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Since All The End-Game People Hang Here, What's The Longest You've Gone In T4 Survival?


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The best I ever got was roughly 45-49 minutes solo in T4S. Even though I was invisible all the time as Loki, doesn't mean I could kill those crazy high level mobs forever. 


I kinda had to smirk by the end of it because by the time I had to high tail it outta there when i used up all the tanks, both my Dread and even Synoid Gammacor were taking too long to kill the mobs. The funny part wasn't that both my primary and secondary were falling off in terms of performance, the most memorable thing to me was that only my Tipedo with them critical hit, Corrosive procs and my 4x crit damage multiplier from Loki Invis was single-handedly keeping me alive. I was impressed that my melee was still killing level 70+ Corrupted Lancers, Crewman and even Ancients in a few seconds. The melee hit counter system meant that eventually I was was getting the melee 3.0x damage multiplier from maintaining such a high hit combo.


All in all, very repetitive but my god does the enemy scaling turn my solo romp into the Void a literal nightmare :P

Edited by yuio678
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Did a T4S the other day that ended at 60. We may have made it to 65, and maybe if we were lucky, 70, but no more than that. 


A team of an Ash, a Loki Prime, a Nova, and myself as a Nekros. Not the tankiest individuals. 




Even still, to be honest, I have to admit that T4 Survival at 60 is pretty hard. Around that time, enemy levels reach 100 and above. Even with Molecular Prime, with headshots and a Soma, it takes quite a bit to kill the enemy. 


It's still possible, sure, but it's definately more difficult. 

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Team Setup, even a duo can easily go past 1hr+ using Loki (Irrad) and Banshee (Resonance). My best yet is 1hr and 20mins with pugs. Although honestly, most experienced players can easily go past 2 hrs now, the only problem is just finding a dedicated squad (which is also my problem).


My best solo was 45mins with Loki Prime, I had to extract because the enemies were so tanky at that point. Even 4 corrosive procs from Braton Prime, it still takes alot of bullet to kill either a Heavy Gunner or a Bombard.


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I can guarantee you 95% of the people who hang out here havent gone above 2 hours on t4s, all these "veteran"'players who havent ever really challenged themselves then complain there is no endgame are jokes lol.


2h 39m

Because it's a pseudo endgame. Long endless missions shouldn't constitute as endgame content. It takes some coordination maybe, sure, but I'd hardly say it's as challenging as you're making it out to be. S#&$, people did 7 hour survival runs before. Granted, that's when Trinity gave invulnerability, but even those runs needed some extent of teamwork. Main point is that nothing in this game is really difficult. The fact that we have to go hours into defense or survival just for a remote challenge is a joke. Good job on your time nonetheless.


OT: 80 mins or so. Not much point as I've mentioned.

Edited by Asterisk123
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I just stay closer to 45 minutes and then leave. This is playing together with my brother.


Going further is rather pointless for me because enemies get too powerful, the rewards are not increased and they can down you pretty quickly.

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I've done an hour.


Honestly I do not enjoy T4S past 40 minutes. It just gets increasingly stupid and unfair to play the normal way. I know, with the right team composition and tactics, you can basically go as long as you want to. But you're not really playing the game at that point. You're button-pressing a very finely tuned machine made up of game-breaking components.

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1 hours and 40ish minutes, it was terrible. A few clan members wanted to see how far we could go in T4S, we had done a 2 hour T3 survival prior to that and wanted to see how far we could go (the privious run was just for a nova part, originally we had decided to just hit 40 and leave if we didn't get it, but each time the C rotation hit we just decided, lets try 20 more minutes, at the 2 hour mark we left more because it was boring and not because we had to). I don't even remember if when we hit 1 hour 40 was when we had to leave or we left because it was unpleasant. It just became an endurance run.


For the T4S it was Nova, disarm loki, trinity, and me as nekros. Really wish we had a proper nuker frame for it, at least then it would have only been pressing a single button for an hour or two. After an hour and twenty minutes all I ever did was spam desecrate and head shot with my dread. Every enemy took forever and a day to kill. It was boring and slow. The cores were amazing, but dear god it was just unplayable. After that run I sat on trade chat for the rest of the day, because I just couldn't bring myself to actually play anything after that. I haven't really done much in the void since, that run really burnt me out.


Because I use the dread, hour long T4S runs are fun, but once enemies start hitting the point where multiple headshots are required for a kill it just gets aweful. I can only imagine what it would have been like had I been using an automatic weapon, just holding down and button and waiting for the heavies to die.

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the hardest part of doing a warframe mission near or over 1 hour = sitting in front of a screen doing the same thing for almost or over an hour again and again and again and again and again


thats the challenge, making your self brain dead with boredom with enduring repetition for unreasonably long times


thats why in warframe we need skill based endgame, we literally have no skill based end game (using 1 2 3 4 skills and shooting synoid gammacors at heads for 1 hour is not skill) *yawn* borefest...

This. Longest t4 surv i have done was over 50mins and boy was it painful, not because "challenge" but because it was soooooooooo boring, i think these long runs kills more braincells than alcohol ever can do, even if  would try kill them with alcohol. These were some wise words from master ryu, dont ignore them.

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In solo 56 minutes. 1 hour mark eludes me, but at this point, r5 bundles be damned, I stopped trying. Solo is soooo..... you know what.

With random team 75 minutes in what I consider mad fun game, dozens and dozens of revives, walking the very fine line between we are "winning" and loosing control and failing miserably. (best game to date, 50 or 60 r5 cores)

With another random team from recruiting 1 and 45 minutes of what I never want to do again! Vauban, speed Nova, Nekros, Loki. That was just horrible. I don't use any software to help me with button pushing and I was the Nekros. (40 r5 cores)

Lately recruiting has been plagued with foolproof, funproof camp form of doing T4survival. I often find myself browsing forums, watching movies and just not playing because good games are so rare. I get invited, enter, see Vauban, say no thanks and get out.

edit. For the record I still find T4survival the most fun this game has to offer in PvE, especially part from 40 minutes on, (when even revives take team coordination) as long as host is ok with bringing whatever maxed gear you want and not always having the same 4-6 damned frames.

Edited by ReLight13
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