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No Glaive Blueprint? Fine, No Support From Me.


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Actually, a new player has access to only 8 weapons because for the rest he has to buy slots. Even if a player is able to get every weapon in the game, he will only be able to get 8 at a time, so it's not really 49 weapons that a player has access to, it's actually just 8, less than 20% the total weapons that he can acquire.


I made an entirely different point, but it went so far over your head that I'm having trouble believing you haven't had a funeral some time during your existence.

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oh FFS you want some cheese with this whine post?


just let it go already, like children, when there somthing you dont like, you act like a crybaby. *facepalm*


Edit: and the crybabies downvoting me cause they cant face the fact they cry babies.


*point at potatos* how about you put those blueprints for credits? no? stop craying about a single weapon and grow up, you'll get your chance when there will be an alert for it, if you'll miss it then congrats, you actually have a life.

Edited by BloodHungryKitten
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Gentlemen, this thread is getting awfully aggressive again. DERebecca has been awfully patient with the discussion of this type considering how long its gone - but you shouldn't let that be reason to start taking pot shots at one another.


  Ya'll need to take a chill pill and keep more on the subject. Feedback is the reason we are beta testers. It is about constructive discussion.

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So your definition of effort is playing the game for a period time and not failing?  I'm pretty sure that's what my point was earlier when I said "effort and time aren't the same thing" because you're literally saying that time and effort are the same thing.  If there was anything challenging currently in the game I'd agree with you wholeheartedly, but currently there simply isn't.  I play the game a lot so I have a lot of materials/credits and can easily make any weapon the day that it goes live so all I'm doing is reaping the rewards of having played the game, that isn't effort.


I've yet to see any solution (granted I stopped reading most of the thread at page 20) that doesn't involve being rewarded for just playing the game. It being an alert reward is only different in the fact that you cannot get it on your own time.

No, my definition is overcoming a challenge that the game presents, so it sounds like we're mostly on the same page barring some misunderstandings.

To fully clarify, though, I view it like this:

1) Warframe could reward you for overcoming challenge.

2) Warframe could reward you for dedication and persistence.

3) Warframe could reward you for luck.

The third is not good. The second is marginally better. Still not ideal, but it is better. Ideally, the Glaive would be acquired through challenge.



Your opinion on the glaive is based on the fact that although it provides no actual difference to your ability to play the game it is different than other melee weapons with regards to mechanics so it's not fair that isn't only available via paying or alert.  I obviously disagree with this since I'm only concerned with my ability to play the game and so long as something is eventually available it's fine for me.  I will also note again that if they started doing this with all weapons I can easily see where this is a problem, but so long as it only happens every once in a while (we've had how many weapons since the last alert/plat only weapon was released) I don't see an issue.

I disagree. The Glaive is an alternative way to play the game (and also gives you a big advantage in Infestation missions, as you can stand on a box and kill them indefinitely). However, this one looks like this comes down to more of a matter of perspective.

Also, I think some players are concerned that DE will start doing this with any weapon that seems beloved by the community. Not myself, but I can see where they're coming from. They're trying to give their feedback so that DE won't do that, is all.


Gentlemen, this thread is getting awfully aggressive again. DERebecca has been awfully patient with the discussion of this type considering how long its gone - but you shouldn't let that be reason to start taking pot shots at one another.


  Ya'll need to take a chill pill and keep more on the subject. Feedback is the reason we are beta testers. It is about constructive discussion.

Thank you.

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I don't get why people say Glaive is rare and compare it's rarity to, say, Dark Sword. GLAIVE IS AVAILABLE ON MARKET! It's NOT rare. Dark Sword IS rare because you can't buy it.


And it's THE FIRST weapon available only for platinum(for now). Maybe all upcoming weapons and Frames will be too. If it were random mission reward, like Banshes BP it's one thing, but Glaive alert could pop-up in three weeks for all I know.
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I made an entirely different point, but it went so far over your head that I'm having trouble believing you haven't had a funeral some time during your existence.


You could have said that i just misunderstood your post, which i did, no need to get offensive and insult me. Although i do have a craving for brains lately...

