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Nullifier Nerf


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I honestly feel like if it was based off of damage they would be almost pointless as an enemy type. 


If 1 hit took the shields down then what is the challenge in that or the point of that? At that point anyone who can put a damage mod in a lot of the guns can pretty much shred the shields off of it. At least with the way it is now you have to augment your play style somewhat to include a weapon you are not used to in order to deal with them in a rapid number of shots required. 


Like i don't see why a nerf is in order when you get 2 weapons and all you have to do is switch to deal with him quickly. Really a lot of the time you should have 2 opposing weapons anyway to deal with different enemy types. If stealth is an issue then you can throw in mods to augment that as well such as hush.


It just feels like whenever something is put in warframe that makes people have to work a little or that isn't a rofl stomp to fight people go crazy and ask for a nerf which is annoying as someone who likes an enemy that is a little more than "I shoot you for a lot of damage" or "I have lots and lots of health".



Or just use Boltor / Soma Prime like the rest of the cool kids do !


Oh synnoid gammacor happens to be the most efficient weapon btw.

Won't take you more than 2 to 3 ammo to pop their shields while all other syndicate weapons fall flat against Nullifers except Secura.


So let's be more mainstream shall we ?

Edited by fatpig84
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Actually nullifiers make no sense. If corpus invented a device that gives nearly a perfect shield and blocks all tenno abilities, why would they use anything but the units with this device against tenno?


All corpus units have to be nullifiers, or it makes no sense to have them.

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Pro-tip to handle most Nullifiers.


Hold F

Wait for Melee weapon to equip

Hold block and rush the Nullifier!

Show it the color of it's blood! [aka, hit it really really fast/hard]

Profit from the death of the nullifier



Haven't had that method fail me, being honest though I haven't fought one of them in a high level area yet because I've been busy archwing/farming/forma'ing in certain nodes over and over.

Unless he is surrounded by about a thounsand of angry Detron Crewmen and/or Shockwave MOAs =)) 

But seriously, fair method, can be use if you're behind corners or doors :3

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I find Bombards in the Void more annoying than the Nullifiers.

Hate when they blow up my Carrier. I'd like a mod that can revive sentinels at the cost of 90% of my HP.


Anyway, my favourite solution to Nullifiers is the Slide Attack.

Even at 40min, they die in one slide. Then again, not many people know how to properly use the slide attack for killing purposes.

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Is that why the some of the highest performing weapons at the moment are fast firing automatic weapons, (see soma pime and boltor prime)? Single shot weapons already under perform and they acknowledge that snipers are needing help, and yet there is now a mob type that single shot weapons can't reliably deal with in a reasonable timeframe unless they swap weapons and get within an acceptable range to take it out. This does the exact opposite of helping said weapon archtype. It already throws people for a loop since you have to focus it down, which should be the single shot weapons forte. But I guess we can't have single enemy dispatch as a role either.


Maybe because most people prefer fast firing weapons that can hit many thing more often over a weapon that does more damage but fires slower in a game that throws a lot of enemies at you? Just a thought really. 


Still not seeing a problem with the nullifier anyway.If anything i think you have to look at the weapons itself because many of the things you said can be applied to a ton of enemies in the game. Heck, the complaints you made pretty much applies to the infested. 1 shot weapons don't mean much against them because there are so many with so little health that much of the damage per shot is wasted. 


Same can be said for large masses of rollers, squads of crewmen, the combined forces of the corrupted, ospreys and the list goes on. If anything you should be making a complaint about the weapons, not the nullifier.


In short there is nothing wrong with the nullifier, some weapons are just massively under preforming.

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They need some adjustment.


At low level, they are not a threat.  Get inside and finish them, shoot them until exploded or just lets a kubrow do their job.


But at high level, they are a serious threat.  They can one-shotted us with sniping precision (obviously, they use sniper rifle).  Sometime they got multiple heavy units inside, which can kill us in a split second.


I don't hate their existent, but they need some tweak at higher level.

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Maybe because most people prefer fast firing weapons that can hit many thing more often over a weapon that does more damage but fires slower in a game that throws a lot of enemies at you? Just a thought really. 


