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No Glaive Blueprint? Fine, No Support From Me.


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Or have given up trying to get past their thick skull. Being pig-headed/hard-headed doesn't mean you "win." The only time you win in an argument is when you persuade someone to see your side.


You still don't have to resort to personal attacks. When you realize that they're never going to give in just give up on them. They will probably get the last say in the matter but that doesn't mean they've won or other people agree with them.

Edited by Fezzul
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Here is what's going to happen with me. I'll spend $20 and buy the stuff I want. After that, if everything I want is in the market for credits (blueprints or not, doesn't matter) I'll never spend another penny on this game. I will already be playing with stuff I enjoy so I will have no problem grinding and waiting a few days for a new item.

Edited by Fezzul
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It took me so long to read this whole topic.

I already detailed my thoughts elsewhere though:



I saw this, but if you check the topic I made it's got a very different focus. Chopping all the arguments down to soundbytes and putting them in one place where there's no personal attacks, no attempts to solve any perceived issues, just the cold hard facts (of what peoples' opinions are).

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Realistically, aren't they going to have to release most new equipment like this at some point?

People are essentially mad that they can't start baking it the moment they log in right? When the majority of the regular player base is in that situation (if they're not already), there's going to be a very strong incentive to release all new equipment like this.

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Realistically, aren't they going to have to release most new equipment like this at some point?

People are essentially mad that they can't start baking it the moment they log in right? When the majority of the regular player base is in that situation (if they're not already), there's going to be a very strong incentive to release all new equipment like this.


 The more equipment released this way the less likely players will ever get what they want.


 If you can't really turn anything into a goal you wont have much to play for.



 Imagine some guy a year down the line if this kind of release was pretty common - just some new guy wanting the Glaive - but the Glaive is part of a huge list of Alert items at that stage, one of over a hundred entries easily.



 His odds of the next alert being the right alert are painfully bad and it'll feel that way. Worse yet, when it finally does come missing it for any reason will be extremely bad luck since the odds of it coming around again aren't good anyway.


 Imagine all that waiting? Imagine the thought that the more common this gets the longer the waiting will be. This is the big nasty flaw in the idea of weapons as Alert rewards. The longer the list the worse it all gets.



 I feel like DE probably understands that though. I don't think it'll go that far.

Edited by Blatantfool
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You said "mad because you cant have the fancy new toy others play with" ? ... pretty much....


No point in arguing with you. There 2  type of people in the world that you cant argue with and win and one of them is idiots = you (yup i know thats harsh...i felt really bad, and hates you after i read your post "mad...snip" )  = FLAME WARZ ... am done, wont respond to your comments after this !


What ever you say, i will take those arguments as "Invalid , null and ineffective"



Or have given up trying to get past their thick skull. Being pig-headed/hard-headed doesn't mean you "win." The only time you win in an argument is when you persuade someone to see your side.


Please try to stay on topic, not just you two but everyone else that has decided to take a swing (edit) at each other. From what I've gathered that the thread was meant to fuel a discussion, not pointless bickering. If you really want to chew out a complete stranger, there is a reason why there is a option called "send me a message" on everyone's profile page.


This thread doesn't deserve to be locked because no one is willing to let a insult slide, and I would like see it remain as a open debate.


As for the thread itself, I am fairly irritated that the Glaive doesn't have a credit blueprint...but I can wait for the alert. This is the first time I've seen them do something like this since I've started stalking the forums, so I'm willing to let it slide as long as it doesn't become a habit of releasing such items. Once a month, maybe. Weekly with no weapon that can be purchased through credits and materials? That might be a problem.

Edited by SagamiYusuke
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I saw this, but if you check the topic I made it's got a very different focus. Chopping all the arguments down to soundbytes and putting them in one place where there's no personal attacks, no attempts to solve any perceived issues, just the cold hard facts (of what peoples' opinions are).


Which is useful, but only to a certain extent. Chopping down arguments means no way to prove other's arguments wrong. They're just displayed there, as if they're all worth the same. I mean, I know this is all subjective, thus there's no definite right or wrong, but you can usually see when an argument has a basis on a valid opinion or on a fallacy or some such.


Like this:


People are essentially mad that they can't start baking it the moment they log in right?



