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Why Do People Think High Mastery Rank = Good?


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It takes around 8-10 minutes to max a weapon from unranked if you play trinity or a buffer in a draco group with no other weapons equipped. 


I can't imagine it being that fast without a booster....


Anyways, is that not called 'leeching' doing that? 


I have tried t1d and it's slow as hell to level weapons unless you use a booster.

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Personally I think anything much beyond rank 9 or 10 just says the person playing is a grinder type. they don't care if they hate the weapon or frame, all they care about is grinding out those mastery points. by rank 9 or 10 you probably have tried all the better weapons and frames in the game and have things set up how you want them. to keep getting mastery rank at that point you just have to grind it out, regardless if you hate it or not. 

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Higher Mastery Rank > Lower Mastery Rank in most cases this is true... Its just a fact, accept it. Does not mean that a lower mastery rank player (rank 1-8) cannot be better than a high mastery rank players (15 and up), it just means that most High mastery rank players are better than most Low master rank players.


Now if you don't want to use mastery rank as indicator of skill, i suggest looking at the hours played in Warframe or the experience gained by their equipment.


For instance this is screenshot of my carrier:




If a master rank 2 player had this much XP ^... i would gladly take him in my squad ....lol

Edited by --Q--AFKrasul
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Just finished a 70 minute T4S with a MR 18, MR 16, and MR 4.  Told the MR 4 guy to stick with group, as he had only 258 conclave, no sentinel, and no Aura.  I was willing to carry a stranger, I only asked him to stay close.  Told him 2 more times before he died too far away at 7 minutes.  He had no revives, probably because he only has 2 frames.  


For the next hour+ he asked the squad every Warframe question he could possibly think of, and the MR 16 guy was nice enough to answer every single question, putting his own life at risk.


Now tell me, how many high rank people people are this much of a liability?


I have a couple more examples that are much worse if you would like to hear them, but just thought I'd share, as this just happened now.

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It takes around 8-10 minutes to max a weapon from unranked if you play trinity or a buffer in a draco group with no other weapons equipped. 


Or, you can go to a t1d and max it in an hour tops if it's the only thing you have equipped. There are plenty of other ways to level it too, but I gave you the "fastest" way and the "funnest" way, because you can actually shoot people with it in t1d.[snip]

You say that like it's:

A) something that occurs to new players and

B) something that new players will do

because otherwise you're not talking about new players gaining access to high mastery rank. The method a veteran gains mastery rank is trivial, the fact that it's hard for new players is not. You're very unlikely to find someone with 30-40 hours game time at MR 10+. Much less 18.

18 is only possible if you have access to event weapons, i.e you're a veteran.

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It takes around 8-10 minutes to max a weapon from unranked if you play trinity or a buffer in a draco group with no other weapons equipped. 


Or, you can go to a t1d and max it in an hour tops if it's the only thing you have equipped. There are plenty of other ways to level it too, but I gave you the "fastest" way and the "funnest" way, because you can actually shoot people with it in t1d.


I do agree, mastery being tied to leveling disposable/unfun weapons does kinda suck. Even "real" guns I don't bother using until I have 3-5 forma and a potato in them.


All of those methods are without boosters. You should never really buy an affinity booster. Resource booster (the doubled on pickup one) is useful, credit booster is useful, but affinity booster simply isn't due to the nature of the game. Resource/Credit will literally make you twice as productive, the affinity booster won't under the current system because in draco (as an example) your weapon goes from unranked to 30 in like a single wave. That doesn't change with the booster.

Ya... But they wouldn't have the resources and money to keep building gear....

More mastery means you played for longer and therefore have had more credit/fusion cores/chances to get rare mods so you're more likely to have a better build and stronger weapons.

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Who the hell cares what level people are? Just play the game and move on. I've sinced about 400 hours and this is my 1st time ever visiting these forums and this conversation is disappointing. Had a guy trying to rip me off in the trading thread , I say no thank you and he just writes back "noob" . That pretty much sums up this community at times. Dont get me wrong , 85% of players I team up with are cool people , there's always gonna be those people with that whole entitlement syndrome that think they are gods. When I post in the recruiting thread I dont discriminate against what mastery someone is , everyone started in the same boat at some point. Instead of being an &#! , throw your mic on and help them out a little. This game is tough if you don't know what the hell is going on.

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Who the hell cares what level people are? Just play the game and move on. I've sinced about 400 hours and this is my 1st time ever visiting these forums and this conversation is disappointing. Had a guy trying to rip me off in the trading thread , I say no thank you and he just writes back "noob" . That pretty much sums up this community at times. Dont get me wrong , 85% of players I team up with are cool people , there's always gonna be those people with that whole entitlement syndrome that think they are gods. When I post in the recruiting thread I dont discriminate against what mastery someone is , everyone started in the same boat at some point. Instead of being an ! , throw your mic on and help them out a little. This game is tough if you don't know what the hell is going on.