Edited by Story4
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You could have said that i just misunderstood your post, which i did, no need to get offensive and insult me. Although i do have a craving for brains lately...


Sorry, I tend to get aggressive when I see a zombie. It's nothing personal. No hard feelings?

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why is this not in gameplay feedback?

It is.

This place is mostly for debate, that thread collects our thoughts. I don't think any of us expect nor want the devs to have to read through 35 pages of debate interspersed with hostility.


You could have said that i just misunderstood your post, which i did, no need to get offensive and insult me. Although i do have a craving for brains lately...

And that is an excellent way to deal with hostility. Kudos. Let's try not to let this thread derail. :)

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I really think it's fine as is. I mean, I have bigger issues with the fact that people who buy weapons with platinum get them with catalysts. They are already there, in the shop. Just lower the cost of the weapons and remove the auto-lysts.

But yeah, weapon rarity is fine. It's why I even bothered with the Ceramic Dagger at all.

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This one:



And this one:


As I said, I bought the Glaive. You assumed I hadn't and was arguing for it to be easy to get because I wanted instant gratification. These are baseless assumptions.


Also, technically, this one. I have been quite reasonable in my posts and conceded the points that nullqasael made, among other points I feel are relevant; it does not change that the Glaive's release was mishandled, resulting in it letting down a lot of players. Those players are not me. However, I understand how they feel and feel that the system is unfair to them. That is an opinion.

If you feel my posts have been unreasonable, then clarify and tell me how.


I did not say putting money into the game gives me a legitimate argument. Clarification:


By your logic, not spending money to buy the Glaive = not allowed to talk about the situation. I merely pointed out that your logic was self-defeating, as I had bought the Glaive, and by that line of logic, I am therefore allowed the right to talk about money grabbing or it being inaccessible.

Do I agree with your logic? Absolutely not. I dislike that sort of thinking. I simply found your wording humorous given the context of the situation. I personally do not make any distinction between free and paying players. Apparently, you do. On that note, free players are important to the survival of a game.


They have been. nullqasael was kind enough to make a thread breaking down each opinion into something easier for DE to see, instead of them having to read through this thread. Do post there if you can distill your opinion into a short, logical summary. Without personal attacks.

I am still in this thread to correct the many assumptions people are making about the people who don't like the way the Glaive was released, and to try to stop things from coming to a boil. There is no need for anyone to throw insults at each other; I hope to calm things down by responding rationally to each post.

Finally, that response doesn't really address any of the points I made. The next one you made does, however, so I'll move on to that now.


You seem to think of yourself a little too highly, I say that with respect to the fact you assume that I target you personally with what I say, which is not the case outside of the instances in which you challange me directly on a personal basis. My point of view stems from the immense negative response this has created from the community with little reason behind it. Now we are here arguing over the fact that some people didnt get some pixels they wanted. My original post on the matter was brief and lighthearted actually, but people happened, you happened, etc etc, I don't go to forums often because of this.


With the logic well as much as I hate the elitist mentality of having to tell people that if they don't support the game they should not have an opinion on whether its money grabbing or not I can't deal with all the kids yelling its evil and etc when they really contribute nothing to the discussion or the game. A lot of these people come from a purely consumer based society and they haven't the slightest @(*()$ clue on what it takes to make something digital or otherwise. I daresay I have experience in both of course less in terms of digital, but from even that I can say its hard as hell. That being said when objectively what these people suggest/say has no ground why should I not say otherwise. Oh and to that one guy who thought its an outrage the price for it is 10 dollars, go play Combat Arms (which is subpar compared to this game) where nothing you get with in game money is permanent (usually) and weapons can cost upwards of 40 dollars each, please come back and tell me how unreasonably priced this all is.


I came here to simply voice my opinion after all, which was my original post, but after being faced with several ignorant and personally directed statements it became this debate. In a sense I stayed to do the opposite of what your doing (the angle of why this is not a bad idea), which is not very productive for our interaction, but escalating the stiuation here was not on my to do list.


