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Why Do People Think High Mastery Rank = Good?


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What about the toxic social expectations to not host games a certain way?  So those guys hosting are supposed to feel guilty now?  Do you even want to group with people that place that much emphasis on MR?  No?  Then what's even the problem here?


Exactly this. If you hate elitists, then you should appreciate the huge 'elitist' tag they put on their games. 


The real problem with some people is that when they feel excluded, it hurts their feelings/self-worth. If you really wanna have fun playing videogames, you should leave your ego at the door.

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I personally dislike people who gate their missions based off arbitrarily high MRs. "hosting t4 survival, pls be mr16+"

But it's MY KEY, if I want to gate it with arbitrarily high MR then I should be allowed to do that and I'm sick of being villified for it. I'm sick of being told I'm "bad" if I don't want some new player who's never even been in a T4 Def to join my T4 Def, because I want to reach 20+ waves. 20 waves isn't even much yet every single time a 6 or less MR joins I have to tell them not to quit at 15.


How about you gate your keys at a low bar and I gate my keys at a high bar.

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Hmm, this also concerns me greatly. Although as I like to keep up-to-date with latest mastery rank for my self, when I go trough recruiting page it pains me seeing as players with lower mastery are unfairly punished with such behavior.


A mastery rank 5 player can often be just as capable at what they do as a player who has a higher mastery rank such as 18. People need to understand this and stop excluding most of the skilled player base out of their runs, just simply because they have not clocked enough time in the game.


I swear I've been seeing more silly players who do worse with their mastery ranks 14-18 than that of players with mastery ranks 5-8. There are many decent players who simply don't have much time in their busy lives to obtain every piece of equipment to level up... not to mention preventing them from joining you only slows their progress even more, what is there expected in this really? (Mr ranks mentioned not meant to be accurate, only estimates on my experience).

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Truth be told I see nothing wrong if people individually choose to host their games however they like, as was mentioned, it's their key, their mission, their team to assemble as the host so deems fit.

My issue is the arbitrary "my willingness to grind is better than yours" as a basis of determining any given players skill is what gets my goat.

And when a community uses this faulty standard of player skill determination, and players who've found their niche load outs but aren't willing to go grind every variant of the Broncos, track down and level prime weapons and play every frame to 30 are excluded DUE to the worthless system, its like watching everyone accept a lie they know is a lie, but are willing to just accept it because "that's what we got" hence DE needs our feedback, so they can find something that DOES work, or at least doesn't come across as broken or worthless.

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But it's MY KEY, if I want to gate it with arbitrarily high MR then I should be allowed to do that and I'm sick of being villified for it. I'm sick of being told I'm "bad" if I don't want some new player who's never even been in a T4 Def to join my T4 Def, because I want to reach 20+ waves. 20 waves isn't even much yet every single time a 6 or less MR joins I have to tell them not to quit at 15.


How about you gate your keys at a low bar and I gate my keys at a high bar.



There's a distinct difference in my view between opening the flood gates and accepting MR1s newbies with MK-1 Bratons and an MR8 who has a solid load-out and a good amount of experience, but just doesn't have that magic 10+ number next to his name that somehow just makes all the difference.


I dunno. I fully agree and support the notion that it's your key, your rules. If you want to host a match and post up other arbitrary rules, that's your prerogative. Host a game where you aren't allowed to have a certain letter in your name or you don't get invited? Sure! No x/y/z frames allowed? Why not? Only taking people who have Excalibur Prime? Lay it on!


I feel like some people are missing the point though. People aren't trying to vilify those who host for trying to get the most out of their keys - rather it's a dialogue as to why people are beginning to take this expectation of "mr10-15+ or bust" as the new norm, when it really means very little. It's a strange rule that, as another poster above stated, means very little in actuality. It's divisive, and honestly a tad silly.

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There's a distinct difference in my view between opening the flood gates and accepting MR1s newbies with MK-1 Bratons and an MR8 who has a solid load-out and a good amount of experience, but just doesn't have that magic 10+ number next to his name that somehow just makes all the difference.


I dunno. I fully agree and support the notion that it's your key, your rules. If you want to host a match and post up other arbitrary rules, that's your prerogative. Host a game where you aren't allowed to have a certain letter in your name or you don't get invited? Sure! No x/y/z frames allowed? Why not? Only taking people who have Excalibur Prime? Lay it on!


I feel like some people are missing the point though. People aren't trying to vilify those who host for trying to get the most out of their keys - rather it's a dialogue as to why people are beginning to take this expectation of "mr10-15+ or bust" as the new norm, when it really means very little. It's a strange rule that, as another poster above stated, means very little in actuality. It's divisive, and honestly a tad silly.


