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Eyes Of Blight: Postmortem & Results.


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Eyes of Blight: Postmortem & Results!

“You seek for knowledge and wisdom, as I once did; and I ardently hope that the gratification of your wishes may not be a serpent to sting you, as mine has been.” - Victor Frankenstein

For those of you familiar with Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Victor’s ambition arguably caused his fall. The tragic creation of The Monster at this hands of Victor’s unchained ambition tells a tale similar to the latest Event on PC: Eyes of Blight.

In the world of Warframe, the Tenno were thrown against a massive threat to work together to stop the Vay Hek’s Fomorians from destroying the Relays. The Tenno are a diverse bunch and motivations differed from player to player. The Loot? Archwing? Timing? The variables and parts of this event led to a long 2 weeks of conflict and discussion.

The Tenno suffered losses:

Relays Lost:

Venus: Vesper
Earth: Strata
Eris : Kuiper
Europa: Leonov

The Tenno also valiantly fought to save:

Relays Saved:

Mercury: Larunda
Saturn: Kronia
Pluto: Orcus

    In the world of Digital Extremes, the holidays approached and we wanted something to play while we were extremely short staffed. A long-term event with real risk/reward seemed like the perfect fit. True to our history, no event seems to run smoothly and exploits emerged for the Leaderboard competition. On December 20th we Hotfixed, wiped the leaderboards, and continued to play. More exploits emerged turning the leaderboards into a ‘who could exploit the best’ race, and this is a race we couldn’t compete with. Here are the next steps for those who competed in the Leaderboards:

       Leaderboards are what they are: our ambition left us unable to plug the holes to have a fair competition. The raw leaderboards will be archived here in this post. We are also auditing the leaderboards for trackable exploit use and creating an additional version of the Leaderboards with the audited results which will be displayed in game.

       Trophies are no longer being issued for top clans per bracket, but instead for every participating clan as a memory of the Lost Relays.

While we aren’t in the business of Monsters and Literature (or maybe we are), we’re still able to draw parallels. Introducing new game modes through events is something we’ve practiced regularly, and it’s expected we’ll have our work cut out for us as events conclude. With ambitions better grounded in what we can accomplish, we’ll work to restore a more rewarding version of this mission along with fairer event competition moving forward.

Thanks to everyone who documented exploits and raised concerns about the event, without this information we are unable to rebuild!



Raw Leaderboards:

Ghost Clans
1.    10 Tenno    2,147,483,520
2.    Ion Deluge    1,928,111,117
3.    Judicators Deadly Squad    1,678,773,319
4.    Forgotten Creatures    1,287,001,958
5.    Highwinds    800,361,101
6.    Peruja    674,504,231
7.    THE GREEN ELEPHANT    485,953,536
8.    R E D    244,510,310
9.    Gorgonzola    215,475,933
10.    The Ego Of BerserkingAce    214,748,352

Shadow Clans
1/2.   Coup de Grace    2,147,483,520    KG KrankeGamer    2,147,483,520
3.    Eximus Tenno    1,687,181,334
4.    Just Team    1,290,485,929
5.    Legion der Geisteskranken    216,097,877
6.    Bronxkloppa    202,894,877
7.    Shadow Reavers    148,154,780
8.    Aurora Blaze    103,192,037
9.    Bionic Soldiers    78,677,147
10.    Microterrorizm    76,273,557

Storm Clans
1.    WARBREED    1,538,548,765
2.    Coup De Grace    875,942,962
3.    DeathLegacy    784,234,973
4.    Camp Kill Yourself    424,979,686
5.    4Forces FIRE    422,398,472
6.    Szmelowcy    169,899,458
7.    OSHAWER    144,454,475
8.    REVENGE    117,595,780
9.    Go Ahead and Report Me    100,809,301
10.    QATRO    84,601,381

Mountain Clans
1.    Eingreiftrupp EGT    927,563,211
2.    ASGARRD    823,140,589
3.    Quasars    796,034,232
4.    Dragons Blood    290,960,164
5.    ANGELSBR    42,115,289
6.    Heredes Tenno    32,792,593
7.    ThePaladins    25,679,120
8.    Risen    19,993,652
9.    FLOW    16,039,492
10.    Snowy Owls    14,577,861

Moon Clans
1.    Warbros Prime    228,888,444
2.    GardionS    83,147,622
3.    SaintsWarriors    55,001,669
4.    SaintsWarriorsRED    54,382,921
5.    Warframe Japan IGA    27,927,320
6.    Crescent Moon    14,436,435
7.    TW    13,185,601
8.    Soy Sauce Union    10,775,104
9.    AsurO    6,352,090
10.    WiK    6,170,277


Audited Leaderboards

Ghost Clans
1.    Ion Deluge    291,471,423
2.    Highwinds    239,278,118
3.    Forever Alone Tenno    125,688,595
4.    NightR4id    106,379,851
5.    FEGF    105,938,592
6.    R E D    98,567,808
7.    AvAElite    97,914,602
8.    SabertoothGaming    96,547,887
9.    Forgotten Creatures    94,136,402
10.    coopcrew    85,837,653

Shadow Clans
1.    Shadow Reavers    148,154,780
2.    Eximus Tenno    110,385,288
3.    Aurora Blaze    103,192,037
4.    KG KrankeGamer    91,787,249
5.    Bionic Soldiers    78,677,147
6.    SOCIOS    69,102,888
7.    Spectres N7    60,594,161
8.    501st Suicide Comando    47,908,236
9.    Coup de Grace    46,186,124
10.    Just Team    45,355,367

