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Update 7.9.0: The Glaive


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The shotgun nerf was expected, we knew it was gonna come sooner or later. I've been using the Hek since the early CBs and I'm about 200 hrs playtime and I'm fine with this nerf. Shotguns are not supposed to be used as snipers, it does not say that in the description. Having better accuracy does not mean they are snipers. That just means that pellets are concentrated in closer range meaning most if not all will hit your target and will deal massive damage(close range) compared to others that have a wider spread. With that said, wider spread is useful against hordes of enemies like infected, etc.

My 2 cents.

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Who the heck buy them for plat? Game politics about - "You can have ALL items from gameplay" is still working. I got 2 catalyst and 2 heat dagger bp's in 4 days just doing alert missions.

Yeah I know I simply wanted to support the devs, that is all. But some people doesn't care about waiting and have the cash to burn. For them to turn their "investment" into trash is painful.

For example I have built all my weapons and I built two catalysts too, one is still sitting in my inventory unused. 

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Thanks for proving you don't have the requisite attention span needed to read a small wiki page properly :|

I've read the page and there wasn't anything I didn't already know, I've seen Krull, I've played Warcraft. Some idiots invented a fantasy weapon and had no imagination to come with a name so they used one of a completely different weapon thousands of years old.

I have an idea! Let's make a silly looking bolt weapon and name it "Axe", maybe that catches too!

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Actually I take back what I said earlier today about loving every bit of this update. Thanks for ruining my Gorgon and Hek and making them useless hunks of junk. Good thing I have a new Paris to level up, and the Glaive when i do get it >_>

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To put it the simplest way, game is free to download & play. 99% of people probably haven't bought any platinum so DE give you 2 choices, enjoy ALMOST everything for free if you put the effort & time in to unlock & build it, or get some items fast & easy for a bit of cash.

DE cannot give every item that comes out a way to get it without them making some money so the Glaive is just like the colour packs, only obtainable through platinum, just think us lucky that we have a rare chance at getting it for free from alert missions if we get lucky.

If you really want the Glaive because you play Warframe that much, pay the £6.16 worth of platinum, contribute to the development of the game and buy the Glaive, better than having to pay £19.99~£39.99 for a copy of the game just to play.

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This kills the whole point of having a narrow cone for the Hek! At least give allow the Hek to hit a little more damage at mid range compared to all the other shotguns! :<


I can't even 1 shot level 19 Grineers with supercharged Hek fully modded out with damage mods, at mid range. It leaves like 35% of their HP.... xD


Hate to see how it does on levels 55-75s in defense missions on Pluto.






Edited by Zarozian
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Actually I take back what I said earlier today about loving every bit of this update. Thanks for ruining my Gorgon and Hek and making them useless hunks of junk. Good thing I have a new Paris to level up, and the Glaive when i do get it >_>

+1, My Gorgon is completely inefficient now, I would never have bought it if I knew this so high dispersion...


New bug, when i kill a greener with my furax and a charged attack, it make me doing an "on groun" attack (sorry french don't know the name" which hit multiple times the target

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- Added damage fall-off to all shotguns--no more shotgun sniping.



Thank God.


Everyone whom commented on Warframe Overview kept saying I was wrong about Shotguns since they're supposed to be CLOSE RANGE WEAPONS.


Hence that's how I review them.


Now I can get those people whom keep commenting, "The HEK is a sniper lul, you're wrong about it." to STOP.

Edited by Teostrala
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It kinda disgusts me with the recent massive nurf to all shotguns, most of all the hek. The current curve isn't logical for the Hek, as it is a shotgun with long barrels and chokes on it. Which would make it closer to an actual hunter shotgun, unlike the wide spread boar which was made for closer range and crowd control, but has a much lower damage. Or the Strun Which has spread and damage and mis made for close-mid range.


But the Hek is different then both of those short barrel shotguns, which in rl are rather short range. But back to the Hek for a second, its long barrels combined with the heavy spread choke makes it more akin to a mid-long range shotgun. But the largest issue is the fact that fall off shouldn't be all or nothing with all the shotguns, but rather based on each gun itself. The boar just is very close range its logical due to the rapid fire nature and its very high spread. The Strun should be more close-mid as its more akin to a tactical shotgun. But the Hek isn't ether of them, its a heavy choked and more of a rifle then a shotgun outright.


