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I'd say Frost need an overhaul of his 1st and ult, and a small change for his 2nd.


Imho his first would be very nice as a mobility skill - duration- and strenght-based, Frost moves 12.5% faster and leaves a trail of ice 1m wide wherever he passes. Trail stays frozen for the ability's duration (cannot be recast while active, or in the air). Enemies stepping on the trail of ice move 25% slower. Cap for bonus speed to Frost at 25% and for slowdown on enemies at 50% (or maybe 33%).


How about instead of slowing them, it tumbles enemy and they will slide along a straight line for a distance, which varies for different enemy types.


Then, with the 2nd's augment or snowglobe, they will all stop on the slowing trail or inside the globe regardless enemies type. Now you can trapped enemies all into a point and kill them really easily.

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How about instead of slowing them, it tumbles enemy and they will slide along a straight line for a distance, which varies for different enemy types.

Then, with the 2nd's augment or snowglobe, they will all stop on the slowing trail or inside the globe regardless enemies type. Now you can trapped enemies all into a point and kill them really easily.

Might be cool, i thought slowing so you can do latches and barriers to control enemy movements instead, it would sinergise well with snowglobe for trapping and the eventual new 4th that are all area CC or buff/debuff and would benefit a lot from an ability that can group enemies togehter
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Am I the only one that's upset that another DEvstream and hot topic past frost up again?


It does bother me, but I am patient. Besides, I am glad other Frame mains get a chance to have their Frame reworked somewhat.


Volt's Overload is winning that poll by a landslide last time I checked, which is good because that Ability is pretty lackluster.


We'll get our turn, eventually.

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It does bother me, but I am patient. Besides, I am glad other Frame mains get a chance to have their Frame reworked somewhat.


Volt's Overload is winning that poll by a landslide last time I checked, which is good because that Ability is pretty lackluster.


We'll get our turn, eventually.

Agreed. They can't ignore the issue forever. :D #Frostneedslove


I finally cracked and got the ice wave impedance augment. I feel like his power should do that anyway but only have it happen when you max out the Frame.



*edit* can't help but notice that THIS thread has the most views in the category, that is on the front page... BOOYEAH!

Edited by dibpwnt
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Agreed. They can't ignore the issue forever. :D #Frostneedslove

I finally cracked and got the ice wave impedance augment. I feel like his power should do that anyway but only have it happen when you max out the Frame.

*edit* can't help but notice that THIS thread has the most views in the category, that is on the front page... BOOYEAH!

Indeed they can't

Frost's abilities all need a buff

Frost prime needs not to be a cosmetic

For been a slow &#! prime he needs an armor buff

Frost prime needs a new model as its current version lacks the style compared to say rhino

Frost primes snow globe like rhinos iron skin prime should spark a gold aura


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(1) Frost prime needs a new model as its current version lacks the style compared to say rhino

(2) Frost primes snow globe like rhinos iron skin prime should spark a gold aura



(1) I think what Frost's model mostly needs is a better colouring option :D


(2) HELL NOPE. It's already hard enough to see through the globe as it is xD

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Sorry guys, been having a hectic last little while, a lot of changes going on. Now, as for DE ignoring it, I'm sure that's what's happening now. When a thread has this much traction and not even a nod has come it's way, that just screams ignorance of the problems plaguing this frame and game. 

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Frost has been a frame I made several posts about myself.

He's been in a sorry shape with no utility ever since the great Snow Globe nerf. Even with augment mods, the loss of mod space to make up for missing is a terrible joke.


I love playing Frost, but I had how what I can do with him is limited to mostly gunplay because of his poor abilities.

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Sorry guys, been having a hectic last little while, a lot of changes going on. Now, as for DE ignoring it, I'm sure that's what's happening now. When a thread has this much traction and not even a nod has come it's way, that just screams ignorance of the problems plaguing this frame and game.

We have over half of the number of posts in the thread, that is about reworking “*ALL* the frames”. C’mon, does that thread have a mod post yet? I hope we get just a little attention. DERebecca! JUST POST “Hi” or something! Send us a sign that we are not forgotten!

(Honestly feel like I’m praying to god right now)

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So what needs the most work?


Freeze just recently got an AOE, but it could still use a higher cold proc chance.