It should not have degraded to this but when people on forums make personal attacks against me I am not going to just take it. However, I don't have a particular interest in continuing to exchange these text walls because quite honestly I don't care how you "feel" about what I have to say.


Yes. Alert system is inadequate for such a weapon because it is gameplay changing.


Debatable, but I don't think anyone against the alert system wants everyone to just get it easily. We're not arguing for it to just appear on the market for cheap and be easily buyable/craftable.


My point was that the placement is not appropriate for the function, but not that the weapon should be easily accessible. It should be a weapon that can be worked for, and not necessarily easily. If they were implementing a story, I would suggest that the Glaive be locked from Platinum purchases and be made so that it is a melee weapon alternative obtained at a certain point through the story, perhaps after an especially tough boss fight. This, however, is clearly not feasible at this stage.

It's not that it's a necessary weapon, it's that a gameplay-changing weapon should be accessible through effort, as opposed to the alert system's randomness that could easily award a new player that just played Terminus and M Prime before an alert popped. Plus, the weapon does give you a significant advantage in Infestation missions. You need do nothing more than find a tall box to stand on in and have some patience in order to be able to clear virtually any room. =/


In my opinion, it should be worked for. Plenty of suggestions in this thread and others, though DE will likely come up with a good solution on their own.

And to the guy who asked me my definition of effort, I am referring to playing the game extensively and beating the challenges it throws at you in order to obtain the reward you want. Grinding and farming is a fair way to handle it, if not ideal. For ideal solutions, look around: plenty of people have made suggestions.

This thread turned into constructive rather than destructive feedback many pages back. I'll appreciate if we try to keep it that way.


My feedback was constructive until you couldn't agree to disagree and neither could I, its unfortunate it happened like that. I'll shift my opinions to that thread like I suggested I should. I think our conversation here has come to a conclusion.


that's what im talking about, set that wanker straight


Do you really need others to fight your mental battles for you, do you know how sad that is? Forget it...

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There are currently 53 weapons in this game.

Out of those 53, 4 are exclusive weapons.

This leaves a pool of 49 that every normal player has access to.

All 24 non-exclusive firearms can be either purchased directly or via blueprint at the Marketplace.


There are currently 25 non-exclusive melee weapons.

Out of 25, only 8 can be acquired only via alert missions.

Out of the remaining 17, one blueprint is laid in your lap for free: the Cronus, awarded for killing the boss of Tolstoj.

Out of the remaining 16, 2 are accessible via Marketplace or Alert missions only.


Out of these 2, one is making you quit supporting the game.



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You seem to think of yourself a little too highly, I say that with respect to the fact you assume that I target you personally with what I say, which is not the case outside of the instances in which you challange me directly on a personal basis. My point of view stems from the immense negative response this has created from the community with little reason behind it. Now we are here arguing over the fact that some people didnt get some pixels they wanted. My original post on the matter was brief and lighthearted actually, but people happened, you happened, etc etc, I don't go to forums often because of this.

See, though, that's just a misunderstanding. You don't have to append "you think of yourself too highly" to it - at that point it becomes personal. That aside, though, as said, that is a misunderstanding and I apologise for it.

I understand your dislike for the negative response, but with all due respect, we've given plenty of reason in the last couple of pages. It's not little, it's just people trying to express that they're concerned with a direction that the game may be taking.

Also, I'm not sure if you're trying to imply that I started this debate? I didn't actually address your original post; you replied to me responding to someone else. And your post started with a personal attack by implying that I was too stupid to understand the similarity between the alerts and life, and that that similarity was why the alert system was fine. I will admit that I did take some offense to that, so if my frustration crept through in my responses, I apologise. I did try to keep it out of my posts, though.