Storm Clans
1.    WARBREED    359,330,379
2.    OSHAWER    144,454,475
3.    REVENGE    79,374,058
4.    Aerion    49,870,650
5.    Camp Kill Yourself    49,791,557
6.    DownFall JP    35,828,046
7.    BR MASTER    30,251,692
8.    warframe    29,392,657
9.    THE HIVE    28,638,120
10.    JAPAN GATE    28,251,787

Mountain Clans
1.    Eingreiftrupp EGT    186,169,215
2.    Quasars    183,165,994
3.    ASGARRD    182,063,080
4.    Heredes Tenno    32,792,593
5.    ThePaladins    25,679,120
6.    FLOW    16,039,492
7.    Snowy Owls    14,572,839
8.    Noobsters    12,926,346
9.    Domo arigato MrTENNO    11,614,504
10.    Sword of The Stars    9,765,907

Moon Clans
1.    Warbros Prime    142,041,334
2.    Warframe Japan IGA    26,948,295
3.    GardionS    13,363,075
4.    TW    13,185,601
5.    Crescent Moon    12,616,997
6.    Soy Sauce Union    10,775,104
7.    AsurO    6,352,090
8.    WiK    6,170,277
9.    Test Clan Please Ignore    5,330,943
10.    Lone Rangers    4,548,792

Edited by DERebecca
Added Audited LB's
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Yeah, I'm sure our score is going to be redacted because of "exploits". Thanks DE.


Besides, every event has "exploiters", what makes this one so different that you can't rank it? I just want our shiny gold trophy.

Edited by Youre_Waifu
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Considering the raw hatred and vitiol that has been spewed by ALL sides in this, maybe Mary Shelly's work isn't so far off.


Humans are after all, all monsters at heart.


It probably wasn't the best thought out or implemented event, but it could have been worse. I did have fun making Fomorians go boom.


As for the exploiters? As long as there is a reward for people to claim, they WILL find ways to cheat. Again, human nature. To win no matter HOW. 'If you are not cheating you are not trying hard enough.'


And despite all the naysayers, know that SOME of us will continue to fly Archwing missions and blast Grineer and Corpus from one end of the Solar System to the other.


We are Tenno.

Edited by Kalenath
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I WISH you guys actually read the text before just skipping to leaderboards and spamming how great your clan is at manipulating exploits xD

It was a Fun event, and of course DE learnt a lot from it, and as Rebecca said, itl help them learn how to handle this sort of thing in the future !

Many of us weren't used to the whole "you can only do 2 points a day" method, and so many people never got their Vandals, i luckily managed to get my 15th point on the very last Formorians destruction, but id definately reinforce the previous method of as many as we can handle

Edited by Jin_Kazama
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Warbros Prime would like to officially apologize for the confusion surrounding the previous event. We had intended to sit out the event entirely, but one clan member had mistakenly left warframe running while at work, and their cat had sat on the keyboard a few times and inadvertently given us a #5 ranking.


We now return to our regularly scheduled being #1, as per protocol.

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I really hope there's some way to bring back the relays, I don't exactly appreciate losing some of them just because I wanted to spend more time with family and friends during the Christmas holidays and the end of the year...


That and you guys never gave incentive to play the relay missions more than once...

Edited by UFOLoche
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I'm not really sure that a Frankenstein quote is applicable here. Victor Frankenstein sought to create life, and that life turned on him and others out of confused innocence, and was ultimately destroyed.

We the Tenno were [likely] created to be weapons, turned on our masters, destroyed them, were put into cryosleep, and now do what we wish in the solar system. We build the relays, as an attempt to have some kind of society of our own, and the Grineer, who hate us as a threat and as those who destroyed the Orokin, came and blew them up.

There's way too many "who's the rebellious monster" candidates in this situation to wave quotes around.


As far as the scores, exploits are so quickly discovered and used that it's getting ridiculous. The top ghost clan has over 2 billion, where the top moon clan has only 200 million? That's absurd.

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Half the point of Warframe is discovering and abusing certain mechanics. Helicoptering is the first and most prolific of these "exploits", and is now mostly accepted within the community. They're as much a part of the game as everything else, and clans shouldn't be penalized for finding these weaknesses in the enemy.


The point values there were still obtained by members of those clans. Unless they were put there by some malicious hacker cracking into the score database, they're completely valid.

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So, why bother participating and grinding in events if there's going to be no unique rewards for scoring highly? If everyone gets a trophy, it essentially negates all the work the top clans put in. I'm sure most clans in the top 3 didn't use any sort of exploits to get there (nor did Warbros). Why should they be punished?

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As far as the scores, exploits are so quickly discovered and used that it's getting ridiculous. The top ghost clan has over 2 billion, where the top moon clan has only 200 million? That's absurd.


I think you should reread how clan scores are calculated, ya dingus.

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Congrats to those who tired and by that I mean the people who can honestly say they worked for their clan without one single attempt at exploitation.


If the competitive drive for you to be number one is so flaky that cheating to bolster numbers is your only 'solution' instead of playing fair then i believe you might need to readjust your priorities.


I only managed to get 10 battle points out of the cluster of formorians that were sent my way, helped scored over the basic 1mil mark on the majority of them and i will STILL consider myself better than the babies who felt the need to cheat it out.


It's a game, feel free to enjoy it, but don't ruin the sport for everyone else in the process, ok?


The fair players are #1 here today.


(feel really upset that THIS is my 250th post ;_;)

Edited by Phantom_Jack
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