The "my key, my rules" applies to everybody, not just a few select. It doesn't matter if the rules are arbitrary or silly or baseless - nothing you say or do will change another person's prerogative on the matter if that's what they want. It's hard enough to change your own way of thinking, let alone someone else's. 

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Actually, I just thought that it would be a lot easier to tell a persons skill from their battle records, so why not just have a selection for Void only mission types, number of completions, rounds completed, weapons used most in what missions, make it an easy access tab, and equate out a balance like the general mission completion vs mission failure stats in a players battle history.

Would give you a better idea of a given players ACTUAL recorded history, and the numbers would be a lot harder to dink with or alter, average survival times, powers most used, if adding more information for people to ACTUALLY validate a given players skill would make this problem less of an issue, then by all means.

Players are already willing to wait it out to find the right MR players, so time isn't the factor, someone responds to a LFG request, check their stats, then pass or invite, sounds easy to me, and I for one would take pride in having stats that merit a HOLY SH!T! get that Nekros NAO! when I decide to go void running, despite being MR 10 and given the current weapons and such may not break 12, because I got all the goodies I need to enjoy the game at its current state.

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Here's another look at this issue. Most says "I only have MR6-8 because I got the equipment I needed and started min-maxing my mods, etc". See THAT IS the issue, MOST people does that which is the "stop-at-some-MR-and-start-optimizing-gears" and even me did that, I totally stopped MR leveling when I reached MR8. After maxing up my mods which most of my core-frames use, I started MR leveling again for the sake of loadout slots and higher daily cap on syndicates. I'm now at MR16, about to reach MR17.


You see, MOST players who have gotten past MR10-12 are usually those veterans who have already finished min-maxing their stuff and is much more ready for end-game than those with MR8 and below.


I have a friend who just started Warframe and he is skilled as well as knowledgeable about the game because I was teaching him along the way. Now he is MR7 and I bought him to T4S to duo with my Loki Prime (Irradiating Disarm). He has a Mirage and is built for solo-ing so I was expecting so much damage output since we're talking about a Mirage here. But at nearly 45 mins, mobs were starting to stack and he started to die alot so we had no choice but to extract. When the result screen appeared, it showed that I was doing around 60% of the damage while he did around 40%. Does this explain something? Yes, Loki doesn't have any damage buff or a debuff that makes him do more damage (except for the melee buff when invi which I never used) but Mirage has Eclipse and Hall of Malevolence which makes Mirage an excellent DPS frame YET, my loadout which is already min-maxed did more overall damage than his sub-par setup.


I do admit though that there are quite an amount of high MR players who are actually dumb.

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Personally, I think having MR requirements is ridiculous. For a start, prior to these syndicates MR8 is where you could comfortably sit and have access to everything. MR is basically "i've leveled x amount of things". I've seen people with high MR who couldn't figure out both ends of a Kubrow and think they know everything this game has to offer even when proven wrong; you can also essentially power-level your gear by being carried in high level missions and what not, too.


If you want an idea of someone's worth, look at their profile. Check their Time Played. See if they're the kind of player willing to learn rather than rush in and be slaughtered over and over. Someone may just be happy with what they have and so they haven't upped their MR - I've played over a year now and only recently hit MR12 because of fodder-leveling.


I'm MR 5 almost 6, started playing a week ago, and to tell you the truth MR leveling is on of the most annoying things in this game. I bought myself Mesa, cause I though she fits my play style the best and so far I'm loving her, what I don't love, is that I need to level weapons which I don't intend to ever use, just to raise my MR - which makes the game a drag. I'm on my 6th weapon load out now, and out of 6 primaries there's about 3 of those which I like how they play, for secondaries it's even less. 


Frankly forcing new players to level new weapons potentially just makes them even more clueless about how to play properly. I've really stopped leveling MR and just focused on forma-ing the weapons I really like which would be Latron, Soma & AKMagnus, got about 5 polarizations on my magnus and about 3 on the soma, and even tho I have to re-level them again, I enjoy playing with those weapons as opposed to be forced to level some xy weapon which has a complete different play style and I never intend on using. And from what I understand, when you forma a weapon and you re-level it, it doesn't count towards the MR rank - which is a shame. 


Same could be said about Warframes. I love my Mesa, I don't really want to switch to play any other frame, but sooner or later I will be forced to do that if I will want to level my MR. So as for right now, I really don't care much about my MR, if it goes up it goes up, if not then not, I'm playing the way I like and the way I'm enjoy the game, if some people thing that I'm bad because I'm MR 5, I'm not bothered by that. 


I do believe they could come up with a better idea to level your MR, which wouldn't force you to experience all of the game, that might sound weird, but I'm really content with just playing maybe one or two frames and a handful of weapons and maybe expand my horizon on my volition without my MR being dependent on all that. 


