prime access package, maybe a special badge with some sort of attachment showing "I supported DE by buying a 1000 platinum bundle"


Please simplify your topic,

Be short and brief so as current and future readers like myself can contribute to this post without confusion.

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And many times I've assured people that I don't want what the founders have.

I'm just asking that when the Founders are thanked I'm not standing there awkwardly in the corner.

I know. I read your posts. I'm saying that there will always be a part of you that feels like you're standing there awkwardly in the corner.

All games with premium or exclusive content do this. They want you to feel awkward so that you spend money until that feeling goes away.

I feel that same tinge of awkwardness when I don't belong to a preceived social circle. It's human nature. From one socially awkward individual to another, I'm trying to say: Don't think about it so much. It'll only gnaw at your enjoyment of this game.

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To clarify,


 Are you asking for all player's who have supported Digital Extremes financially to just get a shout-out in patch notes, and receive a thank you goodie like a Prime access exclusive sigil, or perhaps a badge for contributing to DE staff after buying any prime access package, maybe a special badge with some sort of attachment showing "I supported DE by buying a 1000 platinum bundle"


Please simplify your topic,

Be short and brief so as current and future readers like myself can contribute to this post without confusion.

If I could include all of the responses I've made in the comments without creating an even bigger wall of text, I would and I think that it would help clarify.

I don't want anything extra at all. I think that DE will thank those who they feel warrant thanking, but if it's not me I'd like to not be in the room for someone else getting multiple praises for similar support for which I only received one. Honestly, if they removed the founder exclusive items from the patch notes, I think it would be an even greater feeling of being appreciated if the Founders got thank you messages and updates on Founders Exclusives directly to their in-game or forum inbox directly. If I was a founder I think that would make it feel even more personal. 

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I know. I read your posts. I'm saying that there will always be a part of you that feels like you're standing there awkwardly in the corner.

All games with premium or exclusive content do this. They want you to feel awkward so that you spend money until that feeling goes away.

I feel that same tinge of awkwardness when I don't belong to a preceived social circle. It's human nature. From one socially awkward individual to another, I'm trying to say: Don't think about it so much. It'll only gnaw at your enjoyment of this game.

I'm going to have to disagree that thanking the Founders in the patch notes is some sort of marketing scheme. It's included in the patch notes because the addition of the items is a documented change to the game, but if a change that will never affect me because I'm not in the very small club, I don't think anyone but club members need to know. 

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I think that not putting any notes in the patch notes like "Founders get a founder sigil..." will just cause more problems than the small amount of jealousy it creates by people seeing it.

Because if they dont include it and then someone notices a founder cosmetic or something that was handed out, it then becomes a witch hunt against DE about "What else did you give the founders as a special secret that you aren't telling us about?"

It is far better for DE to be transparent and blunt about it so that rumors and hear-say don't start up and cause massive flame wars back and forth because they didn't tell everyone everything.

The patch notes should honestly include all changes made, no matter what.
Hiding anything will just cause worse problems.

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The deeper I go into this thread, the less I understand the OP's issue.

I get regretting that you didn't know about, or didn't have the money for Founder Packs. They weren't cheap by any stretch of the imagination.

But DE introduces sigils, and for whatever reason decided to make a special one for founders. OK, that's nice, but I doubt they ran through the streets like they found the last golden ticket.

So, to let them know, DE added, "Oh yeah, we gave you Founders another sparkly," to the patch notes. (I'm paraphrasing.)

And so, in adding that line to the patch note, the rest of the community was so injured that this topic was created twice, and the first iteration was so inflammatory that it had to be locked?

It was a line in a patch note. What is the issue? That non-founders are now aware that founders got a gold star, or that we were reminded that they exist?

Should founders have excluse patch notes primes so this doesn't happen again?

I don't play on PS4, and they got anniversary gifts. Should they have their own Warframe website so I won't feel left out?

And how am I left out? Last time McDonald's brought back the McRib, I didn't get one because I didn't know about it. Did they leave me out? Would it be unfair for me to be reminded that I missed the opportunity to have a McRib?

