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Nullifier Nerf


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DE pls nerf nullifiers or at least make it possible for people that use bows snipers or the opticor to kill them. On top of their bubble being tanky as hell!!!! the gun they carry one shots my nova prime as soon as they reach around lvl 25!

- my solution: give the nullifiers a bad gun 

for frames that rely on abilities u cant really confront a nullifier because they one shot u when u poke ur head out.           if they had a bad gun u could at least attempt to melee them if u have a sniper/bow/opticor

Its not a huge nerf like what everybody els is asking for, its just making it possible to kill them with squishier frames

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Nuliffs need to be reworked. They still gate damage and shots crapping on your weapons, having to shoot them minimum 6 times and shield having slow time shrinking makes them worse than lvl100 bullet sponges especially on slower-firing weapons.


And about removing all the frame powers  - has been said 100 times already. Why do we have abilities at all if one enemy makes them useless?  Its an undoing of all the years of building up this game, creating 20+ varied frames with varied abilities. 

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You do know that you have more than one weapon? You know that secondary slot? 


No no no, I'm not talking about melee, that secondary weapon, right between the primary weapon and your melee slot. 


It's called take a fast firing secondary with your primary (Or vice versa like Soma and Marelock) and fight them like everyone else. 


I would think with someone who uses a nova prime and someone who has gotten to level 100 that you could put your heads together and come up with this very simple solution and not have their entire warframe stopped by one enemy type which only strength is that you have to shoot it a lot before using your powers to kill the entire rest of the room. 

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And about removing all the frame powers  - has been said 100 times already. Why do we have abilities at all if one enemy makes them useless?  Its an undoing of all the years of building up this game, creating 20+ varied frames with varied abilities. 


Here's from the faction description for tenno:


"While the memories of the Tenno have faded over time, their mastery of guns, blades, and Warframe exo-armor has not"


You see how it says guns and blades too? Yeah, we have those. Use them. The whole game doesn't center around abilities, nullifiers aren't undoing years of anything. And on top of that, it's (still) only one enemy. 

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Forget it.


Trust me, I've said many times with arguments... but if no one hears you is not worth talk.


I just wait for a "Karma punishment" to DE (with all the due respect and the love of the world)


My Lanka calls for blood after this humiliation.


At least DE, pls give us some  Logical  Lore with Nullifiers.

Edited by Kaiser_Suoh
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Here's from the faction description for tenno:


"While the memories of the Tenno have faded over time, their mastery of guns, blades, and Warframe exo-armor has not"


You see how it says guns and blades too? Yeah, we have those. Use them. The whole game doesn't center around abilities, nullifiers aren't undoing years of anything. And on top of that, it's (still) only one enemy. 

Kamikadze into bunch of t4 enemies under a bubble that removes all you buffs and abiliites is not a viable tactic, its a suicide. 

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Kamikadze into bunch of t4 enemies under a bubble that removes all you buffs and abiliites is not a viable tactic, its a suicide. 

thats what guns are for, only a complete idiot runs straight into a bunch of enemies to kill a nullifier

Edited by dragonkingdx
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Hm... I don't see why everyone is complaining, then again I am those type of people who prefer melee to guns, so I usually have no problem with nullifiers.  Go in, get rid of nullifier, kill surrounding enemies with a lifestrike berserker D. nikana. I don't think nullifiers need a nerf at all. It's all about learning to adapt to the current situation.

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I would like to preface this by saying I do use an akzani as my secondary to deal with them. However there is no reason why it needs to be based on number of hits, all the current system does is punish weapon types that are already considered underwhelming. Normally I would look at something and be like, "Ok, so the reason why this mechanic was made this way was for x reason." The Nullifier shields being based on number of hits doesn't have a reason, which is why people ask for change. What would it bother people whom have no trouble with them if they were changed to accommodate other weapon types? The gameplay should remain the same for you, but it should be made bearable for those of us whom prefer single shot weapons.


Also it not only diminishes the value of snipers even further but it also completely obliterates stealth gameplay, which is something they wanted to work on anyways. 


This change wouldn't be a nerf but instead a rework why is that a problem?

Edited by Rehero
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Nullifiers? Easy, walk right up and shotgun then in the face. Fugging Bombards though? I hate them with an inhuman passion. DE can be real $&*^s at times and these bastards prove it. XD I feel a special and vindictive pleasure at killing these lumbering a-holes.