With the logic well as much as I hate the elitist mentality of having to tell people that if they don't support the game they should not have an opinion on whether its money grabbing or not I can't deal with all the kids yelling its evil and etc when they really contribute nothing to the discussion or the game. A lot of these people come from a purely consumer based society and they haven't the slightest @(*()$ clue on what it takes to make something digital or otherwise. I daresay I have experience in both of course less in terms of digital, but from even that I can say its hard as hell. That being said when objectively what these people suggest/say has no ground why should I not say otherwise. Oh and to that one guy who thought its an outrage the price for it is 10 dollars, go play Combat Arms (which is subpar compared to this game) where nothing you get with in game money is permanent (usually) and weapons can cost upwards of 40 dollars each, please come back and tell me how unreasonably priced this all is.


But most people weren't yelling that it was evil. I will be honest, I am thoroughly confused. Are you misunderstanding some posts as well, perhaps?

If you think what someone says has no ground objectively, there's nothing wrong with protesting. Just explain your point of view.


I came here to simply voice my opinion after all, which was my original post, but after being faced with several ignorant and personally directed statements it became this debate. In a sense I stayed to do the opposite of what your doing (the angle of why this is not a bad idea), which is not very productive for our interaction, but escalating the stiuation here was not on my to do list.

I didn't really take much issue with your original post or reply to it. I don't think I intended any of my replies after that to be personally directed, so I apologise if it came off that way.


It should not have degraded to this but when people on forums make personal attacks against me I am not going to just take it. However, I don't have a particular interest in continuing to exchange these text walls because quite honestly I don't care how you "feel" about what I have to say.


My feedback was constructive until you couldn't agree to disagree and neither could I, its unfortunate it happened like that. I'll shift my opinions to that thread like I suggested I should. I think our conversation here has come to a conclusion.

Fair enough, I guess? I was merely trying to dissuade you from repeating the statements you made in your earlier posts; calling people immature, etc detracts from your argument and makes it look like you're trying to anger people.

Edited by Quetzhal
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It's a beta of a game with micro-transactions that hasn't gotten down the end game and actual challenging aspect. Give them time and please stop attacking each other and their POV.


At this point DE will do what they will, and they definitely know by now of the discontent.

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Lifeshield, I left a response for you a couple of pages back. I believe it was back on page 32, since I imagine you don't intend to go reading through pages and pages of comments.


It's a beta of a game with micro-transactions that hasn't gotten down the end game and actual challenging aspect. Give them time and please stop attacking each other and their POV.


At this point DE will do what they will, and they definitely know by now of the discontent.

Yeah, this is quite fair.

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 I imagine you don't intend to go reading through pages and pages of comments.


It just doesn't change the way I think about this particular subject, hence why I agreed with that that guys brief summary (and in part the post before it as well).


I understand what some of you are debating about, it's just not something that really matters to me because it is still something that is obtainable without paying cash for it and neither am I in any rush to get it. I didn't hype myself up over it, neither did I have some illustrious expectation of how it should have been distributed.


Sorry if you, or anyone else, doesn't see eye to eye on that but I guess that's what makes us all Human and not Tenno. There's always two sides to a coin and on this particular subject my stance lands on the other side.


On that note I've said what I have to say, and I'm pretty rock solid on that opinion, so I am departing this discussion because I have nothing I feel I can contribute to it without winding people up even further into an incessant rage because they feel that their opinion is how everyone else should view things.


Have a great day. :)

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It just doesn't change the way I think about this particular subject, hence why I agreed with that that guys brief summary (and in part the post before it as well).


I understand what some of you are debating about, it's just not something that really matters to me because it is still something that is obtainable without paying cash for it and neither am I in any rush to get it. I didn't hype myself up over it, neither did I have some illustrious expectation of how it should have been distributed.


Sorry if you, or anyone else, doesn't see eye to eye on that but I guess that's what makes us all Human and not Tenno. There's always two sides to a coin and on this particular subject my stance lands on the other side.


On that note I've said what I have to say, and I'm pretty rock solid on that opinion, so I am departing this discussion because I have nothing I feel I can contribute to it without winding people up even further into an incessant rage because they feel that their opinion is how everyone else should view things.


Have a great day. :)

I for one am perfectly willing to accept that people have a different viewpoint. I hope I didn't come off differently, there. I wasn't really trying to change your mind as much as make the other side of the debate seem more understandable.

That said, your post is quite reasonable. Likewise!

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