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Something That I Feel Is Sorely Needed In This Game.


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Ok, now, I still don't agree with a ton of these things, however, in another topic, someone was after "Hardcore Mode" where there is consequences to getting killed. Now, I ALSO disagree heavily with that one, however, testing things is where I get my fun, so paths intersects here, so I might as well dump some thoughts that will help you guys, as I made a "meta gaming" HC account, where if I die I kind of pretend my Frame starts from scratch. As you can probably guess I am playing a LOT more carefully AND slowly, hence "stealth".


* Stealth attack prompt distance needs changing to a larger distance, and be more intuitive then a "press frigging X" that's just immersion breaking when you are doing it properly. Something that gradual maybe, rather then YES NO, like gradient feedback of sorts?

* LOS Spotting seems to work in one pixel gaps, yet, within Glaive throwing distance you can be in an open corridor directly opposite them and they don't see you.

* Idiotic "swarm" spawning mechanics.

* Instant "hes right over there" radar precision even for units that come from across the map. I can't just jump down and come up in a new spot half the time, they seem to track behind total cover, ie your "infinite LOS arguments".

* Units spinning in place or not moving for LARGE periods of time.

* Extremely hard to figure out pathing, and hard to predict movement. They can keep walking after you roll towards them from pratically one meter to their left, and yet I've had a unit facing away and it faced me just as I went for a stealth attack, he fires once, hell ensues.

* ZERO feedback to the fact you are hiding or in plain sight (Thief had stealth meters)

* No way to "spot" for units, even though we can use a codex scanner for infinite "peeking". If that's possible, why not tie the Scanner to a hotkey and let us "ping" the map whenever we want? Would be INCREDIBLY helpful. Enemy Radar could also add an arrow for unit facing.


mmmm ... thats all I can remember from a bunch of test missions.

Aaah so you see that you can give good feedback about this! All the common stealth problems are here, especially that damnenemyclusterthatyoucan'tbypasswithoutalertingeveryone(>~<)


The Walkie talkie could be a good "first warning" before everyone knows about your presence. If someone saw you during a millisecond, he goes "Huh?I found something suspicious,I need some dudes to check this out." & you get a little swarm of semi-alerted enemies investigating the last node they saw you in, and then if they see you a second time : "red alert,we're under attack, this isn't an exercise,etc...".

Edited by unknow99
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...but one thing we all have is a walkie talkie, something which Warframe enemies lack...



Man, I sure don't know about that. Those bastards might not have a walkie talkie but they have something else more powerful... Telepathy ffs. What is up with that? o.O


Just tried a stealth mission this afternoon. Sure, they call out things and stuff like they are talking to someone, and if we are looking at AI bugs and try to put sugar on them and "imagine" they are meant to be that way then maybe they have some internal headpiece that communicates soon as they say something... Cause alarms or not, this b@stard Grineer (the one with the automatic gun) comes out and starts firing at me whilst I was behind some pipes (no line of sight, I saw them because I had crouched behind that spot with my scanner out and could see through things).


So I don't know about Walkie Talkies but Warframe seems to surpass all forms of communication. LOL.


I killed off 2 guys or something? Nothing too special, before they were able to set any alarm off.


Went back into hiding at the very spot I started out hiding (which seemed to work just fine a second ago on them even though they walked by my at a close range) and this guy comes 10 seconds later rushing in from the other side of the map through a door and camps right there to fire at me. Wut?!


The map was that rainy Grineer station, those have some nice open locations, and I was far from any enemy line of sight and also hiding... They really need to get their sh!t together and fix this damn AI already. It's bad enough that we have super-awareness as it is, but on higher levels they seem to telepathically know that someone died on the other side of the map. What is that about?


One could argue (in realistic terms) that they indeed have headpieces/walkie talkies and if someone from a post doesn't check in then a heavy unit heads to the location to see what is happening, but I strongly doubt they went that far as to program something like that when simpler things are missing :(


You are right it feels so unbalanced on some ends. You kill someone next to another enemy and they don't get anything from it. And then at higher levels its as if they have telepathy I tell you.


I think all of it could go down with things you said and it would be cool. You know like patrols and guards being checked on and stuff. Making it more realistic and all. And they could split teams in each facility. They don't need to have the entire station alarmed in the way it does once one guard fails to respond. Then as soon as the alarms go off nothing. Something in between, that being a blend of realism and fantasy:


A group leader or squad could communicate between each other, failure to communicate sends out an alarm that works as priority. The location it happened is under heavy patrol, the rest of the ship alerted. Once alarms are hacked, the rest of the ship doesn't bother, however the specific location/squad that has missing members still tries to get in contact and sets the alarm off again... At which point only if that entire team is taken out do the hacked alarms remain hacked.


The rest of the ship wont know what happened and go back to what they were doing. Not checking in on that squad. To make it more realistic, it can have large intervals were squad leaders are contacted every say 20 minutes. No response? Then alarms go off again. This buys a lot of time as one squad will not be able to communicate on the go with another, mimicking the un-realistic feel perhaps for a "large" location with different teams in it.


Too much for them perhaps? :P It would be cool never the less. The mount of options and things they could do with this game are simply, endless.


p.s. I was enlisted something like 2006? So yeah, 10 years ago too, my memory doesn't serve me well either. lol

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As for grineer and corpus panicking, I find that unlikely. They are highly militaristic clones or brained wash fellas, so I am sure they have neural re-soc to curb fear.



The panic is probably a bit too much? I don't know, they still need to have some form of personality left in them to make them effective... If not panic then perhaps just startled (not as in scared, but as in "computing" something abrupt).

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A system like with new assassins creed games and new splinter cell games, where if they no longer see you, they track you based on your last known position (usually outlined by a ghost of your character) that the enemies will search around and try to shoot at until they realise you're gone and start seraching around etc. while you flank them clueless sorta thing, even if not exactly the same kinda thing, would be very handy.

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Stealth works fine. People just don't use it.

With all due respect, I gotta disagree with you man... You'll get what we mean if you do a stealth mission(no alarm rung).

Or maybe you already did and never met one of these damn clustered enemies!

We've tested a hiding mechanic before for players.

Didn't turn out so well.

Uuuuh When? Serious question, you got my attention there.When did they try this? Please explain,I don't remember.

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Id like to see a really badass boss randomly roaming missions or specially spy missions like a guardian(of sought-after knowledge). Something difficult to deal with by the I-dont-care-so-I-run-and-gun approach that encourages stealth or rush to extraction. Like Dahaka in Prince of Persia lol, that one was awesome.

Edited by Seffard
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Id like to see a really badass boss randomly roaming missions or specially spy missions like a guardian(of sought-after knowledge). Something difficult to deal with by the I-dont-care-so-I-run-and-gun approach that encourages stealth or rush to extraction. Like Dahaka in Prince of Persia lol, that one was awesome.

I'd like to see something like this too. The Infested need an invader. Like the Hunter from Dead Space. You can disable it, but you can't kill it.

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Time to contribute!


Ok so in addition to what has already been presented here, I'd like to see some changes to enemy spawns. Something I had in mind was reducing enemy spawns in areas you have recently been to (up to the DEvs finding the balance).


The idea comes from those attempts to stealth a mission and having it all go down because a random Crewman walks in behind you from an area you just cleared a second ago. Naturally this would be limited to stealth-able missions, and only when no alert or other loud noises are being made.

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