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Is This What Odd Has Come To?


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Not saying I was a "sir" nor was I saying the Vauban was a "bumpkin", I was telling a story of how I was doing the exact thing ODD was made for -- as in, protecting the pod -- and that the Vauban wanted me out for not playing like him.


And I can understand where you're coming from with the "host's key, host's rules" bs but in all fairness there's one objective to a single objective mission... And I can 100% surely say that the objective has absolutely NOTHING to do with the host. Even so- the host didn't specify what to do, we all joined and got on a ledge and played until one of us, me, got up and had some fun (without effecting anyone else). The host said "get up to safety" and I said no and justified my answer. The justification being I'm a support frame and I'm over equipped to take care of myself and the team if anything were to happen.


Get off your high horse acting like a soldier, this is a game-- play when you want, any way you want.


Again, everything in the way you acted said that the one on a 'high horse' was you.


Tell me where, in your very first post, you showed to the Host guy the same respect he showed for you. At worst, and being generous because you may just have wished to keep the post going so avoided naming, the only respectful action was that you didn't said his name.


You came in on the typical greentext, you pointed out at your actions being fun and their actions being boring, you told that you openly ignored what they asked because you knew what was better for them and finally you had to add the required meme-pic to make this a fully /warframe/ post.


That's what I read from your post, that you can't understand why (Despite your awesomeness.) people didn't wanted to play with you. 


And what I'm saying is "Dude, maybe they didn't thought you were as cool as you feel and wanted to leave..." but, sadly, it seems that it's wrong. It feels that you cannot accept someone not wanting you. 


If you had pointed out how ODD could be easily dealt with the ledge tactic, without having to go lenghts to explain how you had been unfairly mistreated by someone who couldn't understand your awesomeness, I could've been even inclined to agree with you. But your post didn't felt about ODD problem, your post felt about how unfair was that they left you.


And again, maybe for the third time, you never pointed out the Host being rude or calling your names. He acted politely, allowed you to run until the first valid extraction and to get the drops and bonus affinity from the mission. 


Would it still be considered piggybacking if I brought my A-game and top-shelf equipment to the mission?  I'm sorry but that's the problem I'm having here.  The OP dropped in to the playable area and started killing infested -- which is the freaking POINT -- while still fulfilling their duties as the team's much-sought-after Trinity.  If the team leader was enough of a tight-wad to say "get back up on the ledge because I said so" and "I'll restart with a better player" than how exactly does the problem fall on OP?  The team leader was a jerk. 


I want to hear one good argument as to how someone killing Infested on an ODD is a bad thing, and I don't want to hear "well the team leader said" nonsense.  The team leader is not the end-all be-all of Warframe, and if they abort the mission because you're not specifically doing what they ask EVEN THOUGH YOU'RE CONTRIBUTING, then you as a Tenno have better **** to do with your time than help them run their boring ODD ledge-rider competition.


Problem is that the Host didn't abort the mission. Problem is that the Host just said "Let's bail out at next wave and make a new party with a better trinity."


And yes, even if you bring your top tier equipment and stuff, if you're not willing to part with one of your keys, you're still leaning on the kindness of someone which asked who was up for the ride.


You're not 'paying' for it, so I expect a sort of politeness over listening about what the host said.


It's like you're invited to one of these work-related dinners, one of the presents is supposed to hire you guys as a team for a project and is using this event to let you know each others before letting you sign the contracts.


They serve pizza, you start to eat it with your hands. Everyone else uses fork and knife. The 'host', ironically that's the technical name, asks you if you could use the cutlery like each other. You reply that Pizza is meant to be eat like you do.


The 'host' then said, sorry people, let's not discuss the contracts. We'll finish here and I'll find a better replacement to this guy.


From your point of view, you did nothing wrong. But from the employeer point of view, you were 'troublesome', you already refused to listen to his directions. You may be the best specialist around but you didn't listened to him.


Now, you can say "It's a game, it's not real life, we're here to have fun." all the time you want. But having to deal with someone that imposes himself, it's not fun for everyone. 


It's not about someone killing infested in ODD. It's about the Host saying "Sorry, but this isn't the way we want it go, so we'll leave at next wave and reform party." Not "Alrighty I'm aborting this and screw you."


I can't really see how the Host had been a jerk in this.

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If someone is seriously going to say "my key, my rules" I'll go find someone else.  Or, hell, I'll take the huge stockpile of keys I've amassed since Update 8 and go run some my damn self, free of control freaks.


Would be better to do it that way in the first place. Avoids a lot of trouble.




If you are looking for somebody to invite you in the recruitment channel you are pretty much doing so knowing that the host/key-owner may want to enforce some rules or a specific strategy on the mission. When you can't deal with what the host/key-owner tells you to do (no matter how boring it is) you are free to leave the session, but it's not your right to enforce your own laws since it's not your key. It's not your "work" (as marginally it may be) that went into gathering the key.


You are entitled to tell them about dangerous/hazardous/risky/problematic stuff that may occur or alternative strategies but that's about it. If the host persists on his strategy all you can do is comply. If you don't want to coorporate then it's pretty much showing that you can't subordinate yourself and it's the right of the host/key-owner to look for somebody else willing to do the job the way the host/key-owner wants it to be done.




