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Is Today The Day For The Anticipated Patch 8.0?


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I not waiting any new warframe or weapon, i dont care about that yet. Bored to grind 361h playtime, i playing other games till update 8. Playing Van helsing adventures beta single player rpg, its great even with some very annoying bugs.

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Can DE make a special Alert mission that basically tells all Tenno to Eradicate the Corpus' new threat?


We need at least 100,000 <New Boss Name> kills before we consider releasing Update 8. Happy hunting, Tenno!


Stalker will be so busy afterwards; we'll have to make an appointment to see him.  =D

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They need to release update 8 soon. I already know quite a few people who quit due to nothing to do, I know a few more who will today since this is not 8 and if they wait any longer.... I'm probably going that route as well with even more if its not next week.

You can only farm up so much exp and blueprints for months before it gets irratating. They are running out of time, generally when your average user leaves they wont be coming back anytime soon.

This is the final straw for a lot of people. Get to update 8 by next week or lose quite a bit of players...... I see more and more 'Game is getting boring, leaving' topics every week.

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They need to release update 8 soon. I already know quite a few people who quit due to nothing to do, I know a few more who will today since this is not 8 and if they wait any longer.... I'm probably going that route as well with even more if its not next week.

You can only farm up so much exp and blueprints for months before it gets irratating. They are running out of time, generally when your average user leaves they wont be coming back anytime soon.

This is the final straw for a lot of people. Get to update 8 by next week or lose quite a bit of players...... I see more and more 'Game is getting boring, leaving' topics every week.

Mate, I understand some people are bored with the current content, as I am. But nobody forces them to play the game, and nobody forces them to quit the game either. If you are bored with the game, take a break, come back in a few weeks when a new major update has been released. It's simple stuff.


I'm bored with it too, but I don't complain or quit the game. I just wait until they release something new that will 'steal' my interest from the exams. To quit a game and never come back just because it doesn't have enough content at the moment seems like a bad decision.

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Bboy500, on 03 May 2013 - 6:29 PM, said:

This is the final straw for a lot of people. Get to update 8 by next week or lose quite a bit of players...... I see more and more 'Game is getting boring, leaving' topics every week.

Put yourself in the devs' shoes. They need time, money and support from players to develop new content. They've been generous enough to give us weapons every Friday, and still they work towards update 8. If they lost all their players, they wouldn't have a reason to develop new content. Staying with the game is a win-win situation for everyone, even if you take a break for a little while and come back. There's no reason to leave forever.


And remember, it's still only beta! I'm pretty sure they have a ton of content to add, up to and after the full release.

Edited by TheSmash
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If you are on the verge of burning out, take a break. Do it. Leave for a month. I left between U6 and U7, and when I came back, it was great. Currently, I am barely active in the game, too - I just check out new addition, do a few runs with buddies, and log off again. But don't force yourself to play, or think you need to.


[size=5]Take breaks.[/size]


And come back later. We still love you. :)

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Mate, I understand some people are bored with the current content, as I am. But nobody forces them to play the game, and nobody forces them to quit the game either. If you are bored with the game, take a break, come back in a few weeks when a new major update has been released. It's simple stuff.

I'm bored with it too, but I don't complain or quit the game. I just wait until they release something new that will 'steal' my interest from the exams. To quit a game and never come back just because it doesn't have enough content at the moment seems like a bad decision.

That isn't the point.

I like many gamers mostly have time for 1 main game to play, especially mmo's that require hours upon hours of your time.

If I was to go start another game, I would more then likley stay there. Not because im impatient, but because if the other game intrested me enough to keep playing, I would... keep playing it and probably not get back to Warframe for a while. Especially when people in my clan have started loking for new games.

I have been doing the same thing for 4 months now. In 4 months the game is more balanced, but essentially still all about farming and only farming with no major gameplay changed to end game.

Leaving and coming back later is logical, but the truth is when a average player leaves they most likley don't come back. It's a first impressions thing, if the player leaving last thoughts are 'Its just farming' then he probably will remember it that way and not come back for a while if ever.

Not everyone of course, but this happens to alot of games. A game starts off huge and big, people run out of content and leave (Even if the game is good) and by the time the add all the content the playerbase is low and usually doesn't recover. I have seen it happen to wayyyy tooo many good games.

Thus I highly believe its in De's best interest to get update 8 out as first priority.

Edited by Bboy500
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The game hasn't been open beta for that long. I imagine the game is gaining a lot more players right now than it is losing.

Its been on steam for a month now.

Everyone that has wanted to try it has done so by now. I doubt its gaining much players at the moment.

And the people who started when it came to steam, they are starting to hit that point of the game becoming boring... some starting to leave.

In my personal opinion and what I see from friends around me, I really think update 8 needs to start happening right now. Any longer then another week and I see this game dropping players in big amounts.

It already had 26k+ on steam, its average is down to 17k+ on steam and its only going to get lower as those steam players hit the barrier.

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I can neither confirm nor deny this conclusion.


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                                               -Random Librarian


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