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"aura" Or "stance" For Primary And Secondary?


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Now im not sure wether or not this has been suggested before but since we got the stance mods for melee i've been thinking it couldt be awesome to gets something similar for primary and secondary, it couldt be called loadouts or something like that. They couldt give bonus' like more ammo capacity or bigger mags, reload or maybe even increasing acurracy. I wouldt like to hear you opinion or ideal abort it, now it's just a thought remember that please ^^

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I'd like this


but then a lot of mods would have to be "converted" into auras for weapons.


fast hands should be one of them but with the prime variant i'm not so sure


tactical mods like : bullet velocity ,accuracy , zoom , Recoil , and sprint speed  boost( no negative valules, it just makes more sense to run faster with a lex than a gorgon) . COuld fit really nicely in there

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I don't really care about additional mod capacity, if any, but I'd like to see a mod slot dedicated to pure utility where you can effectively install mods like Ammo Drum, Magazine Warp and similarities without necessarily wasting "main" slots.

Edited by Krotalon
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As a few of you have said it's not about adding mod points necessarily more about adding a "tactical" effect to the weapons, thou without using mod points and they could take out fast hands and such from the normal repetuar. As a last i do apoligise for miss spellings but english is my second langauge so my spelling is far from perfect

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I would like aura/stance equivalents to do things no mod currently does - such as adjust the actual mechanics of how a gun works.  


EX For shotguns there would be a mod that makes then reload one shot at a time while dividing the reload time by the maximum number of rounds in their magazine.


Or a mod that makes ammo go into the current magazine if there is room before going into the normal ammo pool.

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Now im not sure wether or not this has been suggested before [...]

Oh, not many times. If you count the occasions when such a thread has been opened, well, we are still in the low hundreds.


The Devs are probably aware of this idea. And have so far ignored it completely.

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