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When Was The Last Time You Played With A Random Rhino [Prime]


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For the record,I've seen way more players that is not rhino(prime)  refuse to communicate and cooperate with the team. And I also see many rhino that is a good teamplayer and help the team as much as possible.

Also,I hate people stereotyping rhino players. I'm a rhino main and I never go full doorway hero. And I don't like people assuming I'm a doorway hero once they see i'm a rhino.

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I do my absolute best to stay near the team.  I've been maining Rhino since Update 7, and I got Rhino Prime because I wanted the upgrade.  I get so sick of hallway heroes and rushers that I've vowed to never become one.  If you see me in game I will phalanx up and fight next to you for the whole mission.

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I do my absolute best to stay near the team.  I've been maining Rhino since Update 7, and I got Rhino Prime because I wanted the upgrade.  I get so sick of hallway heroes and rushers that I've vowed to never become one.  If you see me in game I will phalanx up and fight next to you for the whole mission.


So much this. I main Volt, but when I Rhino, I accept the role of a reviving bullet-sponge and stick with the party. Why play co-op the same way as SP? Might as well solo if not being a team player.

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And they weren't door heroes?


I try not to discriminate based on Warframe, but I cannot remember the last time there was a Rhino that stayed with the team. Ever. Even those super-edgy loner Ash players stuck around closer than the Rhinos do.


Of course this excludes playing with friends/alliance/clan, but then again those are the exception to every community problem.


Not trying to say all door-heroes are Rhino players (They come in about every flavor), but a staggering majority of Rhino players are door-heroes.

if you are dead on the floor bleeding and the rhino is at extraction. the rhino is definitely are a door hero.

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The other day on Kappa because I haven't played as much.  Me and the other two squad members were in the terminal room waiting for spawns and the rhino was out in the lobby running in circles with his boltor prime and trying to not let them through the door.  I got sick of it and started following him around as my Saryn ulting everything for a minute or two before I went back.  Then during the last part of the mission after he refused to come into either room with the team, ran up to the pod and marked it.  He was also the first person by far at extraction when the other two teammates were somewhere around MR3 and 4, the RhinoP was MR17 for reference.


That's a lot of the Rhino/RhinoP I've been seeing for a while, it sucks to cringe every time a RhinoP + BoltorP comes into the mission, but not all of them play like that.  There are a good number of cool ones.

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There's rarely a game session where i don't encounter them. Not always hallway heroes, but every time i see one of those with a boltor P, I know its going to be a boring run and feel like leaving.

I've encountered the rare fun Rhino which actually staus with the team, talks and doesn't die once his ironskin drops. But those usually only appear in the higher lvls.

And every time i encounter those cheese Rhino's on Pluto/Ceres/etc. They die faster than most caster frames.

The big problem Ive noticed with a lot of the rhino players is that they dont branch out and learn how to play as other frames. I play rhino now but befor I switched to him I played every other frame in the game and learned how to actually play the game. Most people think "oh iron skins up, who cares what im doing because im safe" so they do something stupid or get cocky and die for it.

I love the frame because I have always loved tanks and fighters in RPG's but you have to atleast think at some point, man this is stupid and can kill me or, maybe because this is a higher level you shpuld stay close or next to your team. However no everyone does and the you get thes annoying rhinos who die all the tiome. Simply put, know your limits because iron skin (especially in higher levels) is not an invincable shield.

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I have never seen the type of Rhino I always read about on this forum, Ash players on the other hand, yeah.


Ahhh. They're just as bad as Rhino hallway heroes. Just yesterday there was one in a MD infested invasion(Alad Nav) I was doing. As soon as the terminals were done, I ran to the hallway where he was at and picked up a High Noon. I had to mark it so the rest of the team could go to it before they ran off to the extract. He at least could've had the courtesy to mark it for us. 


They're one of the kind of people in this game that I have no patience for, I tend to lose my temper immediately when they're in my game >_>

Edited by Nebam
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I actually find Ash players even more terrible then Rhino players, i think they are completely on a whole new level of "press 4 to win"

They are also the reason why Dark Sector Conflicts aren't fun.

"press 4 to win" works even in PvP with Ash

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I actually see more mesa hallway heroes right now, must be because those passives gone viral over warframe. On kiste, they always decide to run off into the middle of the map and go into 4. This is really, really, frustrating.


First and second objectives they stay on the lower platform between 2 points.

Last objective they are in the long corridor with lower entrance hero-ing it up.





Ash players are also pretty bad. If they don't have energy to use 4 on cerberus and encounter more than 4 enemies at once they panic and die. Even if they have boltor p with them lol.

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Ash players are also pretty bad. If they don't have energy to use 4 on cerberus and encounter more than 4 enemies at once they panic and die. Even if they have boltor p with them lol.


... not boltor prime, they have all Dread, Dread for any kind of mission or enemy, they have their own form of elitism.

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The only Rhino player I've played with is a friend of mine, and he's got both normal and prime version that the rest of my friends farmed themselves. Even with Iron Skin, he still goes down fairly quickly in T4 survivals, and it frustrates him. Far as I know, he's modded, potatoed it, and used several formas, though I could probably blame his old laptop for killing his FPS, and his reaction time.


I've yet to get Rhino myself and play it to understand his playstyle, so I've yet to see the doorway heroes. He does look like fun though.

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I actually have Rhino Prime in the oven right now, shame on me, I know (since he's not been a huge interest to me). Figure having more frames in my inventory won't hurt anything, just bring diversity depending who I play with, especially if coordinated. But I'm leery of bringing him out into the wild when he's done, only due to the bad rap he has (and the whole you iz Noob thing). I know I'm one of those folks that just sighs and rolls my eyes when I enter with a random RP... who usually has Boltor Prime..... that usually spells 'GOOD BYE, I'M OFF TO DO MY OWN THING'. I will NOT be that person, Lotus help me. Though I know the thought is there from others. Have to play careful and supportive with randoms, which I try to do anyway. See how it goes.

Edited by (PS4)Folkeye
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And they weren't door heroes?


I try not to discriminate based on Warframe, but I cannot remember the last time there was a Rhino that stayed with the team. Ever. Even those super-edgy loner Ash players stuck around closer than the Rhinos do.


Of course this excludes playing with friends/alliance/clan, but then again those are the exception to every community problem.


Not trying to say all door-heroes are Rhino players (They come in about every flavor), but a staggering majority of Rhino players are door-heroes.

I've seen a Rhino Prime about yesterday. He stayed with the group on Defense. He died, I revived him with my Excalibur. He was wearing Iron Skin, max rank rhino, conclave of 1365 I think. He also slammed Rhino Stomp like a boss. I liked it, because he did it in moderation. Only when surrounded or just tired of waiting for us to kill the last infested. 

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