Still not seeing a problem with the nullifier anyway.If anything i think you have to look at the weapons itself because many of the things you said can be applied to a ton of enemies in the game. Heck, the complaints you made pretty much applies to the infested. 1 shot weapons don't mean much against them because there are so many with so little health that much of the damage per shot is wasted. 


Same can be said for large masses of rollers, squads of crewmen, the combined forces of the corrupted, ospreys and the list goes on. If anything you should be making a complaint about the weapons, not the nullifier.


In short there is nothing wrong with the nullifier, some weapons are just massively under preforming.


My dread is massively underperforming.

Please let bows and sniper rifles ignore nullifer shields !

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Maybe because most people prefer fast firing weapons that can hit many thing more often over a weapon that does more damage but fires slower in a game that throws a lot of enemies at you? Just a thought really. 


Still not seeing a problem with the nullifier anyway.If anything i think you have to look at the weapons itself because many of the things you said can be applied to a ton of enemies in the game. Heck, the complaints you made pretty much applies to the infested. 1 shot weapons don't mean much against them because there are so many with so little health that much of the damage per shot is wasted. 


Same can be said for large masses of rollers, squads of crewmen, the combined forces of the corrupted, ospreys and the list goes on. If anything you should be making a complaint about the weapons, not the nullifier.


In short there is nothing wrong with the nullifier, some weapons are just massively under preforming.

So are you implying they should buff all slow firing single shot weapons fire rate to deal with both the nullifier shields and any other issues they may have? I don't want a buff for any of my weapons, I don't want the game as a whole to be made easier, I just want the mechanics whose sole purpose is to punish already under performing weapons to be reworked. It doesn't need to directly change anything else but to make it so it doesn't take several of the already lower pool of sniper ammo and then some to take them out when a Boltor Prime and Soma Prime, which already happens to be two of the most popular and efficient weapons second to the Synoid Gammacor as stated above, can take them out without much trouble. Secondary weapons shouldn't be an excuse for poor mechanics.


Literally 0 reason to spit on weapons that already need help. It isn't unique because its weakness is already overly used/efficient weapons, it already makes everyone want to take them out first which is supposed to be what the snipers role is in the first place, and being based on fire rate alone pigeon holes people into specific weapon archtypes which is poor design.

Edited by Rehero
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So are you implying they should buff all slow firing single shot weapons fire rate to deal with both the nullifier shields and any other issues they may have? I don't want a buff for any of my weapons, I don't want the game as a whole to be made easier, I just want the mechanics whose sole purpose is to punish already under performing weapons to be reworked. It doesn't need to directly change anything else but to make it so it doesn't take a several of the already lower pool of sniper ammo and then some to take them out when a Boltor Prime and Soma Prime, which already happens to be two of the most popular and efficient weapons second to the Synoid Gammacor as stated above, can take them out without much trouble. Secondary weapons shouldn't be an excuse for poor mechanics.


Literally 0 reason to spit on weapons that already need help. It isn't unique because its weakness is already overly used/efficient weapons, it already makes everyone want to take them out first which is supposed to be what the snipers role is in the first place, and being based on fire rate alone pigeon holes people into specific weapon archtypes which is poor design.


Nah just forget arguing, I keep telling people that.


People will just say, "Oh just carry a synnoid or hikou prime as your side arm.The shields won't matter after that !"

"Don't use dread with marelok, that is an OP try hard loadout !"

Edited by fatpig84
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Here's from the faction description for tenno:


"While the memories of the Tenno have faded over time, their mastery of guns, blades, and Warframe exo-armor has not"


You see how it says guns and blades too? Yeah, we have those. Use them. The whole game doesn't center around abilities, nullifiers aren't undoing years of anything. And on top of that, it's (still) only one enemy. 

and here's litterally the only advantage tenno have over the enemy because of being vastly outnumbered:


huge AOE battlefield changing abilities


well throw that out of the window because it got countered by a hat

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My dread is massively underperforming.

Please let bows and sniper rifles ignore nullifer shields !

I actually wouldn't mind if punch through worked on them it would be fine if that was the case. To be honest I am not 100% if it doesn't, but it sure doesn't feel like it does as I run shred or metal auger on most of my weapons.


Edit: I take it back, that feels like a band-aid fix since there are some weapons that don't support punch through that would still suffer against these.

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Actually nullifiers make no sense. If corpus invented a device that gives nearly a perfect shield and blocks all tenno abilities, why would they use anything but the units with this device against tenno?


