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[Mini-Boss Idea] Derf Anyo, Son Of Nef [The Immortal Megathread]


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He needs a scarf.  Everyone knows that super badass ninjas always wear scarves.





Also make him colorless (like watching a black and white television).  Then make his scarf which YOU WILL ADD IN insanely flamboyant and bright.  

Try it out, "Give it a glow."


400 + ups DE.  We need that Derf scarf drop ASAP!

Edited by _daVinci_
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What the F*** people?! Are you serious about this? I'm so disappointed with this community, the worst part it's that all of you seem to agree with this idea when there is much more important stuff to fix, improve and add. 


Ok, instead of fixing important stuff, why not make the Stalker appear in Pink and say silly stuff, or a Pony gun skin that shoots lasers,why not too make the Tenno have the helmets off and say stupid stuff every time they use a power, or maybe some new monster that looks completely out of place with the game's theme like those idiotic famous anime. Yeah why not!?. It will take some days to make that could be used for important stuff because, you know, animation, model, sound, etc.


Sorry to be so rude, but, this make me go mad, when there are wonderful ideas around, but no, people like stuff like these. It's like pop music, or TV shows. (And then some people (Who posted and agreed here) complain about new stuff like a new Energy System or PvP threads).


Warframe is a serious game and has a lot potential, and you focus on this... I don't know what to think anymore, if DE add this I'm out of this game.

Edited by Xymos
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What the F*** people?! Are you serious about this? I'm so disappointed with this community, the worst part it's that all of you seem to agree with this idea when there is much more important stuff to fix, improve and add. 


Ok, instead of fixing important stuff, why not make the Stalker appear in Pink and say silly stuff, or a Pony gun skin that shoots lasers,why not too make the Tenno have the helmets off and say stupid stuff every time they use a power, or maybe some new monster that looks completely out of place with the game's theme like those idiotic famous anime. Yeah why not!?. It will take some days to make that could be used for important stuff because, you know, animation, model, sound, etc.


Sorry to be so rude, but, this make me go mad, when there are wonderful ideas around, but no, people like stuff like these. It's like pop music, or TV shows. (And then some people (Who posted and agreed here) complain about new stuff like a new Energy System or PvP threads).


Warframe is a serious game and has a lot potential, and you focus on this... I don't know what to think anymore, if DE add this I'm out of this game.


 Oh cry me a river.

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Warframe is a serious game and has a lot potential, and you focus on this... I don't know what to think anymore, if DE add this I'm out of this game.


I must confess, with that attitude it doesn't seem like it would be much of a loss for the rest of us. 


Let people have fun, man. Nothing wrong with wanting something intentionally silly in the game, as opposed to silly bugs and such. 

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What the F*** people?! Are you serious about this? I'm so disappointed with this community, the worst part it's that all of you seem to agree with this idea when there is much more important stuff to fix, improve and add. 


Ok, instead of fixing important stuff, why not make the Stalker appear in Pink and say silly stuff, or a Pony gun skin that shoots lasers,why not too make the Tenno have the helmets off and say stupid stuff every time they use a power, or maybe some new monster that looks completely out of place with the game's theme like those idiotic famous anime. Yeah why not!?. It will take some days to make that could be used for important stuff because, you know, animation, model, sound, etc.


Sorry to be so rude, but, this make me go mad, when there are wonderful ideas around, but no, people like stuff like these. It's like pop music, or TV shows. (And then some people (Who posted and agreed here) complain about new stuff like a new Energy System or PvP threads).


Warframe is a serious game and has a lot potential, and you focus on this... I don't know what to think anymore, if DE add this I'm out of this game.


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What the F*** people?! Are you serious about this? I'm so disappointed with this community, the worst part it's that all of you seem to agree with this idea when there is much more important stuff to fix, improve and add. 


Ok, instead of fixing important stuff, why not make the Stalker appear in Pink and say silly stuff, or a Pony gun skin that shoots lasers,why not too make the Tenno have the helmets off and say stupid stuff every time they use a power, or maybe some new monster that looks completely out of place with the game's theme like those idiotic famous anime. Yeah why not!?. It will take some days to make that could be used for important stuff because, you know, animation, model, sound, etc.


Sorry to be so rude, but, this make me go mad, when there are wonderful ideas around, but no, people like stuff like these. It's like pop music, or TV shows. (And then some people (Who posted and agreed here) complain about new stuff like a new Energy System or PvP threads).


