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Nerfing Nova For The Sake Of Challenging Missions.


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   Ok, so I just tried to see how far I can go in T4 survival with Nova.


  I am talking about solo because I believe that intentions on how the game works are more matched in solo due to having 0 lag then online where all kind of connections can sometimes have an effect of almost being untouchable by mobs. I can reach 40 minutes with most frames that have damage mitigation, I can reach 50 with most frames that have hard CC and I can reach 60+ with one frame.


  Nova - 31 minutes. Seemed easy, then when 1 shots started happening, I hit a brick wall. I haven't forma'd her so I just stick with both redirection and vitality. I suppose with QT + Flow, I would probably menage 40. Build is max slow 75%, max duration and max efficiency. I don't consider builds that requires using energy restores (without eximus energy drain) good.


  My starting position was that Nova is balanced, but I did get persuaded for a while that 1 skill on her kit is so much better the all other comparable abilities.


    Well guess what, when the game works how it is supposed to, 0 lag, those 75% slow is not as OP as some would have you believe. Rockets still hit you 50% no matter how hard you try to avoid them, bullets still hurt and propositions on lowering the slow cap even as little as 50% would in my mind make her CC almost subpar. The fact that as a whole she does reduce enemy fire output by 75% is true, however, consider this: you weren't taking those 100 percent of damage to begin with. You were either utilising every damage avoidance tool in your arsenal or you were a dead Tenno.

   Making M Prime last less would just mean you would be spamming it more often. The wave is slow and if I am not careful I copter much faster then it spreads so that is also a drawback.


I am a new Nova player, the regular one was, for me, just mastery fodder. Back then, Nova was "MPrime and steal all the kills, yeah!"


   This Nova however is different, she is a team player, she is also fast and with directional melee, most of my runs in void are 50% airborne. I find her very fun exactly because of how MPrime works, meaning that spam doesn't really get you anywhere. (spam being - having to use CC abilities more then once in every 20 seconds).

Only other frame that comes close is Nyx, 14 seconds (again my preference), but with Chaos, and how little mods you need to use to maximize Chaos, I feel very tanky with her. (red, vit, flow, qt). Chaos is also not unpredictable, if enemy is closer to another enemy then you, he won't shoot you. I fail to see what is unpredictable about that. +the stun.


      Most avid advocates here are old players, that have maxed out everything (so do I), however they are missing the point seeking challenge through (in this case) balancing  a frame that is already in a pretty good place (null star could use a tweak to stagger or something).


 Nova is slow and explosions. If anything needs to be nerfed, take out the damage multiplier not the choice to play around with various speed of enemies affected by it, even if in most cases it will be max slow.



   We will be getting harder enemies so sit back and relax.


I have more playtime then 99% of posters here, about 40% of my time being spent in conclaves but even subtracting that, I will still have more then 95%. I still find the game fun and play it daily. But I don't have a favorite frame, favorite weapon and the only part of my gear that stays the same from mission to mission is the Carrier. The customization in Warframe is big. I wouldn't mind seeing more of Hydroid and Ember in Voids but untill that day comes, be creative people and let others be creative too.


  The balancing part is hard because you want both new people and old people happy.  

Frames are balanced assuming you have maxed them out.  You haven't even maxed your Nova out and you still got to 30 minutes playing a frame that you aren't adept with, solo no less.


the purpose of MP is to make things after 40mins/w40 more approachable so people won't rage quit the game

same for trinity/loki/valkyr/you name an OP frame here

It is not easy, just approachable

They only become approachable because you're making them way easier to deal with.  Also, infinite content.


Hmm... Well that damage multiplier is good to have on high level missions you know. Because Bombards and napalms has so much health and so much armor that taking them down takes ridiculously long even on level 30 missions.

That's because Grineers' armor scales up with level, causing effective health to skyrocket while other factions' health increase at a more steady rate.  They need to fix that rather then just having bandaids that make the game easier as a whole to cover it.


IF YOU WOULD HAVE EVEN BOTHERED playing long enough into defense or survival u will see that past a certain level/stage molecular prime no longer slows them down

Completely fabricated.


