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This Is Why We Need A Vote Kick Option.


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i read the post. basically you're butthurt about a guy who popped out of the map somehow to leech your key. vote kick as a player controlled option is something which would be abused, probably by people just like you. don't like a player? kick em! not "good enough" ? kick em! don't like their colors? kick em. something should be done, yes, but a votekick option is absolutely not the way to go.

Your argument is invalid and therefore worthless. I can repeat what you said with a few changes and make an accurate counter point. Watch.


I read your post. Basically you're butthurt about a guy who vote kicked you. Not having a player controlled options is only allowing bad players to abuse the system by piggybacking off of good players. You're probably one of these bad players. Don't have skill? Join a Pluto game! Want to leech? Join a void mission! Like to stand around? Join a random lobby! DE has already had enough time to try and do something and they've failed. A votekick option is absolutely the way to go.


Get over yourself. Voting systems have been around for a long time and the fact of the matter is that they work. You can try and complain about how you think it would be abused, but guess what, this entire system is broken and is being abused. The topic at hand is the case and the point.

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That was changed when after Rhino Prime was added because people kept reusing the same T3 Survival Key to farm his Chassis. The host would force his internet to disconnect so he could reuse the key, so DE patched it so you can't do it anymore.


You can test that now, you probably have at least one tier of survival that you have a few keys. Go in, play up to 5, then abort the mission. You lose the key.

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That was changed when after Rhino Prime was added because people kept reusing the same T3 Survival Key to farm his Chassis. The host would force his internet to disconnect so he could reuse the key, so DE patched it so you can't do it anymore.


You can test that now, you probably have at least one tier of survival that you have a few keys. Go in, play up to 5, then abort the mission. You lose the key.

Well that's lame.  Thank you for taking the time to clarify.  ^.^

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You know, the fact that a 3 person team totally missed the simple fact that for what, 20+ minutes? one team member was totally inactive the entire time is just as bad as the fact that the guy was hiding somewhere.


I have yet to be in a mission and have more then 5 minutes that no one on the team realizes the fact that "the fourth guy" is having issues. Having a marker on the other side of the map should be a pretty good hint, followed by "ESC" and "check mission stats", doubly so if I have 3 mates and a "stranger".


Seriously, we'd shrug and keep going. We invite a random person and we are getting random results. Pretty much working as intended. We would probably just stick to people on friends list in future, if we were THAT annoyed about it.

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A few clanmates and I decides to play some T3 Survival to try and get a Nova Prime Chassis. We needed a fourth, so the host went to recruiting chat and found a radial disarm Loki. So pretty much a basic team. We went in and started playing as we normally would. However, after a few minutes we noticed that our Loki was nowhere to be found. On the minimap it showed him off in some other area. We really didn't mind so we left him be. As things started to get harder, we asked in chat where he was and how we needed some help. We got no response from him. So, we decided to try and find him. To our surprise, he wasn't on the map, in fact, it showed him outside the map. That's when I started to record the game.




Video Summary:

Shows the player outside of the map. For anyone that is possibly going to comment "He probably got glitched out!". The video cuts to the end, showing the player standing at extraction with us. 




Honestly DE, this is total BS. We invited this player to help us and all he did was exploit some kind of glitch to get outside of the map, walk around and then come to extract to reap the rewards. If this player was stuck, then we wouldn't have cared, it happens. The fact is that he wasn't stuck, otherwise he would've told us that he got stuck. 


Perhaps this is an extreme case and rarely happens, but the fact that is did happen is enough ground to show why we need a voting system. I don't care if you think people will abuse it. If you have to, make it only accessible in Void missions, where teamwork is needed. Make it that a player may only call a successful vote on another once a day. Seriously, there are lots of ways to go about it that would combat trolling and general abuse.



Here's the best idea you can have then assuming you want to leave, you are the host, and your parts did not drop.


Host - Press ESC - Abort Mission - Boot everybody out. Everybody.

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I'm sorry that happen to you BUT. Kick is got to be the dumbest thing to put in this game. I'm sorry but you seem to completely ignore. Yes I said ignore because people have told you many times so it isn't that you don't know. But lets do it again. "Warframe has about an 80% TROLL rate". Now you have kick vote. That 80% will kick EVERYONE out of matchs why? For S#&$s and giggles. Sorry for the bluntness, but for some reason you can't comprehend that.


New situation; You get what you want. You play with 3 randoms (where you are invited) Well they kick you after playing 55 minutes of a 60 minute T4. OH you don't get anything way to go. That is the situation we are talking about. Yeah you might get the 11 five min rewards but no XP. 


Now an invasion. Just say you go to play that just so happen you get with 3 guys from a clan. They get to extraction one does not extract. Leaving a 1min countdown...Guess what they are doing. Trolling right? Yeah with kick vote it is even worse. They ain't just trolling they are kicking you. Poof; YOu got nothing at all from it.


You seriously should think about the kick vote more. It is a horrible idea for "this game" because of the majority being trolls. It is not a horrible idea in general, just this game.


The best way to handle this. Do not play with randoms when going to the void. Simple. Don't bother saying what if i don't have a full squad...well if you don't then get a random just don't complain when that 'random' does "random" things.


