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Why Are We Not Able Too Pick Up Items During Limbo's Abilities?


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So i have recently gotten limbo, and i have too say he is a pretty amazing frame, he looks amazing, he has amazing abilities, and is Amazingly fun too play as, he is generally AMAZING! 

However the fact that when you cast "Rift walk" & "Cataclysm" you can not pick up items on the ground make him less "Amazing".

now i understand that the reason this is the way it is is due too the fact that limbo gains energy whilst in the void and it would be stupid op if he could gain hp and or energy from Energy/Health orbs while in rift walk, since he is pretty much invincible as it is.

i just don't get why he cant pickup resources or mods, or ammo or anything.

Its really annoying having too turn rift walk off just too pick a mod up every few minutes, on top of that people get annoyed when you cast "Cataclysm" on the defense objective and they cant pick up item either, also turning off rift walk or leaving cataclysm too pick these items up will almost 80% of the time result in death, which is not fun for you or your teammates, nor is it fair too your comrades who simply wanted that mod on the ground outside of your cataclysm and are now dead because they risked it for the mod.

A simple solution too this is making it so limbo and other players in the game are allowed too get any drops except for energy and health while under the influence of limbo's abilities.

Limbo players have been hated since day one, and players branded limbo as a Troll-Frame due too banish.

PLEASE! Fix this so he is no longer annoying too the one using him, and the other players in the game.

Leave your thoughts, BYE!



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When you use rift walk it makes sense that you can't pick up items and its no biggy because you can turn it off any time.

Its mostly when you use catalysm that you definitely should be able to pick up any items in the AOE because well, they are in the rift dimension and so are you.

I've lost count of how many times I've used cat only to have to wait a good 20 seconds for it to expire so I can pick up the loots.

I hate using cat because it stops team mates from getting pickups as well.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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Last time i played Limbo my teamates told me to play a "straight frame" because "limbo so gay" since they couldn't grab loot while inside cataclysm.
I didn't even troll them with banish (even if i was highly tempted at one point), i literaly just cataclysmed the cryopod in defense mission and they went on telling me to kill myself IRL just because i played an unpopular warframe. Aaaah, the internet...

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When you use rift walk it makes sense that you can't pick up items and its no biggy because you can turn it off any time.

Its mostly when you use catalysm that you definitely should be able to pick up any items in the AOE because well, they are in the rift dimension and so are you.

I've lost count of how many times I've used cat only to have to wait a good 20 seconds for it to expire so I can pick up the loots.

I hate using cat because it stops team mates from getting pickups as well.

You are right about rift walk, turning it off and on is not that big of a deal, but after doing it like fifty times a mission, and going down several times because it was deactivated gets really annoying.... 

Also i feel you with cataclysm, it does not make much sense that the warframes and the defending area are now in another dimension but the items that are still physically there are not part of that dimension thus not being able too be picked up, #Logic

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However the fact that when you cast "Rift walk" & "Cataclysm" you can not pick up items on the ground make him less "Amazing".

now i understand that the reason this is the way it is is due too the fact that limbo gains energy whilst in the void and it would be stupid op if he could gain hp and or energy from Energy/Health orbs while in rift walk, since he is pretty much invincible as it is


The reason is because the loot simply doesn't exist in the rift dimension. Hence by being there, you can't pick it up.

Although I'm not sure how things work when you kill an enemy in the rift dimension and (if) they drop stuff - is it considered in limbo?


Now that said, I reckon it's a bug that cataclysm doesn't "banish" loot along with enemies, since they too are entities.


Basically I'm suggesting that only cataclysm should be adjusted not only to make sense, but so that loot captured in the hole *can* be picked up by those inside. Banish and rift walk should be left alone, IMO.

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A good way to explain this is if you imagine a mirror.


You can pick up objects on your side of the mirror, as can your reflection on its side. However, You can't pick up things in the mirror directly, even when they are within reach. Likewise, your reflection can't interact with objects in the real world.


Take that mirror, make it four-dimensional, and you have an accurate representation of why Banished and Rift-walking players can't pick up items.

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A good way to explain this is if you imagine a mirror.


You can pick up objects on your side of the mirror, as can your reflection on its side. However, You can't pick up things in the mirror directly, even when they are within reach. Likewise, your reflection can't interact with objects in the real world.


Take that mirror, make it four-dimensional, and you have an accurate representation of why Banished and Rift-walking players can't pick up items.

