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Lotus In Bloom [Ooc]


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I uh.. guh.. dread you didn't have to take it out it was an honest question, I just kinda feel like i'm the only person who ever put a character that didn't have the Ak(gun) whenever they had two weapons of the same kind and I wanted to know if anyone else saw it as a little weird that people were sticking so close to what DE calls it in game

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I personally never thought so.  This is Warframe RP, after all, and it is generally assumed that Word of the Developer equates to Word of God when using their setting.  I would certainly never use Warframe jargon when referring to real-world dual weapons or dual weapons in another fictional setting, but in the case of Warframe RP, it seems appropriate to use Warframe terminology.


Also Astra, were you planning on posting soon, or were you waiting for me?

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Okay Ajar, I just read though your post again to see what I could write up for you. And I'm displeased. You control your character and your character only. The rest of engineering, Atlanta and the others, are mine to control. Is that understood? I'll let this one slip for now as we've been delayed enough as it is. But don't do it again.

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A possible sequel to Lotus in Bloom, depending on how things play out.  No promises, no spoilers.



Rest for the Wicked (Warframe RP)


Based on: Wanderer’s Rest by Revel72


Despite what the efficiencies of Void Drives and Solar Rails would have you believe, the Origin System is a very big, mostly empty place.  Countless hidden nooks and secret places were scattered across the great blackness even at the height of the Orokin Empire, and the shifting sands of time have done little to bring them to light again.  One such place is Qui, a tiny settlement concealed in the desert wastes of Grineer-controlled Phobos.  In this small warren of oasis caverns, human colonists eke out a meager living from fresh water, fertile soil, and clean air, trading salvage and rare organics to the few outsiders that pass through in exchange for what they cannot produce themselves.  It is a quiet, peaceful place; one of the last remaining in the four-front war that rages over Orokin’s long-dead carcass.


What no one suspects is that this isolated pocket of tranquility conceals a secret that could reshape the future of the Origin system.  Qui’s survival in the face of overwhelming odds has been no accident; there are powers at work with a vested interest in keeping it safe.  One by one, unheard and unseen, pieces are being set in place for a long, careful game against forces left unchallenged and forgotten for countless millennia.


So, traveler, the question is this: whose side will you choose when the players hide their faces, and the game is just beginning?


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A possible sequel to Lotus in Bloom, depending on how things play out.  No promises, no spoilers.



Rest for the Wicked (Warframe RP)


Based on: Wanderer’s Rest by Revel72


Despite what the efficiencies of Void Drives and Solar Rails would have you believe, the Origin System is a very big, mostly empty place.  Countless hidden nooks and secret places were scattered across the great blackness even at the height of the Orokin Empire, and the shifting sands of time have done little to bring them to light again.  One such place is Qui, a tiny settlement concealed in the desert wastes of Grineer-controlled Phobos.  In this small warren of oasis caverns, human colonists eke out a meager living from fresh water, fertile soil, and clean air, trading salvage and rare organics to the few outsiders that pass through in exchange for what they cannot produce themselves.  It is a quiet, peaceful place; one of the last remaining in the four-front war that rages over Orokin’s long-dead carcass.


What no one suspects is that this isolated pocket of tranquility conceals a secret that could reshape the future of the Origin system.  Qui’s survival in the face of overwhelming odds has been no accident; there are powers at work with a vested interest in keeping it safe.  One by one, unheard and unseen, pieces are being set in place for a long, careful game against forces left unchallenged and forgotten for countless millennia.


So, traveler, the question is this: whose side will you choose when the players hide their faces, and the game is just beginning?



Well holy **** I didn't think that you would use it actually... With the exception of bit altered name and description. I am glad that I was able to lift some of the burden of creation on your side Temp. Or at least that is what I believe.


Note this is just comment. This is last time I write something like this.

Edited by Revel72
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The only arachnid worth admiring (for it's deadly capability) is the brown recluse spider. Don't search it on Google. Or do, I don't judge.

As for Rest for the Wicked, seems interesting. Legible, too, which is always a good thing. Could be a good opportunity to RP as one of the bad guys.

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Do you think I can use the Exalted blade for Lancelot or?


I was planning to use/let fish use it for Tacis, but then again, it was an established part of his character that he occasionally dual-wielded with the "energy Skana" that used be used for the Radial Blind animation.


I guess it comes down to whether or not we treat the Excalibur changes as an in-universe change to the Warframes, or a complete ret-conn.  For now, I'm inclined to leave Exalted Blade as a Tacis exclusive, just to give him something that sets him above and beyond the average Excalibur.  However, I'd like Viper to weigh in on this before I finalize anything, since Arthur is an Excalibur as well, and would be affected by the final decision.

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A possible sequel to Lotus in Bloom, depending on how things play out.  No promises, no spoilers.



Rest for the Wicked (Warframe RP)


Based on: Wanderer’s Rest by Revel72


Despite what the efficiencies of Void Drives and Solar Rails would have you believe, the Origin System is a very big, mostly empty place.  Countless hidden nooks and secret places were scattered across the great blackness even at the height of the Orokin Empire, and the shifting sands of time have done little to bring them to light again.  One such place is Qui, a tiny settlement concealed in the desert wastes of Grineer-controlled Phobos.  In this small warren of oasis caverns, human colonists eke out a meager living from fresh water, fertile soil, and clean air, trading salvage and rare organics to the few outsiders that pass through in exchange for what they cannot produce themselves.  It is a quiet, peaceful place; one of the last remaining in the four-front war that rages over Orokin’s long-dead carcass.


What no one suspects is that this isolated pocket of tranquility conceals a secret that could reshape the future of the Origin system.  Qui’s survival in the face of overwhelming odds has been no accident; there are powers at work with a vested interest in keeping it safe.  One by one, unheard and unseen, pieces are being set in place for a long, careful game against forces left unchallenged and forgotten for countless millennia.


So, traveler, the question is this: whose side will you choose when the players hide their faces, and the game is just beginning?



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Well you could always start with editing your previous post so that it does not include Zokah. Don't wanna break the fabric of time and space so perhaps you can say that she looked around to find the Zaryn, or have her report to Tacis. But as it is now, reporting to tacis should have been done earlier nefore the people went on a postingspree, now it would include too many people having to change stuff. So the easiest way to fix this is to simply have you and snale edit. You that Lusith was simply trying to find Zokah, and Snale to have her be on her way and arrive a post later than original. Time and space people.


Other than that, the defense was prepared and some time later the twins came running back with Dalimir and Setebos with a hoard of Ancients after them. And not too long after that the big arse colossus showed up and is making its way towards us.

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