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Lotus In Bloom [Ooc]


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Alright guys, I introduce to you....



Frame: Limbo, jet black with parakeet green accents and a bright green energy glow. Is adorned with a dark Pyra syndana, Daedalus and Iliac shoulder mounts (right and left respectively) 


Appearance: Medium length dark chocolate hair, with deep set green eyes. Tall and lanky, but still strong and built. Faint scar running across his right eye.


Weapons: Melee weapon of choice is the Glaive, however is pretty good with the Bo in a pinch. His primary, the Cernos, is a constant experiment, being constantly modified to fit Elymas's perfectionist's standards. Last but not least, is Elymas's Vasto, which he fondly calls "Rosy".


Combat: Elymas prefers precision to brute force, choosing the Glaive for it's deadly and ranged potential. He is also a crack shot with his Vasto and fairly competent bowmen with the Cernos. Using his Warframe's abilities to manipulate the enemy, as well as the environment, from a distance, Elymas is at his best at long/mid range. However, he isn't afraid to tear his enemy a new one with his glaive at close range, or banish them to the void.


Personality: On the surface Elymas is charming, witty, and arrogant, very well aware of his genius, being also fluent in the language of sarcasm. Even though laid back and fun loving, deep down he really cares about what those close to him think of him. A poet at heart, Elymas is obsessed with perspective, specifically, Illusion. Familiar and fond of the old earth art of "Magic", it has become a sort of hobby, and Elymas is constantly improving and inventing new tricks to entertain his never slowing down brain. Other interests include Voidmetry, Happy Primes, Temporal Paradoxes, Cheesy Jokes, and Robotics.  


Role board: With his expertise in Engineering and the Void, would have volunteered to assist with the engine maintenance and repair, and general sciency things. His past times include reading, flirting, shooting down at the range, and magic tricks.


Possessions: A Personal Cephalon named Spark, a holo-deck of cards, and a multi-use entertainment device he uses for journaling, reading, and recreational differential equations.

Edited by Arkitect_Plexon
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I've delayed this thread enough. This graduation party (that I don't even want) comes in two days. Not to mention I'm sick...

... But excuses, excuses. Apologies if my post may seem like it could be better, but I can only do so much with my situation.


You have nothing to apologize for, Wing.  You've kept us informed about what's holding you up, and are trying to get back to us as soon as possible.


Rest, get well, and enjoy your graduation party.  We'll look forward to your return.

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Ah... It's ironic. During school, a little after even, I was always so quick to post, always on the forums, so anxious and impatient for the next post involving me to latch onto so that I may spew my words out over the page like Joker with a new acid-spitting flower, and now, it's just been so backed up on my end and it's the other way around.

My aside over, and as I've stated on the Wasteland OoC, since my party is today, my earliest post edit shall be somewhat leaning towards 1-2 am EST, to tomorrow latest.

(Jeezus I'm so glad this party will finally be done and past. Too much stress, sickness, and ache has been put into it to be worth it. I better get some good amounts of money for this!)

Edited by WingedCrusade
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Brief addendum for everyone:


At this point the posting order to move the main plot should run something like: Dalimir/DarkShifter, Snale, me.  Others, such as Wing, may post as needed to catch themselves up.

I was waiting on Dalimir to post since he's closer to the colossus

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Would any of you happen to have an Ash Prime BP? I'll buy it off you for 150P

Dread, this is not Trading chat.

Word of advice: wait a month or two for demand of Ash Prime to go down, then place a WTB on Trading. Same items at a lower price.

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I know that, I just thought since I'm among friends no one would mind. It's cool though I got him.


ANYWAY! I've been thinking for a little while now and I think  I've finally thought up a character idea that I can stick with here in Lotus, If I am still welcome of course. I'll have a post up in a little bit there are some uhhh... Personal matters I need to attend to.

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About time I got down to this. Time for my new OC character bio.

Name: Vergil

Frame: Ash with immortal skin pattern, jet black with grey patches for the patterns.

Weaponry: A Vectis rifle, a Magnus pistol with the Hivelight skin, and a single Fang Prime dagger for close combat. All colored to match his armor.

Combat Style: Micheal is well versed on both long range and close quarters combat. His Vectis rifle for long range support, the Magnus and Fang Prime dagger for close range. Though Vergil does not use his Warframe abilities very often, mostly only using his smoke bomb and teleport. The way he fights in close quarters closely resembles how modern military soldiers fight with combat knives, mixed in with the martial arts common among the Tenno.

Personality: All around very nice, hard to anger. Always willing to lend a hand. As a trainer for new Tenno and a covert ops specialist he is always looking for ways to improve both himself and those around him, making everyone more efficient and build trust. Outside of missions he is a little talkative and outgoing.  But on mission hes much more quiet, keeping his statements short and to the point. If there is nothing occupying his time he will usually be alone though he wouldn't company.

Profession: Before joining the mission on the Manifold Vergil worked mostly in covert operations and the training of new Tenno. Outside of work Vergil is a hunter as a hobby. Making him quite good at tracking and trapping as well as ll the basics that Tenno know like hacking, sabotage etc.

I'm still working on editing this. I feel like I might have missed a few things so if so please let me know if it requires any corrections or explanation. I've been out of the loop for quite a long time I wouldn't be surprised if this was rather sloppy. Its also rather short and overall very generic but I can add to it later.

Edited by MasterDread
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Well, I've been busy, but I thought I had a hope of getting a post up - I don't anymore.

Khaldun is free for those who want to take him. I'll be back in buisness in about three weeks or so.


You were gone for a very long time, STMPD.  We tried to get in touch with you, but you never responded.


Psychicandroid recently joined, and we think her character could have some fascinating conversations with Khaldun.  When you're ready to come back, I think those conversations would be best written between the two of you.  In the mean time, I've saved your historian from dismemberment by Infested monstrosity.  He'll be aboard the Manifold, waiting for your return.


And speaking of return, when you get a chance, could you please add me on Steam so we have a slightly more reliable way of communicating?  It gets very frustrating when one of my writers vanishes into the blue without so much as a peep.  Alias is Temperance000, same as here.

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Ok so I've had some time to revise Michael's profile, I'm not really sure if it makes him seem less generic but I'd rather then the character speak for itself once I'm able to squeeze my way in here. I am looking forward to being able to RP with you guys again.

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I... I'm sorry but i still have to ask why do people say ak(insert weapon here) I mean... seriously it's not the name of the weapon AK stands for Akimbo which isn't even really relevant now that I look at the real meaning of akimbo... which makes me question why games use it so often but that's beside the point. Why not say two (insert weapon here) instead of Ak it just feels so clunky and lazy when people shorthand an extra two letters that mean something about how someone stands. Sorry it's a little ranty question that's been a looooong time coming.

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I... I'm sorry but i still have to ask why do people say ak(insert weapon here) I mean... seriously it's not the name of the weapon AK stands for Akimbo which isn't even really relevant now that I look at the real meaning of akimbo... which makes me question why games use it so often but that's beside the point. Why not say two (insert weapon here) instead of Ak it just feels so clunky and lazy when people shorthand an extra two letters that mean something about how someone stands. Sorry it's a little ranty question that's been a looooong time coming.

Well, I assume the term first gained popularity because of Call of Duty's (mis)use of it to mean "dual". "Ak" is a lot shorter than "akimbo," so I can see why an uneducated person would call a dual (gun) an ak(gun).


Basically ignorance and because 2 letters added is shorter than 4-7 letters added.

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