Your solution to Nova being the go to way to get far in the void and making it to easy is not telling people to not play with her, but to play this specific way instead? It's the same thing lol half this thread is people not wanting to be confined to a certian playstyle  to go far in the void hence the "leaving the group or not inviting novas is stupid because muh freedom"


Not to mention your need a group all on the same page which rarely will happen if you dont know them in real life. I have 2 friends i play with regularly and its hard to find a 4th with CP and Viral.

Your group pretty much has to do this to kill anything armored after a certain level range.  It's not only Nova who has to do this, but every frame and weapon in the game.  


Also, and


We already did this actually. Nova used to apply MPrime to it's full AoE INSTANTLY and did not have to travel. The forums blew up when they nerfed it, too. Currently, both slow improving (power strength) corrupted mods also hurt the power and the bonus damage is only +50%(1.5x) not +100%.(2x).

The travel time is a minor hitch compared to previous funstionality but is actually a buff because the new area of effect persists until the field recahes max range, so it affects enemies that spawn/walk into it after the initial cast.  The slow is also boosted from always 50% to anywhere between -30% and 75% (the 75% is reachable with just Intensify equipped.)  Lastly, the damage bonus is still 100% bonus damage, unaffected by power strength.  

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The travel time is a minor hitch compared to previous funstionality but is actually a buff because the new area of effect persists until the field recahes max range, so it affects enemies that spawn/walk into it after the initial cast.  The slow is also boosted from always 50% to anywhere between -30% and 75% (the 75% is reachable with just Intensify equipped.)  Lastly, the damage bonus is still 100% bonus damage, unaffected by power strength.  


It's not a "minor hitch" when stuff that two or three shots you is shooting at you from across a void tile and I'm not sure about this persistent effect. My understanding is they only take the debuff if the wave passes over them. I'm pretty sure I've seen infested spawn close to me on survival that were no MPrimed when the wave had passed their spawn point already.


But yes, it was a signficant buff to a Nova that plays well and uses it well, but I really wish you'd try telling the forums that right after the nerf patch like I do. It sucks being the lone voice of reason on those kinds of days.

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Alright, since everyone who's asking for a nerf to nova are only hating on her because she has good CC, how's about instead of nerfing someone elses toy that you don't like for some reason or another, let's just help out the powers of your toys that you feel don't have good CC/Utility.


Imagine if Mag's Crush left enemies actually smashed on the floor for a little while after the cast? And applied the magnetic proc? It's good CC and gives you breathing room to fight.


If Frosts Avalanche actually did cold proc enemies after the animation is over? Really good CC/Utility that lets you and your squad pick of the stragglers.


If Ash's Blade Storm sent enemies into a Panic State where they were incapacitated, like how the Pacifying Bolt's augment works.


If Radial Blind pinned enemies to walls for a duration? You could shoot them before the duration is over and voila, no more enemies by the acts of good CC/Utility.


And so on and so forth.


That way, skills that people believe are not up to par can be buffed to actually be usable and workable as items that aren't just damage numbers, but provide some good Utility and Crowd Control, and all the Nova players don't get hate for doing their job and helping out the squad.


Boom, we all win.

Edited by AlphaHorseman
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Ah, but that is barring that the paradigm of the game can grow or evolve. Which I would think all of us would love to happen, rather than see the game stay the same or things be hampered to make it similar. Us getting these CC/Utility buffs are great, and also offer us an opportunity to give our enemies some upgrades as well. I'd say we can balance ourselves not just with each other, but with our enemies as well.


Let me give examples:


Frosts Ice Wave is given the CC/Utility of Knockback on cast. This helps with its scale ability, and makes for a power worth using. Now, to counter this, Grineer Scorpions can now shoot their grappling hooks into the ground to ensure that they do not fly back, but are still hit with the cold proc/damage. Grineer Heavy Gunners can use their knockback ability to hold themselves in that position, rather than be hit backwards.


The Corpus now have a unit called the Corpus Guardian. The Guardian deploys a stationary shield, large enough to fit a Corpus Squad behind it. The shape of the Shield is pretty much a larger version of Alad V's Mutalist Shield in that boss fight. Any units behind that shield would be immune to CC/Utility effects, and protected from incoming damage from the direction the shield is facing. Corpus weapon fired outwards from within the Shield get a bonus to damage (this means we Tenno could take advantage of this as well, should we have Corpus Weaponry equipped). Once deployed, the shield cannot move and has a set HP. Thus, a Nova's MP would not affect the units behind it.


