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Why Do People Think High Mastery Rank = Good?


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So I'm a newer player and lots of people have mastery rank requirements for squadding with them. I just got to mastery rank 6, and it isn't a problem, but it got me thinking.

Why do people care about it? Sure if there's a MR1 in my party they might not have much but a MR4+ can probably do anything you can do. Since all MR is a measure of how much of the content you've levelled up, why do people care? I can do t4 survival to 60 min or more, I have decent builds or can find them, I have corrosive projection, etc. I just haven't leveled everything because I'd rather grind for what I like first instead of leveling stuff for no reason.

Furthermore, I've played with absolutely terrible players with tons of rank, and players about my skill level with lower mr.


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Because people with high mastery have more experience of how to play a weapon or a frame(because they played more of them), this is not always so, but generally high mastery people play better in a team and are easier to talk with if you want to make out a tactic.

Edited by Genoscythe
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Rank mastery gives a good interpretation of how long someone has been around in the game. To a degree, rank mastery does not reflect the skill of a player but it means someone with a high level of mastery rank is well equipped and prepared for whatever they may be needed for.

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Like many stereotypes this one is based in truth but not without exceptions, and frequently you can see peoples potential. Like said above high masrery rank can be clueless, too.

Newer players that ask for help, heed advice, take ownership of the planets in their reach, and accept a reasonable idea of when/how they will achieve their prime/rare goals are always welcomed in our clan. Bull headed, arrogant, maladaptive, non-communicative, and ignorant Tenno of any MR can drift off the region chat.

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So why is MR used to gauge a player instead of conclave? I mean, you can spam 4 with 3 other people and manage to get a high MR and have friends give you most of the gear or take a new player taxied around n such.

Conclave means you HAVE put in the time, levelled the mods, levelled the frame, and overall indicates how much beefed up equipment your bringing to the fight.

So yeah, am I missing something?

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Mastery Rank is a stopgap solution to making a blanket cover that hopefully weeds out some Players that may not be experienced enough to do what someone has in mind to do.


however, Mastery Rank doesn't really mean much. it's a stopgap solution, not a useful one.

i've seen Players at all Mastery Ranks that are skilled Players or just aggravating.




ultimately, there is not way to evaluate the actual skill and / or knowledge of a Player without seeing it.

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So why is MR used to gauge a player instead of conclave? I mean, you can spam 4 with 3 other people and manage to get a high MR and have friends give you most of the gear or take a new player taxied around n such.

Conclave means you HAVE put in the time, levelled the mods, levelled the frame, and overall indicates how much beefed up equipment your bringing to the fight.

So yeah, am I missing something?

You can have completely wrong builds and still have high conclave.

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So why is MR used to gauge a player instead of conclave? I mean, you can spam 4 with 3 other people and manage to get a high MR and have friends give you most of the gear or take a new player taxied around n such.

Conclave means you HAVE put in the time, levelled the mods, levelled the frame, and overall indicates how much beefed up equipment your bringing to the fight.

So yeah, am I missing something?

Most of the best mods needed are low conclave 

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So why is MR used to gauge a player instead of conclave? I mean, you can spam 4 with 3 other people and manage to get a high MR and have friends give you most of the gear or take a new player taxied around n such.

Conclave means you HAVE put in the time, levelled the mods, levelled the frame, and overall indicates how much beefed up equipment your bringing to the fight.

So yeah, am I missing something?

Except conclave ratings are completely arbitrary and have no basis on which mods are actually useful. My Mire has less conclave then my Dragon Nikana but is much more useful due to a weapon augment mod.
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Idk, at MR4 I could do "end game" content. I have almost every mod I need, aside from a couple corrupted ones. I can do even more content now at mr6.

I know they're more experienced (sorta) but even then it won't help the team necessarily. I hate when someone says "1k conclave+, MR6" only to get in the party and I'm reviving everyone every five seconds. I can use all my frames outside of my Excal (which isn't potato'd) as well as anyone. I've never had to be babysat.

Although you learn all the playstyles by playing all the frames and weapons, Warframe isn't exactly rocket science. I'm pretty sure I could pick anyone's frame up and use it as well as anyone. I just don't see why some high mr players are elitists, like playing longer somehow makes you better than me.

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It's just that a MR 18 player is probably better than MR 2 player


I disagree. In the few times I have played co-op with random newbies, they have displayed much better co-op-oriented skills than most of the higher ranked Tenno I have had the displeasure of playing with who for some reason rush the map and usually go down and die.

Edited by Tymerc
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Personally, I think having MR requirements is ridiculous. For a start, prior to these syndicates MR8 is where you could comfortably sit and have access to everything. MR is basically "i've leveled x amount of things". I've seen people with high MR who couldn't figure out both ends of a Kubrow and think they know everything this game has to offer even when proven wrong; you can also essentially power-level your gear by being carried in high level missions and what not, too.


If you want an idea of someone's worth, look at their profile. Check their Time Played. See if they're the kind of player willing to learn rather than rush in and be slaughtered over and over. Someone may just be happy with what they have and so they haven't upped their MR - I've played over a year now and only recently hit MR12 because of fodder-leveling.

Edited by Tyrala
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