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Ugh...saw the same argument re: Volt on the wiki a few days ago.  "Only Electric Shield is good, everything else sucks, especially Overload."


My response is the same here: This is true of every frame.  None of the frames in the entire game have more than 2 abilities (and most have just 1 ability) that gets spammed end game.  This is for a very simple reason: not all abilities are equal.  Simply put, there is ALWAYS one ability that is simply, flatly, and unquestionably a better use of energy than the others.


Making the other abilities better isn't going to stop everyone spamming Snow Globe, because Snow Globe simply has better utility than ANY changes to the other 3 abilities could ever match.


Not saying anything is wrong with these ideas (I especially like Ice Wave being a cone-shaped ability, that's how it always should've been.)  But I'm saying that if you do these things, it isn't going to bring Frost up to the other frames' level.  It's going to rapidly raise Frost from underpowered to overpowered.


So...improve Ice Wave and leave everything else alone.  Any more than that and Frost becomes OP.


Or, yanno, if you ARE going to do all of this, do equivelent things for ALL frames.  The same type of complaints apply to Volt, Ember, and even Mag, my personal favorite.  Shock should have a 100% proc chance on all targets, not just the initial target.  Accelerant should buff both Fire and Blast damage, not just Fire alone.  And Bullet Attractor needs to be replaced entirely - there are scant few times when it has any use at all, and when it does, Shield Polarize is even then still more useful.  There are useless things like this throughout the game across all frames. 


Either way buffing all 4 of Frost's abilities without buffing the underused abilities of any other frame is not a net positive for the game.

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I don't know about nekros, yet, but i do know both rhino and frost are fine and people need to learn to play

True and completely wrong. I play a cc focused set on him. =duration, +range, +efficiency, -strength combined with the wave augument, basicly slowing instead of simply defending and it works brilliant but:

I catch bullets (whats a real dps killer), my globes die rly quick and i use these 2 abilitys exclusive.

The 4. Ability does jack, the cc is great but the globe eather forces the team into a tight spot or just does not enough.

The 4. Could be another cc ability to make up for the dmg but it's not. Bullets can go out but not in.

However you play him, you won't get a top result cause his whole ability set isn't propperly thought trough.

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I don't know about nekros, yet, but i do know both rhino and frost are fine and people need to learn to play

True and completely wrong. I play a cc focused set on him. =duration, +range, +efficiency, -strength combined with the wave augument, basicly slowing instead of simply defending and it works brilliant but:

I catch bullets (whats a real dps killer), my globes die rly quick and i use these 2 abilitys exclusive.

The 4. Ability does jack, the cc is great but the globe eather forces the team into a tight spot or just does not enough.

The 4. Could be another cc ability to make up for the dmg but it's not. Bullets can go out but not in.

However you play him, you won't get a top result cause his whole ability set isn't propperly thought trough.

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I don't know about nekros, yet, but i do know both rhino and frost are fine and people need to learn to play

True and completely wrong. I play a cc focused set on him. =duration, +range, +efficiency, -strength combined with the wave augument, basicly slowing instead of simply defending and it works brilliant but:

I catch bullets (whats a real dps killer), my globes die rly quick and i use these 2 abilitys exclusive.

The 4. Ability does jack, the cc is great but the globe eather forces the team into a tight spot or just does not enough.

The 4. Could be another cc ability to make up for the dmg but it's not. Bullets can go out but not in.

However you play him, you won't get a top result cause his whole ability set isn't propperly thought trough.

#frost needs love

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Whatever you do with him, you'll be eather in the way or doing a poor job. The globe change kinda made defending better but i'm still missing:

Globe completely ignoring allied bullets to not be that much of a burden

And real cc on the 4. Ability.

Maybe a time-only globe for better defense but thats rly optional with my playstyle.

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I think the same thing about Frost. I play him from the beginning. And it hurts me to watch what turned him. Please buff him DE! For example take a sphere impervious to explosive damage.

P.S Sorry for my bad english



Edited by Folko-VEn
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I disagree with almost everything you said. Damage-wise, Avalanche is comparable with all other nukes, in addition with Ice Wave which is decent skill by itself and excellent with the augment. Frost has CC in all of his abilities. Snow globe works wonders now after the stacking buff.


2 things I agree with:

1. Freeze should freeze for longer and not break instantly with damage.

2. A short duration slow/freeze at the end of Avalanche would be nice, but not necessary.

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LOL, Frost has great abilities SW is ONE OF THE GREAST abilities in the GAME.


