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R.i.p. Mesa


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With this newest hotfix Mesas's peacemakers now fire at the speed of a base AkLex. Oh well.


Edit for those that do not read the thread. Hold the LMB and then hold the RMB, She has a windup on Peacemaker but it fires insanely fast now. Maybe my finger and my mousewheel can take a rest now.

Edited by LuxLo
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As nice as the damage reduction is it still doesn't change the fact that her ultimate is now easily one of the worst in the game. Not only that Shattershield reflects only projectile damage, unlike say Mirages Eclipse which stops 75% of all or Rhino's skin, or Valkyrs Hysteria, or Trinity, or Limbo. Point is one of the shining strong suits of hers was nerfed to the ground.

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As nice as the damage reduction is it still doesn't change the fact that her ultimate is now easily one of the worst in the game. Not only that Shattershield reflects only projectile damage, unlike say Mirages Eclipse which stops 75% of all or Rhino's skin, or Valkyrs Hysteria, or Trinity, or Limbo. Point is one of the shining strong suits of hers was nerfed to the ground.

Peacemaker isn't everything

Edited by Nobunigun
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Ikr. Why even play a frame if you can't spam your extremely powerful ultimate as fast as possible? Who even uses abilities 1-3 anyway? Ugh, Mesa is so bad now. Do the developers think that I actually want to play the game? Some fools. I obviously want to sit in one place and click rapidly. If I can't do that as fast as I want, what's the point of even playing Mesa? 

0/10 will never use Mesa again.


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what are you guys talking about? Nerf? all I saw in terms of Mesa in the build note is:


Players can no longer gain energy while in Nyx’s Absorb or Mesa’s Peacemaker.


Made various audio tweaks to Mesa’s Regulator pistols, in addition to some visual tweaks to Peacemaker’s effects.


Fixed Daedelus Shoulder Plates not attaching to Mesa properly.


Unless there was some unspoken changes it seems like it's just the same.

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Ikr. Why even play a frame if you can't spam your extremely powerful ultimate as fast as possible? Who even uses abilities 1-3 anyway? Ugh, Mesa is so bad now. Do the developers think that I actually want to play the game? Some fools. I obviously want to sit in one place and click rapidly. If I can't do that as fast as I want, what's the point of even playing Mesa? 

0/10 will never use Mesa again.


she already had subpar skills as it were, and now she has a subpar ultimate. Shes a subpar frame behind a silly grind/wait wall. of course people arent happy with her >_>

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Ikr. Why even play a frame if you can't spam your extremely powerful ultimate as fast as possible? Who even uses abilities 1-3 anyway? Ugh, Mesa is so bad now. Do the developers think that I actually want to play the game? Some fools. I obviously want to sit in one place and click rapidly. If I can't do that as fast as I want, what's the point of even playing Mesa? 

0/10 will never use Mesa again.


Okay I'm going to break this down for you nice and slow so even you can understand this.


1. Mesa's first skill Ballistic Battery only stores the damage you do to an enemies health. So if you shoot an enemy with 1million damage and it only has 100 health, it will only add 100 damage to the battery. Sure this would be good right? It only discharges once and fills up rather quickly so at best you'll be able to do maybe 4-5k damage with it. That is after its charged, aimed, and then discharged on ONE enemy. If you miss well, try again next time. (no splash damage)


2.Shooting Gallery gives a random buff to a teammate (only one at a time randomly) of around 50%. The secondary effect is something of a temporary radial disarm but is VERY limited as to how many it affects at once. All in all its pretty meh unless you're playing solo and even then it could be better.


3.Shatter shield. I have no real qualms about this. It's a great skill that reduces 95% of all PROJECTILE damage that comes your way. However if you happen to stand still and get melee'd well good luck.(Just wait theres more)


4. Mesas fourth skill peace maker, guess what, Requires you to stand still. With Max Transient Fortitude and Intensify, 85% Power Strength increase. I was doing maybe 2k-4k(With crits) a shot to grineer on Kiste. However the fast fire rate and acquisition of the skill made it viable. HOWEVER with this most recent hotfix the fire rate was nerfed to the ground. So as ineffective as it was before in say infested missions you might as well put a sign above you that reads "eat me" when you go into peacemaker. Since you are not able to rapidly take down the infested.

Edited by LuxLo
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