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Status Chance Builds Must Be Made Viable.


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Right now, weapon builds in warframe are horribly constricted, as they are heavily focused on direct damage and crits, if the weapon has a high starting crit chance. if status chance builds were to make a comeback, something called "variety" and "choice" would have a place in the origin system.  The hate towards D polarities in the first slot would also subside.


Standard status chance mods


Rifle aptitude- +15% status chance. Seriously... This makes almost no difference, and pales in comparison to:


Rime rounds, thermite rounds, high voltage, and malignant force, which all have +60% status chance, as well as an elemental damage boost. Not to mention these mods only cost 7 mod energy, vs the 9 mod energy of rifle aptitude. it doesn't stop there; the dual stat mods also have a V polarity vs D polarity, making them much more desirable. 


And, thanks to the fact that these mods were event exclusive(with the exception of malignant force), players must put a considerable amount of effort in to acquire these mods.


Crit builds, on the other hand, are actually viable thanks to point strike, which gives an unprecedented 150% crit chance. 


It doesn't stop there, oh no. 


This terrible hate towards status chance builds has spread to archwing.


Modified munitions- While this mod gives 60% bonus status chance as compared to rifle aptitude's measly 15%, it is a D polarity mod with 9 mod energy. The discrimination continues.


Magma chamber- This mod, like the other dual stat mods, effectively displaces modified munitions. 

It comes with an elemental damage boost, 2 less mod energy, and a V polarity.




If you are not yet horrified by this...genocide of status chance mods...prepare yourselves.


The Dual stat mod terror extends to pistols, shotguns, melee, and even archwing melee.


Sure shot- 15%


Shotgun savvy- 30%


Melee prowess- 15%


Sudden impact- 60%


Dual stat mods for all weapons: 60% status chance and 60% elemental damage




This has to change. The standard status chance mods are useless in comparison to the dual stat event mods. Please, DE, do not force players to cough up upwards of 100 plat to get their hands on these tainted mods, just so they have a chance of getting a good status chance build. Mods should be different, not direct upgrades from their counterparts.



TLDR: Buff the standard status chance mods to AT LEAST 150%. 







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It isn't just Status Chance mods. Several of the elemental mods are not consistent as well. DE needs to go through and reevaluate all of the status and elemental mods across all weapon types. While they are at it they can do the same for the base damage mods, corrupted mods, multishot mods, dualstat mods. all the mods.


TLDR: Buff the standard status chance mods to AT LEAST 150%.
That seems a bit excessive. Bringing them in line with the event mods, or making them a bit better would be sufficient. 80% range seems good enough.
Edited by xRufus7x
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the dedicated Status Chance Mods for Equipment should probably be 100% extra Status. it's a nice even number. Nightmare Mods are usually 60-80% of the dedicated Mods' Effect anyways, so 100% would be within previous ranges for Dual Stat Mods. (with the exception for a few ofcourse :|)


and a lot of other Mods that are all over the place in terms of stats.




this Thread is not about Platinum at all. that was a one sentence mention out of the entire Post.


base Mods, Mods that boost one Stat positively and that's it, are supposed to have large bonuses to that Stat.

Nightmare / Dual Stat Mods, Mods that boost two Stats, at a significantly weaker strength than the dedicated base Mods for their respective Stats.

Corrupted Mods, Mods that boost one Stat positively, and another negatively. the negative balances out the concept that they're 'equal' or greater in strength to the base set of Mods, but come with a negative facet to them.

Primed Mods.... just bigger numbers for free. they don't have any tradeoffs or anything.



there's a lot of Mods that don't fit this outline, Dual Stat Mods that are equal or superior to their base versions, Corrupted Mods that are bleh or easymode compared to their base versions, Dual Stat Mods that are horrendously inferior to their base versions and are very difficult to justify using, Et Cetera.

that's what this Thread is talking about.

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So, no. I disagree with most, if not all you suggest. Some mods are better than others. Its the nature of the game.

Are you kidding me????


Serration- 165% damage, 14 energy


Heavy caliber- Must be found in vault, or traded, 165% damage, -55% ACCURACY.    16 mod energy.



Point Strike-150% crit chance, 9 energy


Critical delay 48% crit chance, must be found in vault, -36% fire rate, 9 energy



DE has balanced these mods, why not status chance mods?





That seems a bit excessive. Bringing them in line with the event mods, or making them a bit better would be sufficient. 80% range seems good enough.