Avalanche is, imho, what needs the most love out of his powers. Ice Wave and Snow Globe are in really good spots right now.

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So what needs the most work?


Freeze just recently got an AOE, but it could still use a higher cold proc chance.


Avalanche is, imho, what needs the most love out of his powers. Ice Wave and Snow Globe are in really good spots right now.


When did it get the AOE? I was playing last night and didn't seem to notice.


Avalanche getting reworked and stat boosts for the prime version would make me happy. MOAR CC!!! #Frostneedslove

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So what needs the most work?


Freeze just recently got an AOE, but it could still use a higher cold proc chance.


Avalanche is, imho, what needs the most love out of his powers. Ice Wave and Snow Globe are in really good spots right now.

Of all his skills, I would say Avalanche is the one in dire need of some help. Mag's Crush and Frost's Avalanche shared similar problems, thankfully Mag's Crush is getting reworked to help it along.


Avalanche still remains a very underwhelming ultimate ability, and lacks any individuality other than the short freeze applied to enemies. Giving it a guaranteed Cold Proc or Freeze Proc on enemies that survive would go a long way on giving it scale ability, but it also steps on the toes of Freeze as well. To give it individuality and scale ability, giving Avalanche Knock Down and applying the cold proc makes sense, since enemies are supposedly hit by an avalanche. Or, enemies are knocked away from the casting Frost to outside of the affected area, and giving them a cold proc, to help synergize with his role as an AoE defender/controller. 

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Of all his skills, I would say Avalanche is the one in dire need of some help. Mag's Crush and Frost's Avalanche shared similar problems, thankfully Mag's Crush is getting reworked to help it along.


Avalanche still remains a very underwhelming ultimate ability, and lacks any individuality other than the short freeze applied to enemies. Giving it a guaranteed Cold Proc or Freeze Proc on enemies that survive would go a long way on giving it scale ability, but it also steps on the toes of Freeze as well. To give it individuality and scale ability, giving Avalanche Knock Down and applying the cold proc makes sense, since enemies are supposedly hit by an avalanche. Or, enemies are knocked away from the casting Frost to outside of the affected area, and giving them a cold proc, to help synergize with his role as an AoE defender/controller. 


I couldn't agree with this any more. I like your idea about them being knocked away. It would be totally epic to see a group of guys just FLY away from your Frost in all directions and then freeze.

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ice wave: make it wider and if u have to, shorten the length the augment is great on it but it is too skinny to be a really good form of cc make the width at least 5 meters and make the wave 12 -15 meters long- still the same area overall, but far more usefull

His one: currently this skill is crap. I understand how it can take one enemy out of a fight for quite a while, but thats if you dont hit him and in a team people are most likely gonna hit him. Also the projectile is hard to hit due to its flight time and cast time. make it a aoe stun for 12 sec max rank that doesnt go away until the duration ends. The flight time can be a bit faster, but with that buff it wont be needed. Also, cap the duration of the stun to say 15 seconds so it doesnt get too op. 

Snow Globe: maybe make it one meter larger and give it some more health and 5 sec of invincibility: this skill is pretty good it only needs a small buff. And make it so that if you hold 3 it puts it on the ground and just tapping 3 makes it follow you, making frost a bit more mobile and offering new strategies. And make it easier to see through it. I dont want my energy color to be black 100% of the time, just so i can use snowglobe.

Avalanche: This has gotta be the worst ult in the game. It does flat dmg that is affected by armor, has a med radius, stuns the enemy for only the cast time, takes time to reach the enemies at the outside of the radius, and frost is immobile during the cast time. To fix it, just give it some sort of cc. I would say an 100% ice proc with a 50% chance to stun for 10 sec at max rank, doing 1000 dmg with maybe a knockdown with a 1 sec cast time. That or frost can make a toggle able ice aura that slows enemies around him for say 30-50% in a med radius. That radius also gives him and his allies 100 shield armor. That is all affected by power. It should drain 10-20 energy per second.

Stats: Frost's main stat is shields, but the thing is shields late game are almost nonexistent because they have no armor. So they should give him a new stat called shield armor or more shields or armor. Also Frost is pretty slow so he doesn't have to become faster, but give him a higher stamina pool or more stamina regen. 