And be honest to yourself; EVERYONE has done some kind of trolling or hiding at some point. To say you haven't means you are only just started playing or are clearly lieing to yourself because we woudln't believe it anyway. 


In reality there is 0 ways to actually combat this without making another abusive system or screwing good/normal players somehow. Best solution play with friends only and boycott randoms.


(This rant was not ment to be offensive. Don't take it that way. If you did. well ease up; life is hard enough to get so hurt over the internet and over a game.)

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In reality there is 0 ways to actually combat this without making another abusive system or screwing good/normal players somehow. Best solution play with friends only and boycott randoms.


Funny, because I can think of many ways they could implement a voting system that cannot be abused. Here are some ideas.


#1: Limited votes per day

(Limit the amount of votes a player can call per day, if one of their votes pass in any given day, then it will exhaust all available votes for that day.)


#2: Vote monitoring.

(If the system takes notice that the player is calling votes often or even getting votes passed, then they will lose voting privileges for a set amount of time)


#3: Mastery Rank

(Players under a certain rank cannot call votes.)


#4: Advanced stat checking

(Players that are actively helping/playing cannot have votes called against them. System will count how many kills they have, how many times they use their abilities, revive teammates, etc.)


#5: Vote cooldown

(If a vote was called and not passed, the player who called it cannot call anymore votes in that game. Not only that, but every other player must wait a few minutes for a cooldown timer that will reopen the voting system.)


#6: Protection zone

(At a certain time, a vote to kick anyone cannot be called. 4-5th round of defense. 1 or two minutes before the next rotation of survival. Etc. )


These are just a few ideas that could not only allow players to have a voting system, but one that would be very hard to troll or abuse. It just takes a little brain power and initiative. So rather than try and white knight DE, how about you actually contribute to this conversation.

Edited by shatteredwings
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1. Still don't stop trolling and invalid kicking. Seriously you are just digging deep for stuff on that.

2. Monitoring...so you want them to hire someone? Or implant an auto system that will fail..

3. That is bias. Not fair at all. Just because someone ranks weapons and frames does not make them better than anyone.

4. Bias again. Some people have a life.

5. This could do some good in it I see what you mean there. But i would say it has its downfall as if you get in back to back where you need to kick. But I like the cooldown idea on it. But should be hours not minutes IMO.

6. The AFK'ers would abuse this. They would wait until until then and leave. The second part the trollers could just do it before the 'set' time no matter the time.


And for the insults I honestly don't care what you think. You are the one that is trying to make up as many stupid attempts as possible to get something that YOU want. Just because you think it is good don't make it good. Clearly most know how bad it is to have on a game with so many trolls. Judging from your last post, you would be one of the ones abusing this. 


I know this is going to turn into a fight so I will not be posting back on this topic. Enjoy it being locked becuase this is the same thing that has been turned down time and time again because it will do way more damage than good.


Enjoy your day Sir.

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I'm sorry that happen to you BUT. Kick is got to be the dumbest thing to put in this game. I'm sorry but you seem to completely ignore. Yes I said ignore because people have told you many times so it isn't that you don't know. But lets do it again. "Warframe has about an 80% TROLL rate". Now you have kick vote. That 80% will kick EVERYONE out of matchs why? For S#&$s and giggles. Sorry for the bluntness, but for some reason you can't comprehend that.


New situation; You get what you want. You play with 3 randoms (where you are invited) Well they kick you after playing 55 minutes of a 60 minute T4. OH you don't get anything way to go. That is the situation we are talking about. Yeah you might get the 11 five min rewards but no XP. 


Now an invasion. Just say you go to play that just so happen you get with 3 guys from a clan. They get to extraction one does not extract. Leaving a 1min countdown...Guess what they are doing. Trolling right? Yeah with kick vote it is even worse. They ain't just trolling they are kicking you. Poof; YOu got nothing at all from it.


You seriously should think about the kick vote more. It is a horrible idea for "this game" because of the majority being trolls. It is not a horrible idea in general, just this game.


The best way to handle this. Do not play with randoms when going to the void. Simple. Don't bother saying what if i don't have a full squad...well if you don't then get a random just don't complain when that 'random' does "random" things.


And be honest to yourself; EVERYONE has done some kind of trolling or hiding at some point. To say you haven't means you are only just started playing or are clearly lieing to yourself because we woudln't believe it anyway. 


In reality there is 0 ways to actually combat this without making another abusive system or screwing good/normal players somehow. Best solution play with friends only and boycott randoms.


(This rant was not ment to be offensive. Don't take it that way. If you did. well ease up; life is hard enough to get so hurt over the internet and over a game.)

So what you're saying boils down to: if a vote kick is implemented nothing will change.

I mean we're all trolling jack@sses anyways, according to you.

Shoot, I have most of what the game offers through sheer hours so I must be hosting endless missions all day every day and aborting after a dozen cycles for the giggles. Can't have n00bs getting things from my keys, after all.


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Honestly best way to handle this is when you are recruiting for a survival game or defense game and they pm you just look at their profile and grab MR 10+ people. Not because they have better gear its just that when people go AFK they are MR9 and lower.


This is currently based off of my experience.

The player in question was MR 15

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