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Synoid Gammacor Needs A Nerf..


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There are plenty of reasons to why the burst DPS is not that useful on many weapons

I already expressed my feelings about it and won't repeat it as it's trivial. I already suggested a change (Lower the Magazine of the Gammacor to 40 from 75) to removing the issue that people have with it without ruining the weapon Lowering it's sustain to 21-22 from 40-44

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I already expressed my feelings about it and won't repeat it as it's trivial. I already suggested a change (Lower the Magazine of the Gammacor to 40 from 75) to removing the issue that people have with it without ruining the weapon Lowering it's sustain to 21-22 from 40-44


Sounds like a reasonable alternative to lowering the base damage. Though 40 gives a sustain of 38k DPS, so not that much of a difference for exactly that number. Still, it is a move in the right direction because as it is now it is just too powerful despite the few drawbacks it has in my opinion.

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I already expressed my feelings about it and won't repeat it as it's trivial. I already suggested a change (Lower the Magazine of the Gammacor to 40 from 75) to removing the issue that people have with it without ruining the weapon Lowering it's sustain to 21-22 from 40-44

75 clip 

Raw Damage Per Second :: 47052,578

Raw Burst Damage Per Second :: 51619,814

40 clip

Raw Damage Per Second :: 43671,586

Raw Burst Damage Per Second :: 51619,814

10 clip

Raw Damage Per Second :: 39757,685

Raw Burst Damage Per Second :: 51619,814


Not reasonable at all.

Edited by Davoodoo
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OP there are plenty of other weapons that outdamage the synoid gammacore and some are easier to get.

Honestly I'd rather it was actually kind of useful then lackluster, which unfortunately seems to be the case with a lot of hyped up weapon rewards.

Even if it is slightly OP, its no where near as bad as you are making it out to be. There are plenty of other long time offenders. 


Just tone it down a notch. You're not making a good case by getting antsy.


And you just happened to not name any of them?

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What type of damage is everyone talking about when talking about dps?


It's not like SG can utilize puncture or slash like boltor/soma.

So with magnetic it gets a "debuff" against most enemies.

Corrosive/fire for instance still does a lot of damage though, but so do other weapons.

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75 clip 

Raw Damage Per Second :: 47052,578

Raw Burst Damage Per Second :: 51619,814

40 clip

Raw Damage Per Second :: 43671,586

Raw Burst Damage Per Second :: 51619,814

10 clip

Raw Damage Per Second :: 39757,685

Raw Burst Damage Per Second :: 51619,814


Not reasonable at all.

Where are you getting these numbers from? I'm been seeing 47 burst and 40 sustained

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Gottfaust calc using 0 status.



1)hornet 2)pathogen 3)convulsion 4)lethal

5)barrel 6)heated 7) deep freeze 8)gunslinger.



This is what you are talking about build wise.. care to share your math?

Edited by Makya
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And why don't you show me a prime or some other Syndicate weapon that's almost three times stronger than the original version? 

Can you? I mean, the main topic of conversation isn't even two times stronger(250-420, or *1.68. There's clip as well, but that doesn't actually add damage to it. Especially if you're a person who reloads after everything.

On that degree, there's boltor prime as well(222-550, or *2.5).So THAT's actually close to the three times you mentioned, in terms of base damage/fire rate), and while it's 10% crit/*2 multiplier, pistol crit mods are bad.




Also, on a general note, to people wondering, if you fight infested, Sancti Castanas are useful, due to corrosive AoE being neutral, or quite good against most infested, and the healing cover up the effect from the continual chip damage from toxic damage., as well as the normal weapon being AoE itself.

Edited by Warriorrogue
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Fools that spend their mental effort deciding what is overpowered or not by slotting things together on warframe builder and not actually piecing together those 5x forma'd builds with max rank min maxed mods in game and using them in the content they are intended to be used in are incredibly naive...


To this day I'm still trying to figure out how people think Boltor Prime and Soma are "OP" when on a level 40+ enemy, their average of 1400 damage per shot of whatever combination of physical and elemental damage gets nullified to around 600 damage (or less) by scaling armor. 600 damage per shot to a Corrupt Heavy Gunner with 20,000-50,000+ HP (depending on how far you go, of course).  I mean, wow, killing that thing by only having to mag dump your weapon into it and not miss at -all- while it's shooting you for 400 damage per hit with an ultra gorgon?  Truly, these guns are OP.