Warframe is a serious game and has a lot potential, and you focus on this... I don't know what to think anymore, if DE add this I'm out of this game.

Warframes already can be painted all Pink, and pink powers (Pink flame), Clan Emblem with a Pony, getting that done is easily achieved with Voice Comms with friends, Desert Skates I mean they TOTALLY fit in right? I mean the face fits in.

Sure, there are lots of stuff to fix such as Acrid balancing, connection issues. DE can always keep this as a side project, I mean look at Stalker! No one even knew DE were working on him. They also have separate teams working on modeling and bug fixes anyways.


Warframe? Serious? You must be joking. Pink flames, pony clan emblems, zorencopters, repeatedly spamming block to make yourself look funny make people feel the wrath of the Darkwraith. Games aren't made for seriousness


Video Games were made for entertainment, fun. When was the last time you played a game that didn't try to promote itself as srs bsn 24/7. This is DE's game, they never said it was serious, let them make their game what they want it to be.


Don't know about you but if DE adds this I'm recommending this game to all my friends. All of them.

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What the F*** people?! Are you serious about this? I'm so disappointed with this community, the worst part it's that all of you seem to agree with this idea when there is much more important stuff to fix, improve and add. 


Ok, instead of fixing important stuff, why not make the Stalker appear in Pink and say silly stuff, or a Pony gun skin that shoots lasers,why not too make the Tenno have the helmets off and say stupid stuff every time they use a power, or maybe some new monster that looks completely out of place with the game's theme like those idiotic famous anime. Yeah why not!?. It will take some days to make that could be used for important stuff because, you know, animation, model, sound, etc.


Sorry to be so rude, but, this make me go mad, when there are wonderful ideas around, but no, people like stuff like these. It's like pop music, or TV shows. (And then some people (Who posted and agreed here) complain about new stuff like a new Energy System or PvP threads).


Warframe is a serious game and has a lot potential, and you focus on this... I don't know what to think anymore, if DE add this I'm out of this game.


Could you please leave now and save us the trouble of listening to you again? Pretty please? Attitude like that needs to be hidden away, so it doesn't poison other peoples minds...

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I'm old enough to remember two old chestnuts that may be appropriate here.


TIAOMB ~ There Is Always One More Bug 

Good software, much like great art, is never finished, but merely abandoned.  There will always be things which could be improved, fixed, upgraded, buffed, nerfed and so on.  Saying that the devs shouldn't waste time on this content or that so they can devote themselves entirely to fixing and improving existing content sounds like a good idea, but in reality it's a never-ending pursuit which would prevent them from ever doing anything else.


"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool al of the people all of the time."

Substitute the word "please" for the word "fool", and the application to Warframe becomes clear.  We all have different things we would like the devs to focus on.  To one extent or another, we all have to be at least a little patient.


If you don't agree with adding a Derf Anyo character, that's fine, your opinion is worth exactly as much as mine or anyone else's, and you're encouraged to express it here.  Putting people, or their ideas, down because you don't agree with them is much less welcome.


Derf for the win.

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What the F*** people?! Are you serious about this? I'm so disappointed with this community, the worst part it's that all of you seem to agree with this idea when there is much more important stuff to fix, improve and add. 


Ok, instead of fixing important stuff, why not make the Stalker appear in Pink and say silly stuff, or a Pony gun skin that shoots lasers,why not too make the Tenno have the helmets off and say stupid stuff every time they use a power, or maybe some new monster that looks completely out of place with the game's theme like those idiotic famous anime. Yeah why not!?. It will take some days to make that could be used for important stuff because, you know, animation, model, sound, etc.


Sorry to be so rude, but, this make me go mad, when there are wonderful ideas around, but no, people like stuff like these. It's like pop music, or TV shows. (And then some people (Who posted and agreed here) complain about new stuff like a new Energy System or PvP threads).


Warframe is a serious game and has a lot potential, and you focus on this... I don't know what to think anymore, if DE add this I'm out of this game.

Do you only play black and red Ash?

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Community Moderator? What's that? Oh, and your name it's perfect for you. Idiot.


I'm old enough to remember two old chestnuts that may be appropriate here.

TIAOMB ~ There Is Always One More Bug

Good software, much like great art, is never finished, but merely abandoned. There will always be things which could be improved, fixed, upgraded, buffed, nerfed and so on. Saying that the devs shouldn't waste time on this content or that so they can devote themselves entirely to fixing and improving existing content sounds like a good idea, but in reality it's a never-ending pursuit which would prevent them from ever doing anything else.