If a player is a Nova, they could either shoot the shield until the HP is out and it drops, or use their movement to get behind the shield, or teleport behind/above the shield to shoot/use powers on the units behind it.


Excalibur's Radial Javelin gets the CC/Utility of pinning enemies to their surroundings. The Infested Runners already have a mechanic that makes them roll left or right to try and avoid incoming fire. Now apply that to most light infested units (since they actually do look like they can manage a quick roll) and now they have a (small) chance of dodging a javelin. They get smarter and actually look like they're fighting as a horde. Or just make it where heavier units can maintain their position on the battlefield, take the stun from the javelin stabbing them, and are only staggered for a short duration and a small bleed proc, since they've been stabbed with an energy sword.


So on and so forth.


Upgrading those powers people feel are lackluster, while keeping good powers good (tweaks here and there) allows us to not only solidify and flesh out our WarFrame powers, and also give us a solid foundation to use augments, but also gives us an opportunity to make our enemies smarter, to make them more interesting to fight, and to help grow and expand the mechanics of the game. This way, Nova doesn't get an unjustified nerf, and the rest of the WarFrames that people feel need some fleshing out actually can get fleshed out, alongside our enemies becoming more than just bullet sponges, they are intelligent and multi-functional bullet sponges.


I'd say it's a far better route to help the game grow, rather than mitigate something for the sake of keeping the paradigm the same.

Edited by AlphaHorseman
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Enemy DPS may be reduced by 75% but their per shot damage is not.  And, we're not talking about a few enemy here, we're talking about a Massive Army that we're expected to Devastate.  That's a lot of big bullets that can one shot.  It's perfectly legit game play.  It's like nothing you will find in Gears of War.  And I think we should understand by now that Warframe is not Gears of War.  It's not Dark Souls.


And if the core of a game can change then that game is low quality, like coffee turning to &!$$, or round tires becoming square.

Or the 15-30 demographic grabbing a-hold of a game and "balancing" it....

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LOL guy i think i seen some forum warrior here beg for nerf almost everything! seen him everywhere about nerf thread


if we gonna nerf nova we should start with loki since it make 80% content in this game like a joke include boss and thing even nullifier guy that IMMUNE to M. prime still can't do S#&$ againt loki


This. If Nova is "OP" then I don't know what Loki is. He's perma invis, has decoy, can switch TP, permanently disarms enemies AND now with augment he has Nyx's Chaos too.   

Might as well remove Molecular Prime from Nova and give it to Loki, since he's the only one allowed to be OP.

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Yet no one is bothered by...."Need 2x excals, 1x max range trinity, and shout Rhino" spam in recruiting all day, every day....go figure. Or maybe even Loki who pretty much trivializes all content that isn't endless.


Leave nova alone; she is powerful, sure but also a total glass cannon so it balances out imo.


What people should be asking for is buffs to other, under performing abilities instead of screaming NERF all the time.

Edited by fizbit
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Yet no one is bothered by...."Need 2x excals, 1x max range trinity, and shout Rhino" spam in recruiting all day, every day....go figure. Or maybe even Loki who pretty much trivializes all content that isn't endless.


Leave nova alone; she is powerful, sure but also a total glass cannon so it balances out imo.


What people should be asking for is buffs to other, under performing abilities instead of screaming NERF all the time.

It's better to nerf everything and keep gameplay interesting than it is to make everything overpowered so that gameplay is totally nullified by abilities and indomitable weaponry.

Edited by RealPandemonium
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Yet no one is bothered by...."Need 2x excals, 1x max range trinity, and shout Rhino" spam in recruiting all day, every day....go figure. Or maybe even Loki who pretty much trivializes all content that isn't endless.


Leave nova alone; she is powerful, sure but also a total glass cannon so it balances out imo.


What people should be asking for is buffs to other, under performing abilities instead of screaming NERF all the time.

You, I like you, you get it.

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It's better to nerf everything and keep gameplay interesting than it is to make everything overpowered so that gameplay is totally nullified by abilities and indomitable weaponry.

how is nerfing everything the way to "keep gameplay interesting"? It isn't, you're just making everyone angry and bringing people down. There is another solution, you buff the powers, and you buff the enemies, and voila, better gameplay, better powers, better enemies, the game grows, and no one gets miffed because their toys get whacked with the nerf stick. I gave examples as to how this is way better, but if you didn't read it, lemme repost it.