80% is nowhere near enough, considering rifle aptitude takes MORE mod energy, has a D polarity, and takes 9 mod energy.


Dual stat mod: V polarity, comes with elemental damage bonus, only 7 energy.


Also, i'd say 150% is not quite enough, considering crit chances are usually higher than status chances. 


Braton- 10% crit chance, 5% status chance


Point strike- 150% crit chance


Rifle aptitude- 15% status chance.



So, i'd say 300% is still reasonable.


Edit: more like 175% 

Edited by sushibend
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the dedicated Status Chance Mods for Equipment should probably be 100% extra Status. it's a nice even number. Nightmare Mods are usually 60-80% of the dedicated Mods' Effect anyways, so 100% would be within previous ranges for Dual Stat Mods. (with the exception for a few ofcourse :|)


and a lot of other Mods that are all over the place in terms of stats.



this Thread is not about Platinum at all. that was a one sentence mention out of the entire Post.


base Mods, Mods that boost one Stat positively and that's it, are supposed to have large bonuses to that Stat.

Nightmare / Dual Stat Mods, Mods that boost two Stats, at a significantly weaker strength than the dedicated base Mods for their respective Stats.

Corrupted Mods, Mods that boost one Stat positively, and another negatively. the negative balances out the concept that they're 'equal' or greater in strength to the base set of Mods, but come with a negative facet to them.

Primed Mods.... just bigger numbers for free. they don't have any tradeoffs or anything.



there's a lot of Mods that don't fit this outline, Dual Stat Mods that are equal or superior to their base versions, Corrupted Mods that are bleh or easymode compared to their base versions, Dual Stat Mods that are horrendously inferior to their base versions and are very difficult to justify using, Et Cetera.

that's what this Thread is talking about.


You are right, this thread isnt about platinum. Its about residual income as a business model. In fact, every thread that suggests something needs to be changed, or updated, or modified, or whatever.... has to consider the bottom line... which is money.


Im not saying the status mods dont need work, but if you ask yourself "will this change effect platinum flow in the market in a negative way?" (by negative, Im simply suggesting less platinum being spent), and the answer is yes, then you have a solid idea as to why some things probably wont change. More specifically, will this change reduce platinum spending in any way, which will in turn reduce the spending of money to buy platinum?


If this were a game that was not reliant on micro-transactions, then most suggestions, especially this one, can be addressed with relative ease. However, since it IS reliant on micro-transactions, much care has to go into those types of changes so as not to lower their own paychecks. There is a real world effect that takes place for them when they make changes. Because of that, you have to address all aspects, rather than things that only immediately have to do with the internal game. They go hand in hand and you cannot ignore one side of it.

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and the answer is yes

no effect whatsoever.

or, a positive effect. you're either going to get people not being interested in the Mod and still not trading for it, or more people interested, and people trading for it.


it's royally hilarious that you think having the base set Mods actually be useful would reduce Platinum flow. Status Elementals are shiny Rare, and also add Damage, not to mention most are still basically unobtainable at this point. based on those three things alone, they will, and we know they do, sell all day for buckets of Platinum.

base set Status Mods not being useless doesn't change that at all. those factors do not change. a pure Status Mod is a niche Mod, going in your last open slot on a Weapon. the masses will not be buying them for Platinum any time soon. 

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Regular status mod can use bigger figures.

The rest I don't agree.


150% is too much.

But 100% is fine.


Why ?

Hammer shot 40%.

9 points


Event status mods 60%

7 points.


Bring stunning speed up to hammershot level.


100% will be good enough for normal ones.

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Status chance builds are viable... with the event mods. The title can be kinda misleading, but in short OP wants the status mods buffed.


I notice a lot of people posting against the OP seem to not understand that 40% extra status chance is not going to make up for three things that an event mod provides over a non event one:


1. Elemental Damage

2. MUCH less drain (will explain below)

3. Saving a mod slot (will also explain below)


One is pretty self explanatory and two and three kinda coincide. You see, since the event mod has the elemental damage on it an elemental mod is not required. This gives the event mod a one mod slot advantage over the non-event one. The event mod already takes two less drain than a non-event one, but the fact that you  can skip out on a 11 drain elemental card makes that gap even bigger. Consider this these two setups, both with elemental damage and status chance:


two event mods = 120% status chance and 120% elemental damage, total of 14 drain


two elementals + buffed status card (180% to be generous) = 180% status chance, 180% elemental damage, total of 31 drain


As you can see, it may appear to be fine at first. but you must consider this: a third mod can be added to event setup to even out or surpass the non-event setup and no matter what mod you add it still will not come out to 31 drain as there is no mod for non-archwing weapons that takes more than 16 drain.


