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I Figured Out What The Rhino Prime Codex Was Talking About! Update: Regarding Tenno "physicality"


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I do have to ask, who/what is Bondage Bob/Naked Nick?

I believe they were refereed to Tenno that have not woken up, but they have bodies.

........wtf.......*face palms* please tell me your just partially brain dead and did not have the mental capacity to understand what you just typed 

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So it could simply be the whole 'Avatar' thing. Physical body sleeping, the mind is in the suit. That'd make sense on the whole size/shape switcharoo. Our Tenno is still who we want them to be in the end.


If the suit is a bio-thing, that'd explain why it gets hurt or needs oxygen. 

There is a glaring issue with that, again, because of the Harvester.


If our Warframe is captured, yet we switch over to a different Warframe, what exactly is stopping us from just raiding Alad V's facility? One might say due to an unknown location, but if Lotus is able to contact that Warframe to allow it to escape, then I'm sure we could find the location, just as she did in the intro (sending the first Liset after us). And if the issue is carrying it, it's easy to just bring more than just one Tenno. Meet up with other Tenno and plan out who's carrying the inactive Warframe.


Come to think of it, what's stopping Lotus from just sending a squad after you anyway? It happened in the old tutorial.


Or this could be all obsolete due to "game mechanics". It's just my take on things.

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Guys, please. Occam's Razor? Solution requiring the least assumptions is most likely to be true, in absence of a solid answer?


Here's what we can reasonably say we know about the warframes and the Tenno: They have a humanoid shape. Warframe composition, as seen every time you build one, is largely synthetic or inorganic in nature. Only a few of the frames require nanospores to craft (though I'll concede they all do require plastids and those seem to be organic, which is why I said "largely"), and there seems to be no pattern to those that do. Tenno can be seen outside of a warframe in various missions involving cryopods, so they must have a body independent of warframes.


As for Ember's codex entry, what requires less assumptions? That the woman had her face half melted by fire, and that the cause for this was a scared little girl who would later become a pyrokinetic soldier, or that the woman had her face half melted by a girl who would later become a pyrokinetic soldier, but that the thing causing the burn was not fire?


And what seems more likely? That the "monster" in Rhino Prime's entry was a Tenno driven to temporary insanity by repeated torturous test procedures, who finally snapped out of it when brought back to a place containing the children from the Zariman, and experiencing either some kind of genetic memory if a clone, or a sudden association brought on be a familiar place; or that it was an infested something that for whatever reason had an apparently recognizably human shape, that just happened to use abilities that Tenno apparently have inherently (according to Ember Prime's entry), and it was somehow possessed by one of these children that we aren't even sure are still alive or at least conscious?


It seems to be far more likely that the warframes are in fact suits. Not avatars, not some fancy meatsuit for a telepathic entity miles and miles away, but an actual suit meant to protect a wearer, who has innate abilities that need to be focused and contained so they don't involuntarily kill or maim those around them.


And of course this could be wrong. Maybe it is everything that Morec0 is saying. But I feel it's unreasonable to go with that conclusion when there are solid facts that dispute it. Including the fact that the game has, at least twice now, referenced specific individuals wearing frames. Limbo died when torn apart as a result of some bad calculation. Mirage was killed by Sentients, and actually does things like laugh and smile. Those things point to individuals being in the suits, doing things that humans do (laugh, smile, die horribly), and which frames cannot do (frames don't have mouths to smile).


Until there is solid proof saying that the warframes are meatsuits for a divorced intelligence, and not just an advanced suit made to be worn by an individual, I'm going to go with the conclusion that the warframes are suits, and that they are worn by Tenno.

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Guys, please. Occam's Razor? Solution requiring the least assumptions is most likely to be true, in absence of a solid answer?


Here's what we can reasonably say we know about the warframes and the Tenno: They have a humanoid shape. Warframe composition, as seen every time you build one, is largely synthetic or inorganic in nature. Only a few of the frames require nanospores to craft (though I'll concede they all do require plastids and those seem to be organic, which is why I said "largely"), and there seems to be no pattern to those that do. Tenno can be seen outside of a warframe in various missions involving cryopods, so they must have a body independent of warframes.


As for Ember's codex entry, what requires less assumptions? That the woman had her face half melted by fire, and that the cause for this was a scared little girl who would later become a pyrokinetic soldier, or that the woman had her face half melted by a girl who would later become a pyrokinetic soldier, but that the thing causing the burn was not fire?


And what seems more likely? That the "monster" in Rhino Prime's entry was a Tenno driven to temporary insanity by repeated torturous test procedures, who finally snapped out of it when brought back to a place containing the children from the Zariman, and experiencing either some kind of genetic memory if a clone, or a sudden association brought on be a familiar place; or that it was an infested something that for whatever reason had an apparently recognizably human shape, that just happened to use abilities that Tenno apparently have inherently (according to Ember Prime's entry), and it was somehow possessed by one of these children that we aren't even sure are still alive or at least conscious?