That was an honest question. I am really trying to understand how the line in the patch notes injured us non-founders so much. Because unless I'm really, really missing something, the ethical ramifications of a line in the patch notes has already been discussed for 5 pages. What is it that I'm missing?

Edited by MisterUltimate
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Frankly, while the feelings expressed are justified, the reaction and handling of those feelings is downright silly.


The Founder Program was a way to support Warframe's development cycle in CBT and shortly thereafter by paying anywhere from 29 someodd dollars to 200 someodd dollars in tiers for increasingly spiffy exclusive but ultimately cosmetic and inconsequential items.


Excalibur Prime? Looks cool as hell. Gameplay advantage? With the existence of Forma especially, no. I payed $100 to get some neat looking reskins of publicly available items and a few exclusive cosmetics that earn me no advantage in gameplay. It looks neat-o as hell, and only a select few get it, and that's why we bought it. The time has passed, move on.


If Digital Extremes were to release stipend content that gave a gameplay advantage while being exclusive to founders, I would heavily oppose it, but as it stands, that hasn't happened. Primed weaponry and Frames are generally pretty reskins with a polarity switch that can sometimes reduce the needed Forma to build the frame to your tastes and also rarely a stat exchange (IE Boltor Prime has more crit in exchange for status or some such).


If I'm to be blunt, the discussion boils down to people unable to reign in feelings of entitlement and envy, which I guess isn't surprising since an inability to control ones emotions in endemic in this community. Exclusive content is common in a lot of games, and it's meant to be exclusive. You're just gonna have to deal, dude.

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I think that not putting any notes in the patch notes like "Founders get a founder sigil..." will just cause more problems than the small amount of jealousy it creates by people seeing it.

Because if they dont include it and then someone notices a founder cosmetic or something that was handed out, it then becomes a witch hunt against DE about "What else did you give the founders as a special secret that you aren't telling us about?"

It is far better for DE to be transparent and blunt about it so that rumors and hear-say don't start up and cause massive flame wars back and forth because they didn't tell everyone everything.

The patch notes should honestly include all changes made, no matter what.

Hiding anything will just cause worse problems.

Only a fool would suggest something and expect that the suggestion be followed to the letter without thought. My hope is that they see this and if they decide that it's a concern worth addressing, address it in a way that's beneficial for everyone involved. I don't know exactly how everything works or how changes will affect the game or conspiracy theorists about DE's supposed 'questionable motives and sneakiness.' 

Honestly, this thread is the first time I've ever seen people claiming that DE is hiding something from us or that they would, some valuable information that 'will change everything you think you know about Warframe!!!'

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The deeper I go into this thread, the less I understand the OP's issue.

I get regretting that you didn't know about, or didn't have the money for Founder Packs. They weren't cheap by any stretch of the imagination.

But DE introduces sigils, and for whatever reason decided to make a special one for founders. OK, that's nice, but I doubt they ran through the streets like they found the last golden ticket.

So, to let them know, DE added, "Oh yeah, we gave you Founders another sparkly," to the patch notes. (I'm paraphrasing.)

And so, in adding that line to the patch note, the rest of the community was so injured that this topic was created twice, and the first iteration was so inflammatory that it had to be locked?

It was a line in a patch note. What is the issue? That non-founders are now aware that founders got a gold star, or that we were reminded that they exist?

Should founders have excluse patch notes primes so this doesn't happen again?

I don't play on PS4, and they got anniversary gifts. Should they have their own Warframe website so I won't feel left out?

And how am I left out? Last time McDonald's brought back the McRib, I didn't get one because I didn't know about it. Did they leave me out? Would it be unfair for me to be reminded that I missed the opportunity to have a McRib?

That was an honest question. I am really trying to understand how the line in the patch notes injured us non-founders so much. Because unless I'm really, really missing something, the ethical ramifications of a line in the patch notes has already been discussed for 5 pages. What is it that I'm missing?

