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De Something You Should Know


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Thank You


WarFrame really is your labor of love but often times you  do not receive the thanks you deserve from the community but it's wraith instead. Just the fact that you would stay up working overtime on a graveyard shift trying to finish an update instead of easily putting it off to the next workday is one of the many things you all do that is taken for granted.I for one have never seen a developer who cared as much for their game as you. While no one is perfect it is how we act in our worst moments that truly define who we are, this and many more reasons is why I am thankful to be a part of your community Family.




 I invite all of you in the spirit of American ThanksGiving to take a minute out of your day and post something to DE that you are thankful for.

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Thankyou for the dedication and commitment you guys show time and time again on the game we all love, and for the changes you make to it purely based on what we as players (some who have not even had to pay a cent in this game due to it's AWESOME F2P model) say and think. You guys really are the best Devs out there and anybody who chooses to heap on the hate and not the love is at the height of ignorance. I know you will continue to make my favourite game a whole heck of a lot better than it already is, and keep me in this family for a long long time to come

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I want to thank DE for being such amazing game developers, who constantly actively participate in events and Livestreams with the community. DE has to be the most actively involved set of Devs that I've had the honor of playing the game of, and the work they put in is truly fantastic.


So, with all my heart,


Thank you Digital Extremes. I love your game, and I love you guys.

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Thank you DE this game has literally been an inspiration and manifested into something MORE than a game.

I've been inspired to experiment with my design skills and try new things, and look for fresh and new ideas to try out. I've been inspired to look at things deeper and appreciate all aspects of design and art with more value.

I have ALSO been inspired to do big things even when you are small time and that it can be rewarding and refreshing to put nothing but time and effort into your work and watch it grow. I've been playing games online for years and you have literally been the most rewarding experience by far.

Keep on going on guys! I am right here with you all and I am sure I am not the only one that feels this way! Happy Thanksgiving!

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Thanks for proving that community-driven game development can make a truly wonderful and superior title. I hope we see more of this across the gaming industry, not to say the masses should override developers, but the exchange between us, the community, and you guys is something I've never really seen before and it's been amazing to be a small part of, and it should be a go-to example for other industries who want to do things this way.

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Aah thanksgiving.....shame the second word I relate it with is Genocide D:


First one being turkeys for reasons, not that my country celebrates it in any way shape or form.


At any rate, I'm thankful for mah precious kitteh cat :3. Who always keeps me company on my lap when behind the pc(for work or play). And other less important stuff like health, roof over my head yadda yadda :P. 

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