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What Do You Think The Next Warframe Will Be?


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The last exciting frame (IMO) was Hydroid. I regret buying Mesa and that Dr Seuss frame seems to be pretty much despised. Gotta say I'm a little concerned by the campy, comical aesthetics creeping into WF. Gimme badass frames with unique and "useful" abilities and the potential for cool cosmetics..... please.

Implying Mirage's, Limbo's and Mesa's abilities arn't useful?

I personally love how Mirage looks, same with Limbo (and void bless that agile animation on Rhino) and to me Mesa looks bada** (though I don't really like her alt helmet).

The warframe is called typhus? Warframes are a disease now? Lets call the next one AIDS, cause AIDS can kill...

Every node in Eris is named after a disease. Our poster boy is named after a mythical sword. We have a frame named after an animal. Point?

Edited by IceDragonofAmber
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A superhero themed Warframe!


Ok so im joking but given how hype DE are about the next one it does seem to me like it will feature time. Earth is a popular demand as well as that one element still missing but would they be quite so excited about that as they seemed? Well, thinking about it maybe... Earth could be a Sand frame with which most of us could come up with four really interesting powers for it given how flexible sand is as a concept (unlike say ground/swamp etc).


Another Engineer frame would appeal as well... Vauban is very defensive an engineer so why not one which is the opposite who creates gun turrets and the likes on the fly?

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I thought the Typhus design was pretty good. It doesn't scream samurai nor should it but at the same time it still has that swordsman feel to it like Hakumen from BlazBlue idk why some people dislike it so much to borderline bash it like a 8 year old made it. Also this could be a good alternative to Rhino if his moves actually pulls aggro that could be cool, i mean it beats Ironskinning and running around like a dumbass like most people do. Plus many Warframes are press 4 to win so what if he would be the same -.-

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A bug inspired warframe aptly named Bugframe.


His skills include glitch, disconnect, crash, and break.



Seriously though, an insect (bettle) themed warframe would be cool. He could have helmets shaped like bettle horns and a syadana like dragonfly wings. Attacks with insect swams, scarabs, webs, and whatnot.



Or I just want Guyver in this game. He's practically the granddaddy of the warframe look.

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