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A Proposal For The Future Of Warframe


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I agree in all of this. In fact, if asked too, and given enough time,I could probably come up with a list of which weapons to tie to which factions.



Yes, please provide your idea of what weapons would go to what factions. From my view of the syndicates, the arbiters and red veil should have melee weapons primarily, steel meridian and Perrin sequence should have primary weapons, and new loka and cephalon suda should have secondaries, and that's existing weapons and new weapons.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've only read up until the description of joining Steel Meridian, and I can't say "YES!" enough to express how on-board with this idea I am.



I desperately hope that the syndicates will encourage different playstyles within warframe and not just dealing X damage over Y damage.

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I like what you have here OP. Dynamic integration of story into Warframe is greatly needed. However, there still needs to be something to hold story, lore, power, and difficulty under one roof. 


I would be interested to see what you thought about Progression 2.0, A Complete Rework of the Presentation of Warframe. It is pretty much all about directly linking EVERYTHING to story.

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I like what you have here OP. Dynamic integration of story into Warframe is greatly needed. However, there still needs to be something to hold story, lore, power, and difficulty under one roof. 


I would be interested to see what you thought about Progression 2.0, A Complete Rework of the Presentation of Warframe. It is pretty much all about directly linking EVERYTHING to story.


I didn't like the idea of the Warframes being tied to that progression, only because, imo, it turns the warframes into a tiered system, such that some warframes are beginner frames, some are mid-level frames, and some are high-level frames. It removes the player choice of warframes for playstyle and makes only a few warframes the end-game frames. I think all warframes should ultimately be on equal footing, all viable for endgame. As such, I'd actually prefer for each Warframe to be it's own quest, not necessarily tied to some deep story, but I just don't like the current idea of Warframes being tied to bosses and their parts dropping from them. I really don't like the idea of being able to only choose a few starter frames. I find it hard to believe that every single Tenno in cryosleep was only an Excalibur, a Mag, or a Volt. So I'd rather each warframe be rebalanced such that all are on equal footing at each level, such that all could be viable as beginner frames, and all could be viable as endgame frames. With that, Warframe acquisition wouldn't even factor into the progression. At the very least, I think that Excalibur, Loki, Rhino, Frost, Nyx, Ash, Volt, Mag, Ember, Trinity, Saryn, and Banshee should all be options for new players. All others could be acquirable through quests.


As far as weapons are concerned, there should certainly be weapons that you gain access to as you progress through the game. And it's not the the game should be entirely linear, but that you have to complete parts of the story to gain access to certain weapons.


I'll also add this input, with much more, to your actual thread. But I did like your thread and its ideas, just don't like the idea of some of the first several warframes being tied into the story progression.

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Structure is a great for a game but lest we forget what actually drives end game let me refresh you.


PvP. Yes of course there will be naysayers on this matter claiming that WF is a PvE game and should stay that way, however the only way to actually get a true challenge and thus advance our gameplay is via conflict with opponents that we are not guaranteed to RoflStomp.


Additionally Raids are a good way to progress end game however raids are going to take on the same flavor as the rest of gameplay. An over and done mentality will always pervade any PvE content due to the finite nature of engagements.



+1 on the OP though as it is a good idea.

Edited by geninrising
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Structure is a great for a game but lest we forget what actually drives end game let me refresh you.


PvP. Yes of course there will be naysayers on this matter claiming that WF is a PvE game and should stay that way, however the only way to actually get a true challenge and thus advance our gameplay is via conflict with opponents that we are not guaranteed to RoflStomp.


Additionally Raids are a good way to progress end game however raids are going to take on the same flavor as the rest of gameplay. An over and done mentality will always pervade any PvE content due to the finite nature of engagements.



+1 on the OP though as it is a good idea.


PVP does not nor will it ever drive endgame in Warframe. It's not popular enough, and the majority of people aren't PVP players here. More mmo elements are what will eventually drive Warframe's endgame, imo. Call it "indirect PVP" if you will, but some faction-based cooperative PVE gameplay, where players a part of one faction affect the status, resources, even gameplay (indirectly) of another player-based faction (so, like the Invasions suggestion in the OP, but fought between syndicates - similar to the old dark sectors as well, without the player-dictated battle pay, rails, and alliance drama), is the only thing I could see that would provide more than an "over and done" mentality. Again, I say this because PVP isn't that popular, nor does it really work well imo. There certainly is room for both PVE and PVP in Warframe, but PVP won't be the endgame of Warframe like it is for COD, for example.

