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General Difficulty Question / Other Stuff



So, I've recently come back to this game, and only really played it in it's very early stages. My question is, does the game get more difficult? Soloing, the game's difficulty seems to be fine, but if you bring friends, it just seems to be impossible to lose. Even if we do missions well above our "levels" we just can't imagine losing.

It's just unfortunate that stealth runs of missions is the most entertaining, but if enemies don't hit hard enough in a party to make stealthing required, then it just seems kind of pointless.

I guess on an added point, I'll ask how (and if) this game scales if you have multiple people in your group?


As a side-question, for those who want to answer: we'd like to do the little quest lines the game gives you, but they seem far easier than just picking one at random. So, do these get harder at any point? And, are they required in any fashion -- well, I guess the better question is, how does this game even progress if not by quests? Do I just pick a random mission and go nuts? (Don't mind much if that's the case.)

Thanks to those who respond, and extra points to anyone who responds to the extended question as well. Really do think this game has a fantastic aesthetic and great base game mechanics, so I would just like to enjoy it more with friends, when we do play together.

Edited by Skiegh
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10 answers to this question

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On normal maps, it's hard to lose. Endless maps will eventually push you to a point where you can't deal with them, unless you can find very specific strategies that verge on exploits, and nightmare missions will often provide significant challenge as well.

Progression in Warframe isn't very linear or progession at all, it's more doing what you need to in order to obtain the shiny you want, which is only a choice.

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As long as you keep mods leveled at pace with your progression though the system in basic missions. its not very hard.

Difficulty only starts ramping up on endless wave missions where enemies will eventually and always out level your damage output and will almost instantly down you if you stumble.

Some of the quests are just early story setups for the universe. None are really set up much for difficulty other than the frame unlock quests are slightly higher level.

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Depends on various things. Are you using any of the following crutches to get through the game ?

These are:

-boltor p




-dragon nikana/scindo p


And are you playing vs infested on a silly maps like ODD/sechura while standing on lamp posts and raining down rockets ?

Edited by kiteohatto
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So, I've recently come back to this game, and only really played it in it's very early stages. My question is, does the game get more difficult? Soloing, the game's difficulty seems to be fine, but if you bring friends, it just seems to be impossible to lose. Even if we do missions well above our "levels" we just can't imagine losing.

It's just unfortunate that stealth runs of missions is the most entertaining, but if enemies don't hit hard enough in a party to make stealthing required, then it just seems kind of pointless.

I guess on an added point, I'll ask how (and if) this game scales if you have multiple people in your group?


As a side-question, for those who want to answer: we'd like to do the little quest lines the game gives you, but they seem far easier than just picking one at random. So, do these get harder at any point? And, are they required in any fashion -- well, I guess the better question is, how does this game even progress if not by quests? Do I just pick a random mission and go nuts? (Don't mind much if that's the case.)

Thanks to those who respond, and extra points to anyone who responds to the extended question as well. Really do think this game has a fantastic aesthetic and great base game mechanics, so I would just like to enjoy it more with friends, when we do play together.


It's worth noting that the levels of the enemies don't exactly line up to the levels of the warframes and while a level 1 frame may be slightly challenged but by level 10 or so your gear starts being strong enough that equivalent enemies just can't take it. Keep progressing and you will find more challenging content. Alternately you could run defence/survival/interception/excavation missions as they are endless and the enemies just keep getting stronger.


Stealth is just not a complete and polished game system yet. Its fun but tricky to make into a playstyle


Quests are eventually going to be a great way to progress and experience content but they don't have enough implemented yet. Just go and smash stuff for now.

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maxxed out loadout, specced for grinner, was farming MB defense on ceres. Was good fun to solo, but even with a group, mission failed twice... and that was just last´s night beacon farming. Amazes me that a disicple has finished the hardest planets.(remove taxi plxplx(sryforengliimnotengli))




hmmm i take it he might be higher then a disciple in-game since im just an initiate on forums, was certain it was linked to the game, soz.

Edited by Aod69
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If you progress at a steady pace, the game doesn't really get challenging, if we don't count the endless missions.

But if you jump, for instance, to Kiste (Ceres) or Lephantis (Orokin Derelic Assassination) without a decent loadout, you could face some serious challenge.

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Thanks a lot for the quick responses.

Based on the responses and my own play so far, I think it's safe to say this game's difficulty is more based around 1-2 (maybe 3) players. Though some mission types certainly seem to be catered towards 4 -- endless as you guys have been saying. Solo, the game is pretty darn hard, especially in certain mission types, so I can't complain there. I just wish it wasn't such a decrease when I bring friends along.

I think there's a couple reasons for that: one being that no one seemed to touch on the game scaling in difficulty based on players in it. Which seems to be the case, as I've not noticed anything -- which explains why insanely hard missions for me solo, are just infinitely easier with 2 or more. And secondly, I think it may be a fault of the revive mechanic unique to team play. It being essentially an infinite trip to full health really kind of makes it hard to lose momentum and crumble under pressure. I would like to see some downside to it besides the time commitment. Perhaps being limited by items you find in the mission (or start with), or perhaps a diminishing amount of max hp/shields for each time you're revived, until you're just a walking 1/1 glass cannon. *Shrugs*

Regardless, it's super hard by myself, but, I'll keep trying with friends to see if we can get things going.

And in response to the person asking about crutches that I may be unintentionally using, I can't say I or anyone else is using any of those. I do have Valkyr, but I don't use the frame very often. I assume it's the stun-lock of hers that would make her overpowered? It seemed that way to me when I used her. Though she seems brittle to me, what with the no shields. (Perhaps you can overcome that with mods though.)


Sad the stealth part of the game didn't really kick off, but, I still enjoy doing it. It's just hard to make that sort of playstyle work with unscaling enemies in a team. Solo, it's very tense and fun. Though I admit annoyance in the fact you can't stealth attack "target" enemies.

Edited by Skiegh
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