Again, the fallout should be a logical curve, not -50% damage after 10 feet. Most shotguns, even in RL have a range of atleast 10 meters, but if you look at a long barrel hunting shotgun you see more long the lines of 20-30 meters.

Edited by HarukaTsukiko
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I've read the page and there wasn't anything I didn't already know, I've seen Krull, I've played Warcraft. Some idiots invented a fantasy weapon and had no imagination to come with a name so they used one of a completely different weapon thousands of years old.

I have an idea! Let's make a silly looking bolt weapon and name it "Axe", maybe that catches too!

Words are reappropriated/borrowed all the time.  This useage has been widely accepted for ~30 years, so getting worked up over it or saying it's wrong is pretty silly.

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I didn't say you said they have no range in real life. But others have and it is also the way the devs are trying to rid the Hek of its OPness and its a bad way to do it. They Hek's tight spread screams 'mid range weapon', yet it does so little of its dmg at that range now. I mine as well use a Strun. The Hek was great for putting huge dmg to big enemies or a couple enemies at mid range while the Strun and boar where better for crowds of enemies up close. Eliminating Hek's mid range ability eliminates its purpose. Its insanely long kill range was a problem that need to be fixed, it made snipers almost pointless but the current nerfed range is to much. The whole point of beta is to find problems and also balance. We are simply pointing out that the nerf is too extreme.


Yep... Your totally correct man.


For example:




Advantages: ....




extremely slow reload

extremely slow fire rate (comprehensible)

extremely slow clip

small ammo pool

can barely kill a lvl 10 grineer with a single headshot.


The same goes for paris and latron as well i had them all.

Edited by Mr.Pava
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Fine, leave. Seriously, making little idle threats that you pretty much definitely aren't going to actually do isn't helping anyone. "I WANT IT THIS WAY OR I'M GONNA RUN AWAY AND NEVER COME BACK WAAAH!" *rolls eyes*

Your mind closes when you open your mouth. When I say something that's serious so yeah I will quit, depends on next update but until then I don't play bro, but thank you for trying to be smartboy.

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Yep... Your totally correct man.


For example:




Advantages: ....




extremely slow reload

extremely slow fire rate (comprehensible)

extremely slow clip

small ammo pool

can barely kill a lvl 10 grineer with a single headshot.


The same goes for paris and latron as well i had them all.

So true. Instead of boosting other weapons thez chose to nerf the good ones. Latron for example (got it to level 30) is very lackluster weapon (for me at least). Now it makes more sense to use it, but Latron didn't change. It is still verz same lackluster weapon. So what about Gorgon and Hek. They are now worse than that.


How I would balance weapons:

Put Gorgon and Hek back how they were before.

Snipetron-5 rounds in magazine and 140 damage

Latron- 20 magazine size

Create new category of weapons: submachineguns (furis/afuris/viper/twin vipers) with bigger ammopool (350 at least), 30 ammo pick up

Increase ammo pick up of Rifles to 30 or more

Make ammo pool for weapons that have low damage bigger (like Braton and especially Grakata) to something like 800


I always read about Hek being super-awsome-kill-all weapon (now this is not the case anymore). But how about Lex? When you supercharge it :70 damage + multishot +damage mods. And you kill pretty much everything in 1 round anywhere up to enemy level 40 or more (except heavy G and Ancients). Now compare it to pathetic Snipetron. Lex is curently one OP weapon.


So what now? Another nerf for Lex now?

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I mean like because of the narrow cone you have to actually aim with it and you can't just spray it like the other shotguns...and it's ridiculously annoying to have to aim at enemies running circles around you and with the really small magazine capacity of 6 clips max....




~R.I.P.~ Hek


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- Revised sound for Trinity's Link power.

- Fixed Trinity's link ability that was affecting/destroying her Sentinel.

Ugh! Don't bother fixing this skill, just get rid of is already! How is it that the only healer frame has the best tank skill? Makes no sense.

Love everything else in this update, but I can't really wrap my head around this Link thing.

Edited by CubedOobleck
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So true. Instead of boosting other weapons thez chose to nerf the good ones. Latron for example (got it to level 30) is very lackluster weapon (for me at least). Now it makes more sense to use it, but Latron didn't change. It is still verz same lackluster weapon. So what about Gorgon and Hek. They are now worse than that.


How I would balance weapons:

Put Gorgon and Hek back how they were before.

