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Why Not Focus More On The Things That Make The Game Better?


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Those guys who work on weapons could disperse into both character and level design teams.

oh, this again.


'hey you should tell your Employee that is comfortable with N and has been doing N with expert skills for decades that he should suddenly do something else that is far from a specialty for him'.


yeah, that's a good idea. assign Employees to whatever other job because raisons.


yeah, that totally makes f...... sense. instead of making Weapons, tell the Weapon section of Art to do Level Design instead, or do Character Design instead.

which are completely different jobs.

Edited by taiiat
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You're misunderstandin, though partialy from my poor writing. 


Those guys who work on weapons could disperse into both character and level design teams. Maybe the weapon and character teams could become one so that new weapons that come with new gameplay come with characters who provide new gameplay. 

I probably shouldn't have mentioned UI. I'm aware that they can work independently. 


(unique bosses are bad, common bosses are good)


But those guys are paid to work on weapons. That's their job. That's what they're good at.


Here's an example. This is from the news entry on the Corpus ice planet tile set. It's not entirely related, but it exemplifies the deal here nicely.




"At this point Layout Artists like Jesse Carpenter begin work on levels, with each portion of the Ice Planet Tileset delivered to them in a very ‘bare bones’ state. With a general idea of how a level is going to be laid out, it’s Jesse’s job to creatively interpret the designs passed to him and build up on it. Here they can use the references they’ve been provided alongside their imagination to help bring to life some of the sketches and examples brought together in the ‘art bible’.

Once both our design and art teams have finished close to 90% of their work on a level our lighting artist Cliff Daigle steps in. Following the same guidelines as other artists it’s Cliff’s job to make the level not only clear to navigate, but also visually more realistic. The biggest challenge for this Tileset came in the form of ice and snow, both of which react differently to light compared to most objects."
Both of those guys are art people, but they do totally different jobs. They won't just ask one of them to go do some other art, that's not what they're paid to do, or what they're good at. They probably have a team of people who just make weapons, a team of people who do environments, a team to do characters, and so on. 
Unless you're asking DE to radically restructure their art department, or hire new employees, what you're saying doesn't really make sense.
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But those guys are paid to work on weapons. That's their job. That's what they're good at.


Here's an example. This is from the news entry on the Corpus ice planet tile set. It's not entirely related, but it exemplifies the deal here nicely.




"At this point Layout Artists like Jesse Carpenter begin work on levels, with each portion of the Ice Planet Tileset delivered to them in a very ‘bare bones’ state. With a general idea of how a level is going to be laid out, it’s Jesse’s job to creatively interpret the designs passed to him and build up on it. Here they can use the references they’ve been provided alongside their imagination to help bring to life some of the sketches and examples brought together in the ‘art bible’.


Once both our design and art teams have finished close to 90% of their work on a level our lighting artist Cliff Daigle steps in. Following the same guidelines as other artists it’s Cliff’s job to make the level not only clear to navigate, but also visually more realistic. The biggest challenge for this Tileset came in the form of ice and snow, both of which react differently to light compared to most objects."


Both of those guys are art people, but they do totally different jobs. They won't just ask one of them to go do some other art, that's not what they're paid to do, or what they're good at. They probably have a team of people who just make weapons, a team of people who do environments, a team to do characters, and so on. 


Unless you're asking DE to radically restructure their art department, or hire new employees, what you're saying doesn't really make sense.

Woah man I'm just asking for a few balance checks, which somebody said shouldn't take long. Changing eng values for Rants Ballistica. Changing a few numbers here and there for skills.

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3-Rebalancing. ... retouching on a weapon too strong for the game..

OMG, he's asking for NERFS!!1!!!1!





...Okay with that over? The list you offered is a lot of what DE is doing actually. The thing is, these changes are rather subtle when they are put in, slight change here or there. When they do fix it or change things subtly it's largely unnoticed. A lot of the bug fixes even are yelled at or complained about 'not enough' or 'too much' or both at the same time or worse 'why waste time doing x, you should be doing y before i leave this p.o.s.'. And true overhalls tend to come in packages so a rework is something massive, look at melee's 'change' alone. Let alone their vision to change /all/ bosses that don't have unique mechanics? Time is an issue though.

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Woah man I'm just asking for a few balance checks, which somebody said shouldn't take long. Changing eng values for Rants Ballistica. Changing a few numbers here and there for skills.


I was talking to the OP. 


I assume balance guys are...balancing? I don't really know what they're doing. Steve needs to look over their shoulders while they work, they must all be playing solitaire or something.


But sadly the art guys can't do balance. No point in asking them to.

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DE really need to start making enemies that utilize the vast array of weaponry that the Factions don't actually use. 


Not a single Corpus unit wields the Serro, Tetra, OPticor, or Quanta. 


Not a single Grineer unit uses the Grinlok, Buzlok, Dual Cleavers, Kohm, Drakgoon, Marelock, or Twin Gremlins (I have not fought the G-3 enough to know if they wield Brakk.)


And the best part is that for most of those weapons you don't really have to create a new unit, you can just switch out weapons. 


Elite Crewmen at higher levels can wield Quantas, Grineer can have a variation of Drakgoon or Kohm instead of Sobek, Seekers can use Marelock, etc...

can you people please stop... just now we will have complaints to why the nullifier is running around with an opticor.



also this is never going to happen DE knows the player base wants new stuff to increase their MR, and not fix the stuff they already have

Edited by Sibernetika
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Each time they are added, people complain

Because they don't know how to deal with it in the beginning. Usually if you give something time the dust will settle all on it's own...


Unless DE panics and undoes whatever change they made because they can't stick to their guns.  

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Because they don't know how to deal with it in the beginning. Usually if you give something time the dust will settle all on it's own...


Unless DE panics and undoes whatever change they made because they can't stick to their guns.  

When DE sticks to it's guns people complain that DE is disconnected with the community, haha. Then after they are nerfed, same people complain about things being too easy.. which is even more amusing but boring as my enemies are trash again.

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I would ask for:

1)  Weapon Tier Potatoes

2)  Taking the Crappy out of Mods

3)  Sniping That Matters

4)  Give Single Handed Weapons A fun Game Play Purpose

5)  World State Window Filter

6)  Advanced Tenno Tech for a Game about Advanced Tech

7) Revitalize our shopping malls before they go extinct.

8) Loadout Selection From Navigation, like we have in the malls.

9) Infest Infested Extermination

10) More Loadout Slots

11) End Death by sheathing Animation and other assorted clunk

12)  Make the Mastery Rank Test avaiable for practice.  soem fo those tests are fun in their own right.   Yey, we can't play them more than once unless we fail them contstantly and stop mastery rank up.

13)  Make nightmare mode challenges avaiable on a non-rng basis because fun game play shouldn't be locked behind a Maybe Wall.

14)  Change Warframe's design philosophy from box of toys to Box of Game Play Styles.  And stop the nerfs.  Let's have a variety of fun and well designed game play instead.


Yes, we know you would, because I'm guessing they are ALL threads you started? So you saw an excuse to post links to everything you ever started? How does that help anything exactly?


Also, stop saying "Weapon Tier Potatoes" like it's a thing. It's not a thing, it's something that does not exist, does not need to exist, and will never exist.


You even made a SECOND post, in which you just INCLUDED your own PREVIOUS post. Seriously ? Seriously ???

Edited by DSpite
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