I understand the concept, the logic is there i understand, i am looking at it from a game mechanic view, and if you want too take the whole dimension logic seriously then items in cataclysm are technically in the dimension as someone mentioned earlier.

regardless, why should someone have too consistently go in and out of rift walk too pick up alloy plate, or salvage, and risk dying, especially on high waves.

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Also another thing i forgot too mention is that when you are in Rift walk you are not able too pick up the Data mass during Mobile defense missions, yet loki is able too pick it up while invisible?

Why cant limbo simply bring it too the other dimension with him...

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In terms of game mechanics:


Ash with Smokescreen

Loki with Invisibility

Mesa with Shatter Shield

Rhino with Iron Skin

Trinity with Link/Blessing

Valkyr with Hysteria

Zephyr with Turbulence


All the above give some form of pseudo invincibility, but they all can pick up items. Why shouldn't Limbo?



If you want to talk about logic, then Valkyr would be too angry to pick up stuff and Zephyr's turbulence would blow the items away.


If Limbo can send entire areas to the rift, he sure can send some items to the rift for him to pick up.



Edit: No idea why p i s s e d was censored. Changed to angry.

Edited by Cosmeo
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  • 4 weeks later...


The reason is because the loot simply doesn't exist in the rift dimension. Hence by being there, you can't pick it up.

Although I'm not sure how things work when you kill an enemy in the rift dimension and (if) they drop stuff - is it considered in limbo?


Now that said, I reckon it's a bug that cataclysm doesn't "banish" loot along with enemies, since they too are entities.


Basically I'm suggesting that only cataclysm should be adjusted not only to make sense, but so that loot captured in the hole *can* be picked up by those inside. Banish and rift walk should be left alone, IMO.

  Although this post is relatively old.  I must agree..Items should be attainable when under Cataclysm for sure.  Its a huge annoyance that my ability penalizes a whole group because Limbo decided to use their ultimate ability.   Otherwise, it feels like a bug and it discourages the player from ever using cataclysm due to the concern that it may handicap the group effort.  

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  • 3 months later...

Although this post is quite old and it's safe to assume that if DE found this to be something as a high priority they would have fixed it. That said, I enjoy creating builds for all the different warframes that have been released, especially the neglected warframes that most players deem unusable. However in this case Limbo, due to the reasons discussed, I find him unusable as previously deemed by so many players. If in the future DE does look at this post, please allow the limbo to at least obtain resource and mods. You can't deny that this is just a troll characteristic of this warframe and it should be fixed.

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I refuse to use limbo. He is literally the only frame left that I have not gotten either through farming or through a direct purchase. I have seen the potential and how useful his abilities can be but I have also seen too many random banishments of myself and other teammates. For example yesterday I went into a defense mission and within the first few seconds of initiating the first wave I was banished. We hadn't even gotten the game started and I don't know the other player at all so it couldn't have been something personal (or maybe it was, but I just don't remember lol). In fact there was 2 limbos in that game and they decided to banish myself and the other player for most of the entire rounds. It was unbearable so I left after the first 5 waves.

Anyways because of this singular troll-able ability I refuse to get or play Limbo. Because I hate getting trolled and to be perfectly honest I know myself very well and I know I can get pretty heated some times myself and I might decide to troll somebody as well lol...so it's like a preventive measure. I am literally preventing myself from being able to do something I highly dislike. it's almost like me going to the casinos. I only bring cash. When I'm out I'm out lol. No Plastic anymore. Prevent myself from doing stupid -! S#&$. lol.

Edited by (XB1)Lorewalker1022
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The reason is because the loot simply doesn't exist in the rift dimension. Hence by being there, you can't pick it up.

Although I'm not sure how things work when you kill an enemy in the rift dimension and (if) they drop stuff - is it considered in limbo?


Now that said, I reckon it's a bug that cataclysm doesn't "banish" loot along with enemies, since they too are entities.


Basically I'm suggesting that only cataclysm should be adjusted not only to make sense, but so that loot captured in the hole *can* be picked up by those inside. Banish and rift walk should be left alone, IMO.


They drop and you can't pick... #DE_Logic


Basically, thats my main issue with Limbo (and the rift surge being 90% of time useless), since i agree he is immensely powerful on defenses (try to combo, gmag + mesa + limbo + whatever = pod unscratched, seriously) but the fact that i run a duration build and, me and my team cannot pickup things inside Cata (and this pretty much screw every other player inside it as well), it cripples the potential of the Limbo. 


