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There Needs To Be A Period Of Invulnerability When Joining A Mission.


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So, i've been doing the Fomorian Event. However, one thing that has been INCREDIBLY annoying, is that several times in a row i've been dead before the loading screen even disappears. Ever get them loading screens that occur when you can hear the action happening, but the screen doesn't actually disappear for another few seconds? Well, that's what happens in Archwing. A lot. Now, i'm running Warframe on a laptop, but these loading screens shouldn't be getting me killed! We need seconds of invulnerability when spawning into Archwing missions and regular missions. Being killed before you can even move when spawning into a mission really isn't fun. Please, DE, sort out mission spawning so we don't get spawned into a group of enemies and killed before we can do anything.

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This must happen. Although it would help if the mission were properly optimized to. Or if the loading screen didn't take so many resources away from actually loading the game.


Nonetheless, like the guy above me said, makes too much sense to happen.

Edited by Racercowboy
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This also needs to happen when a host migration occurs, I can't stand hearing the enemies tear my warframe apart while I'm stuck at a loading screen.

Host migration is actually sometimes worse. At least double the amount of enemies seem to spawn after host migration compared to what there was before! Many times have i nearly been killed or the terminal has been nearly destroyed because enemies have appeared out of nowhere after migration!

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Make it all fair. Give us a few seconds of invulnerability and during those periods we are immobile. This keeps us from taking advantage of the moments of invulnerability while giving us time to load finish. 

I hope DE are sensible toward this issue too. 

the word sense was used has the current event not showed you DE has none of that?

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Glad it's brought up as I was about to post the same thing under Mission.  Regardless of load time, your character shouldn't ever appear in game and have enemies able to kill you before you can control it.  This problem can also happen in non-archwing mission, just that in archwing it's magnified exponentially because of its open nature and how swarm of enemies tend to chase existing squadmates like bees to honey and you can spawn in the middle of it.  The spawn rule is partially responsible because joining in progress means to spawn near squadmate.



This also needs to happen when a host migration occurs, I can't stand hearing the enemies tear my warframe apart while I'm stuck at a loading screen.


Exactly, if you were in middle of fight facing tough enemies and host migration occurs, it usually means oh oh.  The period of invulnerability should also apply after host migration.

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Glad it's brought up as I was about to post the same thing under Mission.  Regardless of load time, your character shouldn't ever appear in game and have enemies able to kill you before you can control it.  This problem can also happen in non-archwing mission, just that in archwing it's magnified exponentially because of its open nature and how swarm of enemies tend to chase existing squadmates like bees to honey and you can spawn in the middle of it.  The spawn rule is partially responsible because joining in progress means to spawn near squadmate.

I was going to place it under mission, but then i thought it also related to other sections as well, so i put it under general. A moderator can move it if they so desire though :P But yes, this is an issue that needs to be addressed. It wouldn't be so bad if the time that we spawned in actually corresponded to what we seen on screen, rather than being "spawned in", yet be totally vulnerable whilst the loading screen and HUD actually sorts itself out. 

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Instant +1.


The number of times I have been tossed into a group, only to be instantly swarmed and torn apart is excessive. I want to play the game, why am I being punished for loading into a mission late? I'm not spending money on revives when the game cheats me out of them.


Worse is when you're plying solo, hoping for someone to join in and help, only to have the enemy swarm and kill your new friend before they can even move. I don't like this, it detracts heavily from the game's quality and it's a problem MANY games have prevented before even launching. How has this gone for as long as it has without being solved?!

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Instant +1.


The number of times I have been tossed into a group, only to be instantly swarmed and torn apart is excessive. I want to play the game, why am I being punished for loading into a mission late? I'm not spending money on revives when the game cheats me out of them.


Worse is when you're plying solo, hoping for someone to join in and help, only to have the enemy swarm and kill your new friend before they can even move. I don't like this, it detracts heavily from the game's quality and it's a problem MANY games have prevented before even launching. How has this gone for as long as it has without being solved?!

I agree with everything you just said. To be honest, i wouldn't even mind if the invulnerability only lasted whilst you stay still and spawning into a mission. It'd at least prevent being killed before the loading screen is even gone, without having an unnecessary amount of invulnerability. It'd give players a chance once they load in to look where they are and sprint to safety. Getting killed before you can do anything is just ridiculous! 

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I take frames I very rarely use because I will spawn in dead every time.

I have to launch void missions then invite people if I want to host.  If I invite then launch, we all get kicked because I loaded last.


it is not the internet, it is a massive spike in CPU use, often spiking my cpu at 80% or so. . .no game has gone this high except RTW2 before they optimized it - a little.

Edited by existentialvoid
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Looks like we all agree on this one. There's a mechanism that disables the controls while loading. This same mechanism can probably be used to disable damage. I doubt it would be hard to implement.


Here's the big question: what do we need to do to get this in the next update? Do we file a bug report? Contact DE? 

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Looks like we all agree on this one. There's a mechanism that disables the controls while loading. This same mechanism can probably be used to disable damage. I doubt it would be hard to implement.


Here's the big question: what do we need to do to get this in the next update? Do we file a bug report? Contact DE?

We simply hope they notice the post. Even if they do its not likely it will be implemented, sadly.

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We simply hope they notice the post. Even if they do its not likely it will be implemented, sadly.

Classifying this as a severe bug can easily be justified. Them not implementing it should have good reasons, be it technical (security wise), lore or gameplay-wise. Does this game have a bug tracker? (besides the subforum "PC Beta bugs")

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Classifying this as a severe bug can easily be justified. Them not implementing it should have good reasons, be it technical (security wise), lore or gameplay-wise. Does this game have a bug tracker? (besides the subforum "PC Beta bugs")

Definitely wouldn't be lore. Tenno just spawning out of nowhere makes no sense as it is so they couldn't use a lore excuse :P But because DE haven't seen this as an actual issue, they just haven't even thought about it as a bug or inconvenience so therefore it'd be very unlikely for this to come to their attention :/

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