Ah, but that is barring that the paradigm of the game can grow or evolve. Which I would think all of us would love to happen, rather than see the game stay the same or things be hampered to make it similar. Us getting these CC/Utility buffs are great, and also offer us an opportunity to give our enemies some upgrades as well. I'd say we can balance ourselves not just with each other, but with our enemies as well.


Let me give examples:


Frosts Ice Wave is given the CC/Utility of Knockback on cast. This helps with its scale ability, and makes for a power worth using. Now, to counter this, Grineer Scorpions can now shoot their grappling hooks into the ground to ensure that they do not fly back, but are still hit with the cold proc/damage. Grineer Heavy Gunners can use their knockback ability to hold themselves in that position, rather than be hit backwards.


The Corpus now have a unit called the Corpus Guardian. The Guardian deploys a stationary shield, large enough to fit a Corpus Squad behind it. The shape of the Shield is pretty much a larger version of Alad V's Mutalist Shield in that boss fight. Any units behind that shield would be immune to CC/Utility effects, and protected from incoming damage from the direction the shield is facing. Corpus weapon fired outwards from within the Shield get a bonus to damage (this means we Tenno could take advantage of this as well, should we have Corpus Weaponry equipped). Once deployed, the shield cannot move and has a set HP. Thus, a Nova's MP would not affect the units behind it.


If a player is a Nova, they could either shoot the shield until the HP is out and it drops, or use their movement to get behind the shield, or teleport behind/above the shield to shoot/use powers on the units behind it.


Excalibur's Radial Javelin gets the CC/Utility of pinning enemies to their surroundings. The Infested Runners already have a mechanic that makes them roll left or right to try and avoid incoming fire. Now apply that to most light infested units (since they actually do look like they can manage a quick roll) and now they have a (small) chance of dodging a javelin. They get smarter and actually look like they're fighting as a horde. Or just make it where heavier units can maintain their position on the battlefield, take the stun from the javelin stabbing them, and are only staggered for a short duration and a small bleed proc, since they've been stabbed with an energy sword.


So on and so forth.


Upgrading those powers people feel are lackluster, while keeping good powers good (tweaks here and there) allows us to not only solidify and flesh out our WarFrame powers, and also give us a solid foundation to use augments, but also gives us an opportunity to make our enemies smarter, to make them more interesting to fight, and to help grow and expand the mechanics of the game. This way, Nova doesn't get an unjustified nerf, and the rest of the WarFrames that people feel need some fleshing out actually can get fleshed out, alongside our enemies becoming more than just bullet sponges, they are intelligent and multi-functional bullet sponges.


I'd say it's a far better route to help the game grow, rather than mitigate something for the sake of keeping the paradigm the same.


Look at that, far better than anyone's insane asks for unjustified nerfs.

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how is nerfing everything the way to "keep gameplay interesting"? It isn't, you're just making everyone angry and bringing people down. There is another solution, you buff the powers, and you buff the enemies, and voila, better gameplay, better powers, better enemies, the game grows, and no one gets miffed because their toys get whacked with the nerf stick. I gave examples as to how this is way better, but if you didn't read it, lemme repost it.




Look at that, far better than anyone's insane asks for unjustified nerfs.

What I'm asking for are number nerfs and reductions in mechanics that have no drawbacks or eliminate interactivity with the game.  


The mechanics changes we both agree upon; the player should have to use abilities and weapons in creative and efficient ways to overcome difficulties, rather than casting abilities and everything playing along without any further effort.  


The number nerfs are to keep everything grounded and make further balancing easier.  If we keep upping the ante number-wise the gap between endgame and the solar map will become too large to reconcile (it's already like this to an extent.)  Already, numbers have been getting out of hand in terms of the disparity between enemy damage and our own health.  The Corrupted Bombards in T4 missions are an example of this.  How to make it possible for people who are ability-spamming to lose?  They get one or two-shotted when they make a mistake (and sometimes when they don't,) and that's not even 30 minutes into the mission.  


Also, am I the only one who wants solar map content to be relevant and challenging?  Make the journey the destination instead of breeding a community of players who think you have to stay in and endless mission for 40 minutes to reach "endgame."  


