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Bows Are Illogical, Physically Speaking...


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video games aren't known for their logic so it's hard to make an argument based on logic in real life


Some video games are.


This game is not among them.


I know I complained about Velocitus and how despite looking like and being described as a railgun, it wasn't one. That was different though, because the Velocitus is a terrible weapon despite being described as a great one. That was the chief reason I complained, not because I felt it was unrealistic. Conversely, you are complaining that the bows, which are awesome weapons once you get them kitted out and formaed up, are bad weapons because they're unrealistic.


To which I respond: "You're in the wrong place for that stuff, pardner."


You are basically complaining for the sake of making a complaint. This is a nonsensical game, with highly-visible space ninjas that slaughter ships full of super-soldier cyborgs on a regular basis. Whining about how 'railgun bows' are not realistic is just childish. If you want a game that hinges on realism, try CoD: Advanced Warfare. Leave us to our badass, deep-future-tech ninjas. 

Edited by Vadrigos
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Umm so, let me get this straight the unrealistic part about bows is their damage in relation to their flight speed, not their ability to pick up and carry multiple fully armored soldiers hundreds of feet after impact in order to pin them to the ceiling? I mean if we're going to be picking on the unrealistic quality of bows lets go for the obvious things at least. 

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