As you can see, the gap between non-event and even status mods is pretty big. 100% status chance is not enough. Giving them enough will give rise to things like this though:


4 event status mods + 1 buffed status mod = 420% status chance


Oh my word! That's a lot of status chance. This will be an issue, so I propose that the non-event status mods be a flat increase. This way, they serve a similar purpose, but in a different manner. It'll also prevent the apocalypse that is 9001% status chance increase.

Edited by Racercowboy
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4 event status mods + 1 buffed status mod = 420% status chance


Oh my word! That's a lot of status chance. This will be an issue, so I propose that the non-event status mods be a flat increase. This way, they serve a similar purpose, but in a different manner. It'll also prevent the apocalypse that is 9001% status chance increase.

Tysis-50% status chance


Bonus 420% status chance= 260% status chance


So... Double status? Like red crits?

Edited by sushibend
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The amount of "status" a gun can cause should also determine how long the status lasts.


For example if I have a gun with a 20% chance to cause BLAST, and it goes off, right now it takes the enemy about 4 or 5 seconds to get up.


But if I had a gun with like 100% status chance, that Blast proc could (and should) last WAY longer, making the enemies take like 12 to 15 seconds to stand back up.


This should work for any "status has occured" animation enemies perform, be it their frozen moonwalk, firey flailing, corrosive gun jam, gas and viral stumble, electric stun, blast tripping, and the rest.

Edited by Kruglov
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If this were a game that was not reliant on micro-transactions, then most suggestions, especially this one, can be addressed with relative ease. However, since it IS reliant on micro-transactions, much care has to go into those types of changes so as not to lower their own paychecks. There is a real world effect that takes place for them when they make changes. Because of that, you have to address all aspects, rather than things that only immediately have to do with the internal game. They go hand in hand and you cannot ignore one side of it.


Actually, by their own admission in Livestreams, most of Warframe's current income comes from Prime Access, the least expensive pack of which runs the price of a full Triple A title - which you can't in good faith consider a "micro transaction".

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Actually, by their own admission in Livestreams, most of Warframe's current income comes from Prime Access, the least expensive pack of which runs the price of a full Triple A title - which you can't in good faith consider a "micro transaction".


Events, and large updates (or large content packs in general) are a large source of income. In 2014, Digital Extremes generated about 30m in revenue. I would imagine no matter what the largest source is, I wouldnt dismiss the smaller sources just for a balancing issue.


Again, Im not saying the mods dont need work, just that there are other things to consider.


Also, seeing as how this game has been around for about 2 years, and generates millions of dollars, in good faith I wouldnt consider it a beta either... and yet we do.

Edited by Faulcun
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I still think 150+ is still high. 100 is the highest it should probably go. As is you can achieve 60ish status chance on a weapon with a 10% base. Since you seen to like to compare that to the critical mods, how many critical builds run with a weapon that has a 10 % crit chance. Also I hate that comparison because Status tends to be more about utility, while Crit is pure damage. The mods should not be used for comparison.


Also Status builds don't need to be viable on every weapon.

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Tysis-50% status chance


Bonus 420% status chance= 260% status chance


So... Double status? Like red crits?

Garunteed red crit status chance + a 60% chance for a rainbow proc inflicting all statuses in one shot. I can see it now.



I still think 150+ is still high. 100 is the highest it should probably go. As is you can achieve 60ish status chance on a weapon with a 10% base. Since you seen to like to compare that to the critical mods, how many critical builds run with a weapon that has a 10 % crit chance. Also I hate that comparison because Status tends to be more about utility, while Crit is pure damage. The mods should not be used for comparison.


Also Status builds don't need to be viable on every weapon.

It's true that not every weapon should excel at status infliction, just like not every weapon excel at critical hits. I certainly would not be against having them buffed to 100%, but as I outlined in my post that would create problems. Albeit I used the 180% version in my example, it would still come out to 360% increased status chance, which is still a ton, and enough to make any weapon with at least 10% status chance a status inflicting beast (36% status chance before multishot mods are taken into account). There aren't many weapons with less than 10% status chance, and those that do tend to have very high fire rates or are throw-away newbie weapons.


This is why I am of the opinion that non-event status mods should be a flat increase. We can keep the number small so it won't stack in OP ways.

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