You're missing the fact that I don't want the Founders items to be re released and that I don't feel wronged for not having them. PS4 anniversary is completely different. They get anniversary bonuses, we get anniversary bonuses. There are some people who are upset that they got our anniversary bonuses and we didn't get theirs, but I'm not one of those people. The McRib is another example that would be analogous to myself and others being upset that we weren't included in an exclusive deal. This has been laid to rest many times in the comments of this thread and I'd update the main post with saying that if everyone didn't assume that an edited post was only edited because the OP said something wrong and is trying to cover their own... self. 

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You are in literal terms stating that DE made paid content that people bought, and can no longer buy, and that this bothers you because you couldn't buy it. This part is reasonable, I feel regret for not purchasing Grandmaster.


However the second part of your sentiment, once again in literal terms is, that updates to this content for the purpose of completion and subsequent mention content updates and additions so that everybody knows what's going on, bothers you, and because it bothers you, you would like it to stop, and because you would like it to stop, it should.


You do understand why I do not in any way take you seriously, yes?

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If they just remove the information from the patch notes and dont tell anyone, then someone sees one of the items, its going to cause a sh!tstorm.

Its one thing for DE to just tell everyone "And founders get X" in the notes.
Its something completely different for DE to give founders X through in game mail and not tell anyone else, and then have one of their players notice it.

Because I can gaurentee you that that will cause a firestorm because it will give credence to "Well, DE didn't tell us that founders got X, so what else haven't they told us?"

I just think its better for DE to be honest and up front with everything because otherwise they will have a precedent of sneaking things in to various groups of players without saying anything.  And I dont think that that would be something that would be good to allow to start at all.

I honestly think that the most that DE should do, if it really bothers you that much, is just hide the founders stuff in a spoiler or provide a public link at the bottom or something.
That way everyone can see it if they really want to and no one can start rumors and flame wars over "hidden" gifts or any of that, yet people like you dont have to see it.

An example of what I mean would be:
Founder Pack Changes:


Or a link:
Founder pack changes found here:

Edited by Tsukinoki
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Frankly, while the feelings expressed are justified, the reaction and handling of those feelings is downright silly.


The Founder Program was a way to support Warframe's development cycle in CBT and shortly thereafter by paying anywhere from 29 someodd dollars to 200 someodd dollars in tiers for increasingly spiffy exclusive but ultimately cosmetic and inconsequential items.


Excalibur Prime? Looks cool as hell. Gameplay advantage? With the existence of Forma especially, no. I payed $100 to get some neat looking reskins of publicly available items and a few exclusive cosmetics that earn me no advantage in gameplay. It looks neat-o as hell, and only a select few get it, and that's why we bought it. The time has passed, move on.


If Digital Extremes were to release stipend content that gave a gameplay advantage while being exclusive to founders, I would heavily oppose it, but as it stands, that hasn't happened. Primed weaponry and Frames are generally pretty reskins with a polarity switch that can sometimes reduce the needed Forma to build the frame to your tastes and also rarely a stat exchange (IE Boltor Prime has more crit in exchange for status or some such).


If I'm to be blunt, the discussion boils down to people unable to reign in feelings of entitlement and envy, which I guess isn't surprising since an inability to control ones emotions in endemic in this community. Exclusive content is common in a lot of games, and it's meant to be exclusive. You're just gonna have to deal, dude.

I've probably said about 10 times or more in the comments of this thread and even said many times in the OP itself that I do not want the exclusive items from the Founders pack re released. It would be an injustice to the Founders if the exclusive items that they payed for were not honored as exclusive. Some people are upset that the founders pack is exclusive, I am not one of those people. The point of the post is that other supporters of the game can, at times, feel that the Founders ultimately overshadow any other kind of support. 

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A message to our Founders:
Even we as players appreciate that you supported the game in it's earliest stages to allow it to become the thing we all know and love today, but we ask that you consider the fact that we were are not able to support the game in the way that you did because we did not discover it early enough. We all aspire to the level of recognition that your support has achieved in the eyes of the game developers, but we want you to know that we support and love this game as much as yourselves, and that we should not be held at fault for not contributing when you did. We are all of us just Tenno but certain founders that I've encountered hold in their hearts that they are in some way better than the rest of us for having supported the game earliest. 

