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When Was The Last Time You Played With A Random Rhino [Prime]


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I find nearly everyone leaving the group to go kill stuff all over the place in Survival for themselves. Rhino Prime or not.


This is just something random people do in public games.


I agree.


The vast majority of players I see in public matchmaker are hallway heroes/people who rush ahead.


One of the main reasons I use Rhino (vanilla) is because I really like how he looks. But I never rush ahead or stray too far from the objective. But I see it happening so much, and people like in this thread mentioning it, it makes it seen like it is rarer than it actually is. I'm just really happy when i rarely find a team that plays as a team.

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And they weren't door heroes?


I try not to discriminate based on Warframe, but I cannot remember the last time there was a Rhino that stayed with the team. Ever. Even those super-edgy loner Ash players stuck around closer than the Rhinos do.


Of course this excludes playing with friends/alliance/clan, but then again those are the exception to every community problem.


Not trying to say all door-heroes are Rhino players (They come in about every flavor), but a staggering majority of Rhino players are door-heroes.




See, my experience is the exact opposite. I run Rhino and Rhino P as my #1 and 2 frames, and I find my team running off to kill everything else and leaving me to deal with what's left in the room by myself most of the time.


Even when that's a room full of Infested or Moas.


I honestly hate playing pubs  because it's just not fun to me to start with. I'd rather play with friends but they're not always on like I am. I can communicate information in real time through TS, and they can communicate with me in real time.  They don't run off as much as the Pubs do to leave me by my lonesome, and they always come back for me if I get turned around somewhere and guide me out.


So I am forced sometimes to play in the Pubs. But I certainly do not enjoy doing it.



Most people that main Rhino(Prime) never help the team. 




See my first comment. Kind of hard to help the team when the team runs off, leaving you behind, in the slowest frame in game. Even the Arcane Vanguard helm doesn't always help in that situation.


Even with it, you're still the slowest frame in the game.



I don't really mind door heroes are long as they don't go too far away.


Elevators, on the other hand?  I don't like seeing a Rhino/Prime be the first one in an elevator.  'Cause chances are the $&*^'s going to take it before other people get in, even if they're in the same room, running towards the elevator within sight.


I try to be objective and not discriminate, but seeing a Rhino get in the elevator first worries me simply due to lots of past experiences.



If I ever got an elevator first, it would be a miracle, because as I said, teams leave me in the dust all the time.



Personally all the Rhino/Rhino Primes I've run into were pretty decent guys.


Yes they were Door Heroes, but they pay attention to the others and if they saw us in trouble would come running over and revive us or Stomp to give us some breathing room. 


Its nice having teammates who use the Teammate/Ally health/shield view.



And that's how Rhino should be played. Rhino Stomp plus Iron Skin and Sanctuary on a sentinel gives you enough breathing room to revive someone usually. I view Rhino as a battlefield medic frame, just that he lacks the healing powers of Trinity or Oberon.



(or lost, I get turned around easily) 



That's usually the reason I end up holding up the squad. You'd think someone might drop a waypoint to help you out or someone would come back for you to lead you out, but nope...They can't be bothered with that.

Edited by Hochstepanzerjager
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I also was running Kappa again quite a while back, and a Loki P I was playing with walked into the terminal room with me, said "Stay here," and then proceeded to run out into the lobby and kill everything.  Remember that Jackie Chan meme face?  Yeah, that was me for a solid minute before I followed him into the lobby and ulted everything with my Saryn.


Jerks come in all shapes and sizes friends, so don't judge everyone that runs the frame based on a number of a holes.

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A few days ago I hosted a T4S, I was loki the other 2 were nekros and rhino prime. We had a 4th person Nyx but they DC at the 3 min mark. The rhino mastery 9, nekros was 10 and im 16 and we lasted just over an hour. I was surprised we lasted as long as we did given there were only 3 of us and only one have CP aura equipped (me). The two main things I noticed about mr Rhino was that he regularly spammed roar and stomp and he modded the stomp ability correctly (for max range) and it was highly effective in the later stages when we needed some breathing room so I guess my point here is in the hands of a good player the Rhino can be a huge benefit for the team.


I never really understood why people are hating on the old Rhino, he was and still is my go to frame to the hardest alert and nightmare missions and when used correctly can benefit the whole team in end game scenarios. Don't hate the frame, hate the playa.

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Well, I had gotten Rhino Prime today and insert peopleareabunchofbastards.gif. I had run off into one of those long hallways on Kiste - Ceres to get some loot that had dropped there and some guy doesn't decide to revive me for not being next to the console.


FYI I plan on just placing Rhino Prime on the shelf.

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Because Rage + stretch + overextended + intensify + TF Saryns are the new meta.


10000 times better a correctly modded Rhino or a Saryn (or an Excalibur for what it matters) than a BS Ash, which

a) goes untargettable for the duartion of BS thus leave his team mates as targets instead of himself (ala invisi-build Loki)

b) can't even mark mods dropped

c) scatters kills in a very wide range, so it is difficult to desecrate/loot

c) in the end can only kill a limited number of enemies

best enjoiment recently has been to kill columns of redmarked ash BS targets before he could kill them during the ability duration with a punch through Opticor or with a Saryn :>

Ash is very oriented for solo play, could do nicely soloing some nightmare mission, it is exploited for its broken ultimate in conclave, but in a team his utility is lower than Ember's level

Edited by perfectStranger
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Haven't played with any random Rhino's recently, but the last Rhino I played with was myself yesterday.


I was bringing him to some solo Void missions to level him (he's not level 30 because I hate playing him <.<) and the Stalker came up and one shot me. Thus putting my Rhino back on his throne (the throne being the dustiest shelf in my arsenal, never to be touched again).

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I'd say about 7/10 public games I play have a RP with Boltor Prime.  And while I've seen a few great RP players (and one absolutely awesome one I played with recently who's in my clan), I have to say that unfortunately, the "hallway hero" stereotype is represented much more often, to the extent that as soon as that gold shiney figure rushes off from the start point, my heart sinks a little.


The "feel" I get from playing the game is that the RP/Boltor P combo is what kids who have access to dad's credit card buy, because that's what they hear is "the best".


But I don't know, I could be way off. 

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Did 15 Kiste runs


Around 13-16 rhinos 


3 Of them primes


6 Of them would always be hallway heros getting themself killed


2 Of them complained about the team for not helping them, after the third time.

Edited by Ttariel
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   Lots of posts so I'm not sure if someone has said this already. Just because of this thread, I'm gonna get my Rhino Prime all decked out then head to Kappa or w/e and the only power I'll use is Roar while guarding the objective. I'll still shoot stuff of course :)

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I have to agree with Hoch. From personal experience, when using a Rhino Prime, It's not very often I'm at the head of the pack. Normally it's Nova, Ash, and Loki players leading the charge (and the party behind) with melee madness. It doesn't really bother me, because if I want people to play in a more social fashion I'll just play with those in my Clan.

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I actually played Rhino Prime a few times now (hi low level Mercury defense), and without the roar or stomp....I feel useless. Nothing I can do to provide for the team outside of hanging around the objective and picking things off via gun fire. Which is what I'm supposed to be doing of course, but not having any team boost/cc is rough right now. It's pretty much a Rhino taking care of himself, unless there's a downed teammate. Must get him leveled enough to unlock the roar and stomp.... just rough getting there.


I wonder if it weirded anybody out that I had an Amprex (of low level too). It'll have to do as CC for now.

Edited by (PS4)Folkeye
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