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Who Is The Most Outcasted Frame?


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It´s more that most players farmed him when he was released [ like me], the beacon farming was way easier.


This is how I got him too, first week he was released. I don't think I know anyone who purchased him, but I have been becoming more and more of a Warframe Hermit and stick to my known friends or solo.

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This is how I got him too, first week he was released. I don't think I know anyone who purchased him, but I have been becoming more and more of a Warframe Hermit and stick to my known friends or solo.

Its a good idea, PUGs can leave you questioning your sanity

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Volt quickly became one of my favorite frames after I unlocked him. I agree the player base doesn't appreciate him like they should. Give him a crit weapon and watch him melt faces. 

I don't see Banshee very often and I'm not entirely sure what she does when she's around. I don't have her unlocked either, so I can't even comment much on it. 

I really want to like Ember, but I agree that her powers need a bump in damage. It wont' make her more desirable for baby mo-I mean defense missions, but having more offense oriented Warframes won't hurt in a world where every other frame specializes in locking down enemies forever (why don't enemies have growing CC mitigation yet?). Bump her up to the damage levels of Nova, Volt, or Ash and I'd be pretty happy with her. 


My problem with Zephyr and Hydroid is that their method of CC is very annoying when the objective is to actually kill enemies. Zephyr wobbles enemies high up into the air where it is difficult to hit them, and Hydroid plays keep away with them. Both methods do help mitigate damage caused by enemies, but also dramatically slow down mission  progression.

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Least used frames

#1 Ember/Ember Prime (not useful at all)

#2 Mag/Mag Prime (only mildly useful against corpus)

#3 Zephyr (Randomized CC)

#4 Hydroid

#5 Oberon


Most used frames

#1 Rhino/Rhino Prime

#2 Nova/Nova Prime

#3 Loki/Loki Prime

#4 Excalibur

#5 Saryn


This is from my observations.

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Saryn an outcast? really? On the Void yes but usually in Exterminate Missions or Invasions I see them all the time. For those missions it's the best trolling frame to leave nobody else able to do anything because all enemies died to her ultimate spamming.



Limbo, Zephyr, Hydroid and Mag are the ones I rarely see even out of the void.

Edited by RFaul
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yea definitely ember. although i still see her get used , but mostly never at full rank so im just gonna assume they are just trying to squeeze mastery out of her , even her prime. they should give back her old 2nd skill and rework her ult.

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