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I Know We Have 21 Hours Left...but.


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the kronia relay is going to be destroyed in 1 day and 5 hours, and it is at almost the same percentage of the vesper relay,which is going to be destroyed in 21 hours,


Are We Going to let the social-favoured relay get destroyed?

and again,i know we have 21 hours,but yea,it's never too early to panic! xD

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I honestly want to see what happens to the Void Trader if the relay is destroyed while he is on it.


If nothing else ... To see if DE would actually take even more of the game away from us for not participating.


And to prevent any more Primed Point Blanks from being made. Hahahaha!

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Burn 'em all!

Each and every single one of them!


Edit: I have not done a single mission in this event and i refuse to purely because i detest archwing purely due to this being a ploy to get people using their archwings again for a certain amount of time..

Narcissism at its finest!

Edited by AirspokenConnor
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I love how people say "I want to see Kronus blown up" like it will look any different to the other two that went.


Anyway, both of them got a single solitary 1m+ run each from me for the creds.

I don't want to save them, and I don't want them to fall, I just don't care.

Certainly not enough to play more Archwing than I need to.


.... and I strongly suspect that our control over whether they survive or fall is extremely limited.

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