That said I wouldn't friggin care what anybody does in the sessions/keys I host... as long as the job gets done and it doesn't verge on trolling or brag-elitism.


But at least I wouldn't get mad about a Trinity melee'ing Infested... as long as the player knows what he's doing and doesn't get himself killed by doing that. If the player would go down several times and the player keeps on doing it after I asked the player politely to stop it, because I noticed that the player can't deal with that playstyle at all, then I'd look out for a better Trinity player as well.


If somebody is acting like he has a death wish or like a troll/elitist endangering the entire squad and/or mission then I'll ask them to stop that stuff as well and if they don't then I will not revive them when they finally pay their tribute for their selfish gameplay.


If I know somebody for a very long time then it is something different. Then I normally know those people in reallife or at least pretty good from outside the game like from the forums. With those people I'm willing to troll around a bit to try new/different stuff/strategies as well because I can fully trust those people and if we fail then we were all jointly willing to accept that risk.




I usually don't give any orders since I think most of the stuff is obvious anyways or at least some good common sense but when I do give orders they are almost always to ensure the survival and success of the entire squad/mission and then I'd like to see them being followed.


The most recent example is the Uranus Archwing Interception. I stopped doing that mission with public/recruited groups because of how some people can't follow some simple orders. Many of them either don't bring the right gear to the mission or persist on solo-elitism getting the entire squad killed.


The excavation missions are another thing that brought my blood to a boil when people are activating like 2-3 excavators at once all while knowing we are unable to defend them all. I mean I can't split myself in half and spam bubbles in 2 or 3 different rooms that are like 500 hundred meters apart.


And that's pretty much the reason why I'm persisting on people to show some discipline lately because I already had enough of elitists thinking they are entitled to follow no orders whatsoever.

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son, hmmm let me tell you about the farm work okay son

we need to harvest for food it's not play time son, hmm okay

you can't being messing around on the farm hitting aliens with your sword

and expect to eat I won't have it on my farm!


10/10 quality post

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It all depends, i really dont care HOW people play aslong as the mission does not fail because of them...

but there are also people who go melee and then die .. die .. die .. die.. and then you have to leave the pod to ressurect them...if you tell them what they are doing wrong sometimes they even say its your fault...lol or they dont talk at all...


Edited by Vyra
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So resource farming is fun for you?

Is XP grinding fun?

Obviously it can be, but that depends on the individual. Grinding and RNG are big topics in the forums for a reason.

i myself have no fun in grind or RNG ... i have fun in style and strategy.. wich is why i am excited for the new stealth missions =) i just wish we had a female stealth frame ...

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I'm an opportunist. If I was told to sit on that ledge for another 50 waves, I would comply. However, after the next 5 waves are done, I leave. That way, I get the rewards and they can enjoy their circlejerk for exp.


However, I agree with some of the people who disagreed with OP. Its their key, its their rules. They're the ones throwing away void keys to make ODD missions. If you want to play these missions for fun without following a meta, make your own key which is not that difficult and invite people. Make sure you mention that this is for fun.

Hell, when I host T4Surv keys, I sometimes roll Limbo. Why? My key, my rules. If someone wants to bring a frame not best designed for it, whatever, I don't care. Have fun, and TRY to survive until at least 20 minutes.

Edited by Pizzarugi
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So resource farming is fun for you?

Is XP grinding fun?

Obviously it can be, but that depends on the individual. Grinding and RNG are big topics in the forums for a reason.


Preparing the ingredients to cook, like cleaning a fish or removing the fat from the meat, defintely isn't fun. Or at least it isn't for me.


Still that's something you need to do to enjoy the process of cooking, or a meal with friends, later.


Nothing in life should be 'just' fun, because without putting efforts first you cannot really enjoy the fun that comes later.

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Yeah, I'm not gonna treat anyone else as though they have some say in what I do in a game like this.  I gave up putting up with "listen to the team leader" when I quit WoW.  I'm not gonna play a game like it's a homework assignment and/or an exercise in following orders.  It's a video game.  If people are killing and contributing to the team, who the hell cares?  If someone is seriously going to say "my key, my rules" I'll go find someone else.  Or, hell, I'll take the huge stockpile of keys I've amassed since Update 8 and go run some my damn self, free of control freaks.




"obey the host" wtf? I play to have fun. If it pisses someone off, so be it.

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Preparing the ingredients to cook, like cleaning a fish or removing the fat from the meat, defintely isn't fun. Or at least it isn't for me.


Still that's something you need to do to enjoy the process of cooking, or a meal with friends, later.


Nothing in life should be 'just' fun, because without putting efforts first you cannot really enjoy the fun that comes later.

So you agree with me?
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Yeah, I'm not gonna treat anyone else as though they have some say in what I do in a game like this.  I gave up putting up with "listen to the team leader" when I quit WoW.  I'm not gonna play a game like it's a homework assignment and/or an exercise in following orders.  It's a video game.  If people are killing and contributing to the team, who the hell cares?  If someone is seriously going to say "my key, my rules" I'll go find someone else.  Or, hell, I'll take the huge stockpile of keys I've amassed since Update 8 and go run some my damn self, free of control freaks.