I do care.

If someone is mastery rank 1 and want to farm cores in my t4 survival party, he is a leecher in my eyes.

You dont belond in t3-4 mastery low mastery ranks, if i was patient enough to get high gear and decent knowledge to join high level content, than you shoudl be, too.

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I do care.

If someone is mastery rank 1 and want to farm cores in my t4 survival party, he is a leecher in my eyes.

You dont belond in t3-4 mastery low mastery ranks, if i was patient enough to get high gear and decent knowledge to join high level content, than you shoudl be, too.

I have friends that are mastery rank 5 that I take into T4 everything and they do just fine. We have a group of 3 most of the time , grab a guy off the recruiting tab , turns out he's mastery 17 and he goes down more than the MR5. T4 is not really that hard , with a little guidance they do just fine if given the chance.

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It's because there is no end game in Warframe. There's no way to measure "skillness" in Warframe at all.


Though, when you inv somebody, maybe you can check their profile?

Or something like that?


Plus, I actually know a few mastery rank 1-3s that can kick my butt so hard that I'll be flying to monday.


The real problem is, 98% of the population of mastery rank 1-3s suck. Most of them are new to the game and aren't good with the controls yet.


Its kind of like most people think that if most of a group of people is ______, then all of them are ______. 

Edited by jjpdn
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I have friends that are mastery rank 5 that I take into T4 everything and they do just fine. We have a group of 3 most of the time , grab a guy off the recruiting tab , turns out he's mastery 17 and he goes down more than the MR5. T4 is not really that hard , with a little guidance they do just fine if given the chance.

Of course you can do t4 wit friends, they are your friends after all.

You can also solo t4 with particular frames.

What i dont like are people i dont know, that want to join t4, while having decent equipment.

I dont think your friends would want to join t4 with random strangers.

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Who the hell cares what level people are? Just play the game and move on. I've sinced about 400 hours and this is my 1st time ever visiting these forums and this conversation is disappointing. Had a guy trying to rip me off in the trading thread , I say no thank you and he just writes back "noob" . That pretty much sums up this community at times. Dont get me wrong , 85% of players I team up with are cool people , there's always gonna be those people with that whole entitlement syndrome that think they are gods. When I post in the recruiting thread I dont discriminate against what mastery someone is , everyone started in the same boat at some point. Instead of being an ! , throw your mic on and help them out a little. This game is tough if you don't know what the hell is going on.

i care. i care a lot! i am tired to carry all noobs, leechers, bad equipped players or just idi...

i did 55%-98% or even 100% team damage in nearly all my public games!!!

and when i build a group i don't wanna see a single leecher in my game. so i offer quality to other players.

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If I could see the mastery points and not just the level then I could point out that those with higher mastery points are more experienced. Mostly because the more points you have, the more weapons you have experimented on and tried. So naturally that leads to having someone having experience in different weapons and warframes.


But from what I can tell I only see the ranks, and people can choose not to rank up so....

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If I could see the mastery points and not just the level then I could point out that those with higher mastery points are more experienced. Mostly because the more points you have, the more weapons you have experimented on and tried. So naturally that leads to having someone having experience in different weapons and warframes.


But from what I can tell I only see the ranks, and people can choose not to rank up so....

Or like some people have pointed out, you might see someone who simply ranked a weapon up to 30 and promptly ditched it because there was no experimentation, just using it for mastery fodder.


It took me a long time to get past MR5-6 simply because prior to Damage 2.0, I pretty much used Rhino + Hek + Lex + Fragor/Scindo (later Galatine) for all my needs. The Hek had no falloff damage and the insane damage it could do with the Armor Piercing mods made it insane, only weapons like the Flux Rifle later on could put out more damage, same for the Acrid, but that was all clantech stuff, when powercreep started to rear it's ugly head.


Sure I could have wasted my time leveling up weapons that I was never going to use again, like the Twin Vipers or the Ether Dagger, but why the hell would I want to gimp my performance doing stuff like that?

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Or like some people have pointed out, you might see someone who simply ranked a weapon up to 30 and promptly ditched it because there was no experimentation, just using it for mastery fodder.

Using it is still experience regardless of experimentation. Regardless of how fast you level a weapon, the difference of using a weapon and not using it is there.

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Using it is still experience regardless of experimentation. Regardless of how fast you level a weapon, the difference of using a weapon and not using it is there.

That used to fly as an excuse, but now all you have to do is get it to rank 1 via kills and then you can just ignore using it ever again. This is especially true if you use Viver or Draco to farm up the experience. That stupid little Red Veil-specific secondary will never get used. Which is kinda odd in that you'd think Red Veil would be more about fire and corrosive stuff than well, a handheld crossbow, but that's for a different topic.

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It's a mixed bag. You'll see brilliant low ranked players as well as MR18s that have played since closed beta and are absolute disasters. And of course, vice versa. It's about the player, not the rank.