It seems to be far more likely that the warframes are in fact suits. Not avatars, not some fancy meatsuit for a telepathic entity miles and miles away, but an actual suit meant to protect a wearer, who has innate abilities that need to be focused and contained so they don't involuntarily kill or maim those around them.


And of course this could be wrong. Maybe it is everything that Morec0 is saying. But I feel it's unreasonable to go with that conclusion when there are solid facts that dispute it. Including the fact that the game has, at least twice now, referenced specific individuals wearing frames. Limbo died when torn apart as a result of some bad calculation. Mirage was killed by Sentients, and actually does things like laugh and smile. Those things point to individuals being in the suits, doing things that humans do (laugh, smile, die horribly), and which frames cannot do (frames don't have mouths to smile).


Until there is solid proof saying that the warframes are meatsuits for a divorced intelligence, and not just an advanced suit made to be worn by an individual, I'm going to go with the conclusion that the warframes are suits, and that they are worn by Tenno.


I really enjoy following this thread, both OP's theory and many others are very good and solid based on the lore we have available.


However, I agree with this post. Seeing as the warframes require large amounts of unorganic materials to craft seem to hint that the frames themselves are largely technological in nature rather than biological.


I also see no clear connection between the Tenno and the technocythe virus. When lephantis says "we are your flesh" he might as well be refering to "human flesh", as that is what he consists of after all (albeit infested tissue).


Not discrediting either theory, but I feel we need to keep our minds open to other explanations until we get more lore.

Edited by Radford_343
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And of course this could be wrong. Maybe it is everything that Morec0 is saying. But I feel it's unreasonable to go with that conclusion when there are solid facts that dispute it. Including the fact that the game has, at least twice now, referenced specific individuals wearing frames. Limbo died when torn apart as a result of some bad calculation. Mirage was killed by Sentients, and actually does things like laugh and smile. Those things point to individuals being in the suits, doing things that humans do (laugh, smile, die horribly), and which frames cannot do (frames don't have mouths to smile).


fair point in that last bit

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I really enjoy following this thread, both OP's theory and many others are very good and solid based on the lore we have available.


However, I agree with this post. Seeing as the warframes require large amounts of unorganic materials to craft seem to hint that the frames themselves are largely technological in nature rather than biological.


I also see no clear connection between the Tenno and the technocythe virus. When lephantis says "we are your flesh" he might as well be refering to "human flesh", as that is what he consists of after all (albeit infested tissue).


Not discrediting either theory, but I feel we need to keep our minds open to other explanations until we get more lore.

hay the frames com from the Technocyte virus which can clearly effect organic and inorganic things the plastids provide a base point for the virus to change the inorganic materials this process would be guided by the foundry systems 

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hay the frames com from the Technocyte virus which can clearly effect organic and inorganic things the plastids provide a base point for the virus to change the inorganic materials this process would be guided by the foundry systems 


The technocythe virus can alter unorganic materials? Really? Do you have a source on that?


Anyways, the nature of the technocythe virus is largely unknown, we don't even know if it really is a virus or merely behaves like one. We don't know its origins, its shrouded in mystery.


However, I know that most frames require plastids and nanospores to craft, which may indicate some relation I agree. But saying that a warframe is consisting purely of mutated tissue is jumping to conclusions in my opinion (if anyone has any sources who disproves this, please let me know!). By all accounts, the warframes are technological perhaps with some sort of biological interfacing (systems blueprints requires plastids).


Edit: spelling.

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The technocythe virus can alter unorganic materials? Really? Do you have a source on that?


Anyways, the nature of the technocythe virus is largely unknown, we don't even know if it really is a virus or merely behaves like one. We don't know its origins, its shrouded in mystery.


However, I know that most frames require plastids and nanospores to craft, which may indicate some relation I agree. But saying that a warframe is consisting purely of mutated tissue is jumping to conclusions in my opinion (if anyone has any sources who disproves this, please let me know!). By all accounts, the warframes are technological perhaps with some sort of biological interfacing (systems blueprints requires plastids).


Edit: spelling.

have we all forgotten these farting buggers?




oh and to drive it home this: note that even parts made entirely of metal are warped 



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You do that? You do that. Wow. Huh. Lolz.


Well, I've frequently died from switching Youtube videos - which I play as a sort of background noise while I do anything - but only once have I tried watching Pewdipie.


I don't see the appeal.

"Does that second skin peel as easily as the first?" -Probably Tyl Regor? Maybe old Vay Hek


This seems to imply that the speaker's faction has seen two skins while dissecting Warframes. Or they're misinformed.


It's Lech Kril, if memory serves, and before I would have said they've seen both - more recently, though, I'm inclined to say they're misinformed.