In the end, I want the power levels of both enemies and players to be scaled down so that growth (and the resulting disparity between funded and unfunded players) isn't so extreme as to make 70% of content practically "irrelevant."  I want every mission to be a healthy challenge for me and my squad, whether it's on Venus or in a Void tower.  I also want the capability to succeed and excel in a mission to be as much the result of my skills as it is the result of my equipment.

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It's not just numbers, it's the aesthetics of the game, in visual, auditory, and interactive form.  There is a big difference between 5 enemy exploding into chunks and mist and 100 enemies exploding into chunks and mist.  There is a big difference between enemies dieing in a half second and enemies dieing in 2 seconds, 10 second, ...., an hour.  And all these differences are a matter of opinion because they are entertainment.

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What I'm asking for are number nerfs and reductions in mechanics that have no drawbacks or eliminate interactivity with the game.  


The mechanics changes we both agree upon; the player should have to use abilities and weapons in creative and efficient ways to overcome difficulties, rather than casting abilities and everything playing along without any further effort.  


The number nerfs are to keep everything grounded and make further balancing easier.  If we keep upping the ante number-wise the gap between endgame and the solar map will become too large to reconcile (it's already like this to an extent.)  Already, numbers have been getting out of hand in terms of the disparity between enemy damage and our own health.  The Corrupted Bombards in T4 missions are an example of this.  How to make it possible for people who are ability-spamming to lose?  They get one or two-shotted when they make a mistake (and sometimes when they don't,) and that's not even 30 minutes into the mission.  


Also, am I the only one who wants solar map content to be relevant and challenging?  Make the journey the destination instead of breeding a community of players who think you have to stay in and endless mission for 40 minutes to reach "endgame."  


In the end, I want the power levels of both enemies and players to be scaled down so that growth (and the resulting disparity between funded and unfunded players) isn't so extreme as to make 70% of content practically "irrelevant."  I want every mission to be a healthy challenge for me and my squad, whether it's on Venus or in a Void tower.  I also want the capability to succeed and excel in a mission to be as much the result of my skills as it is the result of my equipment.

All skills in this game has no drawback, okay maybe not hysteria

Making solar map relevant is something DE is currently working on

Rebecca said they agree putting everything in the void is kind of odd in a recent post

I am afraid such nerfs attempt to make the game "skill-based" will end up increased difficult base on execution

which makes the game less approachabe and affect the playerbase badly

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The reasoning to justify nerfs is rather curious.  Player's are accused of opposing nerfs because they are lazy, sitting in an easy chair, or turning off game play or anything other than the actual purpose of playing a game, i.e., they're just having fun with "OP" content.  Yet, people will say it's easier to nerf one thing, then buff the rest.  But, everything is wrong so everything needs to be nerfed.  Yet, "balance" takes years, it's hard work, etc.  Seems to me that it's easier to just leave well enough alone.  A lot of people are having fun with it.  Rather than pissing off the massive amount of people having fun with the game, it's better to make "balance" it's own special project.  When it's finally done, the world can judge it.  In the mean time, the game can be profitable with people having fun with "OP".

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What I'm asking for are number nerfs and reductions in mechanics that have no drawbacks or eliminate interactivity with the game.  


The mechanics changes we both agree upon; the player should have to use abilities and weapons in creative and efficient ways to overcome difficulties, rather than casting abilities and everything playing along without any further effort.  


The number nerfs are to keep everything grounded and make further balancing easier.  If we keep upping the ante number-wise the gap between endgame and the solar map will become too large to reconcile (it's already like this to an extent.)  Already, numbers have been getting out of hand in terms of the disparity between enemy damage and our own health.  The Corrupted Bombards in T4 missions are an example of this.  How to make it possible for people who are ability-spamming to lose?  They get one or two-shotted when they make a mistake (and sometimes when they don't,) and that's not even 30 minutes into the mission.  


Also, am I the only one who wants solar map content to be relevant and challenging?  Make the journey the destination instead of breeding a community of players who think you have to stay in and endless mission for 40 minutes to reach "endgame."  


In the end, I want the power levels of both enemies and players to be scaled down so that growth (and the resulting disparity between funded and unfunded players) isn't so extreme as to make 70% of content practically "irrelevant."  I want every mission to be a healthy challenge for me and my squad, whether it's on Venus or in a Void tower.  I also want the capability to succeed and excel in a mission to be as much the result of my skills as it is the result of my equipment.