"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool al of the people all of the time."

Substitute the word "please" for the word "fool", and the application to Warframe becomes clear. We all have different things we would like the devs to focus on. To one extent or another, we all have to be at least a little patient.

If you don't agree with adding a Derf Anyo character, that's fine, your opinion is worth exactly as much as mine or anyone else's, and you're encouraged to express it here. Putting people, or their ideas, down because you don't agree with them is much less welcome.

Derf for the win.

Truth in plain text. I like it.

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So i forwarded this to Geof since he works in animations and stuff he said...


Warframe Staff

  • photo-thumb-52.jpg?_r=1366913791
  • 15 posts

Sent Yesterday, 10:44 AM

"haha, I somehow missed this thread, but its amazing



So, he is thinking about it...maybe...sorta. We'll see.

Edited by W4RM4CHIN3
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What the F*** people?! Are you serious about this? I'm so disappointed with this community, the worst part it's that all of you seem to agree with this idea when there is much more important stuff to fix, improve and add. 


Ok, instead of fixing important stuff, why not make the Stalker appear in Pink and say silly stuff, or a Pony gun skin that shoots lasers,why not too make the Tenno have the helmets off and say stupid stuff every time they use a power, or maybe some new monster that looks completely out of place with the game's theme like those idiotic famous anime. Yeah why not!?. It will take some days to make that could be used for important stuff because, you know, animation, model, sound, etc.


Sorry to be so rude, but, this make me go mad, when there are wonderful ideas around, but no, people like stuff like these. It's like pop music, or TV shows. (And then some people (Who posted and agreed here) complain about new stuff like a new Energy System or PvP threads).


Warframe is a serious game and has a lot potential, and you focus on this... I don't know what to think anymore, if DE add this I'm out of this game.



Are you always this super serious, I mean wow, you might want to breathe between rants to save yourself the stroke.  Games are supposed to be fun, this bit of silliness would add enjoyment to this game and if that means losing your toxic negativity in the bargain I say it's a double feature and we need it quickly.



I'm old enough to remember two old chestnuts that may be appropriate here.


TIAOMB ~ There Is Always One More Bug 

Good software, much like great art, is never finished, but merely abandoned.  There will always be things which could be improved, fixed, upgraded, buffed, nerfed and so on.  Saying that the devs shouldn't waste time on this content or that so they can devote themselves entirely to fixing and improving existing content sounds like a good idea, but in reality it's a never-ending pursuit which would prevent them from ever doing anything else.


"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool al of the people all of the time."

Substitute the word "please" for the word "fool", and the application to Warframe becomes clear.  We all have different things we would like the devs to focus on.  To one extent or another, we all have to be at least a little patient.


If you don't agree with adding a Derf Anyo character, that's fine, your opinion is worth exactly as much as mine or anyone else's, and you're encouraged to express it here.  Putting people, or their ideas, down because you don't agree with them is much less welcome.


Derf for the win.


very very true.


And lastly: just because this may be worked on doesn't mean other things will not be addressed. Software companies have a whole bunch of divisions and everybody needs to be doing something for their paycheck, but I am so tired of explaining that to people.


So yeah what i'm trying to say is: DERF for Mini-Boss 2013

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Community Moderator? What's that? Oh, and your name it's perfect for you. Idiot.


Please stop your eternal ranting about how this game is "serious" and should not have such silly ideas.

Derf is the creation of the community. There is not, and never has been any sign of Derf in-game.

It (probably) will not even be implemented.

Thanks for listening and don't smack talk. It won't get you anywhere.

Also, hyperbole in your previous post.

Edited by MageMeat
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Ok, I got it, I'm sorry. When I write that post I was in a bad mood by some personal stuff happening. I don't think I deserve ALL that bashing. You must understand that when someone posts something there's a person behind, with feelings, opinions, etc. I still don't approve this idea, but I'm not going anywhere discussing here so I will stop. Sorry if I sounded like an idiot and good luck with this idea.

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Ok, I got it, I'm sorry. When I write that post I was in a bad mood by some personal stuff happening. I don't think I deserve ALL that bashing. You must understand that when someone posts something there's a person behind, with feelings, opinions, etc. I still don't approve this idea, but I'm not going anywhere discussing here so I will stop. Sorry if I sounded like an idiot and good luck with this idea.

Well if DE doesn't want a riot, they should listen. 456 upvotes. This is rarely seen elsewhere.

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