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The infested osprey got me thinking, it might not be changing the Osprey as much as it is replicating it in order for it to regain function, right?


---- The sentient war----


The children from zariman exhibits super human abilites, the Orokin needs many of them in order to repel the sentient forces. The amount of “original” Tenno are severly limited, how do you create an army with so few?


You clone them.


Only cloning them by conventional means would not work, the inherent power of the original Tenno cannot be explained or replicated by scientific means in our dimension.


Cue the technocythe virus, origins unknown, perhaps it too originates from the void and is therefore able to replicate the inherent Tenno powers (speculation). In Rhino’s codex this stands out: “It is watching me with vague eyes, a sense of recognition, ancestral memory. It knows who I am and what I've done.»


Ancestral memory.


Cloning a bunch of super human soldiers you have already trained and spent lots of time and money on is no good if the clone must also be trained and grown. Besides, you need them now.


I doubt the Orokin would be very willing to sacrafice the single most powerful military asset they have without some serious guarantees, hence there would be a significant economical reward for anyone who could find a way around this problem.


The children were cloned using the technocythe virus (or some sort of replicated form of it created by the Orokin through studying it) thus giving them memory of who they were and all of their training, their purpose, as well as copying the inherent powers of each original Tenno.


This is my theory as of now.


I might even go as far as to say that the tecnocythe virus and the void might be the same thing. The tecnocythe virus may very well be the physical manifestation of void energies in our universe (far out babble from my side, I know.).


I need to think more about this, I refered to both original Dark Sector lore and current, but I just needed to get it out there to see what you guys think. I might be updating this as we go.

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It's Lech Kril, if memory serves, and before I would have said they've seen both - more recently, though, I'm inclined to say they're misinformed.



So, you are of the Mind that we are Pure Energy within the shell of a Warframe? No flesh to speak of as the Warframe acts as the flesh?


Or are we like the Vorlons/Shadows in babylon 5? Mostly Energy, we've been altered/force to evolve past the normal constraints of mortal flesh... but we still have a physical form.

Even if said Physical form isnt limited, and is extremely hard to define.


Because while the Organic material components of the Warframe would bleed and require oxygen, im still of the mind that it still supplies life-support to the Tenno inside.

I say this because the original bodies inside of cryopods and that were rescue targets are called Tenno..... with absolutely no flesh exposed in the secondary suit they are in.

We are in "flightsuits" inside our warframes. We are mostly flesh, with bits of metal from technocyte interfacing, and streaks of pure energy from being infused with the void.


I see a more "human" and less Grotesque version of Mass Effect's Husks inside of the pilotsuit.

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The infested osprey got me thinking, it might not be changing the Osprey as much as it is replicating it in order for it to regain function, right?


---- The sentient war----


The children from zariman exhibits super human abilites, the Orokin needs many of them in order to repel the sentient forces. The amount of “original” Tenno are severly limited, how do you create an army with so few?


You clone them.


Only cloning them by conventional means would not work, the inherent power of the original Tenno cannot be explained or replicated by scientific means in our dimension.


Cue the technocythe virus, origins unknown, perhaps it too originates from the void and is therefore able to replicate the inherent Tenno powers (speculation). In Rhino’s codex this stands out: “It is watching me with vague eyes, a sense of recognition, ancestral memory. It knows who I am and what I've done.»


Ancestral memory.


Cloning a bunch of super human soldiers you have already trained and spent lots of time and money on is no good if the clone must also be trained and grown. Besides, you need them now.


I doubt the Orokin would be very willing to sacrafice the single most powerful military asset they have without some serious guarantees, hence there would be a significant economical reward for anyone who could find a way around this problem.


The children were cloned using the technocythe virus (or some sort of replicated form of it created by the Orokin through studying it) thus giving them memory of who they were and all of their training, their purpose, as well as copying the inherent powers of each original Tenno.


This is my theory as of now.


I might even go as far as to say that the tecnocythe virus and the void might be the same thing. The tecnocythe virus may very well be the physical manifestation of void energies in our universe (far out babble from my side, I know.).


I need to think more about this, I refered to both original Dark Sector lore and current, but I just needed to get it out there to see what you guys think. I might be updating this as we go.

it is clearly not replication from the second link i shared you can see the inorganic materials were used in the growth of the viruses hive structure 


here is the link again for convenience


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it is clearly not replication from the second link i shared you can see the inorganic materials were used in the growth of the viruses hive structure 


Well, from what we know about the tecnocythe virus, they have some sort of conciousness. To replicate a missing or broken part of a broken corpus osprey might just be a conscious decision made by the hivemind in order to pursue its goals.


It might not be replicating everything because it doesn't want or need to.

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Well, from what we know about the tecnocythe virus, they have some sort of conciousness. To replicate a missing or broken part of a broken corpus osprey might just be a conscious decision made by the hivemind in order to pursue its goals.


