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Update 16. What Are You Expecting?


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Heavy canon gun . 

Mini Gatling gun . 

Archwing Defend stage

Missile array Archwing

some Face mask . Hat,for decorate 


Modify able crosshair. 

Seperate between affinity and dammage dot option 

HUD is not show frame. just like other shooting game . show only hand . 

More light in fitting room 

Meteal color template

Option for pick host by Key owner 

32 PPL raid stage.Dedicate server . New boss a godzilla or  space kraken !

Free AMD ball !



AK lex prime 

AK Vasto prime 


PS . Soma prime prime !!! couz only 1 prime just +2 dmg #@!#@!

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Self-centered desires:

- Stalker getting a partner. There's no reason to believe he's the only Low Guardian to have escaped the Orokin massacre.

- Harvester getting buffed in general. Seriously. The poor thing dies on spawn.

- The G3 getting buffed so I am not able to destroy them, even with a Bolt attached to my Warframe.

- More wind effects on my Misa Prime Syanadana so I look even more epic when I heroically save allies.

- A statue of my Frost Prime built in the remaining Relays. Cause, you know, I am the main character after all.

- All of my Frost Prime's base stats being boosted by +9001%. 

- My own unique weapons.

- The ability to randomly appear in people's games and help/save them in their darkest hour.


What may or may not actually happen:

- A new Tile-set.

- A new Warframe.

- A new Event regarding the aftermath of Relays that have been destroyed.

- New Enemies.

- New Weapons.

- New Cosmetics. 

- New Mods.

- Cloth Physics.

- The Focus System.

- More Augments.

- Augment-Only Slots.

- Fixes.

- New Bugs.

- Buffs.

- Nerfs.

Edited by Tymerc
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The number of people getting angry over Archwing removed would outnumber the people happy with it removed, IMO.


not by a long shot. the general hate and the almost total failure this event was kinda proves the point.


on a more serious note, i just hope they drop the idea of merging archwing phases in normal missions too. people don't want to be forced to play a minimode they dislike.

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not by a long shot. the general hate and the almost total failure this event was kinda proves the point.


on a more serious note, i just hope they drop the idea of merging archwing phases in normal missions too. people don't want to be forced to play a minimode they dislike.


I would highly doubt they would drop all the work they've put into it considering they've apparently made the new J3 as a large as a normal level.

Honestly it seems like people keep forgetting, back when warframe first went into open beta, it had like one tileset, 8 warframes and a handful of weapons with maybe 5 or 6 game modes and now with people giving it time and a chance, its grown massively. Archwing at the moment is almost like how warframe was at the start, I'm not saying everyone has to like it but maybe we need it give it more time to grow into something better before immediately throwing it aside as rubbish because it doesn't make our normal tenno missions event more powerful than they are already. 

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not by a long shot. the general hate and the almost total failure this event was kinda proves the point.


on a more serious note, i just hope they drop the idea of merging archwing phases in normal missions too. people don't want to be forced to play a minimode they dislike.

The "general hate and the almost total failure" does not represent the majority of the player base. It just seems so because the people who voices their dislike are more vocal. But there are still many who play this event, be it because they enjoy Archwing or just want to get the reward. Those Formorians were still going down(we lost 4 out of, I dunno, 18 attacks?) because people keep playing it.

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MAG Prime, Frost Prime, and Ember Prime buffs, in a similar fashion to what the newer primes have.


Augment Slots and possibly Utility Slots


Surging Dash and Fire Flight become passives of the corresponding abilities and are replaced with a new and better augment


Archwing mode made less boring 


Focus System


New cloth system added and put on older frames that should have it (except trinity maybe)

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