Rhino is NOT A TANK anymore (Iron Skin Nerf.)


Vauban has great abilities too, bit he's weak, Frost is more tanky. 


Nekros is the most underrated , unused  , the only think ppl like of Nekros is Desecrate.


Frost is okay.

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In my opinion, Frost does need some work. He's very overdue for it, in fact. I think other frames need work too. Limbo's third ability, for example. And, really, all of Hydroid's abilities. He's just not very viable at all. Or fun for that matter. I also think they should just remove Nyx's second ability Psychic Bolts altogether. I'm not sure what for though. Perhaps Nyx could create a wall of telekinetic energy and slam it into enemies in front of her, in the same style as Oberon's Hallowed Ground, except enemies are knocked down. 

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LOL, Frost has great abilities SW is ONE OF THE GREAST abilities in the GAME.


Rhino is NOT A TANK anymore (Iron Skin Nerf.)


Vauban has great abilities too, bit he's weak, Frost is more tanky. 


Nekros is the most underrated , unused  , the only think ppl like of Nekros is Desecrate.


Frost is okay.

Avalanche freezes enemies for a split second then unfreezes them and deals damage that is quickly mitigated as enemies scale. Not to mention the focus of Frost doesn't even need to be damage. Frost's armor value is crap whether hes super slow (like now) or gets a speed buff; there is no reason Valkyr needs 600 armor base and Frost only has 190 (Shields don't mitigate damage -- they don't resist anything).


His first ability is worthless in any capacity (damage or CC) Ice Wave deals weak damage and has an augment that does what the ability needed to be capable of right out of the gate. Frost/Rhino were considered tank-type warframes. Vauban is a CC/trapper frame of course Frost will be "tankier". 


Snowglobe is the only ability that is "okay" its in a decent spot (not the best, but not terrible by any means). Its always been the only ability Frost has ever had that has been ok.


Overall armor values need some serious tweaking across all the frames. Enemy strength completely out strips the purpose/value of armor right now game-wide leaving warframes feeling like really cool looking body suits instead of armored combat gear, in my opinion.

Edited by Grand-Dozer
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With reguards to the OP, I agree that Frost is well behind the curve.  I have to point out that Frost is NOT the only 'Frame to have a moderately useless uber.  Volt's Overload is a joke as well, although the proc chance and light effect make the first shot in a room somewhat decent (as with Frost, this only applies to enemies below level ~30ish).  Mag's Crush is also weak; if she's supposed to be a glass cannon, at lease look at making the move KILL things.


Vauban's Vortex is another case of "no damage done", but at least it CC's well.  The same applies to Hydroid.  The thing is, these two are solid enough when used correctly that they don't need that damage.  Lockdown and CC is what makes those moves useful.


Ya know, aside from maybe Saryn, I really can't think of a "damage" uber that's really worth spamming.  Elemental proc effects are NOT justification for an ability failing to be of any use at higher levels, UNLESS those elemental effects CC, debuff, or inflict percentile health damage on proc.


Ubers aside,  I've always felt let down by Frost post level 30.  I agree that his bubble USED to justify his existence, and I agree with the OP that it needs either health or a timer, not both.  The thing is, later on that bubble isn't even worth throwing.  Rapid-fire weapons mean that negating a single bullet isn't enough.  The slow is cute, but allies have to stand in it to shoot things, and that's not a good plan with the Infested.


I think Freeze needs to have a good splash radius on it, and leave a small cryo ground effect for a few seconds.  I've loved dat Ice wave since the day he released, but I always wondered why it didn't leave a temporary damaging ground effect in it's wake.  I don't think it needs to "cone out", per say, but it does need to be widened baseline to make it able to really hit enemies.  I'd be willing to trade off some range for some AoE there.  And, yeah, it goes almost without saying that it needs some serious slow.  An auto Cold proc here would go a LONG way to helping the 'Frame at higher levels.


Basically, I agree here, but I think Frost isn't the only 'Frame to need a looking at.  Also, NO WARFRAME SHOULD RELY ON AN AUGMENT TO JUSTIFY IT'S EXISTENCE!  For that matter, the same applies to every ability on each 'Frame in the game!  If the augment is required for the ability (Shocking Speed, this means YOU), then it needs to be built into the base ability, and a different augment needs to be designed.

Edited by Cytobel
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LOL, Frost has great abilities SW is ONE OF THE GREAST abilities in the GAME.


Rhino is NOT A TANK anymore (Iron Skin Nerf.)


