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Coming Soon: Devstream #45!


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Question: For secondary weapons such as the Buzlok, Quanta, Mutalist Quanta etc. can we please be able to aim or shoulder fire with these weapons? I put a catalyst in the Buzlok and its an awesome weapon but it feels weird aiming a automatic without being able to aim. 


Question: I would love a increased clip size to the Sybaris and Tigris, is that possible or being looked at?


Question: Will we get another chance at Tethra mod set, I was one of the people that missed the original event. However, I was aware of the new event where you do the survival against new infested but I feel that was not fair. I did the mission over 30 times for over 20 minutes each and did not receive any of the new mods. Now I can no longer get them while the Cicero mods is still obtainable.Please bring them back permanently or in a event that is not RNG heavy.Thank you! 

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What if we find a way for players to do more damage without needing to equip serration?  Something more skill-based.



Basically, what if weak points on enemies actually mattered because if you don't have a damage mod, they are the only real way to do damage.  But, to make this worth it, the weak points aren't as affected by the damage increase from mods as the rest of the target?


So this makes the mods for damage more of a way to lessen the gap between skill levels.  If someone isn't as good at finding and shooting weak points, they can just add damage until they get those skills.




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Any chance of the exit screen in a defence mission showing the frames of the people, perhaps in brackets after their name so you can quickly see what frames are leaving when you're making the decision whether to stay or go. Is this easily implementable?

Edited by Moggy
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Since we are playing with the idea of "conditional damage mods" or...whatever. how about a slot like the stance mod or aura mod slot that alters the behavior of a primary or secondary in whatever ways you guys can come up with? I only suggest this because the mod system is already daunting for new players and any changes could only make things worse. I feel this is easier and gives a lot of freedom as there is no real way to avoid players finding the best/only way to build for weapons. Maybe this slot and mods for it can make for very different behaviors depending on the build versus their just being a damage difference. So how does buffing the positive and negative of corrupted mods for this slot? Or this could be where things like rifle amp or scavenger mods would go? Freeing the aura slot for augments?

Edited by (PS4)Dark513
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My questions:


- A long time ago, when Wyrm and Shade were the only Sentinels, there was mention ( during Devstreams ) of Sentinels possibly hacking things for us. Has this been abandoned, forgotten, or just a low priority?


- For the Syndicates, why do we give samples of Orokin technology ( Forma, Potatoes, Prime parts ) to them? How does this maintain the Balance?

Please give me a lore-related reason to do this, even if only a little ingame queue of the Lotus giving me the OK to help out these Syndicates.

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On Prime Time this week, Rebecca and Megan gushed over how much they liked Fulcrvm's Prototype Warframe Armor skins. I was wondering how much (if any) inspiration for new stuff in the game comes from fan works like that. 

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With all the requests for balance changes, will there ever be alternate warframe abilities? (another version of slash dash or a new first ability).When abilities were mods, I thought this was going to happen for sure but with augments and the abilities menu is this still an option? Or a potential element of focus?


How do you plan on making the environment more interactive? Being able to break a grate, hack a panel, destroy an asteroid, etc; give me a feeling of presence in the environment and really make the game come alive..Are there plans to explore on this in gameplay?

EX: knockdown/ grapple enemies, holding position behind cover, pick up and throw a barrel


Question #2 but for dojos, too many rooms are purely cosmetic. Plans on doing something in these rooms besides decorating?

EX: oracle, garden rooms, barracks, observatory

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During the last livestream it was said that you would be looking at revisiting a lot of the older content of the game and bringing it up to scratch, like the recent ember buffs etc.


Does this mean we can expect a rebalancing of the dual secondary weapons already ingame? Currently the dual pistols don't really make any sense stat wise; why does a dual cestra cause one gun to lose 20 ammo per mag for example?


Any update on looking into the sniper rifles?


Lastly, Aklex prime...when? I've been dying for one ever since the lex prime was released and have two lex primes already built and waiting.

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What are the possibilities of a void assassination mission? Some of the Exterminate missions mention a "neural sentry", and that sound like a fun boss to me. Plus, it would make sense that you can fight multiple, since there are multiple towers, and there could be different forms for different tiers.

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What is the ETA on the Underwater Gene Labs/Regor rework/swimming? Will kubrows be able to join us in our SCUBA adventures? Will there be underwater wildlife/enemies? Will Senpai ever notice me?


Also, in the past, a method for getting up faster after knockdown was suggested and mentioned. Any word on that?

Edited by DrMeowmix
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Will we ever be able to rename items such as weapons, warframes, or builds instead of build A B C?

I would also like more of the builds! I was at Death Trinity, Link Trinity, Invulnerable Trinity... CRAP NO I CAN'T PUT IN BLOCK TRINITY NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Question 1


what are your future plans with the syndicates? specifically: cosmetic items, primary and melee weapons, more augments, etc.


Question 2


The tenno orbiter (seen here: http://i.imgur.com/mXqJI74.png ) was teased quite a few devstreams back with some concept artwork, what, if anything, is being done with this concept?


Question 3


What new game modes do you have planned for Archwing? defense, rescue, sabotage, excavation, etc.


Question 4 (multi-part)


Will the other sentinels ever get added to Wyrmius? Will Wyrm (and other sentinels if applicable) get their main ability to use as a super attack in Wyrmius? what other enhancements can we expect for this mini-game? also will it be moved to the relays eventually like it was promised?


Question 5 (last question!)


Will we have more than one raid when they're introduced? also will there be different raid types? more than just an assassination or such, perhaps a defense or assault on a convoy

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