Edited by CaligoIllioneus
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Which is useful, but only to a certain extent. Chopping down arguments means no way to prove other's arguments wrong. They're just displayed there, as if they're all worth the same. I mean, I know this is all subjective, thus there's no definite right or wrong, but you can usually see when an argument has a basis on a valid opinion or on a fallacy or some such.


And that's also what the topic is designed to prevent. If I see a really awful argument I'll point out the flaws and ask why they chose this specific argument. Thing is, because the setup I have is designed against that (ultrasimplified) the people with bunk arguments will likely avoid posting there for that exact reason -- it'll highlight everything wrong with what they're trying to say.


Outside of that, pick-and-choose will only lead to "well look at you being so impartial lets go make our own topic guys" where it'll happen again and again and we end up in the same place. This is meant to be a collection of data for the developers to parse quickly and easily, and I'll do everything to keep that data in one place.

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Having read through the majority of the topics on this post I'm not really sure why people feel strongly about this one way or the other. There is a large number of items that are available through only alerts or alerts/platinum. This situation isn't something new or exciting... and there hasn't been a large response like this to the helms etc... which leads me to believe that the majority of the problem comes from the fact that this item is one that a lot of people want. I'd like to have it, and it seems like it might be fun to play with, but I'm not interested in spending my platinum on weapons/warframes so I will wait and it doesn't bother me.

While this doesn't entice me to spend money on the game it doesn't offend me either given that DE does need to make money. In my point of view this is no different than any of the alert only weapons because I wouldn't buy them if they were available for platinum either. Currently there is no pvp in the game so *not* having a weapon doesn't put anyone at a disadvantage, so I don't see the big deal between people willing to pay versus those who aren't.

I think that if you don't like the platinum versus alert acquisition... just don't buy it with platinum, but there's no real reason for DE to not have it available through platinum. Realistically speaking this is no different than having a weapon available through the alert system exclusively, it's only different from a feelings standpoint. All of the complaints that I've read in this thread seem to imply that people wouldn't buy any weapon this way which is fine... but why does it matter if there are people who are willing to? I think people need to take a second and ask themselves other than jealousy or impatience is there anything different about this system of alert/platinum versus just alert.

Now one thing I do want to say is that if *all* weapons were to be introduced this way in the future I would most certainly have a problem with that, but there's no indication that this is the case. I would assume that down the road we will continue to see what we have up until this point... some things that you can buy with credits/platinum and some that come from alert/platinum.

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 A lot of the thread is venting and people just throwing their two cents out on the off chance DE will read it, so a bunch of the extreme stuff is just kneejerk reaction to not being cool with it.


 It goes back to the whole 'derailed hype train' thing. 



 This thread is just a huge pile of feedback. Negative, positive, constructive, less than constructive. All types.



 People just want to feel like DE knows when something bugs them. This topic bugs a lot of people.

Edited by Blatantfool
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Just a typo. Happens a lot. I type fast and don't notice all of them. Often I'll notice typos shortly after already posting even if I skim through first. I will occasionally make small edits to my own posts multiple times if I see errors before anyone tends to respond. That is why many of my posts are edited at one point or another.


 I'm used to it.

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I am ok with it being alert/plat exclusive. I also understand the discontent with this initial idea, wanting it to be available another way or to be transitioned into more accessible means of acquisition. As of the moment, I see the Glaive as something that is going to be exclusive to plat users at LEAST until the first alert, and it is in DE's best interest to do so, as it is a new weapon that has a certain higher value to many players, as well as it it being something iconic for Warframe (and DE)


We also have to consider DE's options, they are super busy and to make it "difficult" to acquire without involving as much RNG, it would take adding a whole new system or planet / a raid of some kind / a part collection grind across the system / some sort of event / attaching it to Mastery (which won't go well either) / or some other highly demanding method that is not in place yet. If they don't want to put the bp on the Market, they don't have many options for its acquisition beyond that accept boss drops and alerts. (And since the defense missions are set up in an odd manner, it would be a bad idea to put it there) 


And no, I did not read the whole thread, since I was playing Warframe or taking a nap while this grew.


tl;dr I wish it was better, but DE has to make choices with what it's got. Maybe it will be better in the future.

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