Prime: I didnt get the prime to get a 2nd frost and other than the helmet he is basically the same. Give him more bling and gold. Make him look fancier. Particularly to his body. Maybe give him like ice armor on his chest and shoulders, that would be pretty sick. Also, give him an extra stat. Maybe power efficiency or duration, 50% knockdown immunity or 50% proc  immunity. 

All in all frost is one of the low end frames who could really use a buff. His element is ice, which should center around debuffing the enemies, while shielding his allies. These buffs should make him viable late game as most of these skills stall, not kill the enemy and protect his allies from dying. All of the skills have different uses his one to stun a small group of enemies, his 2 to proc enemies than create an area of slow in a rectangular radius in front of him, his 3 to shield his allies and pods and have a mobile shield if needed,  his four to either provide a ice proc that covers all around him and has a chance to freeze enemies, a great ability when in dire situations and need to save the pod or teammates. The aura would be a versatile ability that just makes allies around you tankier, while slowing enemy action. With all of these skills frost can stack the slows and debuffs on the enemies offensively, while defensively shielding his allies with snowglobe and buffing their shield armor. Most people when they think of offensive think dmg, but cc counts too. Frost can now fit his role playing attack or defense, not only defense.

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I couldn't agree with this any more. I like your idea about them being knocked away. It would be totally epic to see a group of guys just FLY away from your Frost in all directions and then freeze.

It would fit his theme quite well, and also gives Avalanche some very good scale ability, along with synergizing with his kit as an AoE defender.


After that, giving Ice Wave some Knock Back away from the wave would be good. As it allows the casting Frost to use it as a defensive tool to get enemies off of defensive objectives, but also allows an offensive Frost to use it to control the flow of enemy mobs.

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It would fit his theme quite well, and also gives Avalanche some very good scale ability, along with synergizing with his kit as an AoE defender.


After that, giving Ice Wave some Knock Back away from the wave would be good. As it allows the casting Frost to use it as a defensive tool to get enemies off of defensive objectives, but also allows an offensive Frost to use it to control the flow of enemy mobs.


Dear god, that would be amaze balls.

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Dear god, that would be amaze balls.

Haha, why thanks. I admit that it was ArchWizard who came up with the idea of giving Ice Wave Knock Back, as it was how it functioned in the premier trailer of WarFrame when it came to open beta.


The fixes for Freeze would be a few needed ones, IMO. Removing the HP would be helpful, as this is the biggest hindrance to Freeze being scale able. Making it hit-scan or decreasing the travel time would do wonders in giving the only actual ranged ability Frost has functionality. Also, giving it a guaranteed Freeze proc on enemies in the affected area would increase its scale ability, but also not make it game breaking, as enemies are still only frozen for a duration. Thus, it's a power that can be used by an Offensive Frost to stop oncoming mobs and take care of other threats, or by a Defensive Frost to keep enemies away from an area or from destroying an objective by shooting Freeze at the enemies around an objective.

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Of all his skills, I would say Avalanche is the one in dire need of some help. Mag's Crush and Frost's Avalanche shared similar problems, thankfully Mag's Crush is getting reworked to help it along.


Avalanche still remains a very underwhelming ultimate ability, and lacks any individuality other than the short freeze applied to enemies. Giving it a guaranteed Cold Proc or Freeze Proc on enemies that survive would go a long way on giving it scale ability, but it also steps on the toes of Freeze as well. To give it individuality and scale ability, giving Avalanche Knock Down and applying the cold proc makes sense, since enemies are supposedly hit by an avalanche. Or, enemies are knocked away from the casting Frost to outside of the affected area, and giving them a cold proc, to help synergize with his role as an AoE defender/controller. 


Another good suggestion, +1. 

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Another good suggestion, +1. 



And last, but never least, is Snow Globe. I've stated earlier other fixes I'd put into this, but for its functionality, I would suggest making it purely HP, rather than Duration. DE had gone with Duration initially, but disliked it due to players casting the globe and then being AFK afterwards. Also, applying the armor value of the casting Frost onto the globe, rather than stacking it on could greatly help it's scale ability. A heavily armored Defensive Frost would have an immensely powerful Snow Globe for defense, with much better EHP than how we have it now. An Offensive Frost still has some good Power Strength, but the level of armor at 190 doesn't hinder it too harshly.