You should probably know that a lot of the founders, and most of the ones that think they are better than everyone else, were little kids that used their parents money. I wouldn't feel to bad about their exclusives, I had the chance to buy a founders package, but I wasn't "in love" with the game, I just felt like it was an alright game to sit back and play every once and a while, so there was no reason to contribute.

P.S. the game was just as fun, if not better than, what it is today. In other words, I'm saying that they really didn't need the founders to begin with.

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You are in literal terms stating that DE made paid content that people bought, and can no longer buy, and that this bothers you because you couldn't buy it. This part is reasonable, I feel regret for not purchasing Grandmaster.


However the second part of your sentiment, once again in literal terms is, that updates to this content for the purpose of completion and subsequent mention content updates and additions so that everybody knows what's going on, bothers you, and because it bothers you, you would like it to stop, and because you would like it to stop, it should.


You do understand why I do not in any way take you seriously, yes?

...again, it does not bother me that I wasn't around to buy it. What's done is done. What can be bothersome is feeling underappreciated for similar support because of public displays of gratitude to only one party happen. 

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If they just remove the information from the patch notes and dont tell anyone, then someone sees one of the items, its going to cause a sh!tstorm.

Its one thing for DE to just tell everyone "And founders get X" in the notes.

Its something completely different for DE to give founders X through in game mail and not tell anyone else, and then have one of their players notice it.

Because I can gaurentee you that that will cause a firestorm because it will give credence to "Well, DE didn't tell us that founders got X, so what else haven't they told us?"

I just think its better for DE to be honest and up front with everything because otherwise they will have a precedent of sneaking things in to various groups of players without saying anything.  And I dont think that that would be something that would be good to allow to start at all.

I honestly think that the most that DE should do, if it really bothers you that much, is just hide the founders stuff in a spoiler or provide a public link at the bottom or something.

That way everyone can see it if they really want to and no one can start rumors and flame wars over "hidden" gifts or any of that, yet people like you dont have to see it.


An example of what I mean would be:

Founder Pack Changes:


Or a link:

Founder pack changes found here:




Only a fool would suggest something and expect that the suggestion be followed to the letter without thought. My hope is that they see this and if they decide that it's a concern worth addressing, address it in a way that's beneficial for everyone involved. I don't know exactly how everything works or how changes will affect the game or conspiracy theorists about DE's supposed 'questionable motives and sneakiness.' 

Honestly, this thread is the first time I've ever seen people claiming that DE is hiding something from us or that they would, some valuable information that 'will change everything you think you know about Warframe!!!'


A spoiler sectio might be the way to solve it but I don't know exactly what way to solve it. There are obviously too many questioning and skeptical members of the community that I didn't take into account when making my suggestion.

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...again, it does not bother me that I wasn't around to buy it. What's done is done. What can be bothersome is feeling underappreciated for similar support because of public displays of gratitude to only one party happen. 

And why shouldn't I be thanked from time to time for my monetary contribution to the development and support of this game? A few thanks here and there is perfectly reasonable.


You feel miffed because you're not included in that "Thanks for founding warframe." despite the fact that the Devs and Staff regularly lavish praise and compliment on the player base as a whole and continually remind us how much they value us in general.


In blunt terms, I did more than you. Actually no, not even that I did more than you, you may have bought way more plat than I have, but I did do something you didn't. I get thanks for that instance, while you get thanks from DE for your instances of contribution.


Just like DE sometimes mentions a thanks to all the people who buy Prime access or straight up plat. They've done more to support the game than those who do not buy those things, they deserve praise. I will not support the idea that I, a person who supported the foundation of this game, should not be recognized for it because you and people like you can't handle a missed head-pat.

Edited by Sylaenius
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This post is in no way asking for Founder exclusive items to be re released or asking that Founders stop receiving exclusive items.

Please keep this in mind as you read.

