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Things Expected This Year In Warframe


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Welp 2015 is here


so what are you guys expecting for warframe this year?


I think the devs have already talked a lot about what's to come but I wanted to see the community's wishes /expectationns for 2015


And what is the thing you're the most excited about?


i'd have to say Tyl regor rework for me 


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Better modes for fighting fewer, tougher enemies.




Players have proven that they are willing to repeatedly play to 35 and 40min and longer. I don't think it will be an "END GAME" system for only high levels as many have framed it in their suggestions, but I do predict DE will give us some kind of longer raid-like mission type.

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Keyword: Seems.

Just some pretty artwork is all you need to make people want him it seems.

Can't a man dream? Plus, it's not just the artwork, the abilities seem like the would work really well. The art is just the cherry on top.

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Can't a man dream? Plus, it's not just the artwork, the abilities seem like the would work really well. The art is just the cherry on top.

I crush dreams.



And believe me, it's just the artwork. If you were to get rid of the abilities, the reactions would've been the same.

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Typhus. That's really everything, he seems SOOO good!

Personally, I'd rather not see him in the game. He's got so overhyped for a decent-but-not-really-that-great fan concept that DE making him an official thing would seem like giving up under the pressure of fan demand, instead of actually willing to. (Moreover, he's been shoved into the community's faces so many times it's getting a bit irritating)


All I'm saying is if they actually wanted to make him they'd have done it months ago. If they do it now they'll be just sucking up to the community.


Edited by Artarrwen
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Personally, I'd rather not see him in the game. He's got so overhyped for a decent-but-not-really-that-great fan concept that DE making him an official thing would seem like giving up under the pressure of fan demand, instead of actually willing to. (Moreover, he's been shoved into the community's faces so many times it's getting a bit irritating)


All I'm saying is if they actually wanted to make him they'd have done it months ago. If they do it now they'll be just sucking up to the community.


Is that a bad thing? We're the consumers after all.

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Is that a bad thing? We're the consumers after all.

In a sense it is and in a sense it isn't. That bad thing is that they'll be sucking up to community demands, and this can cause an after-effect of people getting angry and upset as to how their ideas aren't getting in even though they have a good amount of attention.


Good thing is that it shows DE is paying attention to the concepts and takes them into consideration. 

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Is that a bad thing? We're the consumers after all.


Not at all, but you have to keep in mind DE is very particular about what it does and does not want in the game, especially when it comes to bare-bones concepts for things - and even more specifically for art related projects. It's also a matter of keeping ideas that enter the game to be at least somewhat original. For instance, Zephyr was a fan derived concept, but in name and theme only, where the end product looked very different from the original fan concept. Concepts like that have a lot of room to grow visually.


Minki, or anybody else from the art team or other departments (Scott was the one who recognized Zephyr's future existence to the public initially), might have gone and seen Typhus as not in line with their art direction, or perhaps even as a finished product that wouldn't allow for a lot of additions/subtractions/changes. Perhaps I'm off base but I think it's important for DE's art team to strive for originality, rather than just absorbing every community idea that gets popular.

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In a sense it is and in a sense it isn't. That bad thing is that they'll be sucking up to community demands, and this can cause an after-effect of people getting angry and upset as to how their ideas aren't getting in even though they have a good amount of attention.


Good thing is that it shows DE is paying attention to the concepts and takes them into consideration. 

Didn't actually think of that.

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Typhus is NOT going to happen. Please stop everyone, it's just the art. And the style would not even fit warframe's aesthetic.

More grind walls, more time walls, more resource walls, more pay-to-win. The usual.

What pay to win?

I mean come on, you can get premium currency without paying a single cent. Yeah yeah the trading system is S#&$ you will say but it works.

And the time walls aren't that bad. Be patient.

The grind walls on the other hand are sometimes pretty insane.

(Mesa I'm looking at you...)

Also, all of the following things:

Parkour and stealth 2.0, Ember rework, Nekros rework, Syndicate primary and melee weapons, (Vaykor Karak DEpls) underwater tileset and swimming, Nef Anyo rework, Tyl Regor rework, J3 Golem, MOAR PRIMES, (Galatine Prime and Volt/Ash Prime DEPLS!!!) new weapons, actual syndicate death squads, not the placeholders we have now, Magistar buff, more old event mods, events that are fun, tactical alerts, archwing stuff, (more mission types and weapons and a working HUD) more Corpus units, robots preferably, (Hyenas and such, not just new osprey types) focus system, no Typhus, HE IS NOT HAPPENING OK?,,,,,,, syndicate accessories, bird companions, more rewarding not-endless missions, Boltor Prime nerf *Equips flame repellent*, Relay destruction aftermaths.

That is a lot of things.

Edited by painovoimaton
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In a sense it is and in a sense it isn't. That bad thing is that they'll be sucking up to community demands, and this can cause an after-effect of people getting angry and upset as to how their ideas aren't getting in even though they have a good amount of attention.


Good thing is that it shows DE is paying attention to the concepts and takes them into consideration. 

The good thing is also kind of bad because it wouldn't even be the first time of showing appreciation of community dedication because they've done it a lot before and most of the times in a more official format through contests. Making the concept official just because of sheer demand will seem a lot like favoritism.


Not at all, but you have to keep in mind DE is very particular about what it does and does not want in the game, especially when it comes to bare-bones concepts for things - and even more specifically for art related projects. It's also a matter of keeping ideas that enter the game to be at least somewhat original. For instance, Zephyr was a fan derived concept, but in name and theme only, where the end product looked very different from the original fan concept. Concepts like that have a lot of room to grow visually.


Minki, or anybody else from the art team or other departments (Scott was the one who recognized Zephyr's future existence to the public initially), might have gone and seen Typhus as not in line with their art direction, or perhaps even as a finished product that wouldn't allow for a lot of additions/subtractions/changes. Perhaps I'm off base but I think it's important for DE's art team to strive for originality, rather than just absorbing every community idea that gets popular.

Also a good point.

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