Why? And each mechanic in this game has its drawbacks when modding, and the very nature of the said power gives it limitations. The point of a power is to complete a purpose, if it does that, why hate the power?


No no, I'm saying that you can use either, you have the ability and the choice to use either or both, to complete the tasks at hand. I'm saying that instead of nerfing something unjustly, we help the rest of the powers along that people feel are lackluster. Each example allows for players to specialize or synchronize their gear/power kit, and use them either in tandem or individually to overcome the obstacle. We don't want to force confluence, if players choose to stay the course of guns or powers, they are still able to overcome the obstacles placed before them. If they choose to use all the tools available to them, by their choice alone, then so be it.


Why? We modded for big damage and big numbers, that's why we made them like that. The point of the Void is to be the End Game, if it were similar to the star chart then there would be no purpose for it because it's just the same level enemies and we deal less damage. That's no style of progression. DE is continuing to balance fine as is, nerfing the entirety of the player base's damage output isn't going to help that, it's just going to tick everybody off.


The Solar Map content is relevant. You aren't feeling it because, guess what, you've built your gear for end-game, for the real threats in the Void. New players and players unlocking planets don't have maxed out mods like we do. For them, the map is already challenging, enemies pose a far greater threat to them that us because we have the gear and loadouts to handle that kind of mess on the Star Chart. If you want challenge, then use gear that isn't out of the range of the planet you're fighting on, and voila, you've got your challenge. Not change the entirety of the game simply because you don't want to change your loadouts.


You made your WarFrames and Weapons for end-game, OF COURSE it's going to sweep aside anything that isn't end-game. That's the case with ANY GAME that gives you replay ability. If the Void felt exactly like Venus, then there would be no point in progressing through the game.  If you want challenge, instead of changing the entire game to suit your own needs, hows about you change out the loadouts to actually match the planet you're fighting on. DE is also introducing a Difficulty Setting, so just keep your nickers untwisted and wait for that, and you'll get your challenge well enough.


We were built to decimate armies, to clear whole ships and move on to the next threat. This isn't Gears of War, where threats are just as dangerous as you are, we're supposed to be super powerful and strong enough to face an entire army and win, just the four of us, or even less. Nerfing the game to "even the playing field" isn't how this game is supposed to be. If you want something like that, Gears of War, Dark Souls, or whatever other title are there for you to play.

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Skill based game with a laser pointer that soes a million damage per minute, um...

I don't see how Nova is really at any point of concern with M prime being a versatile ult, as other frames are capable of doing things better. (Disarm, stomp, sonar)

She's balanced.

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Skill based game with a laser pointer that soes a million damage per minute, um...

I don't see how Nova is really at any point of concern with M prime being a versatile ult, as other frames are capable of doing things better. (Disarm, stomp, sonar)

She's balanced.

She's balanced because almost nothing in this game is balanced. It's like we need a steamroll re-do of everything.

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   I had 2 survivals up to 40 minutes with random mates from recruiting last 2 days. Both were people around rank 7-13 with maybe half a dozen hundred hours in the game.


    I was Nova both games. First game, cannot remember the composition, but I was the only real CC frame. Lots and lots of deaths ( including 1 that was mine), even with about 15 revives from me.


   Second game, we also had a Nyx. I had 19 revives that game, 2 people still died and had to use one of their revives. Borderline spamming Mprime from about 30 to 40minutes didn't help them much.


I believe that majority of Warfame populace is at that skill level, including a lot of new r18 players who got there with rep farms.


Some of the proponent of nerfing in this thread are just like me, maybe a bit too good for our own good.


If you got a good connection, just do a simple experiment, use Nova as host and make a random team from recruiting. Don't ask for CP, advertise your game as fun game, tell people they can use whatever they want (frame wise), get some random r10ish players and check if you still find game so trivialised with Mprime.


   In both games, I didn't use MPrime until first people started getting down which was usually around 15 min mark, then from about 25 to 40 it made things barely manageable.


ps. Wave touches them, they are primed, it's not ever expanding aoe skill, with aoe getting enormous towards the end, they can spawn while wave is still expanding and not be primed, at least that is what I am seeing.

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