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Pro-tip to handle most Nullifiers.


Hold F

Wait for Melee weapon to equip

Hold block and rush the Nullifier!

Show it the color of it's blood! [aka, hit it really really fast/hard]

Profit from the death of the nullifier



Haven't had that method fail me, being honest though I haven't fought one of them in a high level area yet because I've been busy archwing/farming/forma'ing in certain nodes over and over.

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I would like to preface this by saying I do use an akzani as my secondary to deal with them. However there is no reason why it needs to be based on number of hits, all the current system does is punish weapon types that are already considered underwhelming. Normally I would look at something and be like, "Ok, so the reason why this mechanic was made this way was for x reason." The Nullifier shields being based on number of hits doesn't have a reason, which is why people ask for change. What would it bother people whom have no trouble with them if they were changed to accommodate other weapon types? The gameplay should remain the same for you, but it should be made bearable for those of us whom prefer single shot weapons.


Also it not only diminishes the value of snipers even further but it also completely obliterates stealth gameplay, which is something they wanted to work on anyways. 


This change wouldn't be a nerf but instead a rework why is that a problem?


I honestly feel like if it was based off of damage they would be almost pointless as an enemy type. 


If 1 hit took the shields down then what is the challenge in that or the point of that? At that point anyone who can put a damage mod in a lot of the guns can pretty much shred the shields off of it. At least with the way it is now you have to augment your play style somewhat to include a weapon you are not used to in order to deal with them in a rapid number of shots required. 


Like i don't see why a nerf is in order when you get 2 weapons and all you have to do is switch to deal with him quickly. Really a lot of the time you should have 2 opposing weapons anyway to deal with different enemy types. If stealth is an issue then you can throw in mods to augment that as well such as hush.


It just feels like whenever something is put in warframe that makes people have to work a little or that isn't a rofl stomp to fight people go crazy and ask for a nerf which is annoying as someone who likes an enemy that is a little more than "I shoot you for a lot of damage" or "I have lots and lots of health".

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It's a bit silly that a unit that can disable god powers and shield units from god powers, rocket launchers, and anything that doesn't pour out 50 rounds a second also has a ridiculously powerful sniper rifle. The only thing balanced about them is their health. I don't find them particularly hard, but it's hard to deny that they are a bit broken in different ways.

Edited by CHunterX
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I honestly feel like if it was based off of damage they would be almost pointless as an enemy type. 


If 1 hit took the shields down then what is the challenge in that or the point of that? At that point anyone who can put a damage mod in a lot of the guns can pretty much shred the shields off of it. At least with the way it is now you have to augment your play style somewhat to include a weapon you are not used to in order to deal with them in a rapid number of shots required. 


Like i don't see why a nerf is in order when you get 2 weapons and all you have to do is switch to deal with him quickly. Really a lot of the time you should have 2 opposing weapons anyway to deal with different enemy types. If stealth is an issue then you can throw in mods to augment that as well such as hush.


It just feels like whenever something is put in warframe that makes people have to work a little or that isn't a rofl stomp to fight people go crazy and ask for a nerf which is annoying as someone who likes an enemy that is a little more than "I shoot you for a lot of damage" or "I have lots and lots of health".

One hit on one weapon can equate to a large number on others. Also I didn't say it should take one hit but currently my opticor takes about 5 shots, which between the charge followed by the reload (unless I take a magazine mod) is way too long.


And again it wouldn't be a nerf as the title suggest but instead a change in how their shield durability works, it should be made to take the same time for both weapon types to take down. No one is asking for instant success for single shot weapons, they just don't deserve a hindrance such as this. Taking your argument about making the shields go down faster, why should an unmodded akzani take out the shields far and beyond faster than any of my heavily formaed/potatoed single shot weapons?


Augmenting playstyles would allow for many weapons to be viable during various situations. This instead promotes the use of weapon archtypes that are already rather popular and effective. If they really wanted to augment diversity they would make something to promote the use of snipers and the like.

Edited by Rehero
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I'm maining limbo a lot recently and I have no problem rushing in with a melee wep and e smash em to victory. Also just because of this for April fools day DE should make Nullifiers bubbles like quad or sextuple the range or just make the REALLY REALLY @(*()$ HUGE just to piss off you pansies complaining about one enemy type that is not complicated to dispatch.

