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Its Time For A Mirage Rework.


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While mirage might not be as broken as, say, ember, mirage does not fit the "trickster" theme very well. 



Currently, mirage is best described as:




A steel plated rocket powered bulldozer.




Here's why.



Hall of mirrors






This ability is horribly broken. By summoning up to 4 clones, this ability redirects a VERY large portion of incoming damage while SPIKING mirage's damage. This ability:


1. Allows mirage to stand out in the open


2. Spikes damage to a ridiculous amount


3. Removes the need for aiming


4. Assassinates teammates by destroying their FPS


5. Encourages boring gameplay.


This ability does not fit the trickster at all. No trickster would stand out in the open while gunning down enemies with, say, a soma. 


Time for a fix.


Possible solutions:


1. Hall of mirrors now sends out a clone that sprints towards the nearest enemy, drawing fire and detonating upon contact, dealing minor damage while briefly staggering opponents.


This new ability would allow mirage to spam clones that allow her to make a speedy escape, take attention away from her, or allow her to follow up with an attack. Great for escaping situations that turn sour.






Sleight of hand






This ability was a step in the right direction, but the step landed on a landmine. 

This ability is so situational that it is, put lightly, USELESS. 

The damage is minimal, it destroys pickups for you, and it rarely works.


Time for a fix.


Rework the ability:


Lower energy cost

increase range

increase damage

increase trap trigger radius

Transform pickups into landmines

Enemies become attracted to booby trapped objects

Apply Crowd control effects to traps

Sabotages enemy weapons, causing them to briefly stagger opponents when they fire.


This would give this ability some defensive potential, or, even better, set up a nest of traps for oncoming enemies around the corner.

This would also synergize with my suggested eclipse fix, where casting this ability first would give a bit of insurance for mirage after she breaks stealth, allowing her to escape.







Another broken and, in my opinion, boring ability. Currently this ability gives mirage a damage boost or a damage reduction. Seriously... This has to be one of the most boring, yet, sadly, useful skills in the game. This ability


1. Grants an INSANE damage boost to mirage and, with the mirage augment, everyone.


2. Makes mirage a tank in the shadows. 95% damage reduction.


3. Once again... Encourages boring gameplay.


This ability fails to make mirage a "strike from the shadows" frame. When in the shadows, YOU ARE STILL GETTING SHOT. Once again, this ability fails to make mirage a trickster because:


1. The insane damage boost makes the  "kill the other guy before he kills you" strategy viable. NO. This is not what a trickster would do, plow through hordes of enemies in broad daylight.


2. The Insane damage reduction makes mirage a tank while in the shadows. This forces players to hobble around in the shadows, mostly standing still, to take advantage of the ability. NONONONONO. TRICKSTERS ARE NOT TANKS, and certainly do not stand still, especially in a firefight.



Rework time.


Eclipse is now toggled.


When toggled:


Mirage loses 50% movespeed.


In the shadows, mirage goes invisible, for free. If she emerges into the light, she maintains invisibility, at the cost of energy over time. When this ability is active, mirage's next attack, be it melee or with a gun, gains a massive damage bonus, but deactivates eclipse, and, in the process, invisibility. Abilities can be cast without breaking eclipse.


This would encourage careful thinking, environmental manipulation, and meaningful gameplay.


Sneak around, kill someone, escape.


Now the player has to carefully select isolated targets; taking down an enemy in a group will get you killed in the process.





This ability, is, sadly, broken. Mirage's iconic disco ball of death deals UNBELIEVABLE damage to a very large number of targets, and, releases a blind at the end. (Goodbye excalibur.) This ability in a nutshell:

1. Find a good spot to cast


2. Fire prism


3. Do nothing. Wait for everything in the room to die.


4. Boom, prism explodes. Get another going, quick.


In my opinion, no trickster would have a flying nuke that clears a room with little skill required. This needs change.


Proposed rework


Rename ability to something else( for the time being, ill call it Sticky bomb.)