"obey the host" wtf? I play to have fun. If it &!$$es someone off, so be it.


Setting aside that by your own reasoning, none of you two should ever dare to complain about what the Host guy did...


Because if you're not letting anyone else having a saying on whatever you do, you shouldn't have a saying on whatever anyone else does. Simple. If they decide to quit a mission because they don't want you around, you have zero rights to complain for your own admission. It doesn't makes sense for you to support the OP, given neither him or anyone was entitled to speak about what one player does.


Or what is alrighty for you to do doesn't applies to others?


That said, and seriously start thinking twice on what you write, I feel that people are missing the meaning of PUG.


An old guild leader of mine said that it meant Partying Unknown Gamers, people we didn't really knew and that we should have given the required minimum trust and the due maximum politeness. But that we should have expected them to return the same kindness to us.


It's not about obeying it's not about others enforcing their believes upon us, but it's about us adapting to our hosts' traditions and ways.

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Any mission in any game can be boring or frustrating. With a good crew even grinds can be fun. Good as in good to each other....not grandstanding l33ts. The rest does not matter. With good crew bad habits fade with lolz...learning is fun....makes better tenno...who can teach others in pugs how to have fun.



...instead of turning into weee lil rage kittens going mew mew instead of pew pew

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Le me looking for some fun on recruit channel...

H>ODD need trinity PM me

I tot they need trinity just to keep them alive

After I got inside they want me to spam EV


And they got speed nova too,how I suppose to aim when the mobs walking like the flash?

Out @wave 15 coz of boredom

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So resource farming is fun for you?

Is XP grinding fun?

Obviously it can be, but that depends on the individual. Grinding and RNG are big topics in the forums for a reason.


Grinding isn't fun.


It's you to make it fun, through either a good talk while grinding or just do something else so it's not too painstakingly boring.

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Grinding isn't fun.


It's you to make it fun, through either a good talk while grinding or just do something else so it's not too painstakingly boring.

The you part is irrelevant. The OP is complaining because he/she did not wish to follow the meta (or at least what the rest of the squad was looking to do).

This is a gameplay "fun" issue. By this, I mean that the gameplay itself wasn't enjoyable for the OP. My point is that, in this genre, you are not supposed to enjoy everything equally.

It is assumed that players should try to make the most of any situation; friendly banter being one example. I suppose there isn't much else to say as we are both correct (or at least talking about different sides of the argument).

To all:

The OP has no right to complain. It was obvious that the other three players were grinding to get the biggest benefit, and it has been confirmed that people, for a large portion, play ODD to grind. In other words, ODD is not specifically designed for "fun."

The OP is perfectly within his/her rights to leave the ODD, but he/she is sorely in the wrong to shame those who did not want to leave.


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To all:

The OP has no right to complain. It was obvious that the other three players were grinding to get the biggest benefit, and it has been confirmed that people, for a large portion, play ODD to grind. In other words, ODD is not specifically designed for "fun."

The OP is perfectly within his/her rights to leave the ODD, but he/she is sorely in the wrong to shame those who did not want to leave.



Hate to correct you but:


The OP complained that the other players left at the first useful wave to make a new party without him. He didn't wanted to leave, he wanted to get things going longer but at the same time he didn't wanted to reach for the safety of the platform.


The others decided to leave and pick a new trinity to stay for a greater number of waves.


He then came to shame the others who left because he wasn't 'following orders'.

Edited by Branwyn
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The OP has every right to complain.

If you want your fellow players to behave a certain way - advertise it when seeking them.

If you want a Trinity, say so.

If you want a Trinity standing on a ledge spamming Energy Vampire - say so when searching.

If you want players to follow your orders to the point - say so.


I usually try to follow ideas of the host, especially when it is a Void Key, but in Orokin Derelict Defense?

They do not even need a Void Key to make, and there is nothing special to find.

After one standard mission you have enough resources to build another one.

At the moment I could build about 400 of them I think.

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And the other 3 people on the team wasting their time because you want to be a selfish freeloader is completely fine. The gaming etiquette is there to benefit everyone. You considering other people's time is worthless shows how bad of a gamer you are. Anonymity plays a big part. I can't walk up to your house to tell you how bad of a move dropping the ball was. You feel safe behind your screen so acting like a total asshat is totally acceptable. But it isn't. My time and yours have value and gaming etiquette ensures no one gets the short end of the stick.


Enough of me trying to talk sense into people. Bad online people are a deaf audience for the most part.

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If you join a party, you follow the leader's rules.  If they're open to you doing whatever, that's fine, but if he's just like "Listen, I just want to make sure you don't screw anything up" that's fine as well.  The problem with pubs is that a lot of people are, simply put, idiots(I've noticed this in Cerberus Pluto, where people refuse to listen to the most basic instructions, even if I hammer it into them multiple times).  Unfortunately, that means others have to be a bit more..high strung, I guess you could say.


I'm not really trying to say either of you are in the right, but the leader surely had good intentions, just like how you probly had your own.

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