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I'm maining limbo a lot recently and I have no problem rushing in with a melee wep and e smash em to victory. Also just because of this for April fools day DE should make Nullifiers bubbles like quad or sextuple the range or just make the REALLY REALLY @(*()$ HUGE just to &!$$ off you pansies complaining about one enemy type that is not complicated to dispatch.

You sound mature, it is kind of hilarious as well. If they make the range that big it no longer becomes a problem as I would be able to safely step inside the bubble with my longer range weapons. The lack of complexity of the mob isn't the problem, the problem is the fact that its mechanics only serve to punish weapon types that already under perform. So why should it be kept this way?

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One hit on one weapon can equate to a large number on others. Also I didn't say it should take one hit but currently my opticor takes about 5 shots, which between the charge followed by the reload (unless I take a magazine mod) is way too long.


And again it wouldn't be a nerf as the title suggest but instead a change in how their shield is judged. Taking your argument about making the shields go down faster, why should an unmodded akzani take out the shields far and beyond faster than any of my heavily formaed/potatoed single shot weapons?


Augmenting a playstyle would allow for any weapons to be viable and not promote the use of weapon archtypes that are already rather popular or effective. If they really wanted to augment diversity they would make something to promote the use of snipers and the like.


It keeps it interesting because it's not all about doing damage like how everything else is handled and how it traditionally is in most games but it is based off fire rate instead. Rather than it being about how much damage you can put into 1 shot like how many weapons are set up it is instead about how many shots you can fire in a short time. Damage not being taken into account makes it so a powerful 1 hit weapon like the Marelock which would be considered powerful not as useful against the shield enemies but weapons that have a lower damage which would normally be shunned in favor of a more powerful one shot for shot. 


It once again makes an enemy that is interesting to fight. It doesn't matter how much damage you do, you could do a million and it would still take 6 shots but it makes people who play with only weapons that are powerful and 1 shot have to change their play. 


If they want to change the meta so that there is an enemy that needs to be taken down by a powerful 1 shot or by a slower firing weapon then I'm all for it. Make an enemy that needs a certain damage amount to have a shield break happen fast or that has a short delay where you can do damage and then re shields (Edit: Got the idea after the post, a reactive shiled enemy that activates a a hardened shell after the first 2 shots fired at him, lasts 10 seconds and shields others behind him as well), done. Now people will want to have both a weapon that does a lot of single shot damage and one that does a lot of RoF. 


Like I said, interesting enemy that i don't want changed because it throws people for a loop and makes them have to play differently in order to defeat it. I like it when more than damage is taken into account in order to beat something. 

Edited by Rockerfox
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It keeps it interesting because it's not all about doing damage like how everything else is handled and how it traditionally is in most games but it is based off fire rate instead. Rather than it being about how much damage you can put into 1 shot like how many weapons are set up it is instead about how many shots you can fire in a short time. Damage not being taken into account makes it so a powerful 1 hit weapon like the Marelock which would be considered powerful not as useful against the shield enemies but weapons that have a lower damage which would normally be shunned in favor of a more powerful one shot for shot. 


It once again makes an enemy that is interesting to fight. It doesn't matter how much damage you do, you could do a million and it would still take 6 shots but it makes people who play with only weapons that are powerful and 1 shot have to change their play. 


If they want to change the meta so that there is an enemy that needs to be taken down by a powerful 1 shot or by a slower firing weapon then I'm all for it. Make an enemy that needs a certain damage amount to have a shield break happen fast or that has a short delay where you can do damage and then re shields, done. Now people will want to have both a weapon that does a lot of single shot damage and one that does a lot of RoF. 


Like I said, interesting enemy that i don't want changed because it throws people for a loop and makes them have to play differently in order to defeat it. I like it when more than damage is taken into account in order to beat something. 

Is that why the some of the highest performing weapons at the moment are fast firing automatic weapons, (see soma pime and boltor prime)? Single shot slow firing weapons already under perform and they acknowledge that snipers are needing help, and yet there is now a mob type that single shot weapons can't reliably deal with in a reasonable timeframe unless they swap weapons and get within an acceptable range to take it out. This does the exact opposite of helping said weapon archtype. It already throws people for a loop since you have to focus it down, which should be the single shot weapons forte. But I guess we can't have single enemy dispatch as a role either.

Edited by Rehero
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