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Next Syndicate Weapons, I Hope They Are Primaries


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My suggestions:


Vaykor Karak

But here are also weapons like Hind, Grakata and Ogris possible.


Telos Burston

A typical Tenno rifle - what do you want more for a 'typical' Tenno Syndicate?


Synoid Glaxion

One extremly new weapon which is very special ... like the Gammacor ;) .


Secura Penta

I feel like that they need a weapon which is not fully automatic but still very usefull.


Rakta Synapse

After the crap of a weapon, this syndicate needs a good weapon. The Synapse should be a good choice for them ;) .


Sancti Tiberon

Well, I really do not have any better ideas than this one. New Loka primary should compensate the disadvantages of the Castanas and I think this would be a good addition to them.

Edited by Feyangol
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If they made Vaykor Karak like this, I would get it immediately:


32 Physical Damage

15 Impact

9.5 Puncture

7.5 Slash


40 Magazine Size

Reload Time 1.6 Seconds

Status Chance 10%


It wouldnt be as powerful as Braton Prime, but the thing is, you would get a pretty decent reload time on it and respectable damage

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Vaykor Jat Kittag and Karak (or Grakata).

Telos Vectis or Sybaris, then Kronen.

Synoid Amprex or Quanta, then Dark Sword (or dual dark blades)

Secura Opticor (droooool) or Flux Rifle, then Serro.

Trying to decide on an appropriate Rakta primary that compliments the Baillistica is breaking my head (I want to say Buzlok, but that would, without major buffs, cement Red Veil as getting the short end of the stick). Sheev or Silva and Aegis would work for melee.


Sancti Sybaris (if they can wrestle that away from Hexis, or use it to insult them) and Sancti Pangolin.

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Maybe that should be fixed before screwing over a syndicate, not after?


That's what I was implying. Also why would you even use weapons from the same Syndicate. I mean you get much more out of the explosions and recovery effects if you choose two different syndicate weapons. Unless it's for the cooliness then I understand.

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Sybaris.  I don't care which syndicate, I just want a syndicate version with a larger magazine, and a little extra damage.


Rakta Sybaris will come with increased reload speed and a lower magazine in order to compensate for its additional status chance, firerate, and switch over to impact damage.

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Please not another Latron.

Vectis would be just fine.

Also DE said, that they don't like the Snipetron since it uses conventional Ammunition.

Maybe a Synoid Lanka?

Also the Red Veil could give players a Rakta Attica for supporting them. 

Sancti Cernos would be freaking great, because it would be the casual casual bow.

Maybe Steel Meridian could offer the new Weapon. Like an Grineer Crit LMG with a firerate of 7,5-9,0.

Latron is the Stardust of Warframe, I don't doubt we'll get more variations. I like the Latrons, so I think a Syndicate version would be cool.

A Syndicate Snipetron could just.. shoot energy. They could easily replace them "tokan" with a "pew".

I'd rather have Lanka Vandal, personally.

Attica? I guess... but they already give Ballistica.. They don't need to be restricted to string weapons.

Why Santci Cernos? I'm not against it, but there's no reason it would have to be that over a new bow. Is it just so you can have your Grineer gun? I'd rather there be a new bow to help break up the monotony of Dread this, Paris Prime that.


Well, none of this really matters, it's all up to DE, (and maaaybe the DC), as to what Syndicate weapons we'd get in the future. 

Edited by Flackenstien
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That's what I was implying. Also why would you even use weapons from the same Syndicate. I mean you get much more out of the explosions and recovery effects if you choose two different syndicate weapons. Unless it's for the cooliness then I understand.

If you're facing infested, you'll have two corrosive AoE's. Likewise for Corpus and Synoid's proc, and posssibly grineer and Secura's proc(Though, it could be secura/sancti on the last one, to cover all units)

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