        While myself and many other Tenno have always felt a bit left out for not being founders, this feeling has grown recently with the release of U15 and the syndicates. I'd like to preface the remainder of this thread by saying we know and have accepted the reality that the Founders items are exclusive and will never be redistributed as is the case with the ever rotating Prime Access packs. The feeling of being left out comes from the few items that are so publicly distributed to Founders and not the rest of us. This can give a fellow the slightest bit of longing for that which he will never have. 
         With the introduction of U15 and the syndicate system, Founders and non-Founders alike were excited by all of the new mods and sigils that we were going to be given the opportunity to unlock. However, the non-Founders among us were told that some of these new things were to be forever beyond our grasp. I am speaking of course about the Founder Sigil and the adaptation of the Bright Purity mod to include the Skana Prime, a Founder exclusive weapon. While strolling through the forums, I saw a Founder expressing his displeasure with the fact that the new Bright Purity was incompatible with with the Skana prime. I thought it fair that this would be the case due to the 'Gilded Truth' mod specifying it's use only on the Burston Prime. With this precedent set, it seemed that the inability to use Bright Purity with the Skana Prime was an unfortunate reality that all Founders would have come to terms with.  To my surprise, the Skana Prime was included with the Skana for weapons able to use Bright Purity. As a non-Founder this now meant that no matter the power of my Skana with this mod, a Founder with the same mod would be given a greater advantage.  With Update 15.1 came the fabled strengthening of heavy weapons, an update that we would all be able to take part in equally, but also, at the front of the patch notes was included the introduction of Founder exclusive sigils. This along with the Bright Purity adaptation were a tantalizing set of delicious opportunities that I was fated never to taste. 
         As I've said before, myself and other understand that we are able to support the game and receive exclusive cosmetic gear  in the same way that was offered to the Founders, the key distinction being that our Prime Access bundles are not forever updating. I understand that DE appreciates the Founders and wants to keep showing them gratitude, but those of us not fortunate enough to have been present at the time that the Founders package was released feel as though our continued support of this game through the purchase of Prime Access bundles is not appreciated as much as those who bought the very first Prime Access: The Founders Pack. With all of these added benefits and the esteem that the title brings, I'm sure that the Founders would not mind if the updates pertaining specifically to them were omitted from the lines of the patch notes addressing all Tenno.
         I am not saying that the Founders should not have exclusive items. I am not suggesting that they should not continue to receive exclusive items, and even though it bothers me,  I am not opposed to the Founders exclusive items such as the Skana Prime be granted special permissions to use certain mods that they otherwise wouldnot have been unable to use. My only request is that the support we show by buying Prime Access bundles not be overshadowed by the support shown by those who bought the Founders Pack, by being reminded of their continued access to updating exclusive items though the patch notes that are a message to all Tenno, because these messages are not truly meant for all Tenno. 
Please allow the Founders access to new items in such a way as to not make the rest of us feel that our contributions are not appreciated. The request is to omit the addition of said items from public patch notes. 
A message to our Founders:
Even we as players appreciate that you supported the game in it's earliest stages to allow it to become the thing we all know and love today, but we ask that you consider the fact that we were are not able to support the game in the way that you did because we did not discover it early enough. We all aspire to the level of recognition that your support has achieved in the eyes of the game developers, but we want you to know that we support and love this game as much as yourselves, and that we should not be held at fault for not contributing when you did. We are all of us just Tenno but certain founders that I've encountered hold in their hearts that they are in some way better than the rest of us for having supported the game earliest. 
A wearer of socks



i will say this, OP did their best to keep it civil


but from my perspective, i didnt buy any of the prime access packs, thusly i dont have the shiny cosmetics


oh well, that ship has sailed


there are A LOT of founders who have missed event and their exclusive content like some of the vandals or wraith weapons


this is just how it is, some of us have been here awhile, and others came in later, but ppl really need to stop making this an 'us vs them' argument (which is just bad logic btw)d


and srsly, the skana prime is not that great of a sword anyways, its just shiny, thats all

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