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PVP does not nor will it ever drive endgame in Warframe. It's not popular enough, and the majority of people aren't PVP players here. More mmo elements are what will eventually drive Warframe's endgame, imo. Call it "indirect PVP" if you will, but some faction-based cooperative PVE gameplay, where players a part of one faction affect the status, resources, even gameplay (indirectly) of another player-based faction (so, like the Invasions suggestion in the OP, but fought between syndicates - similar to the old dark sectors as well, without the player-dictated battle pay, rails, and alliance drama), is the only thing I could see that would provide more than an "over and done" mentality. Again, I say this because PVP isn't that popular, nor does it really work well imo. There certainly is room for both PVE and PVP in Warframe, but PVP won't be the endgame of Warframe like it is for COD, for example.

This is a valid opinion however what you are not taking into account is the fact that every other game in history that has had a successful long term online presence has had massive PvP element and regardless of your opinion on the matter DE is dedicated to bringing PvP to this game in a massive overhaul of it's mechanics and even it's rewards. In fact they are actually committing a team to completely rebalancing everything in the game for PvP. Currently it seems that PvP will be receiving more balancing than the entirety of Warframe in general and thus should have a much greater appeal to many more players than currently.


In short it feels that DE truly believes that PvP will be the end game of choice for many users and will be following that thought through. Where story driven narrative can only go so far PvP is an endless challenge.

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This is a valid opinion however what you are not taking into account is the fact that every other game in history that has had a successful long term online presence has had massive PvP element and regardless of your opinion on the matter DE is dedicated to bringing PvP to this game in a massive overhaul of it's mechanics and even it's rewards. In fact they are actually committing a team to completely rebalancing everything in the game for PvP. Currently it seems that PvP will be receiving more balancing than the entirety of Warframe in general and thus should have a much greater appeal to many more players than currently.


In short it feels that DE truly believes that PvP will be the end game of choice for many users and will be following that thought through. Where story driven narrative can only go so far PvP is an endless challenge.


No. PVP stats for gear will be rebalanced, but PVE stats won't be rebalanced for PVP.

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Hence my statement that they are rebalancing it for PvP, sorry that I did not clarify that PvE would be untouched.


Oh, ok. Yeah, I thought you meant they were rebalancing all stats. Yeah. I think both PVE and PVP need some sort of endgame, but I just don't see PVP becoming endgame for most players or PVP becoming more popular than PVE.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

This is not what Warframe needs. This is what you want.



Unrelated but, there is a spiritual successor to Chromehounds being made. It's on steam, it's called M.A.V. (in early access).



Pretty much this, warframe doesn't NEED this, this is what you want to see in warframe


To address these two complaints, I tweaked the language at the end. It's not that Warframe needs these specific features, but this sort of interconnectivity and thorough features that aren't half-done (like a lot of features currently in Warframe - archwing, dark sectors, kubrows, sentinels, syndicates, lisets, dojos, invasions are just sort of bare-bones, especially archwing, dark sectors, kubrows, and syndicates). The emphasis on storyline is that this can tie everything together and can give meaning to different content that's in the game. I still compare Warframe to a house that isn't finished. Right now, I think that the devs are adding more furniture and decoration to that house (new game modes, quests/events, warframes) without finishing the house (roof, doors, etc - background lore, game modes that build off of existing game modes, as a sort of endgame, more mmo elements to support the existing mmo elements, an actual, defined storyline for the game and a system to guide players through that storyline). So, that's what we wanted to see in this "year of quality" - not just polishing up the game (imo, that comes later), but actually adding additional elements that will complete the game, the same way a commercial AAA game would have certain elements (story, gameplay tied into the story, multiplayer, and wholistic theme that all fit together). We just don't think Warframe is there yet. Sure, its got all the elements of a game like Combat Arms. But we believe that Warframe could be much more than that. And the reason we made this thread is because we doubt that the devs will be able to focus on both boss reworks for every boss/new warframes/new tilesets AND this other stuff that we are suggesting.


Imo, a 3 year+ open beta (which is what we are realistically looking at, given Warframe's state/rate of development) is too long of an open beta, much too long. I think the many events and quests we currently have, along with the large number of Warframes, are things that could've been saved until after the game was completed, and by completed I mean a game that has all the elements together such that it could be sold as a full-fledged AAA commercial game, if it were to be commercial and not F2P. I think there are enough Warframes (if we could get a plant frame as an earth frame, then we'd have most "elements" covered though), enough weapons, enough armor and syandanas. I think the boss battles don't need to be reworked, only their 3d models and the weapons that they use (not a fan of the setpiece stuff), and that this is effort and time that could be used doing something else. I think PvP needs to be focused on (I'm not a real PvP fan in this game, but it still needs work), as I think PvP is the weakest part of this game, and a feature that doesn't even stand up to other F2P games' PvP. I think it needs a full team working on it so that it can be at the same level as PvE. It really shouldn't be a lesser feature. I think Invasions need to be a larger, public endgame feature with eight players and multiple objectives drawn from the existing mission types. Basically, stuff I've already mentioned. I just think that the game needs things that are going to build on the established framework.

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