Basically, for me, thats a (if not the most) powerful troll skill where it is right now (even more if you run duration + full range... it's a bubble of like 70m) without allowing the team to pickup.


I agree with DE's decision of not making data masses being able to be carried to cata, since it would trivialize everything (also, not a big issue to run to the thing and pop cata using NT, just saying), also, if you don't agreed with my statement, think for a second, Loki can carry the data mass while invisible, but he sucks at solo def missions. Same for Valkyr and every other frame that  has some kind of "pseudo-invulnerability".


But again, DE should fix (yep,"fix", because for me using their own "logic", this is a bug) the fact that we cannot pickup things inside cata, seriously...



TL;DR: DE has to change the "unable to pickup look inside cata", and i agree with him being unable to pickup data mass.

Edited by Treido
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I agree that you should be able to pick up ammo and mods in cataclysm -- they should be inside the Rift dimension as well. Energy and Health can stay outside because energy is void magic, and health looks like the energy balls so we can assume it's void magic too. And void magic says it doesn't require logic.

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Hilarious that people are trying to use in-universe logic, in Warframe of all games, to argue against gameplay improvements. Since when is the logic in this game consistent in any way? If you don't like the proposed change, argue why it would be bad for the gameplay. Not because "it makes sense since you're in the void".

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Even though this was neco bumped, I agree with the premise. Let people pick items up in the rift dimension. I'd use Limbo if this change went in. As it is, it's very frustrating to play as or with a Limbo.

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Bump, Limbo is my favorite warframe currently, but the inability to pick up items while under cataclysm is just stupid. Besides that. If you do a excavation mission with your teammates, they cant power the excavator as long as you keep it under cataclysm. The powercores will be dropped on the floor cause of it. And even if the ball is very small but the excavator is still under the effects from cataclysm. It will bug up, the powercore gets consumed by the excavator, but no percentage is added cause somehow all the power is absorbed into the void..yay \o/.


whenever I do an excavation mission with other people, They have to ask me to turn off cataclysm for a moment to drop in a powercore, and then recast it again. This is frustrating for both parties.


So please listen to the above suggestions and make it so that items can get transported into the void through cataclysm. My teammates should be able to at least power up an excavator while under cataclysm....

Edited by Bloodhoundje
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Mmmh i don think so

After all this is a pretty good tradeoff, be invincible but you can t get what s dropping in the real world

At least for the 1st 2 abilities, now cataclysm is another matter, they should change it so that stuff that drops/ is already present in the cataclysm zone would be pickable by those in the ability area, as it is in the rift already.

The power cells of excavations & datamasses also shouldn t be automatically dropped when we enter the area/are rifted, doesn t make any sense as we keep our weapons in the rift & they aren t anymore part of us as datamasses/power cells are

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The reason is because the loot simply doesn't exist in the rift dimension. Hence by being there, you can't pick it up.

Although I'm not sure how things work when you kill an enemy in the rift dimension and (if) they drop stuff - is it considered in limbo?

Now that said, I reckon it's a bug that cataclysm doesn't "banish" loot along with enemies, since they too are entities.

Basically I'm suggesting that only cataclysm should be adjusted not only to make sense, but so that loot captured in the hole *can* be picked up by those inside. Banish and rift walk should be left alone, IMO.

No bug, lazy developers.

It even kinda makes sense that loot doesn't get banished, ya know, since the banishing expires with theyr dead. What doesn't make sense AT ALL is that loot ->inside a constantly banished sphere, would @(*()$ drop into reality. Evrything inside the sphere belongs to the rift and should be use and collectable and evrything that falls into reality should still be a target for banishing seperately.

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FYI, there is a delay from when you enter the cataclysm to when you drop your power core. So if you copter into the cata fast enough, you can still charge the extractor if you hit it before you drop the power core, also depends on the size of the cataclysm, if they are running over 100% range it's going to be difficult.

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Last time i played Limbo my teamates told me to play a "straight frame" because "limbo so gay" since they couldn't grab loot while inside cataclysm.

I didn't even troll them with banish (even if i was highly tempted at one point), i literaly just cataclysmed the cryopod in defense mission and they went on telling me to kill myself IRL just because i played an unpopular warframe. Aaaah, the internet...

If any frame is gay, it would be the Volt (not critcizing the frame or anything, he just seems like he would be homosexual), but Limbo is probably Bi 

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