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Exclusives Need To Come Back [Mods]


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The event exclusives items need to be brought back into the game, such as Volcanic Edge and Voltaic strike that were from events I had missed while away from Warframe, so am I being punished because of this? I don't know why these were even put as exclusives in the first place, we a;ready have Malignant Force so why not the others? Having these exclusive mods can make you SO much more powerful, and when some people missed these events but still want the mods, and don't have the Pt to buy them from trade, what do we do about that? We bring them back, and make them harder to receive! 


Who agrees? Who disagrees? Please state your mind, while also being respectful of this post!

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Cicero mods were indeed re-released, as for the other 3 event set mods... These things, they take time. Took a while for Cicero to be released.They will come back, it's just a matter of when. If you don't have any plat, then it's time to start selling that hoard of prime parts/rare mods that you have.

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Seeing as the Cicero mods already made a comeback, I wouldn't be surprised at all if Tethra mods are next in line for a re-release on a mini-boss of sorts similar to Corrupted Vor. i think somebody said the carryover from Cicero was about 4-6 months, I can't remember when Tethra happened.

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Previously released mods like the Cicero set (Toxic), for instance, have already been placed as drops from T4 Vor. I think it's safe to say that the others will follow in time. Think of their release in events as a "Get it first" thing, rather than actual exclusivity.

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I am not disagree because a lot of people didn't get those mods and many more just came after these mods came up. In alert missions or nightmares that would be also nice to get them and not restrict them to only few peoples.


Of course whom made a lot of platinum with this deals they will disagree but this is not business question. Fairness..

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Yes, as far as I'm concerned, the re-release of the cicero mods confirms that all the future ones will see the light of day at some point.


Perhaps getting "one time only" items from events is too much exclusivity, but you can't argue that those who participated in the event should at least enjoy "early access", which is all we've got.

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The cicero mods took 6 months to get back into the game.

The tethra event happened almost 6 months ago so it should be coming back soon.

Just give it time and they will eventually get back.  It'll just take a while.
People who did the event just get them first.

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