Conclave is useless, since it doesn't factor in how useful a particular mod is on an individual Warframe or weapon. It could be garbage for your build, but it'll raise your Conclave all the same.

The thing about Mastery is that most of what you level to get it is discarded, so the gameplay experience you gain is of no use. Conversely, if you perfect a weapon or Warframe, and really make your gear all it can be you get nothing to show for it as far as ranking goes.

A couple of good indicators? These are things I look for, but bearing in mind that free advice is often worth what you pay for it, your mileage may vary.

Good players do their job and don't play the blame game. When someone says they've had noobs ruin oh so many missions, don't forget that they are the only common denominator in those stories. You'd be better off using a Specter instead of grouping with them.

Want to be sure? Check the completion rate on their profile. It needs to be high. I'll be really, really generous and say anything over 80% is acceptable. If it's lower than that, again, they were the only player in every one of those missions. Do you really want worse than a 1 in 5 chance they're going to screw up?

Also, anyone who can't do their job without some else doing something specific doesn't have skill, but rather is imitating someone with skill. If they have to have a Nekros for survival, or must have a Trinity to manage their energy, they might as well change their name to Jansport because you'll be carrying them all night. There are plenty of players that can keep it together and pull out a completion even when everything goes wrong. Don't settle for someone that needs hand holding.

Insisting on specific builds works the same way. They're aping a build some other player used, and will probably explain why using the same words as the video or blog post that recommends it. If a player can only regurgitate someone else's reasoning, pass. They read the symbols, but didn't understand their meaning.

A good player will find reliable gear that fits their play style and perfect it. If their profile indicates that every weapon they have was used for 1-5% of the time, more likely than not they spend all their time leveling Garbage for Mastery. It's not hard to find MR18s that have over a quarter to half their time in just a few weapons because they work, and I'm willing to lay odds that those weapons are forma'd into absolute beasts. Balancing leveling and gameplay is possible.

All that said even this advice can lead you astray though. Even if they are the Lotus' Gift to Warframe, you just might not click. Play styles can be equally effective, and yet still clash. And the phase "exception to the rule" is used because there are always exceptions to the rules.

So high mastery players might be good, or they might only be useful for providing the local plant life with carbon dioxide. You won't know for sure until you actually run a few missions with them.

When you do find someone you work well with, friend them. Pretty soon, you'll forget how much of a mixed bag randoms are, and have a lot more fun on top of it.

Edited by MisterUltimate
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From my own experience, MR6 to MR12 seems to weild the best players, they are strong enough to do decent but not overconfident enough to simply do things on their own.

The probability of finding a good player from 6 to 12 is exceptionally high compared to 17 - 18.


For a reason i cannot understand, once you are MR18 you belong to a group of players who have alot of things leveled up, but have a high % of sucking.

While it's true that extremely low MR often indicates a newbie, a extremely high MR often indicates someone that sucks.


There are always exceptions, newbies that don't know how to do survival or experienced players that don't know how to do excavation.

Like recently i did an excavation and a MR2 player helped me defend an excavator while a MR18 player was killing stuff somewhere on the map and he even died while we were doing the 1st few excavators.

Seriously, some players should ask DE to hide the MR, sometimes it may avoid shame.


In other words, low MR often indicates someone who can't really help you, Mid MR often indicates a good player and a Hight MR often indicates inept players.

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It's a game of probability. The higher the MR, the more hours generally played, and the higher the probability that the player will be able to play well in any given circumstance. Hence: higher MR means 'Better Player'. I'd rate this about 60% accurate as a way of scouting out skills. The vocal equalists on the forums insist that they, as MR6- have exceptional skills, when I've only remembered three that were far above and beyond, and a disproportionate number of MR17+'s that were.... *clears throat* inadequate.

Edited by Bernkastal
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I get what people say about indication of time and all that but hypothetically speaking, a new player could find some weapons he likes at a low master rank (like a prime or something) and then just not bother with ranking up other weapons and only focus on maxing mods...

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I personally dislike people who gate their missions based off arbitrarily high MRs. "hosting t4 survival, pls be mr16+"


This kind of gating doesn't make any sense to me, given that functionally an MR8 is the same as an MR18. Realistically, I'd say by the time you're going over MR8 you've already established what weapons and frames you -like- to use, and are simply leveling for the sake of leveling.


I myself have only just hit MR9, and at this point I only feel compelled to keep grinding mastery because of the toxic social expectations of some of the community, rather than for any tangible gameplay reason.

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I personally dislike people who gate their missions based off arbitrarily high MRs. "hosting t4 survival, pls be mr16+"


I myself have only just hit MR9, and at this point I only feel compelled to keep grinding mastery because of the toxic social expectations of some of the community, rather than for any tangible gameplay reason.


What about the toxic social expectations to not host games a certain way?  So those guys hosting are supposed to feel guilty now?  Do you even want to group with people that place that much emphasis on MR?  No?  Then what's even the problem here?

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