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Frost Prime & Others - Golden Ability(?)


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Hi guys and ladies,


it is only an one small aspect, but I think there are some Orokin enhanced Warframes that miss this little extra in their abilities!


Actually this thread is more a question for the community: Should every Prime get a recall value in one of its powers? 

My own point of view is clear - if there are others that got one, why should the rest settle for it to lack one ;)


We have 8 Primed Warframes:


> Excalibur Prime (Radial Javelin with Skana Primes)

> Frost Prime (? -/-)

> Mag Prime (? -/-)

> Ember Prime (? -/-)

> Rhino Prime (Golden Iron Skin)

> Loki Prime (Loki Prime Decoy with Lex Prime)

> Nyx Prime (Chaos with Nyx Prime holograms holding Braton Prime)
> Nova Prime (Solid Golden Null Star and solid Golden Antimatter Drop spheres!)



If we look close, there are some things that should be considered:


Frost Prime:


-- Freeze is too short for a golden overhaul.

-  A golden Snow Globe will surely be annoying.


++ A solid golden Ice Wave would look awesome (at least in my imagination ;) )

+   An Avalanche consisting of gold rocks is a nice alternative.


Mag Prime:


-- Pull is too short and should be left a "magnetic"-looking effect.

-- Shield Polarize should stay magnetic and could be annoying if added a golden effect.


++ Bullet Attractor is a good model to be primed - however there should be a certain amount of transparency.

+   Crush is also good to be primed, but it will need a new type of dmg animation.


Ember Prime:


-- Like Frosts Freeze, Fireball is too short.

-- Fire Blast should stay a purely fire animation.


++ Accelerant could paint the enemies with a golden effect.

+   World On Fire is not perfect but Prime-able. Solid Gold firestreams could be very nice, even if they have a possibility of getting annoying.




So what do you think about it folks? And if some DE staff read it, are there any plans concerning giving every prime a specific ability? :-)

Edited by -ExT-AtLasVegas
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Hi guys and ladies,


it is only an one small aspect, but I think there are some Orokin enhanced Warframes that miss this little extra in their abilities!


Actually this thread is more a question for the community: Should every Prime get a recall value in one of its powers? 

My own point of view is clear - if there are others that got one, why should the rest settle for it to lack one ;)


We have 7 Primed Warframes:


> Excalibur Prime (Radial Javelin with Skana Primes)

> Frost Prime (? -/-)

> Mag Prime (? -/-)

> Ember Prime (? -/-)

> Rhino Prime (Golden Iron Skin)

> Loki Prime (Loki Prime Decoy with Lex Prime)

> Nova Prime (Solid Golden Null Star and solid Golden Antimatter Drop spheres!)



If we look close, there are some things that should be considered:


Frost Prime:


-- Freeze is too short for a golden overhaul.

-  A golden Snow Globe will surely be annoying.


++ A solid golden Ice Wave would look awesome (at least in my imagination ;) )

+   An Avalanche consisting of gold rocks is a nice alternative.


Mag Prime:


-- Pull is too short and should be left a "magnetic"-looking effect.

-- Shield Polarize should stay magnetic and could be annoying if added a golden effect.


++ Bullet Attractor is a good model to be primed - however there should be a certain amount of transparency.

+   Crush is also good to be primed, but it will need a new type of dmg animation.


Ember Prime:


-- Like Frosts Freeze, Fireball is too short.

-- Fire Blast should stay a purely fire animation.


++ Accelerant could paint the enemies with a golden effect.

+   World On Fire is not perfect but Prime-able. Solid Gold firestreams could be very nice, even if they have a possibility of getting annoying.




So what do you think about it folks? And if some DE staff read it, are there any plans concerning giving every prime a specific ability? :-)

Amazing, OP,OP sir, you get a +1!

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For Frost, Avalanche could leave golden snowmen when it kills. Uh... don't eat those.


For Mag, the rocks from Crush are probably the best bet as most of her stuff is over quickly or needs to be visible.


For Ember, Fire Blast could have a golden center or the proposed advancing wall of fire could appear more gold.


I don't like the idea of changing too many of the visuals on powers to be gold, because a lot of the time you like the energy color you have and don't want it to overwrite too much of what you're doing. I think if any of these powers gained changes to be more Prime later, they should stick to residual changes rather than anything that would obscure the active energy color.

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For Ember, all of her flames could have an overlay for a golden center - much as flames in reality are separate colors between the center and edges. Would be a welcome change to the old white core in the flames making my reds look pink.


For Mag, the Crush animation lifts some debris, which could always be turned gold.

Edited by Archwizard
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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't mean yellowish :) more like e.g. solid gold Ice Wave - comparable to Novas spheres.

It might be better if Freeze turned enemies to solid gold instead of ice. Same for enemy death animation for Avalanche. If gold pours down for Avalanche I might need to bleach my eyes if I look at it too often.

Edited by ddg92
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Ember's Fourth actually has gold bubbles spewing in the explosions if you look close enough. Actually-I'm not sure, because I sold my regular Ember a while ago. Might need someone to confirm that this is exclusive to Ember P.


As for the others(Frost, Mag, ... I don't remember them getting anything resembling a difference.

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