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Looking At The Panthera Paper-Stats I'm Horrified.


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Miter is a base part needed to build this "upgrade"...but let's see. 

Miter 250 damage (yes 125 uncharged...but that doesn't make the Panthera shine since Panthera doesn't charge at all)
Panthera 100

Miter ROF: 0.56
Panthera: 1.7

Miter Mag: 20
Panthera Mag 12 (actually uses ammo in increments of 5, eating away ammo)

Miter Reload: 2.0
Panthera Reload 2.0 

Miter Status 50%
Panthera Status: 10% 

Panthera can also not zoom in "favor" of the short range "melee" saw that does terrible damage as well.
Has no charge functionality for main shot. 
Projectile is slow as hek...hitting anything that is out of melee range is a miracle (having no zoom doesnt make it easier)

So basically you trade in a Miter for a weapon that seems extremely horrible...it makes the Miter look good, which is a bad thing...it just looks like you are using a weapon for a recipe to create a weapon that is weaker...the hek?

Theory DPS wise this weapon is a downgrade or sidegrade from the already underwhelming Miter(you're going to be reloading a lot)...yet the requirements are way higher than it and it "upgrades" out of a Miter...DE pls stahp...people asked for a Miter buff...not a "nerf" that we have to pay for with time or money.

DE needs to fix that weapon ASAP...I'm not sure what they're seeing in this weapon...but it's beyond bad. It might take the crown for worst primary weapon...which should not be happening for a weapon with such "steep" requirements.

Edited by Shehriazad
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Meh, when i saw the Stats i was disappointed, but now that i think about it...I am even more disapointed.


I thought it was a Automatic weapon with a small (But not so small) magazine and a good fire-rate (3 or 4).

Edited by DarkLordX2
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I just ran a mission with it. (Had christmas plat left over...couldnt be bothered to farm that one) It's as horrible as it looks on paper...of course somewhere someone might like it...but that fact that it's basically a downgrade resulting from an "upgrade path" is just terrible.

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3x the speed  = 3times the stats!


noones looking at this xD

Its like saying that you have a Burst that does 100 damage

or a burst that does 3 shots of 40 damage, in the end it does more damage

It has less mag capacity, and it's less ammo efficient. Miter is already horrible, this makes it even worse. Thanks for this Tenno "reinforcements" DE.

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Ugh, I just deleted miter last night after ranking it up to 30, which btw, was horrible; one the worst weapons this game has to offer. Now I have to farm up mats to make another miter just to get a version that's worse than the original. I think I will skip this weapon until they force people to rank up as they mentioned in the last dev stream.

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