After a few seconds, mirage attaches a bomb to the selected surface or enemy. Mirage can reactivate the ability manually to detonate the bomb, dealing unprecedented damage in an enourmous area of effect. 


Sound OP?


Here's the catch.

In addition to the cast time, this ability would deal its explosive damage to mirage in the process.


Therefore, this would force players to select opportune moments to deploy the bomb. The player has the choice to detonate the bomb whilst in the danger zone as a last resort, or evacuate the area to safely detonate the bomb. The damage would reward the effort required for this ability.






I feel like the original design for mirage was just too flawed as it encouraged mindless gameplay that revolved around plowing through enemies with no regard for strategy. In short, mirage was a one-man army that was more, once again, a steel plated rocket powered bulldozer.


My new proposed strategy will encourage high-risk, high reward gameplay that ought to evoke feelings of a trickster. Or should.




1. Sneak attack

Activate eclipse, move to a high priority target.

Activate sleight of hand to guarantee escape.

Take down said high priority target.

Run, while using hall of mirrors to escape.


2. Demolitions expert

Activate eclipse, move to location

Deploy sticky bomb in vicinity


Detonate bomb




Phew, 2 hours well spent.



TLDR: Lol no, read everything.













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prism doesnt do anything at 40 mins. except blind,


accuracy of enemies has been buffed as well as damage scaling, you cant rely that much on eclipse if your hiding in the shadows and with all your mirrors around, you will and you'll still get hit by someone out there. 


Mirage is fine as it is.

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The problem is, you're thinking of Mirage as a "trickster" in the same vein as Loki, when she really isn't. She's modeled after a harlequin or a jester. She's a performer, using her abilities to deal damage from center stage. She's not supposed to be a sneaky, backstabbing assassin, she's supposed to be in the spotlight, blasting enemies with her illusions and prisms.

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I have loved Mirage from the jump, and it boggles my mind that anyone could single her out for a rework.  She is at the bottom of my list of which frames need reworking.


If you want to just talk about Sleight of Hand, I'm behind you 100% with bells on.  However, she has one of the best 1 abilities in the game, Eclipse is super amazing and works great with HoM, Prism is underrated for it's CC capabilities, and I love both of her Augments.


So much nice damage, good CC, very low shields and health, which makes her quite balanced.


All you have accomplished with making this thread is make me appreciate Mirage even more.  Thank you, DE.  You done good with Mirage (except for Sleight of Hand, ofc).

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you use way too many line breaks.

this isn't a paper, you don't put in Line Breaks every chance you get. worse yet, the sections of your Post are just about evenly divided with the different parts of each section.

making it basically a double spaced wall of text.




Hall of Mirrors doesn't add any significant amount of Damage unless you're using the Augment for it.

the Clones deal severely reduced Damage, and they don't shoot at the exact point you're aiming at, they aim parallel to you. it's a Force Multiplier, not free Multishot.


all i want from Sleight of Hand is to make Derpy Lasers on ALL Doors.

those Lasers are the best part of the Ability, but if you don't have Corpus Doors in your Mission, the Ability is useless as far as i'm concerned.


Eclipse is certainly kind've boring, i don't find it to be particularly interesting. effective i guess, but it doesn't feel rewarding to use.


Prism is probably fine, the Damage isn't really as huge as it looks. ~1000 Radiation per second sounds like a lot at low Levels, but other AoE Blasts mapwipe too, so *shrugs*. but the Damage isn't particularly useful at higher Levels, it's just a Blind.

don't forget that Prisms' Damage is based on the Lighting Conditions Mirage is in. if you stand in a shadow, you lose 50% of it's Damage.

while the Blind is identical to Radial Blind without LoS requirement, i can't significntly dock the Ability for it.




also, while Mirage has a similar theme to Loki, of a Trickster of sorts, Mirage is a more Offensive oriented version, while Loki is Utility and Defensive.

