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A Question For The De Guy Who Voices Vay Hek


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Man the guy who does Hek's voice somehow chucks in so much rage into the performance, it really feels extremely believable other than the sci-fi mumbo jumbo, the lip syncing kinda breaks the impressive feel of Hek for me though, in game watching his jaw flap and convulse as well as his arms splay strangely and randomly does such shame to an otherwise extremely brilliant performance.


Also, have you tried using your belly to fuel your voice? My drill sergeants used to suck in their bellies to project their voice louder when exhaling, i believe it should also work in making your voice feel more aggresive when doing the lines :s

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Man the guy who does Hek's voice somehow chucks in so much rage into the performance, it really feels extremely believable other than the sci-fi mumbo jumbo, the lip syncing kinda breaks the impressive feel of Hek for me though, in game watching his jaw flap and convulse as well as his arms splay strangely and randomly does such shame to an otherwise extremely brilliant performance.


Also, have you tried using your belly to fuel your voice? My drill sergeants used to suck in their bellies to project their voice louder when exhaling, i believe it should also work in making your voice feel more aggresive when doing the lines :s


Aye, I have to use the diaphragm for Vay Hek - there's just no other way. Sucking in the belly is something I've never considered - but it seems just crazy enough to work.


When I have the chance I'll give that a test run, thanks for the suggestion.

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Aye, I have to use the diaphragm for Vay Hek - there's just no other way. Sucking in the belly is something I've never considered - but it seems just crazy enough to work.


When I have the chance I'll give that at test run, thanks for the suggestion.


I enjoy listening to your voice acting, particularly like that loki one you did ages ago, having an experience that is relevant which could have been used to help you continue on is extremely satisfying :>


I can say for sure that I'm looking forward to the hek video if you ever make one >.<

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I enjoy listening to your voice acting, particularly like that loki one you did ages ago, having an experience that is relevant which could have been used to help you continue on is extremely satisfying :>


I can say for sure that I'm looking forward to the hek video if you ever make one >.<


I've made several since then (though I'm assuming you've seen them) with my latest being a Yuicomic dub and my most popular being Mr Potato Hek - though I'm assuming you've heard those.


If I could find some female voice actors to do the Queens, I'd LOVE to do what I imagine a conversation between the three (ala 

) would have gone like. Sadly, there seem to be no such women on the forums.





Hrm... might be worth a go. DEFINITELY more lines to work with for Hek.

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Hek I'd thank all the Voice Acting team and especially the one who did Ordis


Oh yeah, ESPECIALLY considering that they do all the work in house - so, these are (to the best of my knowledge) trained voice actors in any regard - INCREDIBLE for the level of quality they're able to get. I've discussed complaints that the voices sometimes sound a bit samey, but all in all I think it's AMAZING what they've been able to do, and the one thing I look forward more to than anything is "how will they approach Regor's new voice?"

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I've made several since then (though I'm assuming you've seen them) with my latest being a Yuicomic dub and my most popular being Mr Potato Hek - though I'm assuming you've heard those.


If I could find some female voice actors to do the Queens, I'd LOVE to do what I imagine a conversation between the three (ala 

) would have gone like. Sadly, there seem to be no such women on the forums.



I have >.< I just liked the loki one most personally :s


I'd love to see that too ! Sadly, as my username implies, I am some dude and cannot help, even if I was versed enough in voice acting to merit joining along in one of your videos. 

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Hi Morec0!


Thanks to everyone for the compliments and kind words firstly. It always makes my day to know you guys enjoy Vay's crazy rants. To answer your question I've only blown my voice out once, so far. That was one of the earlier sessions with the Cicero Toxin event. There were a lot of really fun lines that were recorded for the Frontier Regulators. I think it was just the quantity that was recorded. I got close during the Fomorian core event, again I think just the number of lines but it was much better. It gets easier the more I do the voice. Transmissions are very easy. They usually only take a couple of attempts and I normally just have a deeper voice for a little bit. If it helps you out I tend to bellow more then yell. I constrict my diaphragm and I imagine my throat is a huge bag of hot air. Fitting for the Councilor.

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Hi Morec0!


Thanks to everyone for the compliments and kind words firstly. It always makes my day to know you guys enjoy Vay's crazy rants. To answer your question I've only blown my voice out once, so far. That was one of the earlier sessions with the Cicero Toxin event. There were a lot of really fun lines that were recorded for the Frontier Regulators. I think it was just the quantity that was recorded. I got close during the Fomorian core event, again I think just the number of lines but it was much better. It gets easier the more I do the voice. Transmissions are very easy. They usually only take a couple of attempts and I normally just have a deeper voice for a little bit. If it helps you out I tend to bellow more then yell. I constrict my diaphragm and I imagine my throat is a huge bag of hot air. Fitting for the Councilor.


VERY useful information! I'll give this a shot as well!


It's always awesome to hear a new voice in Warframe, and Vay Hek is without doubt one of the most memorable to this point (sorry, Skree). I look forward to any other characters they might have you do.

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Morec0, care to link your other voice acting? I'm really interested, and I've somehow missed it.


Here's my Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc7aR0JxgN1ecGxSMhESaBw


Sadly, all I've done thus far has been there, and the majority of it (and the better stuffs) been all Warframe-related. Need to get back to looking for some auditions to try out for (though when a good portion of what you do try for seems to get canceled, this tends to slow you down).

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Here's my Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc7aR0JxgN1ecGxSMhESaBw


Sadly, all I've done thus far has been there, and the majority of it (and the better stuffs) been all Warframe-related. Need to get back to looking for some auditions to try out for (though when a good portion of what you do try for seems to get canceled, this tends to slow you down).


Thank you. Good luck with your endeavours~ and congrats on actually getting the response that you wanted in this thread!


Apocryphon is such an effin' cool sounding name >.>

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