Pro tip:  Endgame weapons are balanced for endgame, endgame consists of level 40+ enemies.  People who bring endgame weapons to the solar system then complain that those weapons are over powered are literally exactly the same as if some World of Warcraft raid guild nerd decked out in tier 15.5 raid gear went into a Level 30 dungeon and people complained his raid gear was OP.  Why you do this?


The Vaykor and Synoid are right about where they need to be for fighting high level enemies, one being balanced around long range spikes to take down heavies in 1-3 hits, the other designed for suicidal people who want to stand within 25m of a level 40+ heavy gunner and maintain a stupid wrist laser at it for 2 seconds.  The other Syndicate secondaries are vastly behind the curve in that respect, and should be buffed to fill in other various play styles while maintaining that key 20K+ "on paper" DPS that everyone so eloquently seems to call "OP".


And it's my personal opinion that any weapon capable of surpassing that 20K "on paper" sustained DPS mark should be limited to mastery 10 or higher. As well as even higher gates for weapons surpassing 30, 40, and 50K respectively,  but that's just me.  I feel like the current Mastery rank gates and system is a total joke that means nothing, when it should mean -everything- to progression.

Edited by SanguineXIII
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And i don't mind that at all. But then i'd want them to buff the other weapons by an equal amount. going from akboltos to telos, the buff isn't even close to being as massive. 


Synoid does like 2.7x more damage than the gammacor. Akboltos only does 7k less burst and 2k less sustained. 


Vaykor marelok? It's hardly a buff to the original, they gave it some more crit chance, which sure, it's nice. But it's still not Crit build viable, at least not for high end content.


Ballistica is a bad joke, i feel sorry for red veil members. 


And the others are OK, but none of them comes even close to the Synoid Gammacor.


So you mean that synoid gammacor " needs a nerf " so that it can't compare to the Vaykor Marelok or Brakk? seriously? Those are the 2 that owns the secondary king before its been released...idk whats wrong with you

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Oh, so you disagree?

You think that a game, any game, can be good without balance or balancing? You need people like me, people who share their view on things.

Because as you can see in this thread, a lot of people would want this imbalanced weapon to stay the way that it is simply because it benefits them, and their platinum numbers.

What you don't seem to understand is that the majority actually agrees with me. Almost all of them are saying that it is stronger than everything else, but that they want it to stay imbalanced because it benefits them.

And what points would you be talking about? They have spouted the same things over and over. So in my mind they're the ones who are arguing uselessly.

How about instead of taking an invisible context from my words and instantly jumping to conclusions, note how I simply said "watch your damn tone?" By calling others blatently ignorant and making the statement that blunt, you make it seem rather self-centered. I nowhere have stated I disagree, or agree with you. The closest thing to anything about the stats would be my last sentence of all of that.

You want my opinion? The magnetic proc is garbage against anything that isn't corpus and there are plenty of weapons not on paper that I find better which is as it should be. It's the same idea as Mechanical advantage in Engineering terms. Actual and Ideal. The Ideal is the paper version where nothing affects it, then Actual, where a number of things do affect it and make it turn out worse than it really is due to gravity/friction, etc... Do not look at the paper stats without knowing the actual weapon.

Want advice?

- Get your facts straight,

- Don't be so hostile,

- /Try/ to consider things from a point other than numbers. It's useless until you actually see how it works in most situations.

- Try not to be blatently stubborn on your point. It's called an open mind. Other people have playstyles too. He wants to blow a hole in the side of a Corpus ship? F*ck if I care, give the guy a launcher and let him go nuts, let him pretend it's god damn Red faction.

Edited by WingedCrusade
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Dat slippery slope fallacy.

Dat poor excuse


Its an extreme with an equal extreme


No fallacy here


Either answer the question, admit that the statement is unreasonable and extreme, or just pretend that you can copout the argument because you know you dont have a valid coutner argument

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How about instead of taking an invisible context from my words and instantly jumping to conclusions, note how I simply said "watch your damn tone?" By calling others blatently ignorant and making the statement that blunt, you make it seem rather self-centered. I nowhere have stated I disagree, or agree with you. The closest thing to anything about the stats would be my last sentence of all of that.

You want my opinion? The magnetic proc is garbage against anything that isn't corpus and there are plenty of weapons not on paper that I find better which is as it should be. It's the same idea as Mechanical advantage in Engineering terms. Actual and Ideal. The Ideal is the paper version where nothing affects it, then Actual, where a number of things do affect it and make it turn out worse than it really is due to gravity/friction, etc... Do not look at the paper stats without knowing the actual weapon.