Edited by taiiat
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Short version: NO

Long version No, Mirage is fine it seems like a post from someone who does not even use her herself but feels outdone by others using her (The fact that pretty much the majority of your "analysis" is dead wrong and riddled with false information basically verifies the assumption). Another case of: "uh someone got more kills than me since he can´t be better than me it must be the frame, it must be nerfed!"  

Edited by Hatzeputt
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OP here


I don't think i made this clear...


Yes, mirage is a VERY STRONG warframe. But the gameplay is just too boring and lacking of any skill whatsoever. Therefore, change is needed.


The current mirage "strategy"


1. Activate hall of mirrors

2. Activate eclipse

3. Hold down left mouse button.

4. Done.



Now, while this may be "fun" for other people, i feel like such a rinse and repeat type of strategy is just mindless massacre. Mirage is not fine, peoples. 


You don't have to aim

You kill your own teammates via FPS assassination

You plow through hordes of enemies at the press of 2 buttons and the left mouse button.


I think that Mirage is just fine the way she is. Also, she's a caster frame, once you get to a high tier she's glass cannon not steel plated, and will likely go down, often, especially vs. infested.


Warframe Wiki:


Maximized Power Strength increases the maximum weapon damage bonus to 458% and the maximum damage resistance to 95%



You're telling me 95% damage reduction doesn't cut it?


Also, just combine the 458% damage bonus + hall of mirrors+ ignis and you get flash-roasted infested.


prism doesnt do anything at 40 mins. except blind,




Rest in peace, excalibur. 



Lets not forget the "total eclipse augment."


Now you can share your 458% damage bonus with your team, or provide nigh invincibility with 95% damage reduction.


This effectively kills rhino's roar(114.5% damage bonus vs 458%)


Rest in peace rhino.



Ok, if you people seriously do not believe me...




Mirage in a nutshell.

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Well mirage is just OP and a damage powerhouse with possibly uber-defense. I think we should elevate some frames to a higher usefullness level first (Limbo, Nekros, Banshee)



However the stuff you propose looks kinda boring, sorry. You ave to have broken frames if you have broken game design.

Edited by Genoscythe
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by your logic every frame is boring


rhino: use iron skin shoot things done

alt: use iron skin use stomp, shoot things done


Ember: use WOF walk around, done


Frost: use snowglobe, shoot things done

Alt:use avalanche, done


must i go on?


i use her all the time and have fun, and the fact of the matter is that shes not going to change, alot of people like and play her.

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by your logic every frame is boring


rhino: use iron skin shoot things done

alt: use iron skin use stomp, shoot things done


Ember: use WOF walk around, done


Frost: use snowglobe, shoot things done

Alt:use avalanche, done


must i go on?




All three of those frames are considered broken. (yes they are boring)

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Hall of Mirrors shouldn't deal damage, it's too good for a #1 ability compared to every other frame in the game. Doesn't matter if it's only a 20% increase in damage, when you deal 10000 damage in one shot, your clones will deal 2000 each. At least up the energy-cost. 

Eclipse is uninspired foof. It's just another better Roar and Overheat in one go. 

Sleight of hand is USELESS. All it does is remove my ammo pick-ups. 

Prism is... Fine? I'd say the long cast-time is horrible, but the utility you get makes up for it. 


Of all the frames who are down right awful as of current ( i'm looking at you Limbo) Mirage needs a rework?


All of my no.

Limbo is awesome. 

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Sleight of Hand is the only bad skill Mirage has. She may as well only have three abilities. Luckily, the other three abilities are good enough that it makes up for the cruddy Sleight of Hand skill. If SoH was redesigned to be good ... She might become a little too OP, lol!

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OP here


I don't think i made this clear...


Yes, mirage is a VERY STRONG warframe. But the gameplay is just too boring and lacking of any skill whatsoever. Therefore, change is needed.


The current mirage "strategy"


1. Activate hall of mirrors

2. Activate eclipse

3. Hold down left mouse button.

4. Done.



bombards will teach you how to man up, trust me.

nullifiers ftw?

every game has boring yet powerful characters, just live with it okay? no one said you have to use her

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