Vauban has great abilities too, bit he's weak, Frost is more tanky. 


Nekros is the most underrated , unused  , the only think ppl like of Nekros is Desecrate.


Frost is okay.

You don't use him enough or don't use all his abilities


Single target

Not hit scan so it has a very long time to hit any enemy if it ever does

Breaks on damage

Damage very small

Unreliable cc

Ice wave: for a second ability it's very situational it has small width/length and will not hit enemies all over the place ienemys will just walk away as you cast it. Gr damage is not brilliant? The ice proc is good however that augment should have been the within the skill in the first place.

Snow globe; it's ok however high levels destroy it in seconds even with the immunity period which adds damage to health heavy gunners take that down in seconds while it also has a timer and health while also not protecting players from explosions on the out side which makes no sense at all

Avalanche: it has the smallest range in game while having Ice which is bad against grinder and the damage is still not great and has no cc to speak of. People that say he has cc are wrong cc is what helps the cast animation from taking damage cc is what helps after that.

Freeze: hits main target and splashes to the other targets around the main target while also not Broken by damage and becomes hit scan while taking all damage out

Range: effects splash radius

Duration: effects the duration of freeze

Ice wave: augment should be an inate ability to freeze the floor. On cast should knockdown the targets then freeze them and becomes a cone

Range: effects width/length of cone

Duration: how long the ice floor stays

Snow globe:remove the timer and limit the globes to 3-4 then if casted after four the first goes away. Make it stop aoe from going through the globe. Freezes all procs. On death of the globe knocks targets down

Range: size of snow globe

Strength: HP of the globe

Duration: freeze from the cast

Avalanche: freezes enemy's after the animation for a while. Degrdades health for infested/armour for grinder/shields for corpus

Range: range of Avalanche

Strength: damage/ degrading of HP/armour/shields

Duration: time for frozen targets

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I'm sure DE are doing it on purpose buffing other frames when there are more posts about frost/Excalibur than any others

I have seen lots of posts about changing overload. Well, DE have listened to them and good, finally Volt will get a buff. Still waiting for Frost T.T

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I have seen lots of posts about changing overload. Well, DE have listened to them and good, finally Volt will get a buff. Still waiting for Frost T.T

Overload does need a change but this should have been after frost I've seen frost posts/Excalibur before and after overload same with crush

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LOL, Frost has great abilities SW is ONE OF THE GREAST abilities in the GAME.


Rhino is NOT A TANK anymore (Iron Skin Nerf.)


Vauban has great abilities too, bit he's weak, Frost is more tanky. 


Nekros is the most underrated , unused  , the only think ppl like of Nekros is Desecrate.


Frost is okay.


Okami, we both know that we are Spanish-speakers, but these are the English forums, so I'll use English. ¡Lo siento! :P


Snow Globe is the ability we discussed about in a begining, but we realised that is the one which doesn't need a Buff if we have to choose one of its four abilites.


- Freeze: Could be one of the worst abilites in the game. I know, the first abilities are more situational, but is kinda useless compared to the others. I've never used this ability but when I'm boring at low-level missions. The start is okay, you Freeze an enemy, but if someone hits him, the ice is instantly melt. And this only affects a single target. We've discussed this should affect multiple targets, deal more damage and the ice should melt slowly, not at once.


- Ice Wave: This ability could be better. Its purpose is to deal CC and damage. The damage could be buffed a bit, but the CC is kinda poor. I've seen better stuff than this. We've said it could deal just a bit more of damage, make it like a cone instead of a line and add the possibility of take down enemies.


- Snow Globe: Yes, we've discussed a lot about this ability. But we've realised this ability should be in a second level. I think we've said everything we had to say about this. A lot of stuff. I can't just mention all of them xD Well, anyway, this ability deserves a little buff. I think we can survive with the actual Snow Globe, but with some additions.


- Avalanche: The worst ultimate ability I've seen, together with Shadows of the Death. It just deals CC when casted. And that's just for a few seconds. In high levels, this ability becomes useless. Due to the fact the enemies are instantly unfrozen, is like a Freeze but with two or three seconds of CC. We've said a lot of stuff about this, and we've just said it needs to be totally changed.


I know what I'm talking about. You just need to look at my avatar. I main Frost and I'm starting to leave him appart, because of the problems I have with him. I'm starting to pick Warframes that solve problems which Frost could have solve in the past. Come on, ice, like in every game, is suposed to be a synonim of CC. It seems that in Warframe this is not true.



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