Seriously though, why are people asking to "nerf" weapon instead of asking for betters? I totally disagree with him if I were you.

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There is currently no weapon in the game which has higher sustained DPS than the Synoid Gammacor. So far I have only found one weapon which outdamages it in burst, but that is the Brakk which has a burst of less than a second making it very favored in burst-DPS calculations and much "worse" in practice.


I have already made some calculations on this subject for comparison: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/360449-thanks-for-the-synoid-gammacor-buff-de-but/?p=4000502


But the most important thing to note are these weapons in comparison I think (sustained DPS numbers):


Boltor Prime: 25k

Brakk: 34k

Despair: 11k

Flux Rifle: 13k

Gammacor: 17k

Quanta: 17k

Telos AkBolto: 22k

Vaykor Marelok: 22k


And the Synoid Gammacor: 44k


There are plenty of reasons to why the burst DPS is not that useful on many weapons, mainly because you empty the magazine in less than a second if you consider burst DPS as the most important thing to optimize for. This does not really lead to a well-balanced build as you will spend 80% of your time reloading and 20% shooting which isn't viable against really high-level enemies.

wowowow stopstopstop 

Comprasion just of sustained dps? And answers why only sustained? Wrong way to talk.

Keep in mind - im rly want to kinda nerf Synoid,but ur comprasion make me laugh. Wheres burst comprasion? Ranges and status comprasions?

I can give u a table with burst comprasion for example,and then Brakk must be nerfed too (it must be,dreaming about it),its Op as well (for secondary weapon ofc).

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You understand that Cephalon Suda supporters need to sacrifice an Orokin Catalyst, a Glaive Prime Blade and Frost Prime Helmet to get access to the Synoid Gammacor ?

All the syndicates need that. You aren't that special.


Personally the only way to "balance" what DE has right now is to tier weapons and give them level ratings and restrictions to restrict what you can bring into levels and recommend the level bracket a weapon should be used in before its completely useless or broken overpowered. DE said they didn't want tiered weapons but that's exactly what's going on right now. Maybe give weps different stats based on the levels which will make everything scale based on your weapon level to bring everything back in line with each other so a level 30 Braton isn't completely powercreeped by a Boltor Prime in every way.

Edited by jrkong
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wowowow stopstopstop 

Comprasion just of sustained dps? And answers why only sustained? Wrong way to talk.

Keep in mind - im rly want to kinda nerf Synoid,but ur comprasion make me laugh. Wheres burst comprasion? Ranges and status comprasions?

I can give u a table with burst comprasion for example,and then Brakk must be nerfed too (it must be,dreaming about it),its Op as well (for secondary weapon ofc).


WTF? WE CURRENTLY HAVE NO OP WEAPONS THAT CAN CARRY US THROUGH LVL 110++ HEAVY GUNNERS.....By the way, Brakk don't even do dmg at the gunner eximus in t4s gawddammit....even the synoid too.... We need more stronger weapons, or nerf the enemy

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WTF? WE CURRENTLY HAVE NO OP WEAPONS THAT CAN CARRY US THROUGH LVL 110++ HEAVY GUNNERS.....By the way, Brakk don't even do dmg at the gunner eximus in t4s gawddammit....even the synoid too.... We need more stronger weapons, or nerf the enemy

WTF? 110 HEAVY GUNNERS DIES VERY WELL FROM MY AND MY FRIENDS SHOTS?! U DOING SOMETHING WRONG!!! We need to buff the enemies and nerf some weapons by the way.


PS. Do u like my post? Same deal with your. Second part of this - absolutely joke,by the way - 110 lvl enemies isnt so hard as u talking,go to find problems in your weapon\team builds. I dont understand what u want - 2hours of T4 Surv with randoms who haves 20 rank bratons? This game really looks too easy now for me,pls dont talk about enemies nerf,i will not play it absolutely =(

Edited by Roguelike
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WTF? WE CURRENTLY HAVE NO OP WEAPONS THAT CAN CARRY US THROUGH LVL 110++ HEAVY GUNNERS.....By the way, Brakk don't even do dmg at the gunner eximus in t4s gawddammit....even the synoid too.... We need more stronger weapons, or nerf the enemy

Not sure if sarcasm


Lvl 100 enemies are irrelevant

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