All corpus units have to be nullifiers, or it makes no sense to have them.

Is there no writers?


Obviously Corpus killed Stalker and stole their technology.

After they gave this technology to its weakest soldiers, then they were launched into the VOID.


See? is not hard to write.


EDIT: Its a sarcastic joke btw.

Edited by Kaiser_Suoh
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Is there no writers?


Obviously Corpus killed Stalker and stole their technology.

After they gave this technology to its weakest soldiers, then they were launched into the VOID.


See? is not hard to write.

Corpus wouldn't be able to kill stalker at all. 


It would also have to damage + stagger the Tenno and have an infinite range if they stole it from stalker. The void part of your post doesn't really make sense. 

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The last change to the nullifiers was the only one they needed. Before that change I was on the "modify the nullifier" train.  Now, they are in a reasonable place (at least for the void units).  This is coming from someone who's main weapon choices are Lex, Marelok, Detron, Boltos, Cestras, Hek, Dread and Opticor.  Notice how only one of those is a high ROF gun (and for the record, I haven't used it since the nullifiers were introduced).


Without mag size and fire rate mods, my marelok can drop a nullifier bubble and kill the crewman inside.  Since heavier hitting shots now count as multiple bullets, damage does matter to an extent.  It has made it so that semi auto weapons now have a chance against nullifiers without completely trivializing them.


I'm against forcing players into having to bring one particular weapon type to any corpus/void mission, but since semi autos (minus maybe the Lex) are now viable to drop them, I can't agree that players are pigeonholed into needing to change loadouts substantially.

Edited by Insanityman
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Corpus wouldn't be able to kill stalker at all. 


It would also have to damage + stagger the Tenno and have an infinite range if they stole it from stalker. The void part of your post doesn't really make sense. 

That was a sarcastic joke. Of course "Corpus wouldn't be able to kill stalker at all"

I am only saying DE not have many writers.


Nullifier not makes sense and have no place in the Lore. Just was an accident launch without any sense.


That is my point.

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If nullifiers get nerfed i will be happy, as all squishy frames get 1-2 shotted by their sniper rifles, at 35+ mins into T4 Survival even a damn Valkyr with maxed steel fiber and vitality gets 3 shotted by the bubbly bastards, also the bubble needs to be popped by actual damage not rate of fire if you exceed the damage of the bubble, the remaining damage should go into the nullifier.

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Nullifiers definetly need to be tweaked,


1) The bubbel should decrease with damage, and not with firerate as it is atm, bows/opticor. etc. etc. SHOULD be usable against nullifiers..

I knowe u can just bring a fastfireing secondary,

but thats not the point, the point being, dont make a enemy, thats practically immune to specific weapon types..

2) The spawnrates of them should decrease, (especially in Void missions) where u often see 4-6 present on the same tile..

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Nullifier not makes sense and have no place in the Lore. Just was an accident launch without any sense.


Corpus salvage, reuse, and copy Orokin technology. This has long been established. And given that void tech was an Orokin specialty, a void-jammer field isn't exactly a stretch.

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The only nerf NUlifiers need is a change in weapon, maybe Tetra, and maybe allow AOE weapons to deal some dmg to them but that's a bit of a stretch, the problem with them is that they can snipe you through walls while being very well protected at lower levels indeed they are no threat just like any other enemy but later on they become 1 shot kill machines and you can't get in their bubble due to all the other enemies also while their field is up they are immune to melee stagger.

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my only problem with nullifier is, any charge weapon or sniper weapon (vectis) or anything that has no firerate (Tigris), are useless to it. I find it funny that my sidearm S.Gamacore can obliterate it w/o a problem but my main had which is suppose to be a much better is having a rough time. 


Lore wise, it doesnt really matter, lore are added by the writters/dev anytime, nothing is exact and people should not assume.

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thats what guns are for, only a complete idiot runs straight into a bunch of enemies to kill a nullifier

Unless you are Limbo with Shade. Be invisible and sneak up to the Nullifier guarded by dozens of Bombards/Heavy Gunner/Fusion MOAs, run in and stab the Nullifier, Rift Walk and then laugh at all of the Bombards/Heavy Gunners/Fusion MOAs as they try to kill you.

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