Snipetron-5 rounds in magazine and 140 damage

Latron- 20 magazine size

Create new category of weapons: submachineguns (furis/afuris/viper/twin vipers) with bigger ammopool (350 at least), 30 ammo pick up

Increase ammo pick up of Rifles to 30 or more

Make ammo pool for weapons that have low damage bigger (like Braton and especially Grakata) to something like 800


I always read about Hek being super-awsome-kill-all weapon (now this is not the case anymore). But how about Lex? When you supercharge it :70 damage + multishot +damage mods. And you kill pretty much everything in 1 round anywhere up to enemy level 40 or more (except heavy G and Ancients). Now compare it to pathetic Snipetron. Lex is curently one OP weapon.


So what now? Another nerf for Lex now?



Thanks mate^^


Im making a Lex now and i'm afraid of putting it a potato, might not .-.

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Great weapon - flight speed does need to be moddable though if it's to be viable. Takes too long to get back to the user at the moment.


Also, the update has wiped out my entire inventory of items and put all my Warframes to white default colour. Weird.

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I go to sleep for 6 hours and wake up to 20+ pages of flaming and hatred <_<


But DE doesnt seem to have changed anything officially, and I havent seen nothin mentioned anywhere about plans ot change it. still keeping my fingers crossed.


But to reiterate my previous points (to those who are interested or want to listen)


Dual Weapons; The RoF decrease was (in my opinion) a response to macro spammers. When I can fire my AkBoltos faster than a Boltor, and do almost 2x damage per hit with my pistols, I can definitely see why the changes were provoked. However, as some have already mentioned, a frame buffer limiter on the rof would have sufficed (IE your RoF would be limited by your FPS, rather than your connection to the server.) Though that would give issues to people with below par systems. No, DE needs to bump the RoF back up slightly, especially since macro engines appear to be banned now.


Gorgon; Gorgon was one of my favorite weapons because of the ability to use it in many roles. It didnt surpass any weapon in any role (aside from RoF), but was definitely a great universal weapon. Sure, it was as accurate as a Latron, but Latron does a higher base damage than Gorgon. Sure, it had that higher rate of fire, but before that awesome RoF was achieved, it had a spool up time. The Wind Down period is, in my honest opinion, a welcome addition to Gorgon. The loss of its accuracy, however, is not.


Shotguns. Oh boy shotguns. This is the huge debate of the century, isnt it? "Shotguns should be Short Range burst weapons!" "But IRL Shotguns are accurate up to 100+M!" This is where we need to break from both reality and generic mindsets and have Warframe set the new standard on how shotguns should be implemented in games. Not as 100+M Snipers (Like Hek), or ohk weapons at 50+m, but as reasonably accurate weapons with reasonable range.

Personally, I think Boar should have a damage drop off beginning at 35m, and it be a sharp damage drop off. The higher RoF compensates for the lower damage and shorter range, and would reenforce boar's initial role of being Crowd Control.

Strun should have a 45-50m range with a sharp damage falloff, and a wide spread at 50+m. This reenforces Struns nice "In The Middle" philosophy, and will allow strun to take on more roles as a primary weapon.

Hek is the interesting one. The description for Hek reads; "The HEK is a powerful shotgun that fires its shots with a tight spread, making it efficient at medium range as long as its strong recoil is properly managed". That being said, I feel the effective range should be 60-70m, but maintaining the tightest spread of all 3 shotguns, to reinforce the role hek was made for; Medium Range. Also, Like the other 2, Hek should have a sharp damage drop off after said range.

Now why the sharp damage dropoff? Partially because youre firing small pellets with low mass which lose their velocity rapidly. As we all know; MxV^2="Damage" (Mass x Velocity^2) So after said range, the pellets will have lost so much energy (Or damage if you prefer), that they just dont carry on much further.


Last but not least, Glaive. As I said previously, I probably am on of the few (if not only) GM that has not purchased one, so I cant say anything about it ingame. However, People are consistently complaining that its a "Alert Only Reward". To be honest, I dont understand why people are this upset; Its just like Dark Sword, Dark Dagger, Ceramic Dagger, etc. All of which can only be obtained from Alerts. Furthermore, Glaive isnt the only weapon you can purchase for platnium, but not buy the BP. So chillax, sign up for the twitter alerts, and be ready to pounce on that alert once it comes up!


This is all my opinion, this is what I'd do if I was the developers. I can only hope there are some who agree, but please, keep the flames low. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.


EDIT: And sorry for the wall of text x.x got carried away

Edited by MilesCadre
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