That said, if people buy/craft keys they should be able to invite whoever they want. I have zero problems of people not inviting me because they think I'm too low rank for their games, it's their decision who they want or want not to party with, right now I also don't feel like I'm fit for those high tier games, so even if someone asks me, which happened, I politely decline, cause I don't want to be the cause of anger. 

Edited by F-Minus
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I remember a while ago a person that posted their stats and it was MR1 with nothing but a banshee and a grakata with potatos, a truckload of forma and a gazillion kills on both of them. The title of the post was something along the lines of "MASTERY RANK DOESNT MATTER" or whatever.

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I feel like some people are missing the point though. People aren't trying to vilify those who host for trying to get the most out of their keys - rather it's a dialogue as to why people are beginning to take this expectation of "mr10-15+ or bust" as the new norm, when it really means very little. It's a strange rule that, as another poster above stated, means very little in actuality. It's divisive, and honestly a tad silly.

It doesn't "mean very little", it's one of very few things that mean anything at all. It means a lot.


Ok? We do not have magic wizard eyes that lets us know who is a good player, and we do not have a bottomless basket of Orokin Void Keys and time to just let anyone in. I have a limited amount of time, a limited amount of keys and a VERY limited set of tools to determine who's gonna be a good player to take to the void with me. Conclave rating and Mastery Rank is not "an imprecise method", it's the most precise method we even have.

So I'm not gonna apologize if I use it because I am not wrong to use it. If you don't like that it's elitist then tough beans, it is elitist, but it's also right.

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I joined the thread quite late, so I don't know  how the discussion went for 9 pages.


But I can say OP basically just gave personal specific example of low MR person. He just failed to realize there are many low MR people that just don't get the game as fast as he - probably - did. He need to know that the game isn't played only by the ones he encountered. That's why personal experiences have low accuracy. The fact that you do fine in most missions don't speak for all the low MR players that play the game. Does it?


Generally, low MR rank always imply inferior pool of gears and mods. Plain and simple fact.

Edited by Chuck_NoMiss
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Did a 1 hr T4 survival with a rank 13, a rank 8 and a rank 9.

I am 18 myself though.


But admittedly, I am painfully aware that a lot players filter by MR.

Personally I try not to judge a player though and will give them a chance even if they are of lower MRs.

But if they start to die and yet refuse to listen to my recommendations, I have to start putting them into the ignore lists.


Like me telling a rank 4 don't solo def D on T4 interception as he kept dying 2 to 3 times per round at D point. However he was too stubborn to go to B where it is easier for higher MRs to keep an eye on him. In the end I had to end the game at wave 7 as my other team mates were dying just trying to rush to ress him. 


But I still hope most people aren't that bone headed eh ?




Edited by fatpig84
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In truth? After MR7 I failed to see the reason of getting any higher. I'm what? 15 now? been here way to damned long (Even with a half a year break).


The challenges ARE challenges I would say some ranks couldn't complete with some experience and/or skill however in truth? I wouldn't care who I bring with me to a t4 survival with me. as long as they don't die within two seconds. (I try to shoot for rank 6+ as that means they have better mods.... normally)

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In truth? After MR7 I failed to see the reason of getting any higher. I'm what? 15 now? been here way to damned long (Even with a half a year break).


The challenges ARE challenges I would say some ranks couldn't complete with some experience and/or skill however in truth? I wouldn't care who I bring with me to a t4 survival with me. as long as they don't die within two seconds. (I try to shoot for rank 6+ as that means they have better mods.... normally)


Dude that is filtering already XD according to some people.

But yes after too many sobering lessons with rank 4s and 5s nearly costing me the game or forcing me to leave at optimal waves / times.

I do filter a bit more rigorously but still fairly lax.


On the other hand, I know of vets who have being burnt by newbies and just going, no min 1.3k Conclave / min MR 10, you are not joining in.


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The higher the rank, the more of an arse they appear. Judging the lower ranks as newbs and doing their hallway hero thing.

Playing with lower ranks is fun. They generally stick together and dont copter about the place :-)

So High MR Players are worse than newbies because

a) they kill stuff with ease

b) they move trough maps with a decent speed, rather than going benny hill circles in one spot


Thank god I've hit MR18 yesterday.

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People are people, they will be bad or good regardless of rank.


Communication is the key, being passive agressive won't help anybody.

disagree. there are situations where aggressive behavior is very useful.

and mastery is only one tool. it can help or not. 

i better have one tool then zero tools.

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Odds are people who have spent maybe 1000 hours on the game to get to Rank 18 are actually quite good due to the amount of hours they spent on it.


People love saying this in Battlefield series but when one side has far more max ranked players that side tend to win a lot easier. Maybe because they've learned the guns and the map more than the new players.

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