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Nullifier Nerf


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Again, why would you insist on weakening an enemy just so that you can use your precious sniper rifle.

Get a secondary, kill this one enemy (I'm going to say this again: ONE. ENEMY.), and then bring out the sniper rifle. It is such a minor hindrance that I cannot believe the amount of whining some say. And yeah, I said whining. I never want to say whining, but this is literally whining.

I dont want a nerf, i want a FIX, i forget tell you about the absurd mechanics of Nullifier shield.

Ehem... a simple unranked/unmoded Akzani can melt the shield so easily.

Then, why my beloved full moded Lanka cant do that?

Edited by Kaiser_Suoh
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Again, why would you insist on weakening an enemy just so that you can use your precious sniper rifle.

Get a secondary, kill this one enemy (I'm going to say this again: ONE. ENEMY.), and then bring out the sniper rifle. It is such a minor hindrance that I cannot believe the amount of whining some say. And yeah, I said whining. I never want to say whining, but this is literally whining.

You make it sound like I don't do exactly that. I have, which I had stated many times before, an akzani made just for these mobs, an unmodded one at that. This unmodded akzani is taking out these mobs faster than a fully formaed and potatoed vectis, which is already considered an inefficient weapon. Why is it that the vectis, or any sniper for that matter, requires jumping through a hurdle to deal with ONE ENEMY, of which dispatching single high priority targets should be the snipers forte anyways. You yourself tried to bring real world examples into this with using a handgun against a tank, why is it that the snipers role gets rendered moot because the mechanics of a mob adhere to weapons archtypes that are already popular/efficient. This isn't a problem of not wanting to adapt. It is a problem of the fact that we have to adapt when there are weapons that have no problem against them and yet hold a higher efficiency already. We don't want them weaker. We want them reworked. The difference is immense.

Edited by Rehero
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*You attempt to do a slide attack on the Corrupted Nullifier, once you enter his bubble of doom a Bombard instantly knocks you over and you are stuck with that slow animation of getting up while you are getting shot at by level 80 enemies*


*You take out your Secondary Astiletto's, but it's already too late as once the Anti-Power bubble is down their are 100 angry corrupted Bombards protecting the Nullifier and you get swarmed*

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*You attempt to do a slide attack on the Corrupted Nullifier, once you enter his bubble of doom a Bombard instantly knocks you over and you are stuck with that slow animation of getting up while you are getting shot at by level 80 enemies*


*You take out your Secondary Astiletto's, but it's already too late as once the Anti-Power bubble is down their are 100 angry corrupted Bombards protecting the Nullifier and you get swarmed*

*People still think they are supposed to beat level 80 enemies*

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*People still think they are supposed to beat level 80 enemies*


Even level 35 Nullifiers are ridiculous. At mid to close range they're as bad as Grineer Ballistas in their ability to consistently one shot you. Being aware and able to dodge one or two of them is dandy assuming the Bombard Rockets aren't knocking you down.


Another when there's other enemies you need to deal with and several other nullifiers coming from angles you can't account for that can and will reliably KO you with a headshot. Dodging only gets you so far in this game, it's not nearly as sufficient as say, Dark Souls rolling. 


Now take into account the dozens of mobs surrounding you inside and outside their bubble ready to light you up as you try to deal with just one Nullifier at higher levels. 

Edited by Hastur609
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Even level 35 Nullifiers are ridiculous. At mid to close range they're as bad as Grineer Ballistas in their ability to consistently one shot you. Being aware and able to dodge one or two of them is dandy assuming the Bombard Rockets aren't knocking you down.


Worse. Their firing rate are faster than Grineer Ballistas.

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Exactly this.

Adapting isn't a problem when what is being forced to adapt are things that deserve the forced adaptation. This mechanic is only increasing the gap between the inefficient and the efficient with no real purpose. Its intended design was to negate warframe powers, and it does this well, this is fine. However its mechanics are also hindering specific weapon types unjustly, it wouldn't hurt anyone whom can already deal with them to have them changed to avoid unnecessary hurdles for weapons that need help anyways.

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This has been addressed several times in this thread so far. The problem isn't the fact that people can't adapt but instead that we are being forced to adapt for no apparent reason when the playstyle we would prefer to play wasn't a problem in the first place. Why should a mobs mechanics be kept in a manner that creates further hurdles for inefficient weapons? Which is a question I still haven't seen a decent answer to.


Why are you choosing to use snipers being weak as an excuse for why nullifiers need to be worked on? Sorry this isnt a convo about sniper rifles/bows. They are bad choices against the enemy bubble. Bows are amazing for dealing lots of damage in a single shot (appearently damage mechanics work differently so the bubbles arent just 1 shotted) The fact is though snipers are weak and DE knows it. Hence your using sniper rifles being even further weakened has no value. As they were crap to begin with and cannot really compete with other weapons. Those are already in line for a rework, if you honestly have problems with the sniper rifles take your complaint to the weapon feedback portion of the forum.


If you chose to bring something bad/ineffective to a fight out of personal preference then you suffer the consequences of that action. That in itself is not a forced action, its your choice. You limit your own options with that choice. You can bring a weapon that does not work well on a certain type of opponent, but it being less useful is not a valid reason to change a enemy type. The shields need to take a certain amount of beating to be destroyed (you know there is 4 people in a party max which is why I dont see too much of a problem unless you solo or do with a horrible team) So the choice is bring a weapon to deal with it solo or rely on melee/teamwork to take out the shield. You want to bring weapons that can not give the shield a proper beating, thats fine its your choice. However you will then need to rely on melee or teamwork to take it out. You can limit your own options or prepare for every circumstance. So you are not forced to do anything, 1 weapon/tatic should never suit all occasions.