It might not be replicating everything because it doesn't want or need to.

what im saying is it is basically eating the ship/osprey and growing a bio-mechanical form 

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what im saying is it is basically eating the ship/osprey and growing a bio-mechanical form 

So, you think the Virus consumes Organic and inorganic material to, grow and spread?


I always thought it was assimilation, as the virus spread through (in)Organic material, it slowly was corroded into the Virus' form. Hence infested Weaponry, the Infested themselves, and Infested machines.


Its kind of like a Viral Intellegence, a litteral Virus with a brain. And as more and more infestation grows, this mind grows and is capable of more complex actions.


I'd like to think that given time, Alad V's mind will no longer be his own.... if he hasnt lost it already

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So, you think the Virus consumes Organic and inorganic material to, grow and spread?


I always thought it was assimilation, as the virus spread through (in)Organic material, it slowly was corroded into the Virus' form. Hence infested Weaponry, the Infested themselves, and Infested machines.


Its kind of like a Viral Intellegence, a litteral Virus with a brain. And as more and more infestation grows, this mind grows and is capable of more complex actions.


I'd like to think that given time, Alad V's mind will no longer be his own.... if he hasnt lost it already


This is my thought on the matter of the Infestation.

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So, you think the Virus consumes Organic and inorganic material to, grow and spread?


I always thought it was assimilation, as the virus spread through (in)Organic material, it slowly was corroded into the Virus' form. Hence infested Weaponry, the Infested themselves, and Infested machines.


Its kind of like a Viral Intellegence, a litteral Virus with a brain. And as more and more infestation grows, this mind grows and is capable of more complex actions.


I'd like to think that given time, Alad V's mind will no longer be his own.... if he hasnt lost it already

is that not what assimilation is?

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is that not what assimilation is?


I always have veiwed assimilation as something that happens abrupt, fast, and most often, against the subjects will.


What the Technocyte virus, i see something slow, subtle but eventually all-consuming. Alad, for isntance, im sure he started experimentation on infested looking for a weapon, but has since expanded to splicing it with himself, his creations, and his men. Because in his mind he thinks he has no problem controling the infestation, though this beleif is just a sugestion by the virus to make him want to accept assimilation easier.


In the end, its all up to the will of the user, and his or her physiological compatibility with void/infestation.


As in the end, Hayden Tenno was (for all outward appearances) completely in control of his infestation. So much in fact that the virus grew and evolved him in accordance to his needs and wishes.

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The original technocyte lived up to its name - it was living metal and the reason Tenno can interface with their warframes (which require infested tissues to craft, so take that as you will.)  The technocyte we commonly fight is some Orokin engineered BS that didn't really work against the Sentients.  At all.  In fact, it might very well be the latest strain retooled by the Sentients to be unleashed upon the Orokin ("...they turned our technology against us.")


Something else of note:  Hayden Tenno survived the technocyte because he had a condition with a long &#! name that defined his inability to feel any pain.  Others infected by the technocyte went mad with all the pain they went through, which apparently has some nasty side effects.  I'm assuming, actually, that adrenaline or some other bodily hormone triggers an undesirable response in the technocyte virus.  A Tenno keeping their cool is most likely the answer to keeping the technocyte under control, which would explain our Tenno's actions of seemingly maintaining a state of meditation and calm.  Panic and adrenaline just turns them into a proto-rhino.  Valkyr is probably on her way to becoming a hell-beast if she doesn't learn to get over her trauma.

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Valkyr is probably on her way to becoming a hell-beast if she doesn't learn to get over her trauma.


Are you saying she isnt?


Though seriously, she is an infusion of Warframe Technocyte and Corpus Machinery, so i have no idea what she will become if the Virus continues its usual thing.

Perhaps the Corpus Tech has been assimilated into the warframe. And Hysteria is mearly focused, her rage is not all consuming... but laser guided. Think of a Beserker that is in complete control to the inhuman rage that flipping the **** out gives them.

This control, this will, keeps the original valkyr, and users of the altered valkyr frame in check.


heck, its possibly the only frame that Tenno with emotional tramua can safely pilot.

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SO basically: Tenno are not the Warframes however they are somewhat souls that fuel the warframes powers. A tenno is not limited by a true physical form however they can inhabit other warframes like a new body.


If Tenno ever had a true physical body... its gone. They are just monsters with many faces.



^ Best representation i could think of.

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At this point, though, I think the Warframes themselves have sort of been "neutered" (or more accurately lobotomized) - because the Tenno are there to pilot them they don't need to be AS active or AS violent as that Proto-Warframe Super-Soldier thing was. So, I think that it WOULD just lay there in storage, waiting for us to come back to them.

oh i agree with this.

i just remembered mirage quest. she died in the war.

then we recover her frame to use it on our own.

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