Making it into a defensive Ward allows Frost players to no longer be delegated to babysitting duties, but can cast the Globe and move freely through the battlefield to assist and fight in other areas.


To ensure, however, that situational awareness is on top, having visual indicators of a Snow Globes HP would be great. One avenue would be to have an HP bar appear when players aim at a Snow Globe, thus giving them visual indication on its health. Once they turn away, the HP bar disappears. Visual identifiers like cracks in the Snow Globe and an audible shattering sound when it falls would be great as well, so that a Frost can see how well their Globe is holding up. DE could also give the casting Frost a HUD display of the HP of the globes they've cast. Simply giving each globe an arbitrary letter, but also give it's location in terms of distance-from-player allows a Frost to see where they may need to recast the globe, and also the status of the globes on the battlefield. Responsiveness of Frosts would be better, and we'd have great area defense through the Globes.


Aesthetically, I would hope that they remove the internal Blizzard happening within the Globe and make it to where there are Snow Flakes falling within. It fits the theme of a Snow Globe, but also doesn't hinder players visually while they're inside the Globe.

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Couple of ideas to buff Frost:


Freeze: make its freeze AoE (not necessarily a large one, but big enough to where you can actually hit teammates and enemies with it without having pixel perfect aiming). Freeze no longer becomes shattered if a target receives more than 300 health damage. If a frozen target has less than 15% health while frozen, it instantly shatters, immediately killing the frozen unit. If an enemy dies this way, units within 5m are inflicted a cold proc. The duration of freeze itself is now 1/2 of what it used to be at max rank (to counteract the massive buffs to the freeze itself). 


Ice Wave: Increase its width to 5 meters at max rank. Enemies hit by the initial impact of the ice wave (so the first targets hit by it, and not units behind it) become frozen instead of receiving a cold proc.

Not my idea, but Frost can glide at the front of the ice wave if he sprints while casting Ice Wave to gain increased mobility (if anybody knows of the source, please let me know so I can credit the author). 


Snow Globe: Pretty much what the person above me said.




And last, but never least, is Snow Globe. I've stated earlier other fixes I'd put into this, but for its functionality, I would suggest making it purely HP, rather than Duration. DE had gone with Duration initially, but disliked it due to players casting the globe and then being AFK afterwards. Also, applying the armor value of the casting Frost onto the globe, rather than stacking it on could greatly help it's scale ability. A heavily armored Defensive Frost would have an immensely powerful Snow Globe for defense, with much better EHP than how we have it now. An Offensive Frost still has some good Power Strength, but the level of armor at 190 doesn't hinder it too harshly.


Making it into a defensive Ward allows Frost players to no longer be delegated to babysitting duties, but can cast the Globe and move freely through the battlefield to assist and fight in other areas.


To ensure, however, that situational awareness is on top, having visual indicators of a Snow Globes HP would be great. One avenue would be to have an HP bar appear when players aim at a Snow Globe, thus giving them visual indication on its health. Once they turn away, the HP bar disappears. Visual identifiers like cracks in the Snow Globe and an audible shattering sound when it falls would be great as well, so that a Frost can see how well their Globe is holding up. DE could also give the casting Frost a HUD display of the HP of the globes they've cast. Simply giving each globe an arbitrary letter, but also give it's location in terms of distance-from-player allows a Frost to see where they may need to recast the globe, and also the status of the globes on the battlefield. Responsiveness of Frosts would be better, and we'd have great area defense through the Globes.


Aesthetically, I would hope that they remove the internal Blizzard happening within the Globe and make it to where there are Snow Flakes falling within. It fits the theme of a Snow Globe, but also doesn't hinder players visually while they're inside the Globe.


Maybe an augment mod to let him carry a personalized version of Snow Globe, like Arctic Eximus? 


Avalanche: Enemies frozen by avalanche are frozen for the full duration (same mechanics as freeze). An augment mod would turn all of the frozen enemies into high-aggro targets, effectively forcing them to attack their own teammates and potentially recive cold procs en masse. 

Edited by SquidTheSid
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