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Sniperton Vandal , Wraith Twin Wipers ?


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To sum it up, they cannot touch Excali prime. They cannot re-release it, alter it, or change what the founder bought in any way, shape or form. 



Shame, I would have liked for Excal Prime to have more bling, They must at least give Frost Prime some love, aside from the helmet, he is the same thing as Frost, give him more bling DE.... please


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Shame, I would have liked for Excal Prime to have more bling, They must at least give Frost Prime some love, aside from the helmet, he is the same thing as Frost, give him more bling DE.... please


I'm with you on that, Breadrack prime is kinda plain compared to the other primes. I mean look at Nova, she frikin splits apart and barfs energy during her abilities. It's so kickass. 

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I'm with you on that, Breadrack prime is kinda plain compared to the other primes. I mean look at Nova, she frikin splits apart and barfs energy during her abilities. It's so kickass. 

i think a graphical rework of the frames when they get the PBR done to them could work. frost's head to me looks like the grates from inside a toaster

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1) you are an imbecile. i've said constantly that i could care less about excal prime being re-released. and 2) yes there are "people" who will riot if it's ever re-released. and a founder skin would make it worse. "oh you didn't get the real thing? well now you can pretend you did!"

People will "riot" ?

For some item in a video game ?

What are they, savages ?


If they are really as you two depict them then the sooner they are driven out of the game the better.

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People will "riot" ?

For some item in a video game ?

What are they, savages ?


If they are really as you two depict them then the sooner they are driven out of the game the better.

Some item that they payed $50 - $250 for. If I payed that much, then it was released to the general public for free, even after being told it would never ever EVER come out again, I would be pretty pissed off as well. 

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Some item that they payed $50 - $250 for. If I payed that much, then it was released to the general public for free, even after being told it would never ever EVER come out again, I would be pretty &!$$ed off as well. 

Don't tell me people riot other a few hundred bucks.


But it could be ear-splitting, yes, that it could.

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Don't tell me people riot other a few hundred bucks.


But it could be ear-splitting, yes, that it could.

I never said they would riot. I said that they would be very unhappy that they spent over 50 bucks on something they were promised would be exclusive, only to have it come out.


And like I said earlier, it only takes one very unhappy person to issue a court summons.

Edited by DecapitatingJim
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I never said they would riot. I said that they would be very unhappy that they spent over 50 bucks on something they were promised would be exclusive, only to have it come out.


And like I said earlier, it only takes one very unhappy person to issue a court summons.

You said it, but I guess you meant "uproar" more than a true riot.

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And I say it again, these complaint would have never happened if the Wraith/Vandal/Dex had been skins, and if the events mods had been introduced normaly some 6 months after the events every time.

We're going to need this at some point to clear up the weapon list. May as well combine all variants with their base forms as well, including single and dual variants.

DE have already proven they have the means of refunding forma for removed polarities, and presumably they could refund potatoes too.

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