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Its an irritating mechanic assuredly and without doubt, only nerf I'd agree with is making the bubbles the size of the Frost Eximus bubbles, or instead of a bubble a wave pulse every few seconds that kills all powers in a radius as big as the bubble, I don't enjoy the 10 or so goons that can hide and transport around in these things.

That's my only beef, but even then, just rethink your strategy, if anything hlad these damnable things put a damper on the Sonic speed run crowd and doesn't make me feel like a handicap for not having rush on every frame just to keep pace, or to coptor around with a particular melee weapon BECAUSE it coptors well, otherwise a few tweaks and they're a welcome addition to the game.

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Again, why would you insist on weakening an enemy just so that you can use your precious sniper rifle.

Get a secondary, kill this one enemy (I'm going to say this again: ONE. ENEMY.), and then bring out the sniper rifle. It is such a minor hindrance that I cannot believe the amount of whining some say. And yeah, I said whining. I never want to say whining, but this is literally whining.


What if they want to use a semi-auto rifle and the Angstrum? Tysis for status? Marelok for when/if they run low on sniper ammo?



Why do people insist on killing the bubble?

Is your goal in life to be extremely ammo inefficient?


The Lanka one-shots non-tank frames in T4 void pretty early on. You're suggesting that frames like Nova or Nyx run into a bubble that disables their powers and houses a few mobs to kill the one in the middle that has the capability to one-shot them with AI sniper precision? You realize that sounds stupid, right?

Edited by CHunterX
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What if they want to use a semi-auto rifle and the Angstrum? Tysis for status? Marelok for when/if they run low on sniper ammo?


Then go play Grineer missions.


It's one enemy, in one faction. You mod your guns appropriately before going out on a mission, right? Do the same to your loadout.


Seriously, not that hard.

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Then go play Grineer missions.


It's one enemy, in one faction. You mod your guns appropriately before going out on a mission, right? Do the same to your loadout.


Seriously, not that hard.

waiting for an enemy that takes only damage from one bullet every second no matter how much you shoot at him... preferably a napalm variant or some crazy stuff like that

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DE pls nerf nullifiers or at least make it possible for people that use bows snipers or the opticor to kill them. On top of their bubble being tanky as hell!!!! the gun they carry one shots my nova prime as soon as they reach around lvl 25!

- my solution: give the nullifiers a bad gun 

for frames that rely on abilities u cant really confront a nullifier because they one shot u when u poke ur head out.           if they had a bad gun u could at least attempt to melee them if u have a sniper/bow/opticor

Its not a huge nerf like what everybody els is asking for, its just making it possible to kill them with squishier frames

The game is too easy, we need a challenge.  Something challenging comes up.  On no, it's too hard!  Please nerf it!  Stuff gets nerfed.  The game is too easy, we need a challenge.  Something challenging comes up.  On no, it's too hard!  Please nerf it!  Stuff gets nerfed. 

The game is too easy, we need a challenge...


The loop never ends.

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Guest Ouroboros-Untamed

I agree with the one-shot comments, I've been doing a lot of Void this week with my Excal (860 shield / 860 hp) and it only takes one or two shots to take me down once it gets past a certain point. However, they aren't that difficult to take down if you avoid their gunfire somehow, I usually just slash dash my way over to them then take them down with melee. Melee sorts them out the quickest from what I've seen.

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they aren't that hard, so many ways to dispatch them quickly and they squishy as hell.


Today I was doing T4D with my Limbo with only Max Intensify and some Nullfiers just died by the damage for entering in the cataclysm.


In other look they, hit hard in T4's 2 shots to take down my Iron Skin, one to take down Limbo or squishy frames. They are using snipers so the damage is a bit justified but, is a bit illogical using an sniper rifle being an assault unit.

Edited by TheVigilant
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The game is too easy, we need a challenge.  Something challenging comes up.  On no, it's too hard!  Please nerf it!  Stuff gets nerfed.  The game is too easy, we need a challenge.  Something challenging comes up.  On no, it's too hard!  Please nerf it!  Stuff gets nerfed. 

The game is too easy, we need a challenge...


The loop never ends.


They aren't challenging, they are imbalanced. There is a difference. Balance is not an unranked Akzani outperforming a fully forma'd Paris Prime. It isn't difficult to equip an unranked Akzani and hold the trigger in the giant glowing bubble's general direction, it's a nuisance to those who actually like both of their usual primary and secondary weapon choices. It isn't challenging to dodge a rifle shot that can one-shot you; either you do or you don't, it's all RNG/Ping.

Edited by CHunterX
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I'm still looking for an answer as to why someone would prefer to kill the bubble rather than doing a simple slide attack.


The only time I've found myself unironically killing a bubble is if I'm capping a point, or I'm sitting at extraction.


I melee the nullifiers almost 100% of the time as a Banshee, and I actually have something to lose when I have Silence up.


The only thing I would say needs a little tweaking is their fire rate, they fire that gun really fast